Travel to Niger to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?



Niger: table of content



Backpacking or traveling in Niger?

  • Niger, a country in the middle of West Africa, not to be confused with Nigeria. It is a fascinating country for travelers who love desert, culture and adventure with unique landscapes from the vast Sahara to rocky mountains and the Niger River.
  • Be aware of the safety risks for this country.
  • Activities spotting: hike in the Aïr Mountains; camp in the Sahara; visit markets in the capital Niamey; go on safari in W National Park; discover culture and crafts in Zinder and Agadez; visit the “Festival of the Nomads” in the north; admire the sunset on the Niger River; go on a camel ride; discover ancient rock paintings.
  • Animals spotting: elephants, hippos, crocodiles, lions, giraffes, addax antelopes, birds of prey, scorpions, ostriches, Barbary macaques.

Studying in Niger?

  • It is not a popular study country and there are very limited choices.

Internships in Niger?

  • It is not easy to find internships in Niger. You may be able to try with international aid organizations with projects in the field of community development, agriculture and politics.
  • Competencies: dealing with challenging circumstances, French language skills, intercultural communication, dealing with conflict situations, development work.

Volunteering in Niger?

  • Volunteer projects usually focus on health care, education (including for women in nomadic families) and agriculture. The impact of volunteering can be significant in the villages and communities.

Working in Niger?

  • It is not easy to find a job in Niger as a foreigner. Your best chance is with international (development) organizations.

Working as a digital nomad in Niger?

  • Remote work is challenging due to limited internet outside the capitals and few coworking spaces. However, Niamey offers some digital access for online work.

Living in Niger?

  • Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world, full of sand and desert and agriculture on the rest. It is not the easiest country to live in, but the friendly community and the contributions you can make more than make up for it (for some).
  • Education: in the capital you will find at least one international school.
  • Health insurance: the poverty is reflected in the quality of health care. So make sure you have your own good health insurance.

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Understanding violent extremism in the Sahel

Understanding violent extremism in the Sahel Birgitta Tazelaar, Deputy Director General for International Cooperation for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), will deliver an opening address on current priorities and challenges for peacebuilding and international development.  This will be f...


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Toeristenvisum Een toeristenvisum is verplicht voor Niger en kan worden aangevraagd bij de ambassade in Brussel. Met dit visum kun je drie maanden in Niger blijven. Je schijnt het visum ter plekke te kunnen verlengen met nog eens 3 maanden bij het Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire in Naimey...

Niger: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Niger
  • Updates Niger
  • Travel in Niger

    • Niger is a country in Africa that borders Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali. Niger has been independent from France since 1960. Niger is named after the river that flows through it. The ca...

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Countries & Destinations: home bundle


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Eirene zet zich in voor duurzame vrede via onder andere geweldloze communicatie en projecten voor onderwijs, educatie en zelfredzaamheid in onder andere Bosnië-Herzegovina, Niger, Bolivia en Nicaragua. De stichting staat open voor (financiering van) nieuwe projecten rond internationale vrede.

IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre

IRC is mostly run by citizens of the eight countries where they work: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Mali, Niger and Uganda. IRC works directly with communities, experts, public servants and decision-makers. IRC initiates and supports local and regional project on WASH services = wa...


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


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Niger: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Niger
  • Updates Niger
  • Travel in Niger

    • Niger is a country in Africa that borders Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali. Niger has been independent from France since 1960. Niger is named after the river that flows through it. The ca...

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