Cultural Diversity Literature week 1 (Migration and multicultural society), Universiteit Utrecht

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This weeks readings consists of two articles about a scientific approach to culture and development, and two articles about migrants and the society they live in.


In this article a model is presented that is frequently used in science and policy to characterize family structure, socialization values and interactions within different cultures. It is important that you know and understand both the model of independence and the model of interdependence. Kağıtçıbaşı presents in this text from 1996 the original model, plus background. The original model is still used today. The model is discussed during the first lecture and serves as a theoretical framework for the paper. In the first seminar the model is discussed and applied to a case. In one of the next seminars the article by Vonorov is discussed in which critical comments are made about the model and alternative models are presented.

  1. What is the main question?

Hij stelt een model van familie en familie verandering voor, dmv socioeconomische ontwikkeling, die een causale/functionele analyse van de zelf ontwikkeling geeft.

Meer een nieuwe benadering van vergelijken van multiculturele samenlevingen. Hij vindt dat voorgaande frameworks niet voldoende recht doen aan beide vormen van samenlevingen, interdependent en independent. En beniuwd waarom bepaalde socialisatienormen in ene maatschappij gezien of in andere. Dit brengt ze in kaart met 2 raamwerken.

  1. In what way is the question answered?


  1. Which theories and key concepts are described?

Model of interdepence & model of indepence


Model interdependence: çollectivistische samenleving, non westere sulcuut, afhankelijk samenleveng

Model of indepdencen: reversed

Context (agrarische samenleving vs stedelijk en welvarend), gezinsstrctuur (veel kinderen en opa en omas vs weinig kinderen), belangrijke waarden (loyaliteit vs investeren in kind), gezinsinteractie en socialisatie (opvoedingsstijlen bijv.)

Interactief en dynamisch model, verschillnede facetten hebben effect op elkaar

  1. What are the main results and or conclusions?

Zie de 2 modellen uitgetekend voor samenvaating

  1. How is the article related to the theme of the week? The theme of the course? To lectures and other articles?

This week introduced some models on immigration theories and introduced some history and facts about immigration into the Netherlands. This article assembles this topic by presenting a model frequently used in science and policy to characterize family structure, socialization values and interactions within different cultures.


Nuance aanbrengen dat relateert met thema van de week. Je kan niet simpelweg 2 samenlevingen vergelijken; je kijkt dan vaak maar vanuit 1 perspectief. Zo eer doen aan beide vormen en patronen in beide samenlevingen.

Patronen passend voor ene culturele achtergrond en ander voor de ander. Verschillen en nuances. In dagelijks leven


Docent: modellen bedacht om zelfde reden als Heinrich: te veel vanuit westerse samenleving bekken. Er zijn ok andere samenlevingen waarnaar gekeken moet worden. Ten 2e in gedachten houden dat Kagitibatchi bewust is van abstracte modellen en dat niet altijd gehele realiteit weerspiegelt. Rosenthal gaat kritiek uiten op ‘zwart witte’ model van Kagibatchi.


Super and Harkness

The Developmental Niche is a widely used model in research into the relationship between culture and development of children. Unlike the model of Kağıtçıbaşı, the model itself has no specific content, no characteristics of different cultures are described. The developmental niche does provide a framework for studying how settings, customs and psychology are intertwined and how they relate to culture. This model is discussed during the first lecture, and during several seminars.

  1. What is the main question?

There is non; they describe a framework to understand/study how settings, customs and psychology are intertwined and how they relate to culture.


  1. In what way is the question answered?


  1. Which theories and key concepts are described?
    The Developmental Niche, which consists of three components
    physical and social setting
    à settings determine the kind of interactions and opurtinities children have

Customs of child care à daily routines and institutionalized mechanisms

Psychology of caretakers à ethnotheories of child behavior and development as well as the commonly learned affective orientations which parents bring tot heir experience of parenting. It provides immediate sturcture to chidlren’s development through the meaning it invests in universal behaviors and processes

There are 3 collaries to the developmental niche: (1) the niche as a system: the three systems of the niche operate in a coordinated manner (2) subsystems of the niche and external systems: each component interacts differentialy with other features of the lager ecology (3) mutual adaptation: the organisam and the nice are mutually adapted 

Model vor pscho-ecologisch research

Bronfenbrenners sociaal-ecologisch model

Onderzoek naar contextuele factoren, omdat eerst alleen naar pscyholgische ontwikkeling gekeken en vanaf jaren 70 meer aandacht voor contextuele factoren.

Developmental niche. Niche is afgebakende stuk factoren over bepaalde specificatie. Bestaat uit 3 ocmponenten. 1e is fysieke en sociale omgeving. 2e opvang en ovpeoding 3e ideeen van ouders

Componenten zijn homeostatisch: zodra 1 verandert, veranderen de andere ook, want staat allemaal in verband met elkaar

Verschil tussen kind en cultuur. Kind kijkt naa rpsycholgie van kind en antropolie (menskunden en eonctextuele factoren). Dmv dit model makkelijker mechanismen onderzoeken.

  1. What are the main results and or conclusions?

  2. How is the article related to the theme of the week? The theme of the course? To lectures and other articles?
    This week introduced some models on immigration theories and introduced some history and facts about immigration into the Netherlands. This article tells about a model that can be used to see how setting, customs and psychology as three pillars of culture affect each other and children. 

Migratie en multiculturele samenleving. Contextuele factoren van invloed op psychologische ontwikkeling. Maar door verschillende culturen verschillende contextuele factoren.


Docent: heel erg proberen antropologie en psychologie samen te vatten in nieuwe mode. Niet alleen kind ontwikkeling vanuit psychologische kind, maar ook contextuele factoren die bijdragen aan ontwikkeling van kind. Developmental niche bestaat uit 3 componenten.

Bonjour and Scholten.

When you study migration and the multicultural society, the first questions that needs to be answered about the groups concerned are: who are they? How are they doing? How are they perceived and treated. Bonjour and Scholten present an overview of the recent history of Dutch migration politics; of the development of the numbers and origin of Dutch immigrants; of the participation of migrants in public life and of the public discourse about migrants. You don’t need to know exact dates, names and numbers, but it is, for example, important to know the development of different approaches to migration in politics. And to know, another example, the participation of different groups in society.

  1. What is the main question?

In this chapter, we will discuss how the tumultuous developments of the last decade have affected migration trends, policies and debates in the Netherlands.

  1. In what way is the question answered?

An overvieuw of recent history in the Netherlands on immigration and political and societal discourse on this subject is described.

  1. Which theories and key concepts are described?

Migration trends, immigrant rights and participation in public life, debates, policy’s, discourses about migration

  1. What are the main results and or conclusions?

The Netherlands only partially lives up to its new international reputation of an assimilationist, anti-immigrant country. Over the last decade, debates about migration and integration have intensified in the Netherlands, and ‘multiculturalism’ has come to be rejected perhaps more vehemently than anywhere else. However, restrictive policy reform has been more moderate than these debates might suggest. Civic integration policies and family migration policies have been substantially tightened, but EU law and jurisprudence have taken some of the sharpest edges off these reforms. In the fields of labour migration and asylum, policy reforms have targeted efficiency and selectivity rather than closure. Migrant integration and participation in Dutch society remains precarious, although improvements can be observed mainly in education. Immigration flows have increased rather than decreased, mostly as a result of new intra-EU migration from Central and Eastern Europe. Today, cultural difference and fear of Islam no longer dominate Dutch public and political agendas. The migration debate in the Netherlands has a new focus: the immigration and incorporation of labour migrants and their families from Central and Eastern Europe, particularly Poland. In these debates, the increasing impact of the European Union on Dutch migration politics is felt more sharply than ever.

  1. How is the article related to the theme of the week? The theme of the course? To lectures and other articles?

This week introduced some models on immigration theories and introduced some history and facts about immigration into the Netherlands. This article also gave an overview of immigration in the Netherlands, as well as societal and political discourse about this.


Crul and Schneider.

This article complements the article of Bonjour and Scholten. Bonjour and Scholten describe the Dutch context and participation of migrants. Crul and Schneider compare differences in integration context of various European countries. They also compare differences in the political and social context. They find differences in participation of migrants across countries that can be linked to differences in these contexts. The comparative integration context theory is summarized on page 1262.

  1. What is the main question?

The article challenges established notions of ‘newcomers’ and ‘natives’, explores the ‘remaking of the mainstream’ and argues for the investigation of mobility pathways for a better understanding of integration or assimilation as on-going processes.

In this first part we want to look at the second generation in European cities. We will discuss how the second generation is claiming its place in the cities, taking up professional positions, and to what extend they are ‘remaking the mainstream’ in the European cities. We discuss all these issues from the perspective of the second generation as active agents of change in the cities. In the second part of the article we will discuss how different integration contexts help or obstruct the second generation in claiming a place in the cities.

Hoe claimt 2e generatie haar plaats in steden en mainstream in Europese steden?

Hoe helpt/belemmert integratiecontext de 2e integratie om plek in steden te krijgen?

Hoe gaan 2e generatie om met uitdagingen in steden integratie?

  1. In what way is the question answered?

This gives us the opportunity to compare outcomes in the second generation across different national contexts. In this regard Europe can be considered a ‘natural laboratory’ for integration processes. This was the starting point for an international research project on the second generation in fifteen European cities, the TIES survey.

Interviews. TIES: integrations of europese 2e generatie. Gaat over 2e generatie in 8 Europese landen, focus op huisvesting. Reconstructie van individuele levenslopen en relateren aan achtergrond en contextuele factoren.

  1. Which theories and key concepts are described?

Keywords: Theory; integration; diversity; second generation; TIES; immigration

Comparative integration context theory: In summary, with the comparative integration context theory, we argue that participation and belonging in new diverse European cities is strongly dependent on the integration context. Differences in integration contexts include institutional arrangements in education, the labour market, housing, religion and legislation. Differences in the social and political context are especially important for social and cultural participation and belonging.

Participation and belonging

2e generatie: in migratieland geboren, geen ervaring met migratie, hoeven niet in nieuwe samenleving aan te passen
vergelijkende integratie context theory: deelname en thuishoren sterk afhankelijk van integratiecontext (arbeidsmarkt, onderwijs, huisvesting, religie etc)
gesegmenteerde assimiliatietheori: meer dan 1 manier om te assimileren in US samenleving

New assimilation theory:  dominante lijn in assimilatie; assimilatie op alle aspecten

  1. What are the main results and or conclusions?

Drawing upon results from the TIES survey on the second generation in eight European countries the authors propose a new perspective on integration or assimilation. The proposed comparative integration context theory argues that participation in social organizations and belonging to local communities across European cities is strongly dependent on the integration context. Differences in integration contexts include institutional arrangements in education, the labour market, housing, religion and legislation. Differences in the social and political context are especially important for social and cultural participation and belonging. The TIES data show high degrees of local involvement in the second generation and the dwindling centrality of single ethnic belongings  a reflection of the dramatically changing ethnic and (sub)cultural landscapes in cities in Europe. The article challenges established notions of ‘newcomers’ and ‘natives’, explores the ‘remaking of the mainstream’ and argues for the investigation of mobility pathways for a better understanding of integration or assimilation as on-going processes.

Integratiecontext. Vallen institutionele regelingen onder, ook verschillen in sociale en culturele context & diversiteit van huidige Europese steden.
deelname sterk afhankelijk van integratiecontext. Behandeling van migranten en maatschappelijke context en lokale context spelen ook rol. En belang van netwerken in heterogene gemeenschap.

  1. How is the article related to the theme of the week? The theme of the course? To lectures and other articles?

This week introduced some models on immigration theories and introduced some history and facts about immigration into the Netherlands. This article is also about the Dutch context of integration. Furthermore it complements on Bonjour and Scholten.


Docent: ze stellen dat integratie met name ene proces is. Het is geen uitkomstmaat. Het is een proces dat verandert over tijd en veranderlijk is door verschillende contexten. En interessant is dat hij ter discussie stelt wat is mainstream? Zijn native Nederlanders wel mainstream of is dat minority en moeten majority groups die naar Rotje gaan zich niet aanpassen aan ‘minority groups’? hij benoemt doel van integratie verschilt per land, per macro context, dat maakt dat veel meer aandacht is voor bepaalde talen, bijv. in Frankrijk de eigen taal veel belangrijker dan in NL, dat zie je ook terug komen in integratie van die landen.







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