Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 Block 2 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Block 2 of year 1 (Bachelor 1)

What can you find for block 2 of year 1?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology + Inferential Statistics

Course: Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Custom edition LU

Course: Inferential Statistics

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Statistical Methods for Psychology by Howell

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
  • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
  • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!


Check summaries and supporting content in full:
Study Guide for summaries with Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Custom edition LU
Study Guide for summaries with Statistical Methods Psychology by Howell
Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for IBP Bachelor 1 at Leiden University: 2024-2025


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Psychology Leiden: summaries and study notes - Theme
Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp




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