Sea Turtles: are they dangerous, where to encounter them, where can you see them?

Animals and wildlife: are you prepared if you encounter them while traveling?

Animals and wildlife: are you insured during internship, volunteering or job if you encounter them?



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Protecting sea turtles: what is it, where can you do it and are you insured?

Protecting sea turtles: what is it, where can you do it and are you insured?


Protecting sea turtles: what do you get out of it?

  • A special time among engaged animal lovers
  • Knowledge of a special species
  • Images of sometimes thousands of tiny turtles

Protecting sea turtles: what to bring?

  • Love of nature and animals
  • Flexible sleep schedule
  • Limited sensitivity to less pleasant smells
  • In some cases, considerable stamina (the laying sites are sometimes a bit further away on remote beaches

    Protecting sea turtles: do you need to be insured?

    What are sea turtles?

    • Sea turtles evolved from turtles that lived more on land. They are adapted to a life in the sea, but need to surface to breathe. They have lived on Earth for about 150 million years. Most species can travel long distances and swim up to about 30 km per hour

    What types of sea turtles are there?

    • There are seven main types of turtles
      • Flatback Sea Turtle
      • Green Sea Turtl
      • Hawksbill Sea Turtle
      • Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle / Kemp's sea turtle
      • Leatherback Sea Turtle
      • Loggerhead sea turtle / Loggerhead sea turtle
      • Olive Ridley Sea Turtle / Dwarf Sea Turtle (Warana)

    Where are you most likely to encounter sea turtles?

    • Australia: at the Great Barrier Reef or Cook Island
    • Costa Rica: at Tortuguero National Park
    • Ecuador: at the Galapagos Islands
    • Egypt: in the south at Marsa Alam
    • Hawaii: a.o. at Maui
    • Indonesia: near Bunaken. Pulau Weh or Raja Ampat
    • Maldives: at various islands
    • Malaysia: at Sipidan or the Perhantians
    • Mexico: near Playa del Carmen
    • Nicaragua: at the La Flor reserve

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    Elk jaar mei en november is er een groep van zes internationale vrijwilligers nodig om te helpen met het beschermen en onderzoeken van de karetschildpad. Als vrijwilliger help je met educatie, opsporing en bescherming van deze zeeschildpadden. Het team bestaat naast de internationale vrijwilligers o...


    Hungry for an adventure in a remote part of the world? Explore one of the most remote parts of the Maldives as a volunteer with the Olive Ridley Project’s Sea Turtle Research Expedition. Join the Olive Ridley Project as a research volunteer on a three-week expedition in Haa Alif Atoll. Th...


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    Via dit project van Vrijwillig Wereldwijd kun jij bijdragen aan het welzijn van schildpadden op Sri Lanka! Helaas worden deze dieren met uitsterven bedreigd. Dit project betaalt lokale vissers voor schildpad eieren, en laat de eieren vervolgens uitkomen. Als de dieren klaar zijn voor de buitenwereld...


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    Vrijwillig Wereldwijd

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    Oliver Ridley Project

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    Elk jaar mei en november is er een groep van zes internationale vrijwilligers nodig om te helpen met het beschermen en onderzoeken van de karetschildpad. Als vrijwilliger help je met educatie, opsporing en bescherming van deze zeeschildpadden. Het team bestaat naast de internationale vrijwilligers o...


    Hungry for an adventure in a remote part of the world? Explore one of the most remote parts of the Maldives as a volunteer with the Olive Ridley Project’s Sea Turtle Research Expedition. Join the Olive Ridley Project as a research volunteer on a three-week expedition in Haa Alif Atoll. Th...


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