Clinical pedagogics and orthopedagogy?

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What is orthopedagogy?

  • Description: special education is the study of the education and guidance of children with a psychological disability, Practice: special education studies the raising of children with a developmental disorder or learning disability such as dyslexia. Special educationalists look for problems in education, find out how they arise and try to solve them


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Orthopedagogiek en Klinische pedagogiek: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Orthopedagogiek en Klinische pedagogiek: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Orthopedagogiek en Klinische pedagogiek



  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Abnormal Child Psychology van Mash en Wolfe - 7e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: An introduction to child development van Keenans - 2e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Children with disabilities van Batshaw - 7e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Developmental Psychopathology: From Infancy Through Adolescence with DSM-5 Update Supplement van Kerig - 6e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Gedragsproblemen in scholen: Het denken en handelen van leraren van Van der Wolf - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Handboek Forensische orthopedagogiek van Hendriks - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Handboek Psychodiagnostiek voor de hulpverlening aan kinderen en adolescenten van Tak e.a. - 8e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie: onderzoek en diagnostiek van Verheij en Verhulst
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Kinderpsychotherapie van De Bruyn-Beneder - 2e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Luister je wel naar mij? Gespreksvoering met kinderen tussen vier en twaalf jaar van Delfos - 20e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Ontwikkelingspsychopathologie bij kinderen en jeugdigen van Rigter - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Orthopedagogiek: Antwoorden op vraagstellingen van Van Heteren e.a. - 10e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Orthopedagogiek. Ontwikkelingen, theorieën en modellen: een inleiding van Ruijssenaars - 6e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Sociaal onhandig: de opvoeding van kinderen met PDDNOS van Veen-Mulders - 1e druk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology van Carr
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Zorg om dyslexie van Verhoeven - 1e druk


  • Summary with the book: Abnormal Child and Adolescent Psychology by Wicks-Nelson and Israel - 8th edition
  • Summary with the book: The Handbook of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology by Carr - 2nd edition

Over Orthopedagogiek en Klinische pedagogiek

  • Orthopedagogiek is een vakgebied dat zich richt op de opvoeding en begeleiding van kinderen en jongeren met ontwikkelings-, leer- of gedragsproblemen. Klinische pedagogiek is een specialisatie binnen de orthopedagogiek waarbij professionals intensievere diagnostiek en behandeling verlenen
Summaries and supporting content: 
Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics: The best scientific articles summarized

Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics: The best scientific articles summarized

Article summaries with Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics

  • For 31+ summaries with articles for Orthopedagogy & Clinical pedagogics, see the supporting content of this study guide

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Latest changes and updates tagged with: Clinical pedagogics and orthopedagogy

Article summary with Longitudinal effects of emotion awareness and regulation on mental health symptoms in adolescents with and without hearing loss by Adva Eichengreen a.o. - 2022 - Exclusive

Emotion regulation (ER) and emotion awareness (EA) are both associated with mental health symptoms, but research on them in adolescences is limited, especially regarding hard-hearing and deaf adolescents (DHH) who are more vulnerable to mental health symptoms. This study investigates the development and contributing factors of ER (avoidance, approach, rumination) and EA (bodily unawareness, emotion communication and emotion differentiation) to externalizing and internalizing behaviors in adolescents with and without hearing problems.

What is the background of this study?

The influence of emotion regulation and emotion awareness on the prevention

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Article summary with "My child will actually say 'I am upset'... Before all they would do was scream": Teaching parents emotion validation in a social care setting by Lambie a.o. - 2020 - Exclusive

What is the background of this study?

A child learns to understand and regulate emotions during early childhood, in which the parents provide the mean context. A supportive response by the parent to the negative emotion the child is experiencing leads to a better emotion regulation. Emotion validation by parents of children growing up in a vulnerable family (due to stress, maltreatment or economic disadvantage) has a beneficial influence on their emotional development. Unfortunately, there is no sufficient research that helps health workers in teaching

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Article summary with Anger response styles in Chinese and Dutch children: A sociocultural perspective on anger regulation by Novin a.o. - 2011 - Exclusive

There is no emotion that is so often regulated in early development as the expression of anger. When a child is three years old, he / she is already guided by social considerations. Socio-cultural norms, beliefs and expectations influence what is seen as a social expression and influence the socialization of emotions. Cross-cultural studies focus on the distinction between expressing and suppressing negative emotions, but it is still unclear whether cultural groups differ in response styles for anger.

Anger is one of the three significant emotions of children. The suppression of this can have negative consequences for health, but the expression of anger can lead to problems in interpersonal contact (for example, fewer friends). However, from a functionalistic point of view , anger is a response to a threat to personal goals. However, anger is only adaptive if it is considered justified and if the expression is socially appropriate.

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Article summary with Moral emotions and moral behavior by Tangney a.o. - 2007 - Exclusive


A moral and constructive life is the weighted sum of many individual, morally relevant behaviors that are performed daily. However, this behavior is not always in line with moral standards. There can be several explanations for this:

  • Social psychological theory: there is no perfect link between intentions and behavior.

  • Field theory: individual behavior varies per situation, interpersonal negotiations can undermine the link between intention and behavior, and the spread of responsibility can undermine the ability to act according to one's own (deep-rooted) beliefs.

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Benadering van behandelingen bij kinderen: conceptuele modellen - Johnson, Rasbury, Siegel

Thema: Behandeling en interventies gericht op psychosociale problemen, leerproblemen en ontwikkelingsproblemen

De problemen van een kind variëren in cognitieve, gedrags- en emotionele problematiek. Soms is er sprake van één probleem, soms van meerdere tegelijk, bijvoorbeeld wanneer een kind verwaarloosd of misbruikt is. Sommige problemen zijn minder ernstig en komen vaker voor bij kinderen tijdens hun ontwikkeling, zoals woedeaanvallen en strijd tussen broers en zussen. Ook deze problemen kunnen leiden tot grote moeilijkheden als ze niet goed aangepakt worden. De kennis van kindstoornissen loopt ver achter op die van psychopathologie bij volwassenen. Een eerste classificatiesysteem werd bijvoorbeeld pas in 1980 opgezet en ook de behandeling van kinderen

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Article summary with Development of visual-spatial attention by Johnson - 2019 - Exclusive

How does the visual system work?

The purpose of the visual system is to transducer light reflected from surfaces in the environment into neural signals that are relayed to the brain for processing and action planning. Light goes through the cornea (the outer protective covering) and the lens (to provide focus of near and far objects), and

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Boeksamenvatting bij de 6e druk van Orthopedagogiek. Ontwikkelingen, theorieën en modellen: een inleiding van Ruijssenaars

Inleiding Orthopedagogiek als discipline - Chapter 1

Discipline is een bepaalde tak van de wetenschap wat tot stand komt door bepaalde praktische, theoretische en empirische inzichten.

De pedagogische wetenschap houdt zich bezig met het bestuderen van:

  • De opvoeding.
  • Het onderwijs.
  • De hulpverlening aan kinderen en jeugdigen.

In tegenstelling tot de psychologie is er bij de pedagogiek

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What is orthopedagogy?

What is orthopedagogy?

Orthopedagogy is a field of study focused on prevention, intervention, and support for individuals experiencing learning difficulties, behavioral challenges, or developmental delays. It aims to help them reach their full potential and participate meaningfully in society.

What are the main features of orthopedagogy?

  • Individualized Approach: Orthopedagogy emphasizes tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs and learning styles of each client.
  • Collaboration: It involves collaboration between orthopedagogues, educators, therapists, families, and other professionals to create a holistic support system.
  • Empowerment: Orthopedagogy empowers individuals to develop their skills, overcome challenges, and achieve independence.
  • Lifelong Learning: The focus is on providing ongoing support throughout an individual's life journey.

What are important sub-areas of orthopedagogy?

  • Special Needs Education: Focuses on the specific needs of children and adults with disabilities or learning difficulties, including intellectual disabilities, dyslexia, and ADHD.
  • Behavioral Intervention: Develops strategies to manage challenging behaviors and promote positive social interactions.
  • Educational Therapy: Provides specialized instruction and support to address learning difficulties in areas like reading, writing, or math.
  • Play Therapy: Uses play as a tool for communication, emotional expression, and social skill development.
  • Social Skills Training: Helps individuals develop and practice skills necessary for positive social interactions.

What are key concepts in orthopedagogy?

  • Learning Difficulties: Challenges faced by individuals in acquiring specific skills or knowledge, such as reading or math.
  • Developmental Delays: Slow or atypical development in physical, cognitive, social, or emotional skills.
  • Inclusion: Creating learning environments where all individuals can participate and learn alongside their peers.
  • Differentiation: Tailoring instruction and support to meet the diverse needs of learners.
  • Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): The concept, developed by Vygotsky, highlights the importance of providing support (scaffolding) to help learners achieve tasks that are just beyond their independent capabilities.

Who are influential figures in orthopedagogy?

  • Ovid Decroly (Belgium): Pioneered the idea of the "ideational school," emphasizing the importance of activity-based learning for children with special needs.
  • Maria Montessori (Italy): Developed the Montessori method, which emphasizes individualized learning and self-directed exploration for all children.
  • Rudolf Steiner (Austria): Founded Waldorf education, a holistic approach to education that caters to the individual needs of each child.
  • Jean Piaget (Switzerland): His theory of cognitive development provides insights into how children learn and how to support their development in the presence of learning difficulties.
  • Lev Vygotsky (Soviet Union): His concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is crucial in understanding how to provide effective support for learning.

Why is orthopedagogy important?

  • Improves Learning Outcomes: Orthopedic interventions can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their academic potential.
  • Promotes Social Inclusion: By addressing behavioral and social difficulties, orthopedagogy helps individuals participate more fully in their communities.
  • Empowers Individuals: This field equips individuals with the skills and confidence to manage their difficulties and live independently.
  • Lifelong Support: Orthopedagogy provides a framework for ongoing support throughout an individual's life journey.

How is orthopedagogy applied in practice?

  • Special Education Settings: Orthopedagogues work in special education classrooms or resource rooms, providing individualized more
What is clinical pedagogics?

What is clinical pedagogics?

Clinical pedagogy is a field of study focused on the art and science of teaching within a practical, hands-on environment. It's not about general teaching methods, but rather how to effectively guide learners in real-world settings, often referred to as clinical experiences.

What are the main features of clinical pedagogics?

  • Focus on Reflection: Helps learners analyze their experiences and improve their practice.
  • Context-Specific: Teaching strategies are tailored to the specific clinical setting (e.g., medical training, teacher education).
  • Mentorship-Driven: Experienced professionals guide and support learners

What are important sub-areas in clinical pedagogics?

There aren't strictly defined sub-areas, but clinical pedagogy can be applied to various fields with hands-on training, such as:

  • Medical Education
  • Teacher Training
  • Social Work Training

What are key concepts in clinical pedagogics?

  • Clinical Pedagogical Skills: These include "noticing" key aspects of the experience, "intervening" when necessary, and "unpacking" the learning process with the learner.
  • Pathways of Practice: Frameworks outlining how these skills can be sequenced for optimal learning.

Who are influential figures in clinical pedagogics?

  • The field is relatively new, but scholars like Marilyn Cochran-Smith have been instrumental in developing the concept of clinical pedagogy.

Why is clinical pedagogics important?

  • Improves the quality of professional training by bridging theory and practice.
  • Equips learners with critical thinking and reflection skills for real-world situations.
  • Fosters better outcomes for clients or patients in professions with clinical applications.

How is clinical pedagogics applied in practice?

  • Clinical educators (e.g., teacher supervisors, medical mentors) use clinical pedagogy to guide trainees during their practical experiences.
  • Teacher education programs integrate clinical pedagogy to prepare future educators for the realities of the classroom.
  • Healthcare professions can utilize clinical pedagogy to enhance training effectiveness.

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Selected spotlight content related to Clinical pedagogics and orthopedagogy
What is orthopedagogy?

Orthopedagogy is a field of study focused on prevention, intervention, and support for individuals experiencing learning difficulties, behavioral challenges, or developmental delays. It aims to help them reach their full potential and participate meaningfully in society. What are the main features o...

What is clinical pedagogics?

Clinical pedagogy is a field of study focused on the art and science of teaching within a practical, hands-on environment. It's not about general teaching methods, but rather how to effectively guide learners in real-world settings, often referred to as clinical experiences. What are the main featur...

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