Travel to Taiwan to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Taiwan: table of content



Backpacking and traveling in Taiwan?

  • Taiwan is unfairly not high on the favorite backpackers wish list. This makes the experience all the more authentic because you won't encounter large numbers of tourists. It is a great country for both travelers and backpackers, with facilities for every type of trip, friendly people and good infrastructure.
  • Activity spotting: visit Taipei and one of the world's most famous skyscrapers; explore the Taroko Gorge; visit hot springs; sneak at night markets; learn about Chinese art at Taipei Palace Museum; wander to the top of Hehuanshan; bike around Sun Moon Lake; visit Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall; admire the sunrise and tea plantations of Alishan; take part in the Pingxi Lantern Festival; surf in Kenting and so on! 
  • City spotting: Taiwan, Tainan, Hualien. 
  • Animal spotting: Taiwan black bear, macaque, sambar deer, Taiwan flying squirrel, Taiwan serow, coral snake, mikado pheasant, swinhoes pheasant, blue magpie, whales, manatees, coral reefs. 
  • Food spotting: bubble tea! Beef noodle soup, xiaolongbao (stuffed, soft rolls), oyster omelettes, stinky tofu, gua bao (Taiwanese burger), shaved ice, ba wan (dumplings), Buddhist vegan cuisine! 
  • Features: Beautiful nature and places, tea plantations, temples and monasteries, helpful and friendly people and feeling safe.

Studying in Taiwan?

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found. Universities in Taiwan are known to be the best in the world.
  • Study cities: Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung (National Sun Yat-sen University and Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology), Gaoshiung (National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology and Kaohsiun University).
  • Features: investment in research and innovation, learning from experienced experts and teachers, strong academic programs.

Internship in Taiwan?

  • Internships: found in all sectors of society: shipping, steel, chemicals, agriculture, trade, electronics. In start-ups, multinationals, NGOs and government.
  • Internship cities: Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taichung, Tainan. 
  • Competencies: intercultural skills, technical skills, adaptability, knowledge of Mandarin. 

Volunteer in Taiwan?

  • In terms of volunteering, there are mainly options through individuals, called “Work exchange.” Consider working on farms, helping with the household, living in a Buddhist monastery, helping in schools and with sustainability projects.

Work in Taiwan?

  • Many foreigners come to Taiwan to teach English. There is a high demand for English-speaking teachers at all levels of education. In addition, the IT and Tech sectors are also a great source of jobs for expats. Other options include working as an interpreter, working in international trade or scientific research and academia. 
  • Work culture: companies often have hierarchical structures with decisions often made by upper management. Also, communication is often formal and politeness and respect are highly valued. People work hard and put in long hours. 

Working as a digital nomad in Taiwan?

  • Taiwan is an attractive destination for digital nomads. The Internet is reliable and fast, the cities are modern, with a high standard of living and at the same time the culture is still very much alive on the streets, the costs are relatively low, the climate is favorable and there is a growing number of co-working spaces.
  • Favorite locations: Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, Hualien, Tainan.  

Living in Taiwan?

  • In Taiwan, you enjoy a comfortable life as an expatriate thanks to the welcoming culture, good infrastructure and high quality of life. 
  • Facilities are modern and good, life is affordable, food is delicious, people are incredibly friendly and hospitable. They have an open and interested attitude toward foreigners, which makes it easy to adapt. 
  • Employment opportunities are plentiful, there are good international schools and universities for children, and although the official language is Mandarin, English is mostly spoken in professional settings. In more remote areas, basic knowledge of Mandarin does come in handy. 
  • You can enjoy excellent dining options and you don't have to think about cooking because eating out is not expensive. The climate is subtropical, comfortable. 
  • Health insurance: health care is excellent. But before you leave, make sure you have your own well-covered health insurance.


    Supporting content

    Taiwan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

    Taiwan Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips


    Main content, suggestions, stories and tips about Taiwan

    What are typical Taiwanese habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Taiwan?
    Why to study in Taiwan, do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Taiwan?
    Why to live in Taiwan, why to emigrate to Taiwan or stay for a long time?
    How does healthcare work in Taiwan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?
    What are typical Asian habits, food customs and Asian philosophies?
    Taiwan: Updates & Travel
    Taiwan: selection of contributions by WorldSupporters - Bundle
    Supporting content:
    Why to study in Taiwan, do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Taiwan?
    Why to live in Taiwan, why to emigrate to Taiwan or stay for a long time?
    What are typical Taiwanese habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Taiwan?


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    Ga parttime aan het werk op een Nederlandse school in Taiwan

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      • In Taiwan, there is an interesting mix of Japanese and Chinese influences, not so strange when you consider that the (tropical) island used to belong to both countries. Taipei is an international city, with ta...

    Sandiaoling Waterfal Trail  This hidden gem is something not many tourists know about. While coming across tourists in Taiwan doesn't happen much anyway, during this hike you probably won't see them at all. It is a great, beautiful and refreshing day hike if you want to get out of the heat&nbsp...


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    Why Taiwan?

    Why Taiwan? I remember visiting my sister, many years ago, when she was doing an internship In Taipei, in Taiwan. She loved studying, doing an internship and living in Taiwan (for more than one year). Not due the small dorm, that she was sharing with another student, but the vibes and the atmosphere...

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    • Updates Taiwan
    • Travel in Taiwan?

      • In Taiwan, there is an interesting mix of Japanese and Chinese influences, not so strange when you consider that the (tropical) island used to belong to both countries. Taipei is an international city, with ta...

    Safety and insurances in Taiwan

    How does healthcare work in Taiwan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

    How does healthcare work in Taiwan, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

    How does the healthcare system work in Taiwan?

    • The healthcare system in Taiwan is known worldwide for its high quality and efficiency. It is one of the best systems in the world. The country offers an excellent healthcare system that combines both public and private options. 
    • Taiwan has the National Health Insurance (NHI) system, which covers almost the entire population including emigrants legally residing in the country. It is mandatory to join the NHI. 
    • If you have an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) after 6 months in Taiwan, are a foreign self-employed person or student, then you must apply for the NHI. 
    • You can apply online or at the municipal office. For this, you will need an application form, photo and copy of your ARC. Within 5-14 days of applying, you will then receive your NHI card. 
    • Because the NHI does not cover everything, as an expat it is wise to get private health insurance. Among other things, the NHI does not cover chemotherapy, repatriation, braces, eyeglasses or treatments lasting longer than one month. 

    How does the public healthcare system work in Taiwan?

    • Taiwan's public healthcare is provided through the NHI, a single-payer system that covers almost all residents and legally residing foreigners.
    • The NHI system is very affordable, with low premiums and low co-payments for doctor visits and treatments. 
    • Many medical treatments and medications are reimbursed.
    • Public health care is modern and efficient. Hospitals and clinics are well equipped and provide high-quality care.
    • In urban areas such as Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, you can find English-speaking doctors, especially in larger hospitals. In smaller cities or rural areas, this is less obvious.

    How does the private healthcare system work in Taiwan?

    • In addition to public care, there are many private hospitals and clinics in Taiwan. These often offer shorter waiting times and a more personalized approach.
    • Private care is more expensive than public care, but still reasonable compared to Western countries.
    • For specialist care or to avoid waiting times, some expats choose private institutions.

    How is the General practitioner arranged in Taiwan?

    • Taiwan does not have a traditional general practitioner system like in the Netherlands. For medical complaints, you can go directly to a clinic or hospital. You do not need a referral for specialists.

    How is the dentist arranged in Taiwan?

    • Dental care falls under the NHI system, but not all treatments (such as braces or cosmetic dentistry) are covered.
    • Dental practices in Taiwan are modern and well-equipped
    • Basic dental care is affordable and often partially or fully covered by the NHI. For uninsured treatments, costs are also much lower than in the Netherlands. Private insurance can cover these additional costs. 

    How is pregnancy care arranged in Taiwan?

    • Prenatal care is largely covered by the NHI and is of high quality. Regular checkups, ultrasounds and basic tests are easily accessible.
    • Hospitals and clinics in Taiwan are state-of-the-art! Many women choose hospital births; home births are not very popular.
    • Taiwan has low mortality rates for both mothers and children, which is an indication of good maternity care.
    • In Taiwan, in addition to breastfeeding in public, protected by the “Pro Breastfeeding Act,” you can also breastfeed in the many, public rooms set up for that purpose. 

    How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Taiwan?

    What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Taiwan?

    • Taiwan is incredibly safe for all kinds of travelers and new residents. Even as a solo woman, you can generally walk through Taipei at night without worrying. 
    • Just be aware of pickpockets and so-called “bagnatchers” in crowded places. It's not common, but it does happen. Make sure you carry your bag on your belly instead of on your back in crowded places. 
    • Scams toward tourists are rare, but emigrants may encounter credit card or phone fraud. 
    • There is organized crime in Taiwan, but you won't have much to do with that as an expat unless you enjoy going to the hidden, poorly lit barbershops and massage shops. 
    • The police are generally very helpful and friendly.
    • Because of its location, Taiwan is prone to earthquakes.
    • In addition, the country also experiences a substantial typhoon season from July to November. 
    • The relationship between Taiwan and China is complex and regularly causes tensions. In daily life one usually notices little of this, but it is important to keep an eye on the situation.
    • Respect the local culture, such as neatly waiting in line and not talking too loudly in public. 

    What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Taiwan?

    • Because Taiwan experiences quite a few earthquakes, water pipes can break and water can become contaminated with anything and everything. So most foreigners have a filter on the tap or buy water. 
    • Public drinking fountains are generally equipped with such a filter. 
    • Food hygiene standards are good in Taiwan. 
    • There are no major health risks. Dengue does occur in Taiwan, particularly in the south during the rainy season. 

    What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Taiwan?

    • Taiwan's urban areas are full of traffic congestion. Thus, many locals also opt for a scooter. This way you get around easier and faster, but it also leads to many accidents. 
    • The roads in western and northern Taiwan are generally good, but in the east they can be in poor condition. This is particularly due to flooding during typhoon season. 

    Which work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Taiwan?

    • Is the trip to Taiwan and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

    What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Taiwan if you are going to live there for a while?

    • Registering for local public health insurance (NHI) is mandatory. In addition, we recommend that you also insure yourself with your own private insurance to cover gaps such as uninsured dental care and repatriation. Read more about insurances for abroad on


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