Study Guide for summaries with Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology Custom edition LU
Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:
- Book title: Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology
- Author: Custom edition of Leiden University
- Edition: 1st edition
About the book
The book 'Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology' is a book that has been specially compiled for Leiden University. It is based on three other books:
- Personality Psychology by Larsen and Buss - 3rd edition
- Abnormal Psychology by Nolen-Hoeksema - 9th edition
- Taylor's Health Psychology - 11th edition
The fact that this book is a compilation of three other books is also clearly reflected in the structure of the book. In this book it is always indicated from which book the chapters originate. In the summary, it has been decided to also mention the original book titles.
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