Study Guide with article summaries for Artificial Intelligence at Leiden University
Article summaries with Artificial Intelligence at Leiden University
Table of content
- Modeling visual recognition from neurobiological constraints
- Achieving machine realization of truly human-like intelligence
- Untangling invariant object recognition
- Computing machinery and intelligence
- Rule-Based Expert Systems: The MYCIN Experiments of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project
- Robots with instincts
- Male and female robots
- Speed of processing in the human visual system
- Sparse but not ""Grandmother-cell"" coding in the medial temporal lobe
- Perceptrons
- Learning and neural plasticity in visual object recognition
- Breaking position-invariant object recognition
- A feedforward architecture accounts for rapid categorization
- Hierarchical models of object recognition in cortex
- Articlesummaries with prescribed articles for AI - 2020/2021
- 2988 keer gelezen
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