WorldSupporter profile of Alcmaeon Supporter

UPV Alcmaeon

My account

My WorldSupportership (CV)

Help & Change: 
Alcmaeon is de psychologie vereniging voor studenten aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
Wij organiseren allerlei activiteiten - van lezingen en congressen tot feestjes, studiereizen en culturele activiteiten zoals toneelvoorstellingen of een bandjesavond.
Travel & Move: 
U.P.V. Alcmaeon organiseert een aantal keer per jaar leuke buitenlandse activiteiten en studiereizen.
Waarschijnlijk ga je na de drukke tentamenperiode ook op een korte of lange vakantie zodat je weer kan opladen voor een semester studeren. Sluit je reisverzekering via Alcmaeon bij JoHo af en zorg dat je zorgeloos het hele jaar door verzekerd bent. Ontvang daarnaast van JoHo hoge kortingen op je samenvattingen en reisartikelen. Lees op deze pagina meer over de juiste dekking en sluit de verzekering af. Hiermee steun je ook meteen de activiteiten van Alcmaeon
Learn & Develop: 
Alcmaeon organiseert veel activiteiten die jou helpen om je voor te bereiden op de arbeidsmarkt.
Zo worden er diverse werkvelddagen georganiseerd om kennis te maken met het werkveld, vindt er een carrièrediner plaats en kun je je interesses in je opleiding verdiepen of verkennen op ons Congres of de diverse lezingen/symposia. Hiernaast organiseert Alcmaeon diverse trainingen die zeer handig zijn om jezelf te ontwikkelen en die je helpen jouw plekje op de arbeidsmarkt te veroveren. Voorgaande jaren zijn onder andere een LinkedIn-workshop, netwerktrainingen, CV-checks, workshop 'ontdek je talenten' en sollicitatietrainingen georganiseerd. Ook komend collegejaar zullen verschillende commmissies dergelijke trainingen en workshops organiseren. Deze activiteiten zijn zeer nuttig en van erg hoge kwaliteit. Bovendien zijn ze ook nog eens in de meeste gevallen gratis!
Work & Initiate: 
Alcmaeon probeert zo goed mogelijk op de hoogte te zijn van het stage-aanbod voor studenten Psychologie.
Bij het vinden van een stageplek moet je doorgaans een CV opstellen, een motivatiebrief schrijven en met wat geluk mag je op sollicitatiegesprek. Dit zijn allemaal onderdelen van het voorbereiden op de arbeidsmarkt waar Alcmaeon graag mee helpt. Verdere informatie over het opstellen van je CV, van een motivatiebrief of het voorbereiden van een sollicitatiegesprek vind je op deze pagina of op
Experience & Leisure: 
U.P.V. Alcmaeon is vernoemd naar de natuurfilosoof en medisch theoreticus Alcmaeon van Croton. Alcmaeon zag als eerste de hersenen als centrum voor intellectuele activiteit.
Hij beschouwde ze als essentieel voor het denken, waarmee wij ons kunnen onderscheiden van dieren. Maar in zijn tijd werd hij niet gehoord. Alcmaeon van Croton was een zelfstandig, vrijdenkend, ondernemend, eigenwijs, recalcitrant figuur en zijn tijd ver vooruit. U.P.V. Alcmaeon is blij hem als boegbeeld te hebben.
My highlighted content:
Alcmaeon: samenvattingen en studiehulp

Alcmaeon: samenvattingen en studiehulp


Hoe maak je gebruik van samenvattingen en studiehulp via studievereniging Alcmaeon?

  • Opgelet! Op deze pagina vind je hoe het werkt en hoe je online gebruik maakt van de samenvattingen en studiehulp.
  • Studievereniging Alcmaeon zal voor komende tijd nog haar website en boodschappen aanpassen naar de laatste stand van zaken. Tot die tijd zal je nog informatie en more on this page


New feature: add your preferred topic to your profile on WorldSupporter

How does it work to add your favorite topic to your profile?

  1. go to your profile page
  2. press the "Edit profile' button
  3. go to 'Preferences'
  4. go to the field 'Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile'
  5. start typing a name of the country or topic of your choice (your student organization, your study field or working field)
    • use 1 name only!
    • e.g.. are studying pedagogy or psychology in the Netherlands than use 'Amsterdam', Enschede', 'Groningen', 'Leiden', 'Nijmegen', 'Utrecht' or ' Alcmaeon', 'Labyrint', 'Emile','PAP' 'Versatile' or 'VIP'
  6. Press save at the end of the page

...and enjoy the latest updates en spotlight content of your chosen topic



View selected content of your preferred topic:
Search a topic

Search only via club, country, goal, study, topic or sector


WorldSupporter News: spotlight
New feature: add a topic to your profile on WorldSupporter

New feature: add a topic to your profile on WorldSupporter


How does it work to add your favorite topic to your profile?

  1. go to your profile page
  2. press the "Edit profile' button
  3. go to 'Preferences'
  4. go to the field 'Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile'
  5. start typing a name of the country or topic of your choice (your student organization, your study field or working field)
    • use 1 name only!
    • e.g.. are studying pedagogy or psychology in the Netherlands than use 'Amsterdam', Enschede', 'Groningen', 'Leiden', 'Nijmegen', 'Utrecht' or ' Alcmaeon', 'Labyrint', 'Emile','PAP' 'Versatile' or 'VIP'
  6. Press save at the end of the page

...and enjoy the latest updates en spotlight content of your chosen topic



WorldSupporters helping Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines

WorldSupporters helping Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines


WorldSupporter & Smokey Projects in Manila, the Philippines

  • Smokey Projects aims to improve the living conditions in Baseco, and other slum areas in Tondo, Metro Manila.
  • Providing positive and meaningful impacts on those living in the slums have been our goal since the inception of Smokey. We have distributed relief goods and given qualitative training on talent development, health and disaster preparedness that will surely help the slum community cope with the daily challenges that they face. Cooperation and coordination with non-government organizations, people’s organizations and concerned individuals have been vital in successfully addressing these short to medium term social issues as we race to reach our goals.
  • Smokey Projects is initiated by one of the most active WorldSupporters, and is supported by the contributions of all!
  • Read more here

Smokey Slum Tours in Manila are up and running again!

  • Smokey Tours are not just tours. They offer experience, believing that deep experience equals deep insight. The tours and Smokey Projects are unique and honest; a testimony of changing times and our global interconnectedness. All tours are guided by well-trained local tour leaders, who come from underprivileged communities and are educated to run eye-opening tours around Metro Manila.
  • Bless the Children Foundation is the local organization in Metro Manila that is responsible for the booking of the tour9s) and the training of the tourleaders in the slums.
  • Read more here
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is one of the all-important Chinese holidays! Most Chinese people go home to celebrate this day together with family. The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. The celebration starts well with paying off debts, a clean house and new clothes. The Chinese New Year is full of fireworks, dragon and lion dances.

The Chinese New Year begins every year between Jan. 21 and Feb. 20. If you are going to travel, during this period then it is helpful to make reservations because it can be crowded. All people in China have time off then.

The Chinese zodiac

Instead of months, the Chinese zodiac is based on the year of birth. Each year is related to an animal sign according to a 12-year cycle. The 12 animals are in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

Why are the animals in this order? According to a myth, the Jade Emperor said that the order is the order of arrival at the Jade Emperor's feast. The Ox had left the night before and would be first. The Tiger would arrive early the next morning and be second. The Rat had sneaked up on the Os and jumped off the Os when he caught sight of the Jade Emperor. This put the Ox and Tiger in second and third place. The fourth to arrive was the Rabbit, who is named as “proud - even a tad arrogant - of his speed. When the Rabbit arrived at the party, no one was there yet, so he decided to take a nap and came in fourth.

In 2024-2025, it is the year of the Wooden Dragon! The Dragon is known as a powerful symbol in Chinese culture. It is the only mythical animal in the Chinese zodiac and is often associated with luck, power and charisma. Wood represents nature, growth, expansion and renewal. Combined with the Dragon, which stands for strength and vitality. This may start to be a year of development. Progress with new initiatives, start-ups, technological innovations and sustainability innovations. It is the year of action! This applies specifically to the Dragon. You are Dragon if you were born in 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 or you will be born next year.

In 2025-2026, it is the year of the Wooden Serpent! The Serpent is known to be mysterious and subtle. The Serpent brings an elegant and sophisticated influence. The Serpent is known for wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. Snakes are also characterized by luck, abundance, fertility and long life. Snakes shed their skin and renew themselves, representing rebirth and transformation. Snakes are also known for their negatives such as deception, jealousy and temptation. Snakes are enemies of the Dragon and Tiger. Snakes can be poisonous and their bite can lead to death. You are Snake if you were born in: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 and 2025. The 2025 Wooden Snake is charming, intelligent and creative, as well as secretive and sometimes reckless. The year of the Wooden Serpent is going to be a year full of potential, innovation and possibilities. Use the positive sides of the Serpent, wisdom and intuition. 



JoHo vacancies: work at JoHo and develop yourself as administrative assistant for international affairs

JoHo vacancies: work at JoHo and develop yourself as administrative assistant for international affairs


Administrative assistant for international affairs

Does JoHo suit you and do you suit JoHo?

  • JoHo is looking for reinforcement, so if you are looking for a job alongside your studies, maybe you would like to work as an 'Administrative assistant for international affairs'

What does it mean?

  • You are involved in the administrative processes surrounding the departure of students and travelers abroad
  • You support the processing of insurance policies for long stays abroad
  • You have an internal supporting role in administrative procedures and policies

What does it give you?

  • You work in an informal atmosphere and with an enthusiastic team
  • You work in a socially involved network organization that generates income to achieve its goals
  • You work in a versatile, growing and continuously changing organization
  • You have options to work between 5 and 24 hours a week. You work at the head office in Leiden

What are you taking with you?

  • You have experience with administrative work
  • You have competencies and skills such as being able to work accurately and analytically, flexibility, involvement, communication skills, results-orientedness and independence
  • You preferably have work and travel experience abroad
  • You live or study in Leiden or the surrounding area

For more information, opportunities or to apply take a look here!

There are plenty of opportunities and part-time options, also if you are looking for a permanent job after your studies, feel free to send an open application



The latest contributions and content of Alcmaeon Supporter

SAVE THE DATE: SYMPOSIUM MEETOO OP DE WERKVLOER Het symposium vindt plaats op maandag 21 februari vanaf 19:00 in Ruppert blauw. Het is een super actueel thema namelijk: #metoo op de werkvloer. Er volgt snel meer informatie over de sprekers, maar het gaat sowieso super leuk en interessant w...


THE THIRSTY GAMES Mannen, er staat weer een activiteit van jullie favoriete commissie voor de deur. Haal je sportkleding eindelijk weer uit je kast en kom langs voor mooie sportieve spellen in de sfeer van de hunger games. Jullie zijn voorlopig van 20:15 tot 21:45 welkom op de Schoolstraat 13 in Wit...


Latest content of Supporters followed by Alcmaeon Supporter



WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about your WorldSupporter account
WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter profile and account?

WorldSupporter: what is WorldSupporter profile and account?

What is WorldSupporter profile and account

  • With your own WorldSupporter account and profile page you can inspire others and yourself to contribute to a more beautiful world
  • Not only can you promote your favorite charities and projects, you can also get ideas or be inspired by other Supporters

why a WorldSupporter profile?

  • You Facebook about your private life. You use LinkedIn for your career. But where do you share everything you do, think and undertake for a better world? For that you have a WorldSupporter profile. A curriculum vitae where you can show how you view the world
  • Be sure to use your other social media and share your own content or the content of others

How do you create a personal WorldSupporter profile?

  • Go to the Join WorldSupporter page, where you can create an account and profile
  • You can update, change and supplement your profile at any time
WorldSupporter: what sort of contributions can you contribute yourself by your WorldSupporter profile?

WorldSupporter: what sort of contributions can you contribute yourself by your WorldSupporter profile?

  • Everything that you believe contributes to a better world in any way.
  • The content you can contribute is divided into the following content formats:
    • Summaries & Study Notes: Summaries - Study Materials
    • Text & Stories: Blogs - Instructions - Quotes - Statements - Propositions
    • Tips & Suggestions: Events - Tips - Recipes - Vacancies
    • Tools & Navigations: Bundles (content selections) - Media (photos, documents) - Home pages ('magazines') - Updates ('messages')
  • In your mini CV you can indicate in different categories what you think were your best actions or experiences in your life
  • In your blogs you can show what you do in a more detailed way. If you like to write, you can blog, if you like photography, you can share your photos, if you like to make videos, you can share them in a blog.
  • All content is divided into core categories. In addition, as the creator of your contribution, you have the option to give even more categories or 'tags' to your contributions. Consider, for example, the related country, study area, competence or sustainable development goal. This makes it easier to categorize your contributions and blogs and some blogs receive extra attention in the WorldSupporter media channels.
  • Create your WorldSupporter


  • A WorldSupporter profile is a personal CV and therefore a little different for everyone. Most personal profiles are freely accessible, so take a look around
  • View the WorldSupporter CV's of featured WorldSupporters
  • Seen an interesting profile? You can follow supporters by clicking on the 'follow' button on their contributions or on their personal profile. If this person or organization posts new contributions, you will see this on your own personal profile.
WorldSupporter: which actions can be done to respond to contributions, or to discover and view a profile?

WorldSupporter: which actions can be done to respond to contributions, or to discover and view a profile?

Can others respond to your contributions or you to others?

  • Yes, that's possible. Especially if you invite others in your message to respond, or work with a question, concrete follow-up action for your reader, or, for example, challenge the reader with a statement, opinion or dilemma, others will respond.
  • Anonymous responses are only possible to a limited extent and are only posted online after moderation (often once a week). Always log in to quickly use the comment option under a message posted by yourself or someone else.
  • And as with all online profiles and social media, if you like others to respond to your contributions, please post a comment yourself in another Supporter's blog or contribution!
  • Others can also easily follow you, or you, others, by clicking on the 'Follow' button under a mini-CV or avatar

How can others discover and view your profile?

  • You can make your WorldSupporter profile public or only visible to other World Supporters
  • You can alert others to the existence of your WorldSupporter profile in several ways:
    • by giving someone the direct link to your profile, or using the 'social share' options on the page
    • by creating content, with each contribution there is a link + photo/avatar to your personal profile
    • by leaving a comment/reaction - with a link - on content that matches your contribution(s)
    • via the overview of Worldsupporter profiles, where popular content will be highlighted more often
    • by linking your CV from your own social media posts or account
WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?

WorldSupporter: why fill in your WorldSupporter CV (resume), and what is it?

WorldSupportship & Mini CV

  • Your WorldSupportship  is shaped in your WorldSupporter mini-cv (resume). With the WorldSupporter Mini-CV you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
  • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
  • Create your WorldSupporter CV now, show what you do and become a source of inspiration for others...
  • or first check the personal profiles with sample CVs or read some WorldSupporter tips for filling your Mini-CV
WorldSupporter: why and how to draw attention to your profile or content?

WorldSupporter: why and how to draw attention to your profile or content?

  • Everyone writes differently and interprets 'nice' in different ways. Take a look at some blogs from other Supporters in the Magazine and think about why you like one contribution (written) more than the other.
  • Check out the contributions of Supporter Nelleke: This is a blog that no one is going to read and Supporter Jessica: Why and how to blog


  • Vary - Always use different tools (blogs, suggestions, photos, bundles, etc.) to add something to your WorldSupporter CV and personal profile.
  • Activate - Actively involve your personal network in your WorldSupporter activities. Share your latest content via social media and get them to follow your profile and mark your contributions as a 'favorite'. The more followers and 'favorite' flags, the more you appear on home pages and overviews.
  • Motivate - actively read content from other Supporters and let them know what you think of their content, maybe they will also take a look at your personal profile
  • Complete - use the add image options, add any relevant tags/categories and use the 'resources' option to provide specific 'read more' suggestions
WorldSupporter: Why and how to create a profile for an organization?

WorldSupporter: Why and how to create a profile for an organization?

Can you also create a profile for an organization?

  • If you want to actively contribute to an organization or if you work for an organization that supports and promotes the principles of WorldSupporter, you can also create a profile on which you create and collect content that is relevant to your organization
  • When creating a profile, choose 'organization or group'
  • If you manage both a personal and an organizational profile, it is useful for other Supporters if it remains clear what statements are from the organization or from you personally
  • In your personal CV you can of course also draw attention to your favorite projects and organizations through blog posts, photos and videos
  • If you run an organization yourself, you can also create a personal profile. This personal profile offers the opportunity to show the people behind an organization. This can strengthen the organization's message and showcase the organization's work in a personal way

Read more

WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

    No account on

    • Your account and login on is separate from your account on due to digital security and the different roles of both websites.
    • With your account on you can also create your own content and put it on the website. With your account on you have insight into your subscriptions, memberships and insurances.
    • Go to the create account page: 'Join WorldSupporter', where you can create an account and profile for

    Not able to fill in all required fields by creating an account on

    To create an account on WorldSupporter you have to fill in following required fields:

    • Username
      • Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores.
    • E-mail Address:
      • use an existing e-mail address,
      • for access to content for JoHo members and exclusives you need to use the same e-mail adress as when you registered on
    • First Name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Last name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?:
      • When you are not a JoHo member, you select: "I am not a JoHo WorldSupporter member yet"
      • When you are a JoHo member (donateur), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member without extra services"
      • When you are a JoHo member with extra services (abonnee), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access"
      • When you don not know which membership you have:  go to, log in and check on you account page you will see which membership is mentioned (or check the confirmation e-mail, which is sent after you filled in the membership form on
    • WorldSupportership!:
      • Fill in at least one activity in the field of helping out another or your surroundings
    • Profile Picture:
      • Upload your profile picture :
        • files must be less than 2 MB.
        • Allowed file types: png, jpg, jpeg.
      • crop your picture (adjust within the margin)
      • save your picture
    • Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile:
      • Select your favorite subject or organization to follow on your profile by typing the name of the country, topic or organization of your choice
      • Examples include your student organization, your working field or your country of interest.
      • Use only 1 subject or organisation!
    • Privacy:
      • choose who can see your profile and account page
    • Create new account (button):
      • Click to save and go the confirmation e-mail to activate your account with the confirmation link

    Not able to create your account with an error message?

    • Are you already a JoHo member (donor or subscriber): then use the same e-mail address as when you registered at (you also use that e-mail address for logging into
    • Do you get the message that the e-mail address is already in use: then use the 'forgot password' option to regain access to your account.
    • Switch browsers or devices. If it doesn't work in another browser either, try again later or contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not activated your account on

    • After you create an account on by filling in the form and pushing the 'create account' button, you receive e-mail for the necessary confirmation link
    • By clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser you log in once and will lead you to visit a page where you can set your password.
    • After setting your password, you will be able to log in at
    • After you logged in for the first time, you can complete your account and profile page

    Not able to login?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.

    Not able to log in after you receive and use the confirmation link?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password.
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not able to remember, set or use your password?

    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.
    • Forgot your password? Click on the 'Log in' link at the top right of any page and choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password..
    • Please enter a new password immediately, the link you receive is only valid for 1 day
    • Please note that your password is case sensitive, so please check that Caps Lock is on or off.
    • If the problems with your password persist, try logging in with another browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome etc, depending on what you have already tried, ) and/or disable your password manager function if you are using it.
    • In an exceptional case, a maintenance activity may have taken place, try again later or contact WorldSupporter

    Being able to log in, but still not able to read all exclusive content or summaries?

    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access
      • As a member without extra services (<10 euro yearly) you will not have be able to read exclusive content
      • If you want to upgrade your membership  (10 euro yearly or more) to read exclusive content access  you can: change your membership
      • If you are not a member yet, you can: become a member
    • Make sure you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
      • go to your account (profile) page
      • press the "Edit profile' button
      • go to 'Profile'
      • go to the field 'Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?
        • choose the right access : 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'
      • press the button 'Save' at the end of you page
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Access to all shared materials, but suddenly no longer?

    • If you suddenly lost access to shared materials that you previously had access to, one of the following situations may apply:
      • The e-mail address of your WorldSupporter account is not the same as that of your member registration.
      • The direct debit for your membership has failed.
      • A supporter has chosen to set the access level of the shared material to 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full access' and you are not yet a 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'.
    • To indicate that you wish to register a second email address with your JoHo membership, please log in to and fill in the form for adjustments on
    • If a direct debit has failed, you will be contacted by JoHo WorldSupporter, please check your spam folder to see if you have missed a message.
    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access and that you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
    • If you continue to experience problems, please contact WorldSupporter, stating the specific pages you want to use and, if possible, the error message you receive.

    No access the private or public content?

    • Private content is visible for you (the author) in the 'My Collection' section of your personal user page only and is great for drafts or notes to yourself
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content, you can check whether you are logged in at the top right of JoHo WorldSupporter. If you are not yet logged in, you can try to log in and visit your private content again
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content once you are logged in, you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    • Public content is visible for all visitors of WorldSupporter
      • If you have trouble accessing public content, you can check your internet connection. If your internet connection is down, you can try to visit the page later, with a better internet connection.
      • If you have trouble accessing public content with a working internet connection, you can check the access level of the page you try to visit. Authors can change the access level of their content
      • If you keep experiencing problems with accessing the public content, please contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    WorldSupporter: Which actions to undertake to leave, say goodby and you stop your WorldSupporter activities?

    WorldSupporter: Which actions to undertake to leave, say goodby and you stop your WorldSupporter activities?

    Do you want to end your WorldSupporter profile?

    • With the WorldSupporter profile you indicate what you contribute to the world around you. You show what you do for others, at school, during work, on holiday or in your spare time
    • With the aim of inspiring others to contribute to the world and to support and promote your favorite projects and charities
    • Even if you no longer want to actively participate in WorldSupporter, your contributions can still support and inspire others

    Do you still want to end and delete your WorldSupporter profile (account)?

    • Log in and complete the contact form (see the footer).
    • By logging in, the editors know that you are the owner of the account in question
    WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about adding content and reactions
    WorldSupporter: how to add or share content and contributions on

    WorldSupporter: how to add or share content and contributions on

    What is you Personal Profile and how can you use it?

    • Your profile or user page is is your starting point on WorldSupporter, it is also the page that other WorldSupporters will visit to read more about you and your contributions to WorldSupporter.
    • You can compose your own page using the following contribution types:
      • Text & Stories
        • Texts: Blogs, Instructions, Opinions, Quotes, Statements, Tutorials
        • Summaries: Book summaries, Course Pointers, Practice Exams, Study Notes
      • Tips & Suggestions:
        • Tips:  Events, Travel Tips, World Recipes,
        • Suggestions: Jobs opportunities, Volunteer opportunities, Internship opportunities
      • Tools & Navigation
        • Bundles (selections)
        • Media (movies, photos, documents)
        • Starting pages ('magazines')
        • Updates ('messages')

    How to use Comments, Compliments and Kudos?

    • You can add compliments and give feedback, so your favorite Supporters will be encouraged to add more and even better content
    • The author of the page will receive a notification by e-mail highlighting your contribution
    • Adding comments is a functionality only open and live to logged-in users to avoid misuse
    • Anonymous visitors can add a contribution, but it will always be read by a moderator before it will be published, which can take up to 48 hours
    • All comments should be written and made in the spirit of WorldSupporter. Which means aiming to contribute to a tolerant and sustainable world. Contributions that do not meet the requirements, or seem to be made for the wrong reasons can be removed or set on private.
    • Comments are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to the pages where you have commented before
    • When someone replies to your comment, you will receive a notification mail, when someone adds a new comment on a page where you also added a contribution, you will not receive any notification.

    How to use Texts an Stories?

    How to use Summaries and Study Notes?

    • You can use the specific content type Summaries & Study Notes for summarized versions of study material. This way you can help your fellow students at home and abroad with practice materials and a better understanding of the study material. This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material. Many Supporters use this type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
    • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings
    • Read more about: WorldSupporter Summaries & Study Notes
    • Create and contribute: Add your Summary or Study Note

    How to use Tips and Suggestions?

    • With Tips & Suggestion you van make a short tips on job opportunities, exams, packing lists, travel destinations, tours, local customs, your favorite world recipes, events. This basic tools allows quick additions to your (Personal) Magazine. When your message needs accompanying images or comprehensive text, creating a blog, media page of even a bundle would be a better option
    • Read more about: WorldSupporter Tips & Suggestions?
    • Create and contribute: Add your Tip or Suggestion

    How to use Media?

    • With the Media tool you can share movies, photos, presentations or documents.
    • Uploaded Media can tell their own story or can be used to strengthen one of your other contributions (such as Blogs, Magazines or Summaries)
    • Read more about: WorldSupporter Media
    • Create and contribute: Add your Media

    What are Bundles?

    • Bundles are selections of existing content on This tool offers a basic structured overview of conten. tA bundle makes it easier for users to navigate from one page to another, because below a page that you have added to a bundle a automated back link is created. You can create your own Bundle from content shared by others, by yourself or a mix of both.

    What are Theme Pages ('Magazines')?

    • On a Theme or Starting Page you can bring together all your information or items connecting to one subject of your choice. This tool offers the most space for self-determination on what information you want to show in which place.
    • A Theme Page will make it easier for visitors to find all your contributions and easier for you to advertise your content and inspire other

    What are 'Updates'?

    • An Update is a content form for private messages. A quick way to share a message with only designated WorldSupporter Moderators or employees.
    • Updates give other WorldSupporter moderators insight into your activities on the WorldSupporter platform and beyond
    • You write an Update to inform your assigned moderator about an activity you have carried out, content that you have added to WorldSupporter or, for example, to draw extra attention to an event.
    • Read more about: WorldSupporter Updates

    Where to read more?

    WorldSupporter: what are the features, functionalities and rules on

    WorldSupporter: what are the features, functionalities and rules on


    To make optimal use of the WorldSupporter platform, you can use the functionalities below. Most features are only available to logged in WorldSupporters.

    Access level of the page

    Each page has one of the access levels below
    • Public: this content will be visible for everyone.
    • JoHo WorldSupporters members: this content will be visible for JoHo members and logged in WorldSupporters
    • JoHo WorldSupporters members with online access and extra services: this content will be visible for JoHo members with full online access.
    • Private: this content will be visible for you (the author) in the 'My Collection' section of your personal magazine only - great for drafts or notes to yourself.

    Add to my selected supporters: 

    • You will be able to follow the latest contributions of this Supporter through your own profile pages.
    • Supporters who are 'selected' many times will be highlighted on several WorldSupporter overview pages.

    Categorise your own content

    • When you add content you will be asked to 'catagorise' or tag your content.
    • The categories that you select will be used in (search) filters, so other supporters that share your interests are more likely to find your contribution on selected pages
    • Tags will be shown on your contribution page.
    • Moderators will also be triggered to pick up your content to put in the 'spotlight' of the chosen category.
    • When your content does not fit to some of the category options, don't worry, just leave that option blank.
    • Does you content fit to multiple categories? Just click 'add another' to add an extra category.
    • Doesn't your content fit in any of the categories? Then you are probably using the wrong platform....

    Content & Contributions

    • JoHo WorldSupporter provides people and organisations with different tools to share knowledge and experiences.
    • You can compose the following contribution types:
      • Summaries: Book summaries, Course Pointers, Practice Exams, Study Guides & Study Notes
      • Texts: Blogs, Instructions, Opinions, Quotes, Statements & Tutorials
      • Tips: Events, Jobs, Sustainable Tips, Travel Tips and World Recipes
      • Updates: 'messages'
      • Tools: 'Bundles' (selections), 'Organizations', Magazines (themes an starting pages) and Topics (terms) are for moderators only
    • Contributions that you make are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to your pages.
    • Adding content on JoHo WorldSupporter is a functionality open and live to logged-in JoHo members to avoid misuse.
    • More information about adding content can be found in the using content and tools on starting page
    • More information about JoHo memberships can be found on the register with JoHo WorldSupporter starting page     

    Comments & Compliments

    • You can add compliments and give feedback, so your favorite Supporters will be encouraged to add more and even better content.
    • The author of the page will receive a notification by e-mail highlighting your comment.
    • Adding comments on JoHo WorldSupporter is a functionality open and live to logged-in JoHo members.
    • Anonymous visitors can also add a comment, but it will always be read by a moderator before it will be published, which can take up to 48 hours.
    • Comments are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to the pages where you have commented before.
    • When someone replies to your comment, you will receive a notification mail, when someone adds a new comment on a page where you also added a comment, you will not receive any notification.


    • Contributions that apply to a specific country/continent will be listed on country & regions overview pages.
    • Adding multiple countries to one contribution is allowed.
    • Part of these contributions will be advertised at for additional exposure.
    • Country moderators use these categories/labels to spot new relevant content for their followers.


    How can you influence the amount of exposure your contributions get?

    • Complete profiles, with filled out mini CV, are more likely to get exposure on WorldSupporter main pages.
    • Pick a title that is both catchy and informative using smartly selected keywords.
    • Adding (sharp and supportive) images to your contributions will help others to click through to your content.
    • WorldSupporter moderators select and highlight the contributions that fit their subject.
    • A selection of contributions will also be highlighted on selected pages of
    • Supporters with many followers will be listed more prominently on the 'Best Supporters' page
    • By actively participating in the Contributions/Comment section you can increase your personal exposure.


    • Content that is flagged as 'Favorite' will be highlighted on several overview pages.
    • Content that you mark as Favorite will appear in your list of favorites on your personal profile (section: 'my collection' - only visible to you personally), making it easier to return to that page.
    • Marking a page as your 'Favorite' can also be seen as a compliment to the author or a trigger to read for other browsing Supporters.
    • For your privacy, it is not possible for other users to see which content you have tagged as 'Favorite'.


    • By clicking the button '+ Follow' below the Authors avatar, you can add the Supporter to your list of selected Supporters.
    • Newly published content by these authors will appear on your own personal magazine as well.
    • A list of supporters that you follow is shown in the 'my selected supporters' section of your personal profile, visitors of your profile can not see this list.
    • The number of 'Followers' a user obtains is used on the 'Favorite supporter' overview page.
    • The Supporter you follow is not notified when you start or stop following, if you want an author to know you started following her/him you can add a compliment/comment below the contribution that triggered you to follow that Supporter.

    JoHo WorldSupporter member

    • Enjoying Benefits of WorldSupporter membership
      • You can use the navigation and follow your favorite supporters and organizations
      • You can create your own content, add contributions and post messages
      • You can save and collect your favorite content
      • You can read the posts and update
    • Enjoying Benefits of WorldSupporter membership with full online access:
      • free access to all  he pages and summaries on WorldSupporter that are exclusive for members with an additional contribution to the goals of WorldSupporter
    • Joining: you can become a JoHo WorldSupporter member here
    • Downgrading: when you end of downgrade your JoHo membership, your WorldSupporter account will remain active, only your access  and service level and service will be reduced.


    • You can add media page as one of the tool of your WorldSupporter account. As the other page types it will appear also as teaser on your own magazine and the magazines of supporters that follow you.
    • Media include photos, movies (links to YouTube/Vimeo or other platforms), (links to) presentations or documents.
    • adding several photos in the same pages will create a slide show.
    • For all file types a maximum upload size of 2MB is set, all bigger items can be shown through an external link.


    • A WorldSupporter moderator is a thematic guide through WorldSupporter content.
    • What does a moderator do? A moderator manages a special moderator magazine next to his personal magazine. The modarator magazine serves as a starting point for other visiting supporters. 
    • Moderators also search outside WorldSupporter for interesting web pages or blogs or for instance Youtube channels to refer users to.
    • Want to know more about becoming a WorldSupporter moderator? Please fill out the contact form

    Save for later

    • No time to read a contribution directly? Or you want to read something again later?
    • By clicking on the 'Save for later' flag, you can add the page to your list of selected content.
    • This list appears in the 'my collection' section of your personal Magazine and is only visible to you personally.
    • Additionally, pages flagged/marked as 'save for later' will be available when your are creating a bundle or magazine in the field called 'resources'.


    Sharing knowledge & Rules

    • All contributions and comments should be written and made in the spirit of WorldSupporter. Which means aiming to contribute to a tolerant and sustainable world.
    • Comments and contributions that do not meet the requirements, or seem to be made for the wrong reasons can be removed or set on private.

    Sustainable Development Goals

    • On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of 17 goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.
    • On WorldSupporter you can show other what actions you take to reach these goals and inspire others to follow your lead.
    • The 17 goals are a framework - your personal actions are part of a worldwide movement for a stronger, sustainable world.

    Tags & Taxonomy

    • The tags and taxonomy give you insight in the amount of contributions that are tagged by authors on specific subjects.
    • This type of navigation can help find content that you could have missed when just using the search tools.
    • Tags are organized per activity, country, organization, subject or field of study.
    • Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up.

    WorldSupporters: memberships, access and extra services

    • You can join WorldSupporter for free by creating a WorldSupporter Profile.
      • you will be able to add your WorldSupporter CV
      • you will be able to follow your favorite topics
    • You can join WorldSupporter as a JoHo member to get access to basic services
      • you will be able to add posts and comments to help other supporters and get notifications
      • you will be able to ask for permission to add content
      • you will be able to save and collect content made by other supporters
      • you will be able to follow other supporters
      • you will have access to all content with the access level 'WorldSupporters members', that is uploaded and made by other Supporters.
      • You are a valued member who makes an additional contribution to JoHo worldsupporter
    • You can join WorldSupporter as a JoHo member with extra services and online access
      • you will be able to use all basic services
      • you will have access to all content, summaries and study assistance
      • you will be able to a to add content
      • You are a valued member who makes an additional contribution to JoHo worldsupporter

    Read more

    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Blogs, and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Blogs, and how to create or use them?

    What is a Blog?

    A blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a website, or a webpage, which used to consist of personal texts in the form of a 'diary' or description of a specific period. Nowadays blogs also provide commentary on a particular topic or provide more insight into a particular problem

    How do Blogs work?

    Many blogs illustrate their message or story with photos and other media. By giving readers the opportunity to respond, a stimulating environment can be created where beautiful ideas and thoughts can be shared. Of course there are also blog terrorists who are not so much interested in forming opinions and sharing knowledge, but rather want to share their own frustrations, or who like to silence others. Technical solutions have proven to be a good solution for this

    How to Blog on Worldsupporter, and  how can you add one?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Bundles, and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Bundles, and how to create or use them?

    What are WorldSupporter Bundles?

    • Bundles are selections of existing content on
    • This tool offers a basic structured overview of conten. tA bundle makes it easier for users to navigate from one page to another, because below a page that you have added to a bundle a automated back link is created.
    • You can create your own Bundle from content shared by others, by yourself or a mix of both.

    How to create a Bundle?

    • Step 1:
      • You start with a brief description of the content that you are bringing together
    • Step 2:
      • Connect your previously added content to your Bundle by typing a key word in the 'resources' field.
      • When you want to add content by other Supporters to your Bundle you need to go to those specific pages and click on the 'save for later' button at the bottom of each contribution
    • Step 3: You are given three options to show content that you want to bundle: links, teaser of full content
      • Links: Your collection of content will be shown as a list of links
      • Teaser: Your collection of content will be shown in short summaries, stimulating people to continue reading elsewhere
      • Full content: The bundled content will be readable at this one page, your readers don't have to navigate elsewhere.

    Where to add a Bundle?

    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Media and how can you add a photo, film or document?

    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Media and how can you add a photo, film or document?

    What are WorldSupporter Media?

    • With the Media tool you can share movies, photos, presentations or documents.
    • Uploaded Media can tell their own story or can be used to strengthen one of your other contributions (such as Blogs, Magazines or Summaries)

    How to create WorldSupporter Media?

    • For movies or presentations or other media bigger than 2MB:
      • Upload your content to a specialized platform such as YouTube, Vimeo or Pinterest
      • Advertise your presentation or movie by placing a shortcut to your content or upload a picture that summarizes the content
    • For Pictures and documents smaller than 2MB
      • Create a Media page
      • and upload your file in the 'media' field
    • For optimal exposure on WorldSupporter always add an accompanying image to your shared movies or documents, this image will be shown on your personal profile and on the profiles of your followers
    • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

    What can you do if uploading photos fails?

    • Make sure the file is no larger than 2 MB.
    • Check whether your file meets the requirements listed below the field, e.g. the file type (usually limited to: png, gif, jpg, jpeg)

    Where to add WorldSupporter Media?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    What types of summaries and study assistance does WorldSupporter offer?

    Summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:

    • Book summaries: give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field
    • BulletPoint Summaries: ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
    • Article summaries: summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
    • ExamTickets: consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study
    • ExamTests: consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken
    • Study Notes & Sheets:  summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.

    Why add a Summary or Study Note?

    • This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material
    • Many Supporters use this content type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
    • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

    How to add a Summary or Study Note?

    • tip 1: by adding category tags your content will be easier to find by people with similar interests that not yet follow your account
    • tip 2: bring several summaries together and create easier navigation for yourself and your followers
    • tip 3: add an image in the 'image' field, because it will be used to highlight your contribution on your profile and other spotlight locations on WorldSupporter. Without an image your avatar will be used for these purposes.

    Where to find or read more about Summaries or Study Notes

    Where to add Summaries or Study Notes?


    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Updates, and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: What are WorldSupporter Updates, and how to create or use them?

    Why are you making an update?

    • An Update is a content form for private messages. A quick way to share a message with only designated WorldSupporter Moderators or employees.
    • Updates give other WorldSupporter moderators insight into your activities on the WorldSupporter platform and beyond
    • You write an Update to inform your asigned moderator about an activity you have carried out, content that you have added to WorldSupporter or, for example, to draw extra attention to an event.

    Examples of Updates are:

    • 'I have just added the latest criminal procedure law board to the other colleges. Note: This lecture contains a number of references to frequently asked exam questions'
    • 'I just started a new Journal to collect all the information about my trip to New Zealand'

    How do you make an update?

    • Use the following shortcut => add/update
    • Or use the 'create content' button on the home page or your profile page.
    WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about summaries on
    WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo

    WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo


    How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter?

    1. You can create a free account and follow your favorite subject or supporters (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
    2. You can join as WorldSupporter member to get access to basic services (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
    3. You can join as WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access to extra services and online access to exclusives: see also below

    How do you get full online access to all summaries and exclusives on JoHo

    • Procedure:

      • 1 - Go to, and join JoHo WorldSupporter by choosing a membership with online access
      • 2 - Return to and create an account with the same email address
      • 3 - State your JoHo WorldSupporter Membership during the creation of your account
      • 4 - Choose your favorite study, student organization or topic during the creation of your account
    • Start using the services:

      • You have online access to all free + all exclusive summaries and study notes on and
      • You can use all services on JoHo
      • You can make use of the tools for work abroad, long journeys, voluntary work, internships and study abroad

    Already an account?

    • In case you have previously created a WorldSupporter account then, after registering with JoHo, you can change your status on your WorldSupporter account to membership with full online access. Edit your account and see under 'Profile' for the change.
    • Note: Again, you must have used the same email address.

    Become JoHo WorldSupporter member >>


    WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

    WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

    When you support JoHo...

    by joining as a JoHo member

    • By joining JoHo as a member, you support JoHo in all its activities in the areas of international cooperation and talent development
    • You can become a JoHo member by contributing €5.00 per calendar year

    through the purchase of JoHo subscription services

    • You can obtain JoHo subscription services for €10, €15,00 or €20.00 per calendar year for extra services and discounts

    by taking out (travel or health) insurance

    • By applying for a travel or health insurance via JoHo you do not only support JoHo, but also yourself
    • You pay less premium and you are able to use the services and discounts of a JoHo subscription for free 

    ....then JoHo will support you...

    with choice assistance & advice

    • concerning work, travel, study, inspiration and emigration

    with organization profiles & vacancies

    • for full time jobs, part time jobs, volunteer work, internships, and work experience positions at home or abroad

    with summaries & study support

    • such as printed and online study books, textbooks, professional literature, exams & practice questions, lecture notes, terms and readers

    with discounts on items & gifts

    • concerning travel, study, work, inspiration and emigration

    with discounts on activities & projects

    • such as air travel, holidays, volunteer work, language courses, and travelling 

    with discounts on insurances & advice

    • such as emigration insurances, travel insurances, and health insurances

    ...and together we support worldsupporters and projects

    • with personal development via and online tools
    • with international collaborations via projects in Africa, Asia, and South America
    • with bringing organizations and individuals into contact with each other to make each other stronger, more aware, and to inspire one another

    How do you receive free subscription services when insured via JoHo?

    • Are you a member and do you take out a yearly continuous insurance via JoHo? Then you are able to use the services and discounts of the JoHo subscription for free
    • How does it work? Become a JoHo member and apply for your travel or health insurance  via JoHo. As a JoHo member you will receive the benefits of the JoHo subscription

    How to choose and purchase a JoHo subscription services

    Purchasing JoHo subscription services

    • JoHo members can choose to purchase a subscription for choice assistance, advice, discounts, or extra support for JoHo
    • If you want to purchase subscription services, you are able to do so with the same form as the one to become a JoHo member
    • If you already are a JoHo member and want to change to, or add, a subscription, please fill out form for changing your membership

    How does registering, logging in & creating a password work

    • As a new JoHo member you automatically receive an online account at, which you can activate with a link that you will receive in your mailbox


    Are you able to become a member without an IBAN/SEPA bank account?

    • If you don't have an IBAN (international bank account number) with SEPA, but you still want to use membership services or support JoHo's projects and initiatives, including Smokey Tours, take a look at the page about International services

    What are the rules and guidelines?

    What is your JoHo number?

    • You can find your JoHo number at your My JoHo page as soon as you are logged in at
    • You need your JoHo number, for example, for obtaining the discounts on insurances, summaries, and at partner organisations
    • Have you lost your JoHo number? Please contact JoHo via the online contact forms or log in at and you will find your JoHo number at your account page on


    Join & Register (via

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    What types of summaries and study assistance does WorldSupporter offer?

    Summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:

    • Book summaries: give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field
    • BulletPoint Summaries: ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
    • Article summaries: summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
    • ExamTickets: consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study
    • ExamTests: consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken
    • Study Notes & Sheets:  summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.

    Why add a Summary or Study Note?

    • This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material
    • Many Supporters use this content type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
    • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

    How to add a Summary or Study Note?

    • tip 1: by adding category tags your content will be easier to find by people with similar interests that not yet follow your account
    • tip 2: bring several summaries together and create easier navigation for yourself and your followers
    • tip 3: add an image in the 'image' field, because it will be used to highlight your contribution on your profile and other spotlight locations on WorldSupporter. Without an image your avatar will be used for these purposes.

    Where to find or read more about Summaries or Study Notes

    Where to add Summaries or Study Notes?


    WorldSupporter: how to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?

    WorldSupporter: how to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?

    Online access to all summaries, study notes en practice exams

    How and why would you use for your summaries and study assistance?

    • For free use of many of the summaries and study aids provided or collected by your fellow students.
    • For free use of many of the lecture and study group notes, exam questions and practice questions.
    • For use of all exclusive summaries and study assistance for those who are member with JoHo WorldSupporter with online access
    • For compiling your own materials and contributions with relevant study help
    • For sharing and finding relevant and interesting summaries, documents, notes, blogs, tips, videos, discussions, activities, recipes, side jobs and more.

    Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

    There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

    1. Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages
      • Starting pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
    2. Use the topics and taxonomy terms
      • The topics and taxonomy of the study and working fields gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
    3. Check or follow your (study) organizations:
      • by checking or using your study organizations you are likely to discover all relevant study materials.
      • this option is only available trough partner organizations
    4. Check or follow authors or other WorldSupporters
      • by following individual users, authors  you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
    5. Use the Search tools
      • 'Quick & Easy'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject.
      • The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

    Do you want to share your summaries with JoHo WorldSupporter and its visitors?

    Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance

    Field of study

    WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

    WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

    What is 'WorldSupporter'?

    • JoHo WorldSupporter is the online platform where individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
    • You can share and find everything you need to help another, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
    • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter resume
    • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, journals, events, sustainable recipes and tips with others
    • You can create and share study materials with WorldSupporters from countries that lack access to educational resources,
    • You can share learning materials that can be used by volunteers helping out in schools around the world.
    • You can work with WorldSupporters from over 150 countries to help make the world around you a better and more tolerant place.

    What is a 'WorldSupporter account and Profile'?

    • A WorldSupporter account can be created in minutes and is linked to your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
    • Your WorldSupporter profile:
      • acts as your own platform for all the content you create or collect on WorldSupporter,
      • shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and individuals you personally follow,
      • shows what you contribute to the world around you.

    What do you need to do to join, register and get started?

    • to use WorldSupporter for free, you can create an acoount and follow your favorite subject or supporters
    • to support and use WorldSupporter: go to www, and join as a JoHo WorldSupporter member.
    • to use all summaries: go to go to www and join JoHo WorldSupporter Member with full online access to all summaries and content
    • for a profile on WorldSupporter: go to the login page page or use the 'sign in' link in the menu
    • for login: go to the login page to log in or use the 'sign in' link in the menu, visible on every page

    Join JoHo WorldSupporter >>