Business organization and economics


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Business organization and economics


What is business organization, and what is economics?

  • Business involves the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services to meet consumer needs and generate profit.
  • Economics studies how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions to optimize wealth and well-being.

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Business and economics: home bundle


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Summaries: home page for business organization and economics

Summaries for business organization and economics

What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for business organization, economics and marketing on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Business, Communication, Economics, Leadership, Management, Marketing amongst others
  • Language: English, Dutch
  • Access: Public, Exclusive

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Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

Summaries: home page for communication and marketing

Summaries for communication, information and marketing

What is this page about?

  • Contents: information and assortment pointers related to the use of summaries for communication, information and marketing on WorldSupporter
  • Study areas: Communication, Information management, Marketing, Media, Public Relations, Public Affairs amongst others
  • Language: English, Dutch
  • Access: Public, Exclusive

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Summaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for business organization and economics
Summaries: the best textbooks for business organization and economics summarized

Summaries: the best textbooks for business organization and economics summarized

Summaries of the best textbooks for business organization and economics

What is this page about?

  • Contents: a selection of summaries of the the best textbooks for business organization, economics and marketing
  • Study areas: Business, Communication, Economics, Leadership, Management, amongst others
  • Language: English
  • Access: Public, Exclusive

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  • Read on for highlighted summaries.
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Business and economics: home bundle for activities abroad and working together
Bedrijfskunde en economie: basisbundel
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Artikelsamenvattingen bij Personeelspsychologie en HRM

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Article summary with 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation by Wilson and Doz - 2012

Companies know that in their global operations many new ideas and capabilities for innovation are hidden. However, it is rather difficult to exploit these new ideas and capabilities in global innovation projects, and companies also face several familiar challenges. Whereas challenges are familiar, solutions are not, as one solution might work in one area but not in the other. A part of the challenge of global innovation is how to duplicate the positive aspects of co-location while harnessing the one of a kind benefits of global initiative.

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Article summary with Working Apart Together? Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture for Global Virtual Teams, Creativity & Innovation Management by Amelinckx and Wilemon - 2004

The rise of global virtual teams is a phenomenon of globalization. At the same time, new information and communication technologies play an ever-increasing role in all aspects of global business relations, but are particularly important in the emergence of new global organizational work structures and virtual work environments. Information and communication technologies have been viewed as an indispensable tool for multinational corporations that choose to move beyond the geographic constraints of face-to-face employee interactions and endeavor to build a virtual workplace and/or use virtual teams as a new component of a generally traditional work structure. Whereas information and communication technologies are essential in the communication and knowledge-sharing processes for geographically dispersed employees, computer-facilitated communication.

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Article summary with Global Teams That Work by Neely - 2015

Employing a geographically dispersed, and culturally diverse workforce helps multinational companies to compete in the current business environment. However, managers guiding multinational teams are up against tough challenges. One basic difference between global teams that work and ones that don’t lies in the level of social distance – the degree of emotional connection among team members. Mitigating social distance is the primary management challenge for the global team leader.

Global Teams That Work

Employing a geographically dispersed, and culturally diverse workforce helps multinational companies to compete in the current business environment. However, managers guiding multinational teams are up against tough challenges. One basic difference between global teams that work and ones that don’t lies in the level of social

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Article summary with Multinational and Multicultural Distributed Teams: A Review and Future Agenda by Connaughton and Shuffler - 2007

Distributed teamwork has become commonplace within and among organizations. Indeed, nearly two-thirds of U.S. employees have engaged in virtual work. These individuals often work as part of a distributed team that consists of members from various cultural and national backgrounds.


Distributed teamwork has become commonplace within and among organizations. Indeed, nearly two-thirds of U.S. employees have engaged in virtual work. These individuals often work as part of a distributed team that consists of members from various cultural and national backgrounds.

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Article summary with The Discipline of Business Experimentation by Thomke and Manzi - 2014

When it comes to innovation, most managers must operate in a world where they lack sufficient data to inform their decisions, leaving them often to rely on their experience or intuition. Managers can, however, discover whether a new product or business program will succeed by subjecting it to a rigorous test. Yet, many organizations are reluctant to fund proper business experiments and have considerable difficulty executing them.

The Discipline of Experimentation with Business

When it comes to innovation, most managers must operate in a world where they lack sufficient data to inform their decisions, leaving them often to rely on their experience or intuition. Managers can, however, discover whether a new product or business program

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Article summary with How GE is Disrupting Itself by Immelt, Govindarajan and Trimble - 2009

Glocalization is an approach where a company creates a great product in the home country and then distributes it on a global scale, with some adaptations to local conditions. Reverse innovation is the opposite of this, as then products developed for (usually) for markets in emerging economies are taken global.

How GE Is Disrupting

Glocalization is an approach where a company creates a great product in the home country and then distributes it on a global scale, with some adaptations to local conditions. Reverse innovation is the opposite of this, as then products developed for (usually) for markets in emerging economies are taken global.

GE feels the pressure to innovate, and whereas they earlier made us of the glocalization

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Article summary with Towards a Multidisciplinary Definition of Innovation by Baregheh, Rowley and Sambrook - 2009

To demonstrate the diversity of the definitions of innovation and to press the case for the development of an integrative definition, the article offers a few examples of definitions of organizational innovation where some emphasize different aspects of innovation and others are dedicated to a discipline. Ultimately some 60 definitions of innovation were collected from the various disciplinary literatures, and analyzed in order to get to one multidisciplinary definition of innovation.


Organizations need to innovate in response to changing customer demands and lifestyles and in order to capitalize on opportunities offered by technology and changing marketplaces, structures and dynamics. Organizational innovation can be performed in relation to products, services, operations, processes, and people. There is agreement that

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Article summary with Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating Competitive Advantage Through Streams of Innovation by Ireland and Webb - 2007

Most of today’s companies are faced with the challenge of changing frequently in order to meet the needs of those they serve, which is becoming increasingly difficult.

Tension: The need for a firm to constantly and rapidly change. A firm should exploit what it already is successful in, and explore what it is not successful in yet. Effectively managing this tension is becoming a key differentiator between maintaining organizational success and facing dwindling performance over time. It is namely shown that firms have difficulties sustaining their performance over a considerable period of time.


Most of today’s companies are faced with the challenge of changing frequently in order to meet

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Summary with International Business Strategy by Verbeke
  • Chapter A: the 7 concepts of the unifying framework
  • Chapter B: Prahalad & Hamel’s core competencies
  • Chapter C: Porter’s diamond of national competitive advantage
  • Chapter D: Ghemawat’s Distance Theory
  • Chapter E: Hofstede’s Meas...
Boeksamenvatting bij Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy van Hillier

Voor de samenvatting, zie de bijlagen. chapter_1_capital.pdf chapter_2_debt.pdf chapter_3_equity.pdf chapter_4_portfolio.pdf chapter_5_capm.pdf chapter_6_factor_models.pdf chapter_7_derivative_pricing.pdf chapter_8_options.pdf chapter_9_discounting_cash_flows.pdf chapter_10_risk-free_pro...



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Leren, studeren en kennis delen op het gebied van bedrijfskunde en economie Artikelen, oefenmateriaal, samenvattingen, buitenlandse stages en studiehulp



Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor bedrijfskunde en economie samengevat

Samenvattingen: de beste studieboeken voor bedrijfskunde en economie samengevat

Samenvattingen van de beste studieboeken voor bedrijfskunde en economie

Waar gaat de pagina over?

  • Inhoud: een selectie van samenvattingen van de beste studieboeken voor bedrijfskunde en economie
  • Studiegebieden: groei, management, marketing, markten, financien, organisatiekunde, vraag en aanbod, welvaart.
  • Taal: Nederlands, English
  • Toegang: Openbaar, Exclusive

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Organizations & Sectors

Business organization and economics: check organizations
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EU Business School

Established in 1973, EU Business School (formely known as European University, Center for Management Studies) is an international, accredited, high-ranking business school with campuses in Barcelona, Geneva and Munich. You can also study at their Digital Campus.



Spotlight: selection of contributions

Selected spotlight content related to Business organization and economics
Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
  • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
  • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
  • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
  • Chapter 4: Customer insights
  • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
  • Chapter 6: Business markets
  • Chapter 7: Customer-driven ...

Introduction to Statistics: in short

  • Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
  • The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in ...


Spotlight: favorites

Stories and suggestions related to Business organization and economics
Summaries related to Business organization and economics
Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
  • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
  • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
  • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
  • Chapter 4: Customer insights
  • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
  • Chapter 6: Business markets
  • Chapter 7: Customer-driven ...
What is business organization?

Business organization, often referred to as business administration or management, isn't a single field of study, but rather a broad umbrella encompassing various aspects of how businesses function and thrive. This field delves into the intricate workings of a business, equipping you with the knowle...

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