Study Abroad - Theme


Study your way around the world

Study abroad and doing research abroad

What is an internship abroad?

  • An internship abroad means that you will work for a foreign organization for a certain period of time in order to help and especially to learn from it.
  • In general, you will not receive any remuneration for your work in the form of salary, expenses or board and lodging, for example. Unless you work in a sector where your local background can be of added value, and there is sufficient budget at the organization concerned

Which country do you choose when studying abroad?

  • You can do part or even all of your studies in more and more countries
  • In a number of cases, your own program will have a partnership with one or more universities and you will be on your way fairly quickly in your search for a suitable study location.
  • Depending on your program, you may also have to work more actively on your own, or use an intermediary organization.

What are the pages involved?

  • For the main pages concerning internships and gaining work experience abroad: see below

What are the pages involved per study field?

What are the main topics related to study abroad?

What are the skills related related to studying abroad?

  • Studying abroad not only means that you can have a unique experience and get to know new people and cultures, but also that you can work on your competence and skills both professionally and personally.
  • Some of the most important skills, attributes and competencies are communication, being creative, having courage, flexibility, empathy, environmental awareness, planning,  being able tot collabora, having self-confidence
  • Moer about rated skills to intern, live and study abroad

What are the Worldsupporter goals related to studying abroad?

  • See the worldsupporter goals for better understanding of another culture or person, improvement of world tolerance, sharing knowledge and know how worldwide, stimulating personal development around and abroad, and stimulating activities abroad to improve the ability to cooperate


Study abroad: suggestions, stories and contributions of WorldSupporters
Internships abroad: suggestions, stories and contributions of WorldSupporters


FAQ - What to arrange when you're studying in The Netherlands
FAQ - Health Insurance when studying in The Netherlands


Studie in het buitenland: bijdragen van Worldsupporters - Bundel
Studeren in het buitenland - Thema


Insurances for abroad: blogs and contributions by WorldSupporters
The Insurances Abroad Bundle
Crossroads: activities, countries, competences, study fields and goals
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