Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for IBP Bachelor 2 at Leiden University: 2024-2025

Overview mandatory study material and examinfo


Developmental Psychopathology

  • Readings:
    • Book: Abnormal child and adolescent psychology with DSM-V updates by Wicks-Nelson & Israel, 9th edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2,3,5
      • Week 2: Chapter 6,7
      • Week 3: Chapter 8
      • Week 4: chapter 11,12
      • Week 5: Chapter 9,10
      • Week 6: Chapter 13
      • Week 7: Chapter 13
    • Articles: via Brightspace
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (70%) and the work-group sessions (30%)
    • Monday 21 October 9:00-11:00 


  • Readings:
    • Book: Psychometrics: An introduction by Furr, 4th edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2,3 
      • Week 2: Chapter 5,6,7
      • Week 3: Chapter 8,9
      • Week 4: Chapter 4
      • Week 5: Chapter 12
      • Week 6: Chapter 14
      • Week 7: Chapter 10,11
    • Workbook: to order via Readeronline
    • Additional texts: via Brightspace
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (60%) and the practical skills test (40%)
    • Wednesday 23 October 8:00-10:00 

Stress, Health and Disease

  • Readings:
    • Book: Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions van Lovallo, 3rd edition
      • Week 1: Chapter 1,2
      • Week 2: Chapter 3,4,5,6
      • Week 3: Chapter 4,8
      • Week 4: Chapter 6,7
      • Week 5: Chapter 9,10,11
    • Ariticles: via Brightspace 
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (70%) and the practice sessions (30%)
    • Friday 25 October 9:00-11:00

Perspective on Career Planning (POCP)

  • Readings: articles
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the seminar grade (90%) and the career event grade (10%).
    • The seminar grade is a weighted average of the module grade (70%) and the task grade (30%). The module grade is an average of two module assignments. The task grade is an average of two polls (30% in total), personal development assignment (40%) and personal reflection assignment (30%)
    • The career event grade is based on a report following an approved career event



  • Readings: The Science of Consciousness: Waking, Sleeping and Dreaming by Harley – 1st edition
    • week 1: CH1 & CH2

    • week 2: CH3 & CH7

    • week 3: CH8 & CH9

    • week 4: CH10 & CH11

    • week 5: CH4 & CH5

    • week 6: CH14 & CH17 

    • week 7: CH15 & CH16

  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the exam (60%) and a paper (40%)
  • Examdates: 16 December 2024 + 30 January 2025 (resit)

Group Dynamics

  • Readings:
    • Group Dynamics by Forsyth – 7th edition with the exception of chapters 1,2 and 16
      • week 1: CH3 & CH4

      • week 2: CH5 & CH7

      • week 3: CH6 & CH8

      • week 4: Forsyth 6th edition: CH10 & CH12, Forsyth 7th edition: CH10 & CH11

      • week 5: Forsyth 6th edition: CH9 & CH11, Forsyth 7th edition: CH9 & CH12

      • week 6: CH13 & CH14

      • week 7: CH15 & CH17

    • Lord of the Flies by Golding
  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the exam (60%) and two writing assignments (40%)
  • Examdates: 18 December 2024 + 31 January 2025 (resit)


  • Readings: Psychological Testing and Assessment by Van der Molen e.a.
    • week 1: CH1 & CH2

      Paper 1 & 2: Assessment for intervention  

    • week 2: CH5 & CH7 (66-73)

    • week 3: CH10 (except 238-256)

    • week 4: CH7 & CH13 (365-392)

    • week 5:

    • week 6:

    • week 7:

  • Examinfo: the final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (60%) and the workgroup grade (40%)
  • Examdates: 20 December 2024 + 28 January 2025 (resit)


  • More information follows


Check summaries and supporting content in teasers:
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 1 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Block 1 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

What can you find for block 1 of year 2?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Developmental Psychopathology + Stress, Health and Disease + Psychometrics + Perspective on Career Planning

Course: Developmental Psychopathology

  • Summary and ExamTests with Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology by Wicks-Nelson and Israel

Course: Stress, Health and Disease

  • Summary with Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo

Course: Psychometrics

  • Summary with Psychometrics: An introduction by Furr

Course: Perspective on Career Planning

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study
.........Read more
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2 - LU Leiden

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 2 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Block 2 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

What can you find for block 2 of year 2?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Consciousness + Group Dynamics + Psychodiagnostics + Perspective on Career Planning

Course: Consciousness

  • Summary with The science of Consciousness by Harley

Course: Group Dynamics

  • Summary and ExamTests with Group Dynamics by Forsyth
  • Summary and ExamTests with Lord of the Flies by Golding

Course: Psychodiagnostics

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

Course: Perspective on Career Planning

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on
.........Read more
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 3 - LU Leiden

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 3 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Block 3 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

What can you find for block 3 of year 2?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: Interpersonal Professional Skills + Perspective on Career Planning

Course: Interpersonal Professional Skills

  • Summary and ExamTests with Psychological communication by Van der Molen

Course: Perspective on Career Planning

  • Summaries of the most used and prescribed articles from recent academic years

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
  • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
  • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 4 - LU Leiden

Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 Block 4 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Block 4 of year 2 (Bachelor 2)

What can you find for block 4 of year 2?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses:

Course: Multivariate data-analyse

  • Summary and ExamTests with Multivariate Data Analysis Text Book by Leiden University

Course: Interpersonal Professional Skills

  • Summary and ExamTests with Psychological communication by Van der Molen

How can you get to your summaries?

  • Scroll to one of the study guides that you see per book or course and click on the study guide to open it
  • Select the summary and study assistance of the book, article or course that you are looking for
  • Click on the summary and start studying, learning and passing your exams!


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Psychology Leiden: summaries and study notes - Theme




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