WorldSupporter profile of michelleKe
Travel & Move: 
My most special experience during my travels is helping an old african citizen to build a house.
Experience & Leisure: 
Learn & Develop: 
I support the JoHo World Supporter 'Summary Bank' so students from less developed countries can use summaries & study support for free
Help & Change: 
I support World Supporter by sharing my profile
Work & Initiate: 
My Latest Activity

This question was literally asked on the exam (april 2019) Pro-family activists favor: 

  1. legalization of abortion
  2. non-discrimination against homosexuals.
  3. religious conservatism.<...>

Lecture 1 - The Problem

Lecture 1 - The Problem Philosophical approaches

  • Only sensations exist (Berkeley) Mind
  • Only matter exists (materialism) Body/Matter
    • Identity (brain=mind)
    • Functionalism (brain states=mental states)

More abstract

  • Epiphenomenal...

Latest Activity of My Favorites
Design Language - Criticism

Design Language California Institute of the Arts/Coursera   Criticism Example of valid and effective forms of criticism: “This poster has a strong visual hierarchy that is clearly articulated in the design. The visual emphasis on the poster’s title—“There is no Planet B&...