Travel to Qatar to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

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Intro: life and experiences in Qatar

Backpacking and traveling in Qatar

  • Backpacking and touring in Qatar is like skating on an artificial ice rink.
  • Features: shopping malls, traditional souqs. beautiful coastline with long beaches, impressive museums and an impressive desert.
  • City spotting: Doha... Doha... Doha.
  • Nature spotting: there are several underwater reserves. Animals you can spot in Qatar include the oryx and gemsbok on land and the dugong and whale shark on open water.

Studying in Qatar

  • Language study: an Arabic language course is available and recommended if you are going to stay longer.
  • Study: the quality of education at Qatar's universities is high, there are many international Universities including the Dutch University of Applied Sciences. 

Internship in Qatar

  • Internships: internships to be found, but not easy.

Volunteering in Qatar

  • Volunteer work can be found in healthcare and conservation from cleaning beaches to cat and dog care.

Working in Qatar

  • Jobs: working without a work permit is basically not possible, you need an employer as a sponsor.
  • Work culture: relaxed work culture, the working language is English or Arabic, you need a solid dose of patience.

Working as a digital nomad in Qatar

  • Favorite location: Doha.

Living in Qatar

  • Expats: in many sectors there is a good mix between expats and local employees and you make contact quite easily.
  • Healthcare: arrange your own (international) health insurance especially well.
  • Characteristics: the extreme advances in renting your house, the extreme heat in summer, the mild winters, the low crime rate and free interpretation of traffic rules, the separation between the wealthy residents and their much less wealthy staff from for example India, Nepal and the Philippines.
Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Qatar

Toeristenvisum Reizigers met een Nederlands paspoort hoeven niet langer een visum aan te vragen voor een bezoek aan Qatar. Zij krijgen gratis visa-vrijstelling bij binnenkomst als zij in bezit zijn van een geldig paspoort dat nog ten minste 180 dagen geldig is en een bevestigd ticket voor ...

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