WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about your WorldSupporter account


WorldSupporter FAQ about creating and managing a WorldSupporter account and profile page

Bundle items:
WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter profile and account?

WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter profile and account?

What is WorldSupporter profile and account

  • With your own WorldSupporter account and profile page you can inspire others and yourself to contribute to a more beautiful world
  • Not only can you promote your favorite charities and projects, you can also get ideas or be inspired by other Supporters

why a WorldSupporter profile?

  • You Facebook about your private life. You use LinkedIn for your career. But where do you share everything you do, think and undertake for a better world? For that you have a WorldSupporter profile. A curriculum vitae where you can show how you view the world
  • Be sure to use your other social media and share your own content or the content of others

How do you create a personal WorldSupporter profile?

  • Go to the Join WorldSupporter page, where you can create an account and profile
  • You can update, change and supplement your profile at any time
WorldSupporter: what sort of contributions can you contribute yourself by your WorldSupporter profile?

WorldSupporter: what sort of contributions can you contribute yourself by your WorldSupporter profile?

  • Everything that you believe contributes to a better world in any way.
  • The content you can contribute is divided into the following content formats:
    • Summaries & Study Notes: Summaries - Study Materials
    • Text & Stories: Blogs - Instructions - Quotes - Statements - Propositions
    • Tips & Suggestions: Events - Tips - Recipes - Vacancies
    • Tools & Navigations: Bundles (content selections) - Media (photos, documents) - Home pages ('magazines') - Updates ('messages')
  • In your mini CV you can indicate in different categories what you think were your best actions or experiences in your life
  • In your blogs you can show what you do in a more detailed way. If you like to write, you can blog, if you like photography, you can share your photos, if you like to make videos, you can share them in a blog.
  • All content is divided into core categories. In addition, as the creator of your contribution, you have the option to give even more categories or 'tags' to your contributions. Consider, for example, the related country, study area, competence or sustainable development goal. This makes it easier to categorize your contributions and blogs and some blogs receive extra attention in the WorldSupporter media channels.
  • Create your WorldSupporter


  • A WorldSupporter profile is a personal CV and therefore a little different for everyone. Most personal profiles are freely accessible, so take a look around
  • View the WorldSupporter CV's of featured WorldSupporters
  • Seen an interesting profile? You can follow supporters by clicking on the 'follow' button on their contributions or on their personal profile. If this person or organization posts new contributions, you will see this on your own personal profile.
WorldSupporter: which actions can be done to respond to contributions, or to discover and view a profile?

WorldSupporter: which actions can be done to respond to contributions, or to discover and view a profile?

Can others respond to your contributions or you to others?

  • Yes, that's possible. Especially if you invite others in your message to respond, or work with a question, concrete follow-up action for your reader, or, for example, challenge the reader with a statement, opinion or dilemma, others will respond.
  • Anonymous responses are only possible to a limited extent and are only posted online after moderation (often once a week). Always log in to quickly use the comment option under a message posted by yourself or someone else.
  • And as with all online profiles and social media, if you like others to respond to your contributions, please post a comment yourself in another Supporter's blog or contribution!
  • Others can also easily follow you, or you, others, by clicking on the 'Follow' button under a mini-CV or avatar

How can others discover and view your profile?

  • You can make your WorldSupporter profile public or only visible to other World Supporters
  • You can alert others to the existence of your WorldSupporter profile in several ways:
    • by giving someone the direct link to your profile, or using the 'social share' options on the page
    • by creating content, with each contribution there is a link + photo/avatar to your personal profile
    • by leaving a comment/reaction - with a link - on content that matches your contribution(s)
    • via the overview of Worldsupporter profiles, where popular content will be highlighted more often
    • by linking your CV from your own social media posts or account
WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?

WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?

WorldSupportship & Mini CV

  • Your WorldSupportship  is shaped in your WorldSupporter mini-cv (resume). With the WorldSupporter Mini-CV you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
  • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
  • Create your WorldSupporter CV now, show what you do and become a source of inspiration for others...
  • or first check the personal profiles with sample CVs or read some WorldSupporter tips for filling your Mini-CV
WorldSupporter: why and how to draw attention to your profile or content?

WorldSupporter: why and how to draw attention to your profile or content?

  • Everyone writes differently and interprets 'nice' in different ways. Take a look at some blogs from other Supporters in the Magazine and think about why you like one contribution (written) more than the other.
  • Check out the contributions of Supporter Nelleke: This is a blog that no one is going to read and Supporter Jessica: Why and how to blog


  • Vary - Always use different tools (blogs, suggestions, photos, bundles, etc.) to add something to your WorldSupporter CV and personal profile.
  • Activate - Actively involve your personal network in your WorldSupporter activities. Share your latest content via social media and get them to follow your profile and mark your contributions as a 'favorite'. The more followers and 'favorite' flags, the more you appear on home pages and overviews.
  • Motivate - actively read content from other Supporters and let them know what you think of their content, maybe they will also take a look at your personal profile
  • Complete - use the add image options, add any relevant tags/categories and use the 'resources' option to provide specific 'read more' suggestions
WorldSupporter: Why and how to create a profile for an organization?

WorldSupporter: Why and how to create a profile for an organization?

Can you also create a profile for an organization?

  • If you want to actively contribute to an organization or if you work for an organization that supports and promotes the principles of WorldSupporter, you can also create a profile on which you create and collect content that is relevant to your organization
  • When creating a profile, choose 'organization or group'
  • If you manage both a personal and an organizational profile, it is useful for other Supporters if it remains clear what statements are from the organization or from you personally
  • In your personal CV you can of course also draw attention to your favorite projects and organizations through blog posts, photos and videos
  • If you run an organization yourself, you can also create a personal profile. This personal profile offers the opportunity to show the people behind an organization. This can strengthen the organization's message and showcase the organization's work in a personal way

Read more

WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

    No account on

    • Your account and login on is separate from your account on due to digital security and the different roles of both websites.
    • With your account on you can also create your own content and put it on the website. With your account on you have insight into your subscriptions, memberships and insurances.
    • Go to the create account page: 'Join WorldSupporter', where you can create an account and profile for

    Not able to fill in all required fields by creating an account on

    To create an account on WorldSupporter you have to fill in following required fields:

    • Username
      • Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores.
    • E-mail Address:
      • use an existing e-mail address,
      • for access to content for JoHo members and exclusives you need to use the same e-mail adress as when you registered on
    • First Name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Last name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?:
      • When you are not a JoHo member, you select: "I am not a JoHo WorldSupporter member yet"
      • When you are a JoHo member (donateur), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member without extra services"
      • When you are a JoHo member with extra services (abonnee), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access"
      • When you don not know which membership you have:  go to, log in and check on you account page you will see which membership is mentioned (or check the confirmation e-mail, which is sent after you filled in the membership form on
    • WorldSupportership!:
      • Fill in at least one activity in the field of helping out another or your surroundings
    • Profile Picture:
      • Upload your profile picture :
        • files must be less than 2 MB.
        • Allowed file types: png, jpg, jpeg.
      • crop your picture (adjust within the margin)
      • save your picture
    • Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile:
      • Select your favorite subject or organization to follow on your profile by typing the name of the country, topic or organization of your choice
      • Examples include your student organization, your working field or your country of interest.
      • Use only 1 subject or organisation!
    • Privacy:
      • choose who can see your profile and account page
    • Create new account (button):
      • Click to save and go the confirmation e-mail to activate your account with the confirmation link

    Not able to create your account with an error message?

    • Are you already a JoHo member (donor or subscriber): then use the same e-mail address as when you registered at (you also use that e-mail address for logging into
    • Do you get the message that the e-mail address is already in use: then use the 'forgot password' option to regain access to your account.
    • Switch browsers or devices. If it doesn't work in another browser either, try again later or contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not activated your account on

    • After you create an account on by filling in the form and pushing the 'create account' button, you receive e-mail for the necessary confirmation link
    • By clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser you log in once and will lead you to visit a page where you can set your password.
    • After setting your password, you will be able to log in at
    • After you logged in for the first time, you can complete your account and profile page

    Not able to login?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.

    Not able to log in after you receive and use the confirmation link?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password.
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not able to remember, set or use your password?

    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.
    • Forgot your password? Click on the 'Log in' link at the top right of any page and choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password..
    • Please enter a new password immediately, the link you receive is only valid for 1 day
    • Please note that your password is case sensitive, so please check that Caps Lock is on or off.
    • If the problems with your password persist, try logging in with another browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome etc, depending on what you have already tried, ) and/or disable your password manager function if you are using it.
    • In an exceptional case, a maintenance activity may have taken place, try again later or contact WorldSupporter

    Being able to log in, but still not able to read all exclusive content or summaries?

    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access
      • As a member without extra services (<10 euro yearly) you will not have be able to read exclusive content
      • If you want to upgrade your membership  (10 euro yearly or more) to read exclusive content access  you can: change your membership
      • If you are not a member yet, you can: become a member
    • Make sure you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
      • go to your account (profile) page
      • press the "Edit profile' button
      • go to 'Profile'
      • go to the field 'Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?
        • choose the right access : 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'
      • press the button 'Save' at the end of you page
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Access to all shared materials, but suddenly no longer?

    • If you suddenly lost access to shared materials that you previously had access to, one of the following situations may apply:
      • The e-mail address of your WorldSupporter account is not the same as that of your member registration.
      • The direct debit for your membership has failed.
      • A supporter has chosen to set the access level of the shared material to 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full access' and you are not yet a 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'.
    • To indicate that you wish to register a second email address with your JoHo membership, please log in to and fill in the form for adjustments on
    • If a direct debit has failed, you will be contacted by JoHo WorldSupporter, please check your spam folder to see if you have missed a message.
    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access and that you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
    • If you continue to experience problems, please contact WorldSupporter, stating the specific pages you want to use and, if possible, the error message you receive.

    No access the private or public content?

    • Private content is visible for you (the author) in the 'My Collection' section of your personal user page only and is great for drafts or notes to yourself
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content, you can check whether you are logged in at the top right of JoHo WorldSupporter. If you are not yet logged in, you can try to log in and visit your private content again
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content once you are logged in, you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    • Public content is visible for all visitors of WorldSupporter
      • If you have trouble accessing public content, you can check your internet connection. If your internet connection is down, you can try to visit the page later, with a better internet connection.
      • If you have trouble accessing public content with a working internet connection, you can check the access level of the page you try to visit. Authors can change the access level of their content
      • If you keep experiencing problems with accessing the public content, please contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    WorldSupporter: Which actions to undertake to leave, say goodby and you stop your WorldSupporter activities?

    WorldSupporter: Which actions to undertake to leave, say goodby and you stop your WorldSupporter activities?

    Do you want to end your WorldSupporter profile?

    • With the WorldSupporter profile you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
    • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
    • Even if you no longer want to actively participate in WorldSupporter, your contributions can still support and inspire others

    Do you still want to end and delete your WorldSupporter profile (account)?

    • Log in and complete the contact form (see the footer).
    • By logging in, the editors know that you are the owner of the account in question
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