Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Vaders aan de Universiteit Leiden

Artikelsamenvattingen bij Vaders aan de Universiteit Leiden

  • Samenvatting bij voorgeschreven artikelen in 2024-2025


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Artikelsamenvatting bij Integrating father involvement in parenting research van Pleck - 2012
Artikelsamenvatting bij Paternal stimulation and father-infant attachment van Olsavsky e.a. - 2020
Artikelsamenvatting bij The adaptive human parental brain: implications for children's social development van Feldman - 2015
Artikelsamenvatting bij Dads: Progress in understanding the neuroendocrine basis of human fathering behavior van Storey e.a. - 2020 - Exclusive
Article summary with The history of research on father involvement by Lamb - 2000 - Exclusive
Article summary with Fathers in attachment theory and research: a review by Bretherton - 2009 - Exclusive
Article summary with Attachment security to mothers and fathers: A meta-analysis on mean-level differences and correlations of behavioral measures by Pinquart - 2021 - Exclusive
Article summary with The effect of oxytocin and vasopressin administration on fathers’ neural responses to infant crying: A randomized controlled within-subject study by Witte et al. - 2022 - Exclusive
Article summary with White matter integrity moderates the relation between experienced childhood maltreatment and fathers’ behavioral response to infant crying by Alyousefi-van Dijk et al. - 2021 - Exclusive
Article summary with Childhood maltreatment history and trauma-specific predictors of parenting stress in new fathers by Granner et al. - 2023 - Exclusive
Article summary with Paternal depression in the postnatal period and child development: a prospective population study by Ramchandani et al. - 2005 - Exclusive
Artikelsamenvattingen bij Vaders in afgelopen jaren aan de Universiteit Leiden


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Studiegids voor artikelsamenvattingen bij Pedagogiek Bachelor 3 aan de Universiteit Leiden




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