Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater - a summary
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Chapter 8
Sexual arousal
Satisfying sexual expression contributes to good physical and mental health.
Sexual response typically progresses in thee stages, according to the Masters and Johnson’s model
Physiological processes that occur during these stages are
Excitement: the first stage of sexual response, during which erection in males and vaginal lubrication in females occur.
The basic physiological process that occurs during excitement is vasocongestion.
Erection may be produced by
Erection occurs rapidly, although it may take place more slowly as a result of a number of factors
As the man gets closer to orgasm, a few drops of fluid, secreted by the Cowper’s gland, appear at the tip of the penis.
They may contain active sperm.
In men, the skin of the scrotum thickens, the scortal sac tenses, and the scrotum is pulled up and closer to the body.
For an erection to occur, several arteries must dilate, allowing a strong flow of blood into the corpora. They dilate because the smooth muscle surrounding the arteries relaxes.
At the same time, the veins carrying blood away from the penis are compressed, restricting the outgoing blood flow.
Multiple neurotransmitters are involved in this process
Vasoconstriction makes an erection go away.
An important response of females in the excitement phase is lubrication of the vagina.
Results from vasocongestion.
During excitement, the capillaries in the walls of the vagina dilate and blood flow through them increases.
Vagina lubrication results when fluids seep through the semipermeable membranes of the vaginal walls, producing lubrication as a result of vasocongestion in the tissues surrounding the vagina.
Lubrication begins 10 to 30 seconds after the onset of arousing stimuli.
Can be affected by
Orgasmic platform: a tightening of the entrance to the vagina caused by contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle (which covers the vestibular bulbs) that occur during the excitement stage of sexual response.
During the excitement phaser, the glans of the clitoris (the tip) swells.
This results form engorgement of its corpora cavernosa.
The crura of the clitoris also swell.
The vestibular bulbs, which lie along the wall of the vagina, are erectile and swell.
Relaxation of the smooth muscle surrounding the arteries supplying the glans and crura of the clitoris and the verstibular bulbs occurs, allowing a great deal of blood flow to the region.
During excitement the nipples become erect.
This results from contractions of the muscle fibres surrounding the nipple.
The breast swell and enlarge somewhat in the late part of the excitement phase.
During excitement the inner lips swell and open up
The vagina shows change during excitement.
During excitement, a ‘sex flush’ may appear on the skin of both men and women.
Pulse rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure also increase in both men and women.
Late in the excitement phase, the processes of vasocongestion and myotonia continue to build until there is sufficient tension for orgasm.
Orgasm: an intense sensation that occurs at the peak of sexual arousal and is followed by release of sexual tensions.
In males
In both males and females, pulse rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate increase sharply during orgasm.
Muscles contract throughout the body.
The process of orgasm in females is basically similar to that of males .
It is a series of rhythmic muscular contractions of the orgasmic platform.
Generally occur at about 0.8 second intervals.
There may be three or four in a mild orgasm or as many as a dozen in a very intense, prolonged orgasm.
The uterus also contracts rhythmically.
Resolution: the body returns to the unaroused state.
Orgasm triggers a massive release of muscular tension and of blood from the engorged blood vessels.
Resolution represent a reversal of the processes that build up during the excitement phase.
In both men and women, resolution brings a gradual return of pulse rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate to the unaroused levels.
Refractory period: the period following orgasm during which the male cannot be sexually aroused.
Vary greatly from one men to the next.
Become longer as men grow older.
Women do not have a refreactory period.
More on women’s orgasms
Some people believe that women have two kinds of orgasm
According to research, there is no difference between clitoral and vaginal orgasms.
Women can have multiple orgasms within a short period of time.
Multiple orgasms do not differ physiologically from single orgasms.
Multiply orgasmic men exist.
Criticisms of Masters and Johnson’s model
Kaplan’s Triphasic model
Sexual response as having three relatively independent stages, or components
Justifications for Kaplan’s approach
The sexual excitation-inhibition model
Dual control model: a model that holds that sexual response is controlled both by
According to the model, propensities toward sexual excitation and sexual inhibition vary widely from one person to the next.
Most people fall in the moderate range on both and function well.
At the extremes, problems can occur.
Although both excitation and inhibition have biological bases, early learning and culture are critical factors because they determine which stimuli the individual will find to be sexualy exciting or wil set of sexual inhibition.
Why inhibition?
Emotion and arousal
No one has proposed a formal model of emotion and arousal.
Positive emotions show a strong positive association with sexual arousal.
The same goes for negative emotions.
The brain, the spinal cord, and sex
Spinal reflexes
Several components of sexual behaviour are controlled by spinal cord reflexes
A reflex has three basic components
The penis has lots of receptor neurons, and tactile stimulation of the penis or nearby neurons produces a neural signal that is transmitted to an erection centre in the lowest part of the spinal cord.
This centre sends out a message via the pathetic division of the autonomic nervous system to the muscles around the walls of the arteries in the penis.
The response is vasocongestion.
Besides tactile stimulation of the genitals, other conditions may also produce erection.
There are two ejaculation centres and they are located higher in the spinal cord.
Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system are involved.
The response is muscular.
In the ejaculation reflex, the penis responds to stimulation by sending a message to the ejaculation center.
The three main problems of ejaculation are
Reflexes in women
Sensory input to the clitoris travels along the dorsal nerve of the clitoris and continues within thepudendal nerve to a reflex centre in the sacral potion of the spinal cord.
Neural circuits for orgasm in women are very similar to those for orgasm and ejaculation in men.
Female ejaculation occurs in some women.
Gräfenberg spot (G-spot): a small region on the front wall of the vagina, emptying into the urethra, and responsible for female ejaculation.
Brain control of sexual response
Sexual responses may be brought under voluntary control and may be initiated by purely psychological forces.
Environmental factors may also affect a person’s sexual response.
Distinct brain regions and networks are associated with desire/interest, arousal, orgasm, and the refractory period.
Brain-imaging researchers think about
Anticipatory phase
Sexual interest network
These are part of the limbic system.
Erection is not associated with activity in these regions.
The activation of the sexual interest network is automatic.
Consummatory phase: brain activity during sexual activity
Genital stimulation creates activity in the motor cortex.
There is activity in the somatosensory cortex as we respond to the feel of the stimulation.
There is reduced activity in the amygdala.
Decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex.
Increased activity in the orbitofrontal cortex.
Resolution and post-orgasmic refractory period
De-arousal neural network
Neurochemical influences on sexual response
Distinctive neurochemicals are involved in sexual excitation and sexual inhibition
Androgens, estrogen and progestin faciliate or prime the brain to respond to sexual incentives by binding to specific hormone receptor complexes, which in turn lead to the synthesis of these neurochemicals.
Hormones and sex
Organizing versus activating effects
Organizing effects of hormones: effects of sex hormones early in development, resulting in a permanent change in the brain or reproductive system.
Activating effects of hormones: effects of sex hormones in adulthood, resulting in the activation of behaviours, especially sexual behaviours and aggressive behaviours.
It seems, that males and females initially have capacities for both male and female behaviours.
If testosterone is present early in development, the capacity for exhibiting female behaviours is suppressed.
But, in humans it is more under control of the brain.
Testosterone and sexual desire
Testosterone has effects on sexual desire in humans.
Testosterone seems to have an activating effect in maintaining sexual desire in men.
At puberty, testosterone affects sexual motivation directly.
Androgens are also related to sexual desire in women.
Sexual behaviour also affects testosterone levels.
The effects are bidirectional.
Sex offenders – castration or incarceration?
Physical castration: surgical removal of the testes. Also known as bilateral orchiectomy.
Chemical castration: injections of a drug that sharply reduces the levels of testosterone in the body.
The low level of testosterone is a sharply reduced sex drive and the virtual elimination of sexual behaviour.
However, the effects in humans are not so clear.
Pheromones: biochemicals secreted outside the body that are important in communication between animals and that may serve as sex attractants.
The sense of smell is essential for pheromone effects to occur.
The vomeronasla organ (VNO).
Activation of the VNO activates cells in the hypothalamus.
The VNO is a kind of second olfactory pathway.
The VNO functions in addition to the main sense of smell.
Human pheromones exist and may play an important role in sexuality.
It may be the ‘body chemistry’ that attracts people to each other.
Menstrual synchrony: the convergence, over several months, of the dates of onset of menstrual periods among women who are in close contact with each other.
This phenomenon is thought to be be due to pheromones produced by the women.
The smell of pheromones does not necessarily have ot be consciously perceived in order to have an effect.
Erogenous zone
Erogenous zones: areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual stimulatoin.
One’s person’s erogenous zones can be quite different from another’s.
One-person sex
Autoeroticism: sexual self-stimulation.
Masturbation: stimulation of one’s won genitals with the hand or with some object.
Very common sexual behaviour.
The techniques used by males and females in masturbation are interesting in part because they provide information to their partners concerning the best techniques to use in lovemaking.
Sexual fantasy: sexual thoughts or images that alter the person’s emotions or physiological state.
The themes of sexual fantasies reported by men and women are similar
Some fantasies show gender differences in preferences
Sexual fantasies can have a variety of functions
Vibrators and other sex toys
Both male and female artificial genitals can be purchases.
Dildo: a rubber or plastic cylinder, often shaped like a penis.
And sex oils.
Two-person sex
Two basic approaches
There are endless variations and plenty of regions.
Enjoying touching and being touched is essential to sexual pleasure.
The regions that are exciting vary a great deal from one person to the next and depend on hwo the person is feeling at the moment.
One of the best ways to find out how to use your hands in stimulating the genitals of another person is to find out how that person masturbates.
One of the things that make hand stimulation most effective is for the man’s partner to have a playful delight in, and appreciation of, the man’s penis.
Generally it is best, to begin with gentle, light stroking of the inside of the thighs and the inner and outer lips, moving to light stroking of the clitoris.
As she becomes more aroused, the stimulation of the clitoris can become firmer.
Moisture makes the stimulation more comfortable and sensuous.
The other senses
Vision, smell and hearing can contribute.
Perhaps the biggest visual turn-on comes simply form looking at your body and your partner’s.
Odours can be turn-ons or turn-offs.
Many people respond with arousal to specific musical stimuli, probably reflecting classical conditioning.
Fantasy during two-person sex
Fantasies can be done solo or can heighten the experience of sex with another person.
Fantasies are one way to introduce some variety and excitement without violating an agreement to be faithful to the other person.
Genital-genital stimulation: positions of intercourse
Coitus: sexual intercourse; insertion of the penis into the vagina.
There are an infinite number of positions of intercourse.
There are a few basic positions
Other variations
There are many possibilities.
Mouth-genital stimulation
Two kinds of mouth-genital stimulation
Sixty-nining: simultaneous mouth-genital stimulation.
Anal intercourse
Anal intercourse: insertion of the penis into the partner’s rectum.
Somewhat more difficult than coitus, because the rectum has not natural lubrication and because it is surrounded by fairly tight muscles.
The man should begin with moistening the partner’s anus and his penis.
The more the partner can relax, the less uncomfortable it is.
Some health risks are associated with anal intercourse
The penis should never be inserted into the vagina after anal intercourse unless it has been washed thoroughly.
The rectum contains bacteria that do not belong in the vagina.
Anilingus: mouth stimulation of the partner’s anus.
Techniques of lesbians and gays
Interfemoral intercourse: a sexual technique used by gay men in which one man moves his penis between the thighs of the other.
Tribadism: a sexual technique used by lesbians in which one women lies on top of another and moves rhythmically in order to produce sexual pleasure, particularly clitoral stimulation.
Is there a good aphrodisiac?
Aphrodisiac: a substance that increases sexual desire.
There is no known substance that works well as an aphrodisiac.
Anaphrodisiacs: a substance that decreases sexual desire.
Exceptional sex
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This is a summary of the book Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater. The book is about topics ranging from sex is different cultures to sexual disfunctions. The book is used in the course 'Sexology' at the university of Amsterdam. Because of this only the
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