Summary of the 4th edition of Cross-Cultural Management by Thomas and Peterson

Booksummary with the 4th edition of Cross-Cultural Management by Thomas and Peterson


Check summaries and supporting content in full:
What is the challenging role of a global manager? - Chapter 1 - Exclusive
What is culture and where does it come from? - Chapter 2 - Exclusive
How can we systematically compare cultural differences? - Chapter 3 - Exclusive
What are the fundamentals of cross-cultural interaction? - Chapter 4 - Exclusive
What are the cross-cultural dimensions of decision-making? - Chapter 5 - Exclusive
How do managers communicate and negotiate across cultures? - Chapter 6 - Exclusive
How are motivation and leadership related across cultures? - Chapter 7 - Exclusive
What is the challenge of multicultural work groups and teams? - Chapter 8 - Exclusive
What is the challenge of international organizations? - Chapter 9 - Exclusive
What is the challenge of international assignments? - Chapter 10 - Exclusive
What are challenges of managing across cultures in the future? - Chapter 11 - Exclusive


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