Travel to Israel to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

WorldSupporter Topic

Intro: life and experiences in Israel

Backpacking and travel in Israel

  • Hotspots: nightlife of Tel Aviv.
  • Cities and culture spotting: Jerusalem, Jericho, Yad Vashem.
  • Animals and nature spotting: underwater world near Eilat, Negev desert, dead sea.
  • Details: Israel and the Palestinian territories are regularly (politically) unsettled. Tip: check the current situation before planning your trip.

Studying in Israel

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found.

Internships in Israel

  • Internships: internships can be found in most sectors of society.

Volunteering in Israel

  • Volunteer projects: especially in social sectors and through kibbutzim.

Working in Israel

  • Jobs: for example, temporary work in a kibbutz.
  • Characteristics: the work culture can vary considerably from kibbutz to kibbutz.

Working as a digital nomad in Israel

  • Favorite cities: Tel Aviv.

Living in Israel

  • Language: Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages in Israel. There are quite a few people who speak English.
Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Israel

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Palestina's vreedzame hoop

Doe ook iets voor een ander, voor Palestina's vreedzame hoop. Een paar euro maakt al verschil. Kijk maar even op deze site: Avaaz is een internationaal campagnenetwerk van 25 miljoen mensen en streeft ernaar dat internationale bes...

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