Travel to Moldova to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Moldova: table of content



Backpacking or travelling in Moldova?

  • Moldova is often overlooked by the general tourist, which means we have another hidden gem! Winding country roads that take you through hilly landscapes, remote villages where time seems to stand still, and wine cellars that stretch for miles underground – the latter is an absolute must for any wine lover! What’s more, Moldova offers a fascinating mix of European and Soviet influences, from the architecture to the cuisine and local markets, and you can expect a warm welcome. And finally, perhaps the most special thing about Moldova is its tranquility. Compared to many other European destinations, the roads are less busy, the nature vast and untouched, and the pace of daily life is delightfully relaxed.
  • Spotting activities: explore underground wine cellars; marvel at the rocky monastery complex of Orheiul Vechi; go on a city break in Chisinau; visit the unofficial Transnistria; cycle through the beautiful countryside; visit local markets; stroll through the fortress of Soroca; kayak on the Dniester river; hike through the low mountains of Codru.
  • Spot animals: European wolf, red deer, wild boar, rare butterflies in Codru, European lynx, roe deer, fish, storks etc.
  • Spot food: plăcintă (what else but placenta!), sarmale, mămăligă, zeama, mititei, găluște, brânză de burduf, colțunași.

Study in Moldova?

  • Moldova is a good country to study. The quality of education is good, the costs are also affordable and the country also offers good opportunities with its strong economy. Popular study programs are economics, medicine, computer science and international relations.
  • Study cities: Chisinau, Comrat, Taraclia.
  • Language: Romanian, but also programs in English and Russian.

Internships in Moldova?

  • There are opportunities for internships, but local internships are not always easy to find. The best chances are with large international companies, or for example with local NGOs.
  • Competencies: intercultural communication, project management, language skills (Romanian and Russian).

Volunteering in Moldova?

  • Volunteering in Moldova is mainly focused on community development, education and environmental projects. You can work with local communities in rural areas, help at an animal shelter and contribute to agriculture.

Working in Moldova?

  • Expats in Moldova usually work for NGOs, international organizations, or in the education sector. The labor market is limited and salaries are generally lower than in Western Europe.
  • During the autumn grape harvest, there are many jobs in the wine industry, ideal for temporary work experience and a great way to experience wine culture up close.
  • Work culture: The work culture is informal and flexible, but can sometimes be bureaucratic.

Working as a digital nomad in Moldova?

  • An ideal destination for the digital nomad looking for a quiet and affordable destination. There are more and more co-working spaces and the internet is very good.
  • Favorite locations: Chisinau, Balti, Tiraspol, Orhei.

Living in Moldova?

  • Living in Moldova often feels like a step back in time, but with enough modern touches to make life comfortable. In cities like Chisinau, you have access to most of the conveniences of a Western lifestyle: international supermarkets, a growing hospitality industry, and many cozy cafes. The atmosphere is relaxed, the people are friendly and welcoming, and if you are open to the cultural differences, you will find that the Moldovan way of life offers something very special. Life here is also relatively cheap, which can be a big advantage.
  • Education: For families with children, there are a few international schools in Chisinau, the capital. These are often private institutions where lessons are taught in English, which can be beneficial for expat children.
  • Expat community: Although not huge, there is a close-knit and vibrant expat community in Chisinau. Expats often work for NGOs, diplomatic missions or international organisations. There are regular events and social gatherings, especially in Chisinau, where you can easily meet other expats.
  • Safety: It is generally a safe country for foreigners. However, you may encounter some petty crime here and there. Also, the roads can be slippery in the winter months, so some caution is advised.
  • Culture: Moldova’s culture is a mix of Romanian, Russian and Balkan influences, which gives the country a special character. Family relationships, traditions and celebrating national holidays are highly valued. The cuisine is hearty, the music is lively and the locals are happy to invite you to take part in traditions.
  • Please note: there is a significant language barrier (Romanian and Russian), expect a lot of paperwork, be prepared for harsh winters and not always good roads and facilities.
  • Health insurance: healthcare in Moldova is basic, especially compared to Western European standards. There are a few hospitals and clinics in Chisinau that provide reasonably good care, but for advanced medical treatment many residents travel to neighboring countries such as Romania or Ukraine. So make sure you have your own good health insurance.

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Moldova Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Moldova Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

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From language courses to gap year abroad, from work experience to volunteering abroad, from paid work to internship abroad, from mountaineering to diving and from backpacking to travel around the world

    What social activities can you do abroad?

    • Opportunities are found in the areas of helping, learning or studying. You can get involved to volunteer in a social project at a school in Africa, Asia or Latin America. You can get involved in nature, in a project with animals or cleaning the sea or beaches. Those who want to learn more can choose for example a language course in Latin America, Spain or South Africa.

    What work related activities can you do abroad?

    • If you want to gain work experience, and/or also earn money, go and work abroad. You can combine backpacking in Australia with temporary work. You can work on campsites in Europe or bush camps in Africa. You can pretty much go all over the world to work in the hospitality industry, hotels and hostels, in the healthcare sector or for example at a diving school.

    What sports activities to do abroad?

    • Have you ever thought of mountain biking, rafting (going down a wild river on a raft or rubber dinghy, climbing or canoeing), survival (which involves building rafts, climbing or canoeing), abseiling (descending a rock face while secured to ropes), zip-lining (whizzing down a cable), canyoning (starting at the top of a river and then climbing, swimming, diving down the bed) or caving (scrambling, wriggling and crawling through caves and crevices)?
    • Maybe you feel more comfortable on a bodyboard (on a half-wave surfboard, you surf the high waves lying down-with flippers), on a hang glider or while paragliding (with a parachute you float down a mountain or dune), hydrospeeding (on a bodyboard with flippers and a wetsuit on you go down a wild river via rapids) or Tiefschneeskiing (racing down through powder snow)?

    Check the pages below for more activities and inspiration and where to go and how to arrange it

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      Activities abroad: for work and intern abroad

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      • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

      Moldova: Updates & Travel
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      • Updates Moldova
      • Travel in Moldova?

        • Moldova is one of the most adventurous countries in Europe, difficult to travel but mysterious and challenging. You will find impressive monasteries, rare wine cellars in cave complexes and the last remnant...

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      Internationale Bouworde (IBO)

      IBO-Nederland bemiddelt in vrijwilligerswerk en stages met name in Europa, maar ook daarbuiten. De stichting richtte zich in het verleden met name op bouwprojecten, maar houdt zich tegenwoordig ook bezig met sociale projecten. Vrijwilligers kunnen enkele dagen tot enkele weken meehelpen bij een proj...


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      • Contents: information about using and finding summaries of study books, scientific articles, academic concepts and practice exams on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
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      • Summary sort: Study books, Scientific articles, Academic Concepts
      • Areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
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      Summaries for psychology and behavioral sciences

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      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for Psychology and Behavioral Sciences on WorldSupporter
      • Study area: Psychology and behavioral sciences
      • Language: English
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      Summaries for society, culture and arts

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      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for society, culture and arts on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Art, Cultural anthropology, History, Human geography, Languages, Philosophy, Religion, Social studies, Sociology, amongst others
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Summaries for research, science and statistics

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      • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for research, statistics and science on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Research methods and Research design, Statistics and Data analysis Methods, Theory of Science and Philosophy of science per study field (e.g. business, economics, psychology, pedagogy and social sciences)
      • Language: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Exams: home page for exams, exam tips and study tips

      Taking and passing exams, using study tips and learning to study

      What is this page about?

      • Contents: information for exams, exam tips and study tips on WorldSupporter
      • Study areas: Business, Education, Health, Psychology, Law, Nature, Society and more
      • Languages: English, Dutch
      • Access: Public, Exclusive

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      Moldova: Updates & Travel
      • Travel in Moldova?
      • Updates Moldova
      • Travel in Moldova?

        • Moldova is one of the most adventurous countries in Europe, difficult to travel but mysterious and challenging. You will find impressive monasteries, rare wine cellars in cave complexes and the last remnant...
      Yangkala Canyon in Turkmenistan


      • CultureRoad

      Door wie?

      • Oprichters Caspar Steinebach en Rik Brinks
      • Team van lokale reisbegeleiders


      • Groepsrondreizen
      • Individuele rondreizen


      • De bestemmingen. Georganiseerde rondreizen in Irak, Noo...

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