Cognitive Psychology by Gilhooly, K & Lyddy, F, M (first edition) - a summary
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Cognitive Psychology
Chapter 12
Language production
Syntax: to rules governing the ways words can be combined to create meaningful sentences.
Content words: words that provide meaning to the sentence; these contrast with function words which do the grammatical work of the sentence.
Language production: a number of processes by which we convert a thought into language output, in the form of speech, sign language or writing.
Social cognition: the ways in which people make sense of themselves and of others in order to function effectively in a social world.
Level | Refers to |
Semantics | The level of meaning in language |
Syntax | The rules by which words are combined to make meaningful sentences |
Morphology | The rules by which words are constructed and modified |
Phonology | The sound units withing a language |
Conceptually driven or top-down processes reflect the influence of higher order cognitive processes such as thought, beliefs and expectations.
Communication: any means by which information is shared.
Language has been particularly important for human evolution because it promotes social bond and social interaction and because it provides an effective means of persuading others.
Two ways in which we can use language to communicate:
People also communicate non-verbally. Non-language vocalizations an convey information, and gestures can supplement or substitute for spoken language.
Gesture is so closely tied to human language that we continue to gesture even when we cannot be seen.
Subtler non-verbal signals such as body language and tone of voice also communicate to others.
Language universals
Mental lexicon: our store of knowledge about words and their uses.
Languages vary in number and type of sounds used, in basic word order, in the size of their vocabularies and in their rules for sentence construction.
However, all languages are capable of expressing complex and new ideas. Non are primitive. The expression of complex ideas is evident in all languages and in all human groups.
Linguistic universals: linguistic features said to be found in all languages.
All languages:
There are immediate problems with this listing
Hockett’s design features for human language
These features are not independent.
The design features apply to spoken language and do not apply fully to sign languages or written languages.
Components of language
Language is a structured system which uses a finite set of sounds to construct words, sentences and ultimately conversations.
Phonemes are the basic sounds that make up speech within a language.
There are about 100 basic sounds units or phones (the basic speech sounds) that can be used to make up words.
Phonetics: the study of speech sounds.
Languages use a subset of phones, and languages vary in the number of sounds used.
Phoneme: the smallest meaningful sound unit within a language.
The number of phonemes within a language varies.
Some basic vowel sounds occur in all languages, but consonants can be used differently and are perceived differently.
Phonemes also change as a function of the surrounding sounds in words and in sentences, an effect referred to as co-articulation.
Allophones: phonetic variants of the same phoneme. Different phones that are treated as the same phoneme within a language.
Phonemes therefore do not correspond directly to physical sounds, rather they are abstract representations of the phonological units of a language, the units used to represent the forms of words in our mental lexicons.
A phoneme is a subjective category that is recognized as meaningful by the speakers of a language, but is not necessarily constant as objectively measured.
The tendency to perceive the difference between two allophones decreases with age, suggesting a critical period beyond which the adult is tuned to the sound of his or her native language.
While a child can discriminate between the full set of phones, an adult generally cannot.
Phonotactic rules: stipulate which combinations of sounds are permitted in language.
These rules differ across languages so that sounds that are ‘natural’ and easy to produce and discriminate in one language may not be so easy for adult speakers of another language.
Speech segmentation relies on knowledge of word boundaries using information about phontactic probabilities in a language.
Changing a phoneme within a word will change the meaning of that word.
Morphemes: the meaning units of language.
They are the building blocks of words.
Morphology: the level of linguistic analysis concerned with morphemes and their role within words. The study of rules in a language according to which words can be constructed.
Free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word (car)
Bound morpheme: a morpheme that cannot form a word on its own, but forms a word when attached to a free morpheme. (cars)
Inflectional morpheme serves a grammatical function but does not change the syntactic category of the word to which it is attached (-ed and -ing and -s and so on)
Dervational morphemes create new words with new meaning when added to a stem (ify, ish, able)
They can change the grammatical category of the word.
Prefix: a morpheme to the start of a word
Suffix: a morpheme to the end of a word.
Language-specific rules govern the ways in which words can be altered.
Such alterations apply only to content words.
Function words: provide grammatical structure that shows how content words relate on each other within a sentence.
Semantics and the lexicon
Words: the smallest unit of grammar that can be meaningfully produced on its own. It can consist of one or more morphemes.
People also use other meaningful sounds, though not all are words. (like a groan).
A few words are not referential, they have no clear referent (like saying hello).
Semantics: the study of meaning of words and morphemes and the relationship between the words we use and the objects they refer to in the world.
We construct novel sentences when we speak.
Productivity of language: the ability to generate novel utterances.
Two aspects of the language system allow us to use language productivity:
Slang: describes an informal pattern of speech that is considered to be non-standard.
Syntactically correct.
Sentences follow a hierarchical structure and are made up of two parts:
Object of a sentence: the word or words that receives the action, or is acted on, by the subject of the sentence.
One key property of syntax underlies the productivity of sentence construction.
Recursion: the ability to extend sentences infinitely by embedding phrases within sentences.
Recursion would seem to be a resilient property of human language as even young children who have been deprived of language input retain the ability to use recursion .
Discourse: multi-sentence speech and includes dialogue, conversation and narrative.
Pragmatics: the understanding of the communicative functions of language and the conventions that govern language use.
At the level of discourse, the function of language in communicating directly and indirectly comes to the fore.
Effective discourse is based on a shared understanding between those engaging in a conversation.
Conversations require turn-taking and cooperation and participants follow a set of implicit social conventions.
A variety of verbal and non-verbal signals serve to regulate the conversation by indicating who speaks when and for how long.
Four conversation rules or maxims that describe effective conversations and reflect expectations of . listeners:
If the maxims are violated, more cognitive processing is required to determine the response, or the participants may have to backtrack or repair the conversation.
Violations of these rules can also form the basis of humor.
Speech is produced at a rate about 15 speech sounds and 2-4 words per second. For the most part this is fluent and well-formed.
Aphasia: the term given to a group of speech disorders that occur following brain injury.
Hesitations and pauses
Disfluency: a hesitation or disruption to the normal fluency of speech.
Dysluency: refers to an abnormal disruption to fluency, such of following brain damage.
Disfluencies are more common than actual errors and vary with the situation and individual. They are a natural characteristic of fluent speech.
These pauses can be silent or filled (like um).
Filled pauses occur with less frequency than silent pauses and may serve to announce a delay in speech.
During pauses the speaker plans the articulation of their next words.
Clause: a part of a sentence containing a subject and verb.
Some disfluencies may facilitate comprehension.
Some disfluencies may act as cues that direct listeners’ attention towards a particular word.
Slips of the tongue
Parapraxes: slips of the tongue or other actions originally thought to reflect unconscious motives.
When errors occur, they are not random.
They are systematic and highly informative as to the nature of the underlying processing.
Type | Description |
Anticipation | Substitutions of a sound in anticipation of a sound that occurs later int the phrase. A full word can also be produced too early in a sentence. |
Preservation | The repetition of a sound from a previous part of the utterance. |
Transposition/ Exchange errors | Transposition of two segments. Exchange errors can also affect words, where two words swap places in the sentence. |
Blend | A non-word is made based on two semantically related words. |
Additions | A sound is added in |
Deletions/ omissions | A sound is omitted |
Semantic substitutions including Freudian slips | Retrieval of an incorrect but semantically related target |
Phonological substitutions or malapropisms including Freudian slips | A phonological similar word is selected in error. Mixed errors, in which the target word and error share both semantic and phonological features, can also occur. |
Analysis of speech errors points to the importance of the phrase as a unit of production, as errors rarely jump across phrase boundaries.
Errors preserve the consonant-vowel distinction and phonological errors are in keeping with the phonological constraints of a given language.
Exchange errors show a lexical in that they are more likely to result in a word than in a non-word.
The lexical bias effect reflects both immediate feedback between speech sounds and word forms and monitoring of inner speech producing a real word bias.
Non-word errors are more readily detected and repaired, while real word errors can slip through the net and remain undetected before being uttered.
Content words tend to exchange with content words and function words with other function words.
Stressed and unstressed syllables do not exchange with each other.
Transpositions generally stay within the same syntactic or morphological class.
There is a systematic process whereby a sentence is constructed such that the word’s skeleton or frame and its segmental content are independently generated.
Speech productivity is highly rule governed.
Speech errors are generally collected from spontaneous speech.
The tip of the tongue state
Tip-of-the-tongue state (TOT): a temporary inability to access a known word.
When we experience a TOT, we generally say whether we know the word and we may have access to some information about the word.
In languages in which the noun had gender, that information can be available in the TOT state, showing that access to syntactic category information is preserved, although access to the specific phonological word form is unavailable.
Feeling-of-knowing: a subjective sense of knowing that we know a word, and is an example of meta-memory (our knowledge about the contents of our memories).
This is:
Bilinguals would seem to be more prone to the TOT experience.
There are a number of stages to speech production.
Modular theories of speech production
Garrett’s model
Garrett’s hierarchical model.
Speech is produced via a series of stages, proceeding in a top-down manner so that processing at lower levels does not influence that at higher levels.
Garrett’s model suggests that content and function words are treated differently and this is supported by the data on errors.
Is does not predict errors that occur ‘across levels’.
Non-plan internal error: occurs wen concepts from the message level intrude when articulating the sentence, specifying the words at the phonological level.
Levelt’s model
focuses on the production of single words rather than the construction and output of whole sentences.
Focuses on the lexical access aspects of speech production.
The first two stages of processing involve lexical selection.
Three stages from encoding follow, before articulation occurs.
These two systems seem to involve quite different processes and involve different areas of the brain.
Sometimes one can access phonological information without accessing syntactic information, which dos not support the notion of two separate stages for syntactic and phonological information.
Processing at this stage involved three types of information:; the word’s morphology, its stress patterns, and the segments that make up the words activated.
The model considers the role of self-monitoring at multiple levels throughout the processing stages.
This provided a mechanism for the detection of errors that allows us to repair speech and involves the cognitive mechanisms involved in speech comprehension.
The precise means by which the mechanism operates and the attentional systems governing it are not elaborated.
Levelt’s account shows how a series of specialized modules contribute to the process of speech production.
As a modular account, feedback between levels is limited.
The retrieval of the word form occurs only after the lemma has been selected, there is no feedback from the word form to lemma levels.
Some types of speech errors suggest that feedback does occur.
Interactive theories of speech production
Dell’s model
Dell’s cascaded or spreading activation account.
Based on connectionist principles.
Uses the concept of spreading activation in a lexical network to show how competing activation across different levels might predict speech errors.
Activation from one level can affect processing at other levels, processing is interactive. Processing is also parallel such that information can be processed at different levels at the same time.
There are four levels
The connections between the layers allow bidirectional spreading of activation
Aword unit can activate the phonological units at the layer below and the semantic units at the layer above.
Lexical access involves six steps:
During the planning stage, the various words selected for the sentence become active. Activation drops off once the word is placed in the sentence.
This is an interactive account and feedback can occur from later to earlier levels such that phonological level activation can inform processing at earlier stages.
A monitoring process to account for self-corrections and repairs.
Errors occur when activation for a non-target overrides that of the target morpheme, phoneme or word.
Word substitutions occur because a semantically related, but incorrect, choice achieves a higher activation than the target word.
Language involves a number of interacting brain areas, with many of the key language areas located within the left cerebral hemisphere in the majority of people.
Language involves a number of cognitive processes, interacting with systems for attention, memory, perception and motor function.
Sociocultural knowledge informs the ways in which we use language with others.
Neurolinguistics: the study of the relationship of brain function to language processing.
Lateralization of function
Sensory information coming into one side of the body is processed on the contralateral (opposite) side of the brain.
Different functions are associated with the left and right cortical hemispheres.
Language is largely a left hemisphere function while the right hemisphere is specialized for functions related to spatial/ holistic processing.
When a cognitive function is lateralized, one cortical hemisphere is dominant for that function.
Lateralization of function: the asymmetric representation of cognitive function in the cerebral hemispheres of humans and higher primates.
Particularly apparent when we consider the effects on cognitive processing of a set of conditions that gives rise to the split-brain phenomenon.
The left hemisphere and language
In the majority of people, speech is lateralized in the left hemisphere of the brain, and the left hemisphere is dominant for the majority of language functions.
Evidence from the typical population
Dichotic listening task: one where different stimuli are presented to each ear.
While auditory processing involves both contralateral and ipsilateral (same side) connections from ear to brain, contralateral connections are dominant.
There is a right-ear advantage for verbal stimuli.
This left hemisphere specialization seems to be in place at quite young age, as children as young as two years of age show a right-ear advantage for speech sounds.
Right-ear advantage may be restricted to consonant sounds. Consonants sounds and vowels may be treated differently.
The rapid changes in consonant sounds evident in human speech are complex auditory patterns and require high level sequential processing.
Different areas within the left hemisphere process information relating to meaning and to syntax.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation. A non-invasive method of temporarily exciting or inhibiting cortical areas.
Broca’s area plays a crucial role in grammar processing.
Potential applications to remedial intervention ins cases of language disorder after brain injury.
The right hemisphere is involved in emotional aspects of speech, prosody and aspects of non-literal speech.
Evidence from aphasia
Speech production results from the processing that occurs in a number of language areas located around the Sylvian fissure of the left hemisphere, an area referred to as the peri-Sylvian language region.
Damage to any of these areas can impair the ability to produce speech or writing.
Electrocortical stimulation of the surface of the cortex allows a surgeon to locate, and avoid damage to, brain regions associated with a particular cognitive function.
Wernicke-Geschwind model: a simplified model of language function used as the basis for classifying aphasia disorders.
We repeat a heard word boy processing of the following sequence of brain areas.
The word in the auditory cortex, information about the word meaning in Wernicke’s area and the output is sent to Broca’s area via a band of connecting fibers called the arcuate fasciculus.
Broca’s area prepares the speech output and a motor program for output is than articulated via the motor cortex.
Aphasia is the term used to describe a deficit in language following brain injury.
It generally refers to spoken language.
In aphasia the internal processing of language has broken down.
Crossed aphasia: language dysfunction following right hemisphere damage in a right-handed individual.
Aphasic disorders can be classified according whether they are fluent, non-fluent or pure type.
Broca’s aphasia
Broca’s aphasia: an acquired language disorder characterized by non-fluent speech, reduced speech output and problems with grammar processing.
Global aphasia: an acquired language disorder involving extreme impairment of language function.
Patient with Broca’s aphasia show deficits ranging from serve mutisms to dysfluency or laboured speech.
Broca’s aphasia is categorized as non-fluent, expressive or productive aphasia.
Function words rather than content words tend to be compromised.
People with non-fluent aphasia are aware of their speech problems.
Wernicke’s aphasia.
Associated with damage further back in the brain than the region associated with Broca’s aphasia.
Classified as fluent aphasia.
These patients are generally unaware of the problem with their speech output.
People with Wernicke’s aphasia are likely to produce phonemic paraphasias, substitution errors in which a similar sounding word (or non-word) is produced instead of the target word.
The function words and the grammar structures of the sentence produced are relatively intact.
Type | Lesion site | Effect on speech output |
Broca’s aphasia | Anterior | Non-fluent output, reduced effortful speech |
Wernicke’s aphasia | Posterior | Fluent but empty or meaningless speech |
Conduction aphasia | Arcuate fasciculus | Fluent |
Anomic aphasia | Can be anywhere in language region | Fluent but with word finding difficulty |
Global aphasia | Large area of damage | Extremely limited language function |
The arcuate fasciculus was identified as the band of fibers that connects Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas and disconnection of this band of fibers is associated with a specific deficit in repetition, a disorder known as conduction aphasia. When the patient as a specific difficulty affecting the repetition of speech.
Repetition deficits are a key feature.
Anomic aphasia
Anomic aphasia is when the patient has specific difficulty with word retrieval.
Relatively small lesions within the language areas can produce anomia.
For the individual with anomia, access to the word that he or she is searching for is denied, but the patient has not lost knowledge of the word or of its meaning.
This reflects a problem with translation between word forms and their conceptual representations.
The processes involved in writhing are similar to those involved in speech production, but writing requires access to the orthographic (written) form of a word.
When we write, we have more time to think about what it is we want to express and to ‘translate’ it into written form.
We can also monitor the output more easily.
Writing is often a solitary activity, while the writer will have a reader in mind when writing, he or she lacks the immediate feedback.
Writing makes fewer demands on memory and therefore more complex ideas can develop through writing. The act of writing ideas down can facilitate thinking and bring about deeper understanding of the subject matter.
Research examining writing focuses on the later stages of the process, including composition and revision processes, as the earlier processes such as lexical retrieval and structuring a sentence have much in common with speech processes.
Composition is a process by which ideas are turned into symbols.
The Hayes and flower model of writing
A cognitive model of writing that focuses on three main domains affecting the writing process.
Three general stages of writing
This model considers writing as a metacognitive act, with an executive process monitoring the key processes of planning, translating and reviewing.
The goal of writing is to create ‘reader-based propose’ as opposed to ‘writer-based propose’.
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This is a summary of Cognitive psychology by Gilhooly & Lyddy. This book is about how cognition works and theories about cognitive psychology. The book is used in the first year of the study of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.
The first two chapters of
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