Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Final 2012

Exercise 1

The Trouser Factory started its operations on January 1, 2012. The company is still small but has high expectations regarding its sales growth. Currently there is one tailor’s workshop. None of the tailors has a permanent employment contract, all work on a “stand-by basis”, in other words their working hours are flexible. The Trouser Factory manufactures design jeans that are sold to upscale shops. After a few weeks of operations the Trouser Factory assesses that the demand for designer jeans is high in the segment of young people (age 10 – 20 years) and not in the segment of young adults (age 20 – 30 years) and middle aged people (age 30 – 40 years) as originally expected.

The recently hired controller of the Trouser Factory has the task to prepare a budget for the first quarter of the calendar year 2012. The general manager has passed the following information on to the controller:

Budget information for the period January – March 2012

Budget first quarter 2012




Sales volume (number of jeans )




Sales price per unit (in €)




Average quantity of jeans fabric per unit (in meter)




Purchase price of jeans fabric (in € per meter)




Total labor cost of tailors (in €)




Labor cost tailors per hour (in €)




Fixed overhead costs (in €)




During the budget preparation process the controller made several assumptions. All sales will be made on account; thereof 30 percent will be collected in the month in which the product has been sold and the remainder will be collected in the month following the sale.

The Trouser Factory pays all purchases in cash except jeans fabric. Each purchase of jeans fabric will be split into 60 percent on account and 40 percent cash payment. 20 percent of the purchases on account will be paid in the month in which goods have been purchased and 80 percent in the month following the purchase. The Trouser Factory desires to maintain a minimum ending inventory of jeans fabric that is equal to 30 percent of the volume required to manufacture next month’s budgeted sales. At the end of each month there is no inventory of finished goods (jeans). As of January 1, 2012 the beginning balance of accounts receivable, accounts payable, raw materials (jeans fabric) and finished goods (jeans) has been € 0.00.

Question 1

Edmonds et al. (2011) describes four advantages of having a budget process in place. Please choose two advantages and explain them briefly.


Question 2

The controller of the Trouser Factory has prepared the pro forma (budgeted) balance sheet as of January 31, 2012. What is the ending balance for January for accounts receivable, raw material inventory ( jeans fabric) and accounts payable?


At the beginning of February 2012 the controller collects actual information related to the month of January as summarized below:

Actual information

January 2012

Sales volume (number of jeans )


Sales price per unit (in €)


Average quantity of jeans fabric per unit (in meter)


Purchase price of jeans fabric (in € per meter)


Total labor cost of tailors (in €)


Labor cost tailors per hour (in €)


Fixed overhead costs (in €)




Question 3A

See the table with information over the month of January above. Please assist the controller and prepare an income statement for the month of January 2012, using the below format. It is not necessary to calculate an income tax charge.


Flexible budget

Actual result



































Question 3B

The above income statement shows variances. Please explain the variances in detail – using the split into usage and price (rate) variances. For each variance indicate whether it is favorable or unfavorable.

Question 4

What are the results of your variance analysis and what are your conclusions? Please write a short report of your findings. This report should explain a least three likely reasons for the occurrence of the variances. Please use the information that is supplied in the section related to the Trouser Factory.

One of the purposes of a detailed analysis of variances for the Trouser Factory is that it wants to evaluate the performance of the various managers involved. However, this is only possible if the managers can influence these variances; otherwise it would not be fair. Therefore, the Trouser Factory is contemplating if it should organize the company in so-called 'Responsibility Centers'.

Question 5

Explain which responsibility center would be most appropriate for the production department, which is responsible for the production of Jeans. Make sure you explain your answer carefully.

Exercise 2

Kugelstein BV manufactures laptops as well as other products. The estimated annual production and sales volume of laptops is worldwide 80,000 units. The laptop screens are currently purchased from a supplier at € 65.00 per unit.

Kugelstein BV has decided to discontinue the manufacturing of one product as of March 1, 2013. This business decision frees up production capacity on one machine called M10. Kugelstein BV considers using this capacity to manufacture laptop screens instead of purchasing them. The in-sourcing of the laptop screen manufacturing would not require any additional investments. Machine M10 has been exclusively used for the manufacturing of the product to be discontinued. The only possible alternative use of M10 is to manufacture laptop screens.

M10 has been purchased for € 3,000,000.00 on March 1, 2009. The current market price for a machine with comparable specifications is still the same. This type of machine has an estimated useful life of 5 years, no salvage value at the end of its useful life and the straight-line method is used to calculate the depreciation amount. As of March 1, 2013 the expected sales price for M10 is € 300,000.00.

The variable cost related to M10 is € 100.00 per hour and the production capacity per hour is 20 laptop screens. Assuming that Kugelstein BV would start to manufacture laptop screens as of March 1, 2013, it would incur the following cost per laptop screen:

Direct material cost

€ 35.00

Direct labor cost

€ 15.00

Allocated fixed overhead cost

€ 12.00

Kugelstein BV allocates all fixed cost to individual products based on the estimated annual production volume.

Question 1

What does Edmonds et al. (2011) consider to be relevant information related to revenues and costs?

Question 2

Please indicate for Kugelstein BV whether the above described revenues and costs are relevant or not regarding the decision of making or buying laptop screens. Please explain your choices.

Costs / revenues


Not relevant



















































Question 3

Please determine whether it is advantageous for Kugelstein BV to manufacture laptop screens on M10. Support your answer with appropriate computations.

Question 4

Please discuss three qualitative factors that Kugelstein BV may consider as beneficial to make laptop screens in-house.

Answers Exercise 1


Answer question 1

The four advantages are:

  • Planning: A budget formalizes the planning process and documents the plan in writing. It facilitates the communication of objectives, both to managers and their superiors.

  • Coordination: The budgeting process forces coordination among departments to promote decisions in the best interests of the company as a whole.

  • Performance Measurement: Budgets are specific, quantitative representations of management’s objectives. Comparing actual results to budget expectations provides a way to evaluate performance.

  • Corrective Action: Budgeting provides advance notice of potential shortages, bottlenecks, or other weaknesses in operating plans; thereby enabling the management to intervene on a timely basis and to implement corrective actions.


Answer question 2


Accounts receivable:

Ending balance= beginning balance + sales on account – payments of sales on account Ending balance= 0 + 120*95 – 120 *95*0.3= 0 + 11,400 – 3,420 = Є 7,980

Inventory jeans fabric:

Quantity of jeans fabric required in the month of February = 240 jeans pants * 1.2 meters per jeans pants = 288 meter

Ending inventory = 0.3 * 288 meter * Є 15 per meter = Є 1,296

Accounts payable:

Ending balance= beginning balance + purchases on account – payments of purchases on account

Ending balance= 0 + 0.6 * (120 * 1.20 * 15 + 1,296) – 0.2 * 0.6 (120* 1.20 *15 + 1,296)= 0 + 2,073.60 – 414,72

= Є 1,658.88




Anwer Question 3A



flexible budget

actual result


fav /unfav

Sales Volume (number of jeans)





Sales price per unit (in €)





Total revenues





Av. quantity of jeans fabric (in € per meter)





Purchase price of jeans fabric (in € per meter)





Total material costs





Labour hours required per unit (in hrs)





Labor costs tailors per hour (in €)





Total labor tailors (in €)





Fixed overhead costs (in €)











Answer Question 3B

material rate variance



material usage variance



labor rate variance



labor usage variance



sales price variance



fixed cost



total variance




Answer Question 4

The largest variance is caused by revenues. The sales price was € 10.00 lower than budgeted and resulted in an unfavourable variance of € 1,400.00. An explanation may be that the originally targeted customer segment of young adults and middle aged people did not buy the product. Instead young people purchased the designer jeans. This group is younger and may not be able to spend as much money to buy trendy products as people in the other two segments. This may have led the managers of the upscale shops to the decision to lower the sales price for the designer jeans. This analysis leads to two questions: Why didn’t the originally targeted segment group buy the product? Should future sales activities be directed towards the sales segment of young people?

The variance related to material costs is also unfavourable. The cost of jeans fabric is slightly higher than expected. The variance got caused by a higher purchase price. An explanation for the higher purchase price may be that volume discounts could not be negotiated as expected. The higher purchase price for jeans fabric is partly made up by a more efficient usage.

The variance of € 255.50 related to the tailor’s labour cost is favourable. Although the hourly rate was € .50 higher than budgeted, a favourable usage variance made up for it. The usage variance is most likely related to the fact that the tailors worked more efficiently than was expected. Perhaps it got assumed during the budget preparation that the tailors need to be trained on the job which was not the case.

The unfavourable variance of € 200.00 fixed overhead costs has to be further investigated; there is currently no indication available of what causes it.

The income shows an unfavourable variance of € 1,442.50. Although the variance is negative, the Trouser Factory is still profitable. It is the first month of business and the above variance analysis may help to optimize the operations and increase future profitability.


Answer Question 5

A responsibility center is an organizational unit that controls identifiable items; it may be divided into three categories:

  1. A cost center incurs expenses but generates no revenues

  2. A profit center incurs expenses and also generates revenues.

  3. An investment center incurs expenses, generates revenues and the manager is responsible for the invested capital.

The production department only incurs cost for the jeans fabric and the tailor’s workshop. A unit that only incurs cost is called cost center, therefore it should be called the “production cost center”. The other two categories are not appropriate because there are not only costs included but also other items (revenues, invested capital). Revenues are not incurred in the production department and the invested capital is not relevant either.


Answers Exercise 2

Answer Question 1

Costs and revenues are reviewed whether they are relevant or in other words avoidable related to a certain business decision. Two characteristics of relevant information are (1) that it differs among the alternatives and (2) is future oriented.

Answer Question 2

Costs / revenues


Not relevant


Revenue laptops



Not avoidable

Purchase price laptop screens



Avoidable costs

Direct material cost



Avoidable costs

Direct labor cost



Avoidable costs

Variable machine cost (M10)



Avoidable costs

Sales price used machine



Opportunity costs

Charge of fixed overhead cost



Not avoidable

Purchase price / acc. depreciation M10



Sunk costs


Answer Question 3

Relevant cost for both alternatives as basis for a decision:





in-house in €

Purchase in €



Purchase price laptops




80,000 x € 65

Direct material cost




80,000 x € 35

Direct labor cost




80,000 x € 15

Variable machine cost




80,000 x € 5

Sales price M10





Total cost





In-house manufacturing is favourable.


Answer Question 4

In-house manufacturing may have the following qualitative advantages:

  • There is no risk that Kugelstein BV will be faced with a sudden price increase of the laptop screens.

  • Kugelstein BV will not be dependent on the product quality that the supplier delivers.

  • Kugelstein BV will not suffer from possibly delayed deliveries of a supplier

Answer Question 5

The number of available machine hours is the bottleneck. The maximum sales volume is: 1,000 units x 4 hrs + 1,000 units x 3 hrs + 200 units x 5 hrs + 200 units x 4 hrs = 8,800 machine hours. The maximum of available machine hours is 5,000 hours.

The production plan will be determined based on the highest contribution margin per machine hour.






Sales price per unit in €





Variable cost per unit in €





Contribution margin per unit in €





Required machine hours per unit





Contribution margin per machine hour in €





In the first place it would be favourable to manufacture and sell as much as possible from product B. The remaining capacity should be used to manufacture first product A, then D and thereafter C.




Maximum capacity


machine hrs

1,000 units of product B x 3 machine





machine hrs

Remaining capacity


machine hrs

The remaining capacity will be first allocated to product A. 2,000 hrs : 4= 500 units of product A




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Management Accounting IB: Summaries, lecture notes and practice exams - UG

Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Resit 2019

Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Resit 2019


Question 1

Which of the following measures of activity would be the most probable cost driver for Data Processing?

  1. Number of transactions processed.
  2. Number of calls to toll-free customer telephone line. 
  3. Number of new employees hired.
  4. Hours of Computer Processing Unit (CPU).

Question 2

Select the incorrect statement:

  1. It is possible to use a linear cost equation to predict costs as long as volumes remain within the relevant range.
  2. The relevant range is the normal volume of activity.
  3. On the relevant range, managers can assume that the total fixed costs is constant.
  4. The relevant range refers to the volumes of activity for which a given linear cost equation is valid

Question 3

CoffeeDrop produces and sells bags of coffee. Its management accountant has determined that if the company produces 700 bags in a month, the average operating cost per unit (including both fixed and variable operating expenses) is C4.93 per bag. If the company produces 1,000 bags in a month, the average operating cost per unit is C4.35 per bag instead. What is the variable cost per bag?

  1. €4.35
  2. €3.00
  3. €4.93
  4. €4.64

Question 4

Olivia Grey is the management accountant of Paddle, a company producing tablets. She gathered the following information about the total overhead cost over the past four periods:

MonthMachine-hoursTotal overhad costs

In addition, Olivia also decomposed the total overhead costs incurred in May between its different subcomponents:

Costs in MayAmount
Utilities (variable)
Rent of the equimpent (fixed)
Indirect labor (mixed)
Total overhead cost383,071.80

What is the amount of fixed indirect labor costs? Hint: use the high-low method

  1. €150,521.67.
  2. €151,500.00.
  3. €98,501.38.
  4. €81,050.13.

Question 5

To estimate the parameters of a cost equation with only one cost driver and using the linear regression, what are the minimum requirements in terms of available information? 

  1. At least two periods of historical data are required.
  2. At least four periods of historical data are required.
  3. At least one period of historical data is required.
  4. More than four periods of historical data are required.

Question 6

Yoda Corp. produces and sells light sabers. The company works in “Just-in-Time” (it does not keep inventory) and so far it has sold 440 sabers. You received from Quentin Skywalker, the accountant, the following financial income statement for the current year, 2019, at this volume of activity:

Finanical Income Statement (amounts)
2019 more
Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Final 2019

Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Final 2019

Open questions

Question 1 

Select the correct statement:

  1. Budgets support performance evaluation and reward.
  2. Budgets indicate with great accuracy and precision what will happen within the next year of operations.
  3. Budgets provide reliable estimates.
  4. Budgets provide with a comprehensive overview of future performance

Question 2

Describe the budgeting process. More specifically, which outputs are prepared during this process, and in which order are they prepared?

  1. pro-forma financial statements, inventory and purchase budget, sales budget, inventory and production budget, administrative budget.
  2. sales budget, inventory and production budget, inventory and purchase budget, administrative budget, pro-forma financial statements.
  3. administrative budget, pro-forma financial statements, sales budget, inventory and production budget, inventory and purchase budget.
  4. pro-forma financial statements, administrative budget, inventory and production budget, inventory and purchase budget, sales budget

Question 3

The management accountant of Cost-Eau inc. has estimated the following sales volumes for next year:



The company typically sells each unit for a price of C53,500.00. Moreover, 80.00% of the revenues earned any given month are collected during the following month. The other 20.00% are collected in the month of the sale itself. What is the total amount of cash receipts in November? 

  1.  €139,635,000.00
  2. €147,125,000.00
  3. €117,165,000.00
  4. €29,425,000.00

Question 4

One of the components used by SafeGuardian to make security vaults is bought from a supplier for a stable price of C1,450.50 per unit. Credit terms allow the company to pay 75.00% of its purchases the month following the purchase (the rest is paid in the month of the purchase).

Andrei, the management accountant, also estimated that the company will start the next period with C1,348,965.00 worth of this component in the inventory and consume 8,742 units during the period. In addition, the ending inventory should contain exactly 1,488 units. How many units of the component should the company purchase?

  1. 8,835 units.
  2. 7,254 units.
  3. 13,489,650 units.
  4. 9,300 units.

Question 5

Sean Eliasoph is the management accountant of CoffeeDrop. He is currently working on the Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) budget for next year. Sales volumes are expected to be 5,930 bags of coffee in February 2020 and 6,430 bags in March 2020. The unit price should be C14.00 and advertising expenses should amount to C260.00 each month.

In addition to the unit production costs, each unit sold costs an additional C0.30 paid to a service provider for delivery, and an additional C0.70 of commission for the sales people. The other monthly administrative cost are the following:

  • depreciation on administrative offices, C780.00;
  •  maintenance of administrative offices, C520.00;
  • wages of administrative personnel, C1,300.00.

Personnel expenses (i.e. wages and commissions) are typically paid the more
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Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Midterm 2016

Case study: company profile

Airline company 'Fly Hamster Fly' transports both passengers and cargo. Below you find the cost categories and costs for the year 2012

1. depreciation costs

€ 6.000.000

2. personnel costs

€ 12.000.000

3. operating costs

See the information below and Question A

The depreciation and personnel costs are fixed costs. The operating costs consist of fixed costs and variable costs. They concern various costs like costs involved in taking care of the flights, daily airplane maintenance costs, fly over and landing rights, and fuel usage. Fly Hamster Fly has given the following overview (years 2003-2011) of the operating costs. These costs are partly related to the company's turnover (revenues).


turnover level

total of operating costs


€ 18.000.000

€ 10.800.000


€ 15.000.000

€ 7.300.000


€ 20.000.000

€ 11.000.000


€ 25.000.000

€ 12.400.000


€ 22.500.000

€ 10.600.000


€ 17.000.000

€ 9.300.000


€ 35.000.000

€ 14.500.000


€ 30.000.000

€ 14.900.000


€ 27.500.000

€ 12.900.000

At a turnover of € 40.000.000, the maximum loadfactor (100%) of the planes is reached.

The above costs and turnover levels concern the transfer of both passengers and cargo. The total fixed operating costs and variable operating costs can be estimated using the high-low method

Question A

Calculate the 'variable operating costs' and 'fixed operating costs', using the high-low method. The variable operating costs have to be expressed as a percentage of the turnover.

Question B

State an advantage of using the high-low method. State a disadvantage of using the high-low method.

It is important for Fly Hamster Fly to know at which loadfactor the costs are fully covered. This is the break-even loadfactor, more

Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Final 2012

Management Accounting for IB - International Business - Jaar I – RUG - Final 2012

Exercise 1

The Trouser Factory started its operations on January 1, 2012. The company is still small but has high expectations regarding its sales growth. Currently there is one tailor’s workshop. None of the tailors has a permanent employment contract, all work on a “stand-by basis”, in other words their working hours are flexible. The Trouser Factory manufactures design jeans that are sold to upscale shops. After a few weeks of operations the Trouser Factory assesses that the demand for designer jeans is high in the segment of young people (age 10 – 20 years) and not in the segment of young adults (age 20 – 30 years) and middle aged people (age 30 – 40 years) as originally expected.

The recently hired controller of the Trouser Factory has the task to prepare a budget for the first quarter of the calendar year 2012. The general manager has passed the following information on to the controller:

Budget information for the period January – March 2012

Budget first quarter 2012




Sales volume (number of jeans )




Sales price per unit (in €)




Average quantity of jeans fabric per unit (in meter)




Purchase price of jeans fabric (in € per meter)




Total labor cost of tailors (in €)




Labor cost tailors per hour (in €)




Fixed overhead costs (in €)




During the budget preparation process the controller made several assumptions. All sales will be made on account; thereof 30 percent will be collected in the month in which the product has been sold and the remainder will be collected in the month following the sale.

The Trouser Factory pays all purchases in cash except jeans fabric. Each purchase of more

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