Psychiatry and Mental disorder


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Psychiatry and Mental disorder


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Psychiatry and mental disorder: The best textbooks summarized

Psychiatry and mental disorder: The best textbooks summarized

Psychiatry and mental disorders: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Psychiatry and mental disorders

  • For 10+ booksummaries for Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Handboek culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie van De Jong
  • Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 2: onderzoek en diagnostiek - Verheij & Verhulst
  • Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 3: behandeling en begeleiding van Verheij & Verhulst
  • Leerboek psychiatrie van Hengeveld e.a.
  • Psychiatrie voor juristen van Hummelen & Hengeveld
  • Psychofarmacologie: De effecten van drugs en geneesmiddelen op het menselijk brein en gedrag van Kenemans
  • Psychotherapie: Van theorie tot praktijk van Van Deth
  • Synopsis of Psychiatry van Sadock
  • Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications van Stahl
  • Transculturele psychiatrie: van praktijk naar theorie van Kortman
  • Wegwijs in de psychiatrie van Ras

For available summaries, bulletpoints, practice exams and glossaries with Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, see the supporting content of this study guide.

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Arkin biedt hoogwaardige geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Flevoland. Deze organisatie biedt via verschillende organisatie onderdelen psychologische en psychiatrische hulp aan kinderen, gezinnnen, ouderen en verslaafden. De organisatie is doorlopend op zoek naar onder andere psychiaters, psychologen en groepsbegeleiders.

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What is a mental disorder?

A mental disorder is a condition that disrupts a person's thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns. These disruptions can cause distress and interfere with daily life activities, work, relationships, or overall well-being. It's important to note that mental disorders are not a sign of weakness or personal failing, but rather medical conditions with various contributing factors.

What are the main features of a mental disorder?

  • Spectrum of Conditions: Mental disorders encompass a wide range of conditions, including anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and addictive behaviors. Each disorder has its specific symptoms and diagnostic criteria.
  • Biopsychosocial Model: This model acknowledges that mental disorders can arise from a complex interplay of biological (genetics, brain chemistry), psychological (thoughts, emotions), and social (environment, relationships) factors.
  • Distress and Impairment: A key feature is the presence of significant distress or impairment in daily life functioning caused by the symptoms. Not everyone experiences mental
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What is psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in understanding the complex interplay between the brain, behavior, and emotions.

What are the main features of psychiatry?

  • Biopsychosocial Approach: Considers biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to mental illness. This holistic approach ensures comprehensive care for patients.
  • Emphasis on Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis is crucial for determining the most appropriate treatment approach. Psychiatrists utilize various methods, including interviews, mental status examinations, and psychological testing.
  • Diverse Treatment Options: Psychiatrists employ various interventions, including psychotherapy (talk therapy), medication, and other evidence-based treatments tailored to individual needs.

What are important sub-areas in psychiatry?

  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Focuses on mental health concerns specific to children and teenagers, considering their unique developmental stages.
  • Geriatric Psychiatry: Addresses the specific needs and challenges faced by older adults with
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Psychiatry and mental disorder: The best textbooks summarized

Psychiatry and mental disorders: The best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Psychiatry and mental disorders

  • For 10+ booksummaries for Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Handboek culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie van De Jong
  • Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 2: onderzoek en diagnostiek - Verheij & Verhulst
  • Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie deel 3: behandeling en begeleiding van Verheij & Verhulst
  • Leerboek psychiatrie van Hengeveld e.a.
  • Psychiatrie voor juristen van Hummelen & Hengeveld
  • Psychofarmacologie: De effecten van drugs en geneesmiddelen op het menselijk brein en gedrag van Kenemans
  • Psychotherapie: Van theorie tot praktijk van Van Deth
  • Synopsis of Psychiatry van Sadock
  • Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Applications van Stahl
  • Transculturele psychiatrie: van praktijk naar theorie van Kortman
  • Wegwijs in de psychiatrie van Ras

For available summaries, bulletpoints, practice exams and glossaries with Psychiatry and Mental Disorders,

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What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders? - Kendler, Zachar, Craver (2011) - Article

The article “What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders” written by Kendler, Zachar and Craver was published in the journal “Psychological Medicine” in 2011. It deals with four different models how we can classify psychiatric disorders, namely the essentialist kinds, the socially constructed kinds, the practical kinds and the mechanistic property (MPC) kinds. The authors present each of these models and then evaluate them according to their practicability and usefulness.

Essentialist kinds

Our first model the essentialist kinds model proposes that everything in our case each specific disorder has one underlying essence. This essence is thought to be inherent in every individual that suffers from a disorder D. All individuals that do NOT suffer from disorder D

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Arkin biedt hoogwaardige geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Flevoland. Deze organisatie biedt via verschillende organisatie onderdelen psychologische en psychiatrische hulp aan kinderen, gezinnnen, ouderen en verslaafden. De organisatie is doorlopend op zoek naar onder andere p...


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Arkin biedt hoogwaardige geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Flevoland. Deze organisatie biedt via verschillende organisatie onderdelen psychologische en psychiatrische hulp aan kinderen, gezinnnen, ouderen en verslaafden. De organisatie is doorlopend op zoek naar onder andere p...


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Stamplijst Psychiatrie

Stamplijst Psychiatrie

  • Psychiatrisch onderzoek
  • Psychiatrische stoornissen
  • Ontwikkelingsstoornissen
  • Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
  • Medicatie
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Begrippenlijst met toelichting voor Psychiatrie (voorberei...

Psychiatry and mental disorder: The best textbooks summarized

Psychiatry and mental disorders: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Psychiatry and mental disorders

  • For 10+ booksummaries for Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Handboek cu...

What is psychiatry?

Psychiatry is the branch of medicine dedicated to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in understanding the complex interplay between the brain, behavior, and emotions. What are the main features of&...

Organizations related to Psychiatry and Mental disorder

Arkin biedt hoogwaardige geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Noord-Holland, Utrecht en Flevoland. Deze organisatie biedt via verschillende organisatie onderdelen psychologische en psychiatrische hulp aan kinderen, gezinnnen, ouderen en verslaafden. De organisatie is doorlopend op zoek naar onder andere p...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Psychiatry and Mental disorder

Het studentenleven. Voor veel jongeren is het dé tijd van hun leven. Je gaat iets doen wat je écht leuk vind, je komt in een andere leeromgeving terecht en mogelijk ook in een andere stad waar je gaat wonen. Het is het moment waar veel jongeren hun vleugels gaan uitspreiden en volledig...

Spotlight summaries related to Psychiatry and Mental disorder
Stamplijst Psychiatrie

Stamplijst Psychiatrie

  • Psychiatrisch onderzoek
  • Psychiatrische stoornissen
  • Ontwikkelingsstoornissen
  • Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen
  • Medicatie
  • Meer gerelateerde content en bijdragen

Begrippenlijst met toelichting voor Psychiatrie (voorberei...

Samenvatting van artikelen over Psychiatrie en Psychisch Functioneren

Samenvattingen over het thema Psychisch Functioneren. De set met artikel samenvattingen is gebaseerd op de voorgeschreven artikelen bij enkele vak aan Nederlandse universiteiten rond dit thema in de periode 2019 - 2021 Thema's die o.a aan bod komen: autisme, borderline personaliteitsstoornis

Psychiatry and mental disorder: The best textbooks summarized

Psychiatry and mental disorders: The best textbooks summarized Summaries and study assistance with Psychiatry and mental disorders

  • For 10+ booksummaries for Psychiatry and Mental Disorders, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of contents

  • Handboek cu...

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