Business intelligence and Information Systems


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Business intelligence and Information Systems


Business intelligence is a technology-driven discipline that uses data to inform business decisions. Business intelligence is about transforming raw data into meaningful insights to support strategic decision-making, improve operational efficiency, and optimize business performance. It involves using tools, applications, and methodologies to collect, analyze, and present data for clear business understanding.

Information systems (IS) is a well-established field of study that focuses on the design, development, implementation, and management of information technology (IT) systems within organizations. It bridges the gap between business needs and technological solutions.

Information management (IM) is a multifaceted field of study concerned with the creation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information. It focuses on ensuring information is reliable, accessible, secure, and used effectively by individuals and organizations.


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What is business intelligence?

What is business intelligence?

Business intelligence is a technology-driven discipline that uses data to inform business decisions. Business intelligence is about transforming raw data into meaningful insights to support strategic decision-making, improve operational efficiency, and optimize business performance. It involves using tools, applications, and methodologies to collect, analyze, and present data for clear business understanding.

What are the main features of business intelligence?

  • Data-driven decision making: Relies on data analysis to guide business choices rather than intuition.
  • Focus on actionable insights: Extracts usable information from data to support concrete actions.
  • Technology-enabled: Utilizes various software and tools like data warehouses, data mining applications, and visualization tools.
  • Focus on communication: Effectively presenting insights to decision-makers in a clear and understandable way.

What are the most important sub-areas of business intelligence?

  • Data Warehousing: Storing and managing large datasets from various sources.
  • Data Mining: Uncovering hidden patterns and trends within data.
  • Data Visualization: Presenting data in a clear and visually compelling way (charts, graphs).
  • Business Analytics: A subfield that uses statistical methods and advanced analytics to extract even deeper insights from data.
  • Data Governance: Establishing policies and procedures for data management and security.

What are important concepts of business intelligence?

  • Data Quality: Ensuring data is accurate, complete, and consistent for reliable analysis.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Measurable metrics used to track business performance.
  • Data Model: A structured representation of how data is organized and relationships between data points.
  • Self-Service BI: Tools allowing non-technical users to access and analyze data to some extent.
  • Big Data: Extremely large and complex datasets requiring specialized techniques for processing.

Who are influential figures in business intelligence?

  • Howard Dresner: Coined the term "Business Intelligence" in the 1980s.
  • Inmon W.H.: Pioneered the Inmon methodology for data warehousing.
  • Kimball R.: Developed the Kimball methodology for data warehousing, focusing on dimensional modeling.
  • Hans Peter Lehmann: Contributed significantly to data mining techniques and knowledge discovery in databases.

Why is business intelligence important?

  • Data-driven insights can lead to better decision-making across all levels of a business.
  • Improved operational efficiency through data-backed process optimization.
  • Stronger customer focus by understanding customer behavior and preferences through data analysis.
  • Enhanced competitive advantage by identifying trends and opportunities before competitors.
  • More informed risk management through data-driven risk assessment.

How is business intelligence applied in practice?

  • Marketing: Analyzing customer data to personalize marketing campaigns and measure their effectiveness.
  • Sales: Identifying sales trends and predicting future sales figures.
  • Finance: Monitoring financial performance and making informed investment decisions.
  • Operations: Optimizing supply chain management and identifying areas for cost reduction.
  • Human Resources: Analyzing employee data to improve recruitment, retention, and training programs.
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What is information management?

What is information management?

Information management (IM) is a multifaceted field of study concerned with the creation, collection, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information. It focuses on ensuring information is reliable, accessible, secure, and used effectively by individuals and organizations.

What are the main features of information management?

  • Information Lifecycle Management: Understanding the complete life cycle of information, from creation to disposal.
  • Information Governance: Establishing policies and procedures to ensure the proper handling of information throughout its lifecycle.
  • Information Technology Integration: Leveraging technology tools to manage information efficiently and effectively.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Protecting information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
  • Knowledge Management: Enhancing the creation, sharing, and utilization of organizational knowledge.

What are the most important sub-areas in information management?

  • Data Management: Organizing, storing, and retrieving data efficiently.
  • Information Architecture: Designing the structure and organization of information systems.
  • Records Management: Managing the creation, storage, retrieval, and disposal of records according to legal and organizational requirements.
  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM): Managing the capture, storage, retrieval, and disposition of all forms of content within an organization.
  • Digital Asset Management (DAM): Managing and organizing digital assets like images, videos, and audio files.

What are the most important concepts of information management?

  • Metadata: Data about data, providing context and facilitating information retrieval.
  • Information Literacy: The ability to effectively find, evaluate, use, and create information.
  • Access Control: Restricting access to information based on user permissions.
  • Data Quality: Ensuring information is accurate, complete, consistent, and timely.
  • Information Retrieval: Finding relevant information from a large collection effectively.

Who are influential figures in information management?

  • Frederick Winslow Taylor: Pioneered scientific management principles, influencing information management practices.
  • Peter Drucker: Management consultant who emphasized the importance of knowledge work and information management.
  • Claude Shannon: Developed information theory, a mathematical framework for measuring information content.
  • Jesse Shera & Margaret Egan: Advocated for a holistic approach to information management in libraries.
  • Eliana Duarte: Contributed significantly to knowledge management and organizational learning theories.

Why is information management important?

  • Optimizes business processes: Efficient information flow leads to better decision-making and improved productivity.
  • Enhances knowledge sharing: Effective knowledge management empowers employees and fosters innovation.
  • Ensures data security and privacy: Protects sensitive information from unauthorized access and misuse.
  • Supports regulatory compliance: Organizations can comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
  • Enables knowledge-based decision making: Data-driven insights inform strategic planning and resource allocation.

How is information management applied in practice?

  • Developing and maintaining information systems: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, etc.
  • Designing and managing databases: Storing and organizing information for efficient retrieval.
  • Implementing information security policies and procedures: Protecting data from cyber threats.
  • Managing electronic records: Ensuring compliance with legal requirements for recordkeeping.
  • Leading information literacy programs: Equipping individuals with the skills to find and use information effectively.


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Technologiemanagement: Samenvattingen, uittreksels, aantekeningen en oefenvragen - RUG

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Voor een compleet overzicht van de door JoHo aangeboden samenvattingen & studiehulp en de beschikbare geprinte samenvattingen voor dit vak ga je naar de Samenvattingen Shop Bedrijfskunde RUG jaar 2 op


Information Systems Management - RUG - practice exam (2014) for IB



These are eleven practice questions (Multiple-choice) with answers presented similarly to the exam. The exam itself will consist of around fifty questions like this. The answers contain references to the pages of the book that more lavishly explain and eloborate on the answer.


Exam Questions


Question 1

This is the term used to describe ethical dilemmas that arise with the development and

application of IT.

  1. Normative theories

  2. PAPA principles

  3. Information ethics

  4. Stockholder theory


Question 2

Suppose H&M has a linked supply chain with Cotton Town, a fabric supplier. H&M and Cotton Town use IT to seamlessly exchange data, communicating requirements as well as delivery


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Boeksamenvatting bij de 3e druk van Management Science Modeling van Albright en Winston

1. Introductie modelleren

Rekenkundig model

Een rekenkundig model is een kwantitatieve representatie of idealisatie van een reëel probleem. Deze representatie kan verwoord worden in termen van rekenkundige expressies (zoals vergelijkingen en ongelijkheden) of als een serie van onderling gerelateerde cellen in een werkblad.

Verschil tussen beschrijvende modellen en optimalisatiemodellen

Beschrijvende modellen zijn die alleen de situatie omschrijven. Optimalisatie modellen zijn daarentegen alle modellen die een wenselijk verband of actie suggereren noemen we optimalisatiemodellen.


Een wachtrijprobleem noemen we ook wel een queueing. In hoofdstuk 13 wordt hier verder op ingegaan.

Verschil.........Read more


Lecture notes Information Systems Management - IB2 - RUG

Lecture notes for lecture 1, 2, 4 and 5. Notes for lecture 3 and 6 are missing.

Lecture 1: Key ICT’s


In this course the following subjects will be discussed:



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