Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production


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This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

  • Great gift ideas (The one in Dutch is about the store WAAR at various locations in The Netherlands, where you can buy unique Fair Trade goodies!)
  • Stories and tips


Utrecht is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands. It’s Amsterdam, but smaller and less crowded, what more do you want? Well…. FOOD of course. While there are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and they generally all have some vegan dishes, there are some great spots whe...


Duurzaamheid. Ik vind het een moeilijk begrip. Het is ook zo’n containerbegrip, dat je naar gelang je voorkeuren of (zakelijke) bezigheden op allerlei manieren kunt uitleggen. Dat maakt het ook zo lastig om duurzaamheid te definiëren. Duurzaam leven, hoe doe je dat? Duurzaamheid, een defi...


In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotl...

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Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


Een lekkere & stevige linzensoep voor een budget prijs. Daarnaast bevat het recept ook maar 410 calorieën!    Snijd de bleekselderij in boogjes. Verhit de olie in een soeppan, pers de knoflook erboven en fruit 1 min. Doe de bleekselderij erbij en bak 2 min. mee. Voeg de tomaten to...


Inspired by Staycations, see my former blog. And now inspired by a story of my friend in the Philippines. The lockdown is very strict and with christmas being there soon, people in the Philippines meet each other. They meet each other Online through Zoom meetings. They have dinners together. T...


reNature is a Dutch initiative to make the world a little greener again. In many countries intensive and or monoculture agriculure have degraded the soil. Through training of farmers and local organisations reNature tries to change the way farmers use their land. Agroforestry is their solution. By p...

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Summary Economic Growth (Weil, 2009)

Deze samenvatting van Economic Growth van Weil is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Chaper 1: Facts and measurements about Growth
  • Chapter 2: Key terms of economic growth
  • Chapter 3: 1st Factor of production: Capital/ Capital-based theory
  • Chapter 4: Population...

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Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

  • Great gift ideas (The one in Dutch is about the store WAAR at various locations in The Netherlands, where you can buy unique Fair Trade goodies!)
  • Stories and tips

Favorite stories and suggestions related to Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


Een lekkere & stevige linzensoep voor een budget prijs. Daarnaast bevat het recept ook maar 410 calorieën!    Snijd de bleekselderij in boogjes. Verhit de olie in een soeppan, pers de knoflook erboven en fruit 1 min. Doe de bleekselderij erbij en bak 2 min. mee. Voeg de tomaten to...


Utrecht is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands. It’s Amsterdam, but smaller and less crowded, what more do you want? Well…. FOOD of course. While there are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and they generally all have some vegan dishes, there are some great spots whe...


This is a bundle of my favorite articles that address Eco-Friendliness, Fair Trade and Sustainability

  • Great gift ideas (The one in Dutch is about the store WAAR at various locations in The Netherlands, where you can buy unique Fair Trade goodies!)
  • Stories and tips


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