
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Pain and agony

Welke soorten stress heb je en wat zijn de effecten op je lichaam en je geest?

Er bestaan verschillende soorten stress, elk met hun eigen kenmerken en effecten op lichaam en geest. Hieronder bespreken we enkele van de meest voorkomende types:

1. Acute stress:

  • Dit is een kortdurende, intense stressreactie die wordt veroorzaakt door een plotselinge gebeurtenis, zoals een ongeluk, een schrikmoment of een deadline.
  • De lichamelijke symptomen van acute stress zijn onder andere een verhoogde hartslag, transpiratie, spierverspanning more

What is pain and how to deal with pain? - Chapter 16 - Exclusive

What does the experience of pain entail?

Pain is not simply the presence or absence of pain stimuli. There are a number of physiological and psychological explanations for why and how we experience pain. People respond differently to acute pain than to chronic pain, so there are different ways of dealing with those two types of pain.

Most people have experienced pain sometimes. Experiencing pain is not pleasant for most people, but it is

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What influence does stress have on pain perception? - Chapter 9 - Exclusive

In this chapter the influence of stress on the perception of pain will be discussed.

Where does pain arise?

Pain arises in receptors throughout the body. Some types of pain are located deep in the body, such as muscle pain and pain from damage to the organs. Other types of pain are more on the surface, such as pain from skin damage.

Some pain receptors only provide information about pain, others provide information about pain as well as everyday perceptions. These two can be distinguished by

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How are smell, taste, pain and hearing studied? – Chapter 6 - Exclusive

Sensation refers to the basic processes in which senses and the nervous system respond to stimuli from the environment and the elemental psychological experiences that arise from those processes. Perception refers to the more complex organization of sensory information in the brain and to the meaningful interpretations that are extracted from it.

What are sensory processes?

The process associated with sensation is as follows:

physical stimulus → physical response → sensory experience.

The physical stimulus is the matter or energy from the physical world that falls on the senses. The physical response is the chemical and electrical activity pattern that occurs in

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Summary of The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry

1. Tina

Tina is a girl and she is seven years old. She lives with her younger brother, sister and her mother.  According to her teachers, Tina behaves 'aggressively, improperly and exhibitionistically'. She is unable to keep her attention during class and refuses to follow instructions. She had been abused since she was four years old until the age of six by the son of her babysitter. This son tied up the children, raped them and penetrated them anally using objects. He threatened the children by saying that he would kill

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Anxiety- and mood disorders

This is a bundle with information about anxiety- and mood disorders.
The bundle is based on the course anxiety- and mood disorders taught at the third year of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

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How are smell, taste, pain and hearing studied? – Chapter 6 - Exclusive

Sensation refers to the basic processes in which senses and the nervous system respond to stimuli from the environment and the elemental psychological experiences that arise from those processes. Perception refers to the more complex organization of sensory information in the brain an...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Pain and agony

This is a bundle with information about anxiety- and mood disorders. The bundle is based on the course anxiety- and mood disorders taught at the third year of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

Spotlight summaries related to Pain and agony
How are smell, taste, pain and hearing studied? – Chapter 6 - Exclusive

Sensation refers to the basic processes in which senses and the nervous system respond to stimuli from the environment and the elemental psychological experiences that arise from those processes. Perception refers to the more complex organization of sensory information in the brain an...

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