Goals: home page


The main WorldSupporter goals in short:

  • Improvement of world tolerance
    • Stimulating activities abroad to improve tolerance and the ability to cooperate
    • Understanding another person and culture
  • Stimulating personal development around and abroad
    • Sharing knowledge and know how worldwide
  • Stimulating the Sustainable Development Goals

Goals and purpose of WorldSupporter


What is JoHo WorldSupporter?

  • JoHo WorldSupporter is a project for everybody who wants to make a difference and contribute in their own way. An online community and marketplace where global and involved citizens and businesses can share and get inspired.

What are the goals of JoHo and WorldSupporter?

How can you support the world of help to improve tolerance?

Where to find more sounds, texts and views of the world?


Themes: main theme pages for the JoHo WorldSupporter goals, vision and organization
Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values
Themes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful life


Human Rights: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle
Sustainable Development Goals: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle
Sustainable shopping and recycling: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle
Sustainable live, travel and work: blogs and contributions of WorldSupporters - Bundle


Duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen: blogs en bijdragen van WorldSupporters - Bundel
Duurzaamheid: blogs en bijdragen van WorldSupporters - Bundel
Crossroads: related content in the field of
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