Stress and distress


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  • What is stress?
  • 12 life hacks to Handle Stress - Based on neuroscience
  • Life hack 1 to handle stress: Sleep
  • Life hack 2 to handle stress: Exercise
  • Life hack 3 to handle stress: Nature
  • Life hack 4 to handle stress: Food
  • Life hack 5 to han...
What to Do When Feeling Stressed?

The world is full of miseries. Every next person is surrounded by different problems and stress is something we all face several times in our lives. But how to reduce the level of stress is the question? Can we avoid feeling stressed? Because no one likes to feel stressed. You might be happy to lear...

6 Home Remedies To Help Relieve Stress

We all experience stress in some form in our day-to-day lives. Several factors such as job losses, relationship issues, health conditions, and other life stressors affect almost everyone. In these times of Covid pandemic, these stressors have been further amplified. But, do we realize that chronic s...


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Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...

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Wat gebeurt er in het lichaam tijdens stress? - Chapter 2

Wat er in je lichaam gebeurt wordt aangestuurd door de hersenen. In dit hoofdstuk wordt besproken wat er in het menselijk lichaam gebeurt tijdens stress.

  • Wat is het verband tussen stress en het zenuwstelsel?
  • Op welke twee manieren zijn de hersenen betrokken bij de stressreactie?

Hoe reageert het hart op stress? - Chapter 3

In dit hoofdstuk wordt besproken wat er met het hart gebeurt tijdens stress.

  • Hoe activeert stress het cardiovasculaire systeem?
  • Wat doet het lichaam als het veel bloed verliest?
  • Wat gebeurt er tijdens stress als het belangrijk is om stil te zijn?
  • Hoe ontstaan har...

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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle


  • What is stress?
  • 12 life hacks to Handle Stress - Based on neuroscience
  • Life hack 1 to handle stress: Sleep
  • Life hack 2 to handle stress: Exercise
  • Life hack 3 to handle stress: Nature
  • Life hack 4 to handle stress: Food
  • Life hack 5 to han...
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