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Examtests with Social Psychology by Heinzen and Goodfriend - 2nd edition

Which research methods are used in social psychology? - ExamTests 2


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

The process of letting the participants giving as much information as possible before the experiment starts and before they agree to participate, is known as:

  1. Giving a lengthy explanation.
  2. Avoiding deception and fraud in research.
  3. Following ethical guidelines.
  4. Getting informed consent.

Open Questions

Question 1

What is the disadvantage of correlational research?

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Question 1

D. Getting informed consent.

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Question 1

No causal correlations can be found.

What defines the social self? - ExamTests 3


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

One way in which schemas can influence social thoughts is:

  1. Making sure that information is safed in memory and that it can be retrieved.
  2. Activation of more information from the long term memory which increases the cognitive capacity.
  3. Activating the availability bias and enable automatic priming.
  4. It works as a filter to focus attention to certain information and ignore the other, unimportant information.

Open Questions

Question 1

What is the social self?

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Question 1

D. It works as a filter to focus attention to certain information and ignore the other, unimportant information.

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Question 1

The social self is the awareness of a person to belong to a group and also be treated as part of that group.

How do people think? - ExamTests 4


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Often, non-programmed decisions are used to solve returning problems because they only need little attention to solved.

  1. True.
  2. False.

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Question 1

B. False.

How do people perceive others? - ExamTests 5


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

If people try to detect deception…

  1. They will do a little better than chance.
  2. They will feel the need to behave in a nice and respectful way.
  3. They will confront the other directly.

Question 2

People who work with the primary reason to earn money have intrinsic values.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Question 3

What is the fundamental attribution theory?

  1. Own behaviour is dispositional and behaviour from others is situational.
  2. Behaviour of others is dispositional instead of situational.
  3. Behaviours of others is dispositional and own behaviour is situational.
  4. Own behaviour is dispositional instead of situational.

Open Questions

Question 1

What are micro-expressions?

Question 2

What is distinctiveness?

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Question 1

A. They will do a little better than chance.

Question 2

B. False.

Question 37

B. Behaviour of others is dispositional instead of situational.

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Question 1

Micro-expression is an involuntary flash of emotional honesty in one’s face.

Question 2

Distinctiveness is part of Kelley’s covariation model that’s about something that is unique about a situation that can explain the behaviour of the actor towards the target.

How are attitudes shaped? - ExamTests 6


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

When people are around others in social situations they want to emphasize their positive characteristics. Both to others as to themselves. What is this called?

  1. Integration.
  2. Self-promotion.
  3. Self-defusion.
  4. Self-efficacy.

Question 2

If positive behaviour is rewarded and negative behaviour is punished, we talk about…

  1. Operant conditioning.
  2. Classic conditioning.
  3. Subliminal conditioning.
  4. Observational learning.

Question 3

Martin works at a car dealer company and he has a special offer for a customer. At the moment the customer wants to buy it, the price suddenly increases. However, the customer still buys it. which technique does Martin use?

  1. Foot-in-the-door technique.
  2. Door-in-the-face technique.
  3. Lowballing.
  4. Social validation.

Open Questions

Question 1

How can someone get a higher position in a group through impression management?

Question 2

Lotte buys a new car which is bad for the environment even though she is trying to be environmentally friendly. What will Lotte experience?

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Question 1

B. Self-promotion.

Question 2

A. Operant conditioning.

Question 3

C. Lowballing.

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Question 1

Through self-enhancing techniques and other-enhancing techniques. Besides those two, it can also happen through self-handicapping.

Question 2

Cognitive dissonance.

How are people influenced by others? - ExamTests 7


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

According to research there are significant cross-cultural differences in the need for individualism. These findings thus suggest that there are also cross-cultural differences in…

  1. Ingratiation.
  2. Personal control.
  3. Conformity.
  4. cohesiveness.

Question 2

The definition of work motivation is the psychological power within a person which decides their behaviour, motivation and perseverance.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Question 3

In scientific management for job design, salary is the most important motivation used to motivate employees to work harder.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Open Questions

Question 1

What does expectancy mean?

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Question 1

C. Conformity.

Question 2

A. True.

Question 3

C. True.

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Question 1

Expectancy is how high someone thinks the chance is that something is really going to succeed.

How do groups influence individuals and vice versa? - ExamTests 8


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What is it called if people collectively don’t understand that their attitudes differ from attitudes of others?

  1. Attitude discordance.
  2. Stockholm syndrome.
  3. Pluralistic ignorance.
  4. Introspection.

Question 2

All managers are leaders.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Question 3

Members of a group always have to share the same goals.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Question 4

Process loss is the prestation problems that a group experiences through coordination and motivational problems.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Question 5

What is the advantage of decision-making in a group opposite to an individual decision?

  1. Bigger risks are taken.
  2. More facts are remembered.

Open Questions

Question 1

In which phase of Tuckman’s model is decided who the leader is?

Question 2

How can Social Loafing be reduced?

Question 3

When does groupthink occur the most?

Question 4

Which two styles of leadership did Fiedler propose?

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Question 1

C. Pluralistic ignorance.

Question 2

B. False.

Question 3

B. False.

Question 4

A. True.

Question 5

B. More facts are remembered.

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Question 1


Question 2

The group can be made smaller, the effort of each individual can be made evident and every individual should have the feeling that they play a necessary part.

Question 3

If there’s high group cohesion in combination with strong, directive leadership in a stressful situation.

Question 4

Relational and task-oriented leadership.

What are the effects of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination? - ExamTests 9


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Having a negative attidue towards members of a specific social group is called … and acting different towards other social groups is called…

  1. Prejudice, discrimination.
  2. Discrimination, Prejudice.
  3. Prejudice, stereotyping.
  4. Stereotyping, discrimination.

Open Questions

Question 1

How can an employer best reduce stereotypes?

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Question 1

A. Prejudice, discrimination.

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Question 1

Acknowledging that it exists and that it also can occur from time to time.

What’s the importance of helping and prosocial behaviour? - ExamTests 10


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What’s the name of the idea that people sometimes show helpful or prosocial behaviour to reduce their own negative emotions?

  1. Reciprocal altruism.
  2. Empathy-altruism hypothesis.
  3. Implicit bystandereffect.
  4. Negative state relief model.

Question 2

When do people help someone in need the fastest?

  1. If the victim is perceived as beautiful.
  2. If the victim imitates the helper during the interaction.
  3. If the victim got in trouble without it being their fault.
  4. If the helper saw an example of prosocial behaviour right before helping.
  5. All answers are correct.

Open Questions

Question 1

What is direction in the three dimensions of motivation?

Question 2

How does the negative state relief model work?

Question 3

What is the empathy-altruism hypothesis from Batson?

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Question 1

D. Negative state relief model.

Question 2

E. All answers are correct.

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Question 1

Acknowledging that it exists and that it also can occur from time to time.

Question 2

Prosocial behaviour is motivated by the wish for bystanders to experience less of their own negative emotions.

Question 3

When people are more similar, they will have more empathy for each other.

Why do people act aggressively? - ExamTests 11


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What is the name for the fact that aggression comes from experience or the observation of others?

  1. Implicit theory of aggression.
  2. Social learning perspective of aggression.
  3. The drive theory of aggression.
  4. The arousal theory of aggression.

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Question 1

B. Social learning perspective of aggression.

What is the importance of intimate relationships? - ExamTests 12


Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Both opportunities and threats can be sources of stress.

  1. True.
  2. False.

Open Questions

Question 1

What is the relationship triangle?

Question 2

How come that repeated exposure often results in a more positive evaluation?

Question 3

Which theory describes the phenomenon that build-up aggression will be expressed at a later moment than the moment of arousal?

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Question 1

A. True.

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Question 1

Intimacy, passion and commitment.

Question 2

The anxiety of new stimuli dissappears.

Question 3

Excitation Transfer Theory.


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Table of content

  • ExamTests with the book: Organizational Behavior of Neck et al. - 2nd edition
  • ExamTests with the book: Social Psychology of Heinzen & Goodfriend - 2nd edition
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