Summaries per article with Consumer and economic psychology at University of Groningen 20/21

Summaries per article with Consumer and economic psychology at University of Groningen 20/21


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Testing a social-cognitive model of moral behavior: The interactive influence of situations and moral identity centrality - Aquino et al - 2009 - Article
To have is to be? Psychological functions of material possessions - Dittmar - 2008 - Article
Normative, gain, and hedonic goal frames guiding environmental behavior - Lindenberg & Steg - 2007 - Article
When going green backfires: How firm intentions shape the evaluation of socially beneficial product enhancements - Newman, Gorlin & Dhar - 2014 - Article
Social marketing of water and sanitation products: A systematic review of peer-reviewed literature - Evans, Pattanayak, Young, et. al. - 2014 - Article
What is ego depletion? Toward a mechanistic revision of the resource model of self-control - Inzlicht & Schmeichel - 2012 - Article
Social norms as solutions - Nyborg, Anderies, Dannenberg & de Zeeuw - 2016 - Article
Metacognitive experiences in consumer judgment and decision making - Schwartz - 2004 - Article
Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases - Kahneman & Tversky - 1974 - Article
Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases - Kahneman & Tversky - 1974 - Article
Willingness to pay for organic products: Differences between virtue and vice foods - Van Doorn & Verhoef - Article
Opinion leaders’ role in innovation diffusion: A simulation study. The Journal of Product Innovation Management - Van Eck, Jager & Leeflang - 2011 - Article
Spent resources: self-regulatory resource availability affects impulse buying - Vohs & Faber - 2007 - Article
Social-cognitive factors mediating interventions effects on handwashing: a longitudinal study - Contzen & Inauen - 2015 - Article
Spillover effects in environmental behaviors, across time and context: a review and research agenda - Nilsson, Bergquist, & Schultz (2017) - Article
Beyond Purchasing: Electric Vehicle Adoption Motivation and Consistent Sustainable Energy Behaviour in The Netherlands - Peters, A. M., Van der Werff, E., & Steg, L (2016) - Article
The psychology of advertising (chapter 1) - Fennis & Stroebe (2010) - Article
The psychology of food choice: some often encountered fallacies - Köster (2003) - Article
Expected taste intensity affects response to sweet drinks in primary taste cortex - Woods, Lloyd, Künzel et. al. (2011) - Article
The total product experience and the position of the sensory and consumer sciences: More than meets the tongue - Dijksterhuis (2012) - Article
Increasing saltiness perception through perceptual constancy created by expectation - Dijksterhuis, Boucon, Le Berre (2014) - Article
Smelly primes – when olfactory primes do or do not work - Smeets & Dijksterhuis (2014) - Article
Music and consumers - Kellaris (2008) - Article
The automated will: Nonconscious activation and pursuit of behavioral goals - Bargh, Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai et. al. (2001) - Article





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