Dimensie: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly trying to improve the quality of their education. Apart from this, Dimensie organizes lectures, workshops, and sports & social activities. 

Dimensie & JoHo WorldSupporter

  • Dimensie partners with JoHo WorldSupporter to provide summaries and study help for Psychology students at Twente University.
  • Together with JoHo, Dimensie aims to make the best possible summaries and study help as accessible and affordable as possible.
  • See below for the book summaries and study aid materials here on WorldSupporter and how to get sufficient access online


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WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo

WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo


How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter?

  1. You can create a free account and follow your favorite subject or supporters (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
  2. You can join as WorldSupporter member to get access to basic services (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
  3. You can join as WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access to extra services and online access to exclusives: see also below

How do you get full online access to all summaries and exclusives on JoHo

  • Procedure:

    • 1 - Go to, and join JoHo WorldSupporter by choosing a membership with online access
    • 2 - Return to and create an account with the same email address
    • 3 - State your JoHo WorldSupporter Membership during the creation of your account
    • 4 - Choose your favorite study, student organization or topic during the creation of your account
  • Start using the services:

    • You have online access to all free + all exclusive summaries and study notes on and
    • You can use all services on JoHo
    • You can make use of the tools for work abroad, long journeys, voluntary work, internships and study abroad

Already an account?

  • In case you have previously created a WorldSupporter account then, after registering with JoHo, you can change your status on your WorldSupporter account to membership with full online access. Edit your account and see under 'Profile' for the change.
  • Note: Again, you must have used the same email address.

Become JoHo WorldSupporter member >>


Contact & Location
  • Location: Universiteit Twente, Cubicus B111, Enschede

Summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters of Psychology

Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UT Enschede

Summaries: Assortmentpointers for Psychology UT Enschede

Summaries and exam tests for Psychology in Enschede (UT) in 2024-2025

For which courses can you find summaries and exam tests?

Bachelor 1:

  • Semester 1: Psychology: an Orientation; Introduction to Research Methodology; Social (Developmental) Psychology; Data Analysis I
  • Semester 2: Brain, Cognition & Development; Data Analysis II; Personality & Clinical Psychology; Data Collection & Test Construction

Bachelor 2:

  • Health Psychology; Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics; Psychological & professional skills

How do you get to your summaries and study assistance?

  1. Go to your academic year or block:
    • Scroll to the assortmentpointer of your academic year or your study block. Select and open the assortmentpointer by clicking on it
  2. Go to your book or course:
    • Scroll to the study guide of your book or course. Select and open the study guide by clicking on it
  3. Go to your summary or exam test:
    • Scroll to the title of your summary or exam test. Select and open the summary or exam test by clicking on it
    • Click on the linked title to go to the page with the full summary or exam test
    • Start studying, learning and passing your exams!
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 1 at University of Twente
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 1 - Semester 2 University of Twente
Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Bachelor 2 at University of Twente
Summary of Psychodynamic Approach Lecture

This summary includes the Psychodynamic approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 28-04-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 3 and 5 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition)   Psychodynamic Approach: Chapters 3 and 5, The Individual Psychological suffering 7 char...

 Summary of Cognitive-behavioral approach Lecture

This summary includes the Cognitive-behavioral approach lecture, which took place at the University of Twente on 02-05-2023. The lecture covered Chapters 2 and 4 of The Individual Book (de Bruin, E., 1st Edition) [editorial note: some images have been removed for technical and/or copyright reasons] ...


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WorldSupporter NL: wat is JoHo WorldSupporter, hoe werkt de aanmelding en hoe draag je bij?


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