Chapter 5. How to use social media?

Chapter 5. How to use social media?

Social media has offered us a new set of capabilities for individuals and businesses. Social media can enhance organizational collaboration and communication.

Why do organizations need communication and collaboration?

Organizations depend on effective collaboration and communication within and outside the boundaries of the organization. It is necessary that there is communication and collaboration between the different departments, business partners, external stakeholders and customers. Companies that operate globally need good communication and collaboration between the different locations or subsidiaries.

Organizations used task forces to solve problems. These task forces are temporary working groups with a finite life cycle and task. However, due to the increased globalization companies now use virtual teams. These teams consist of members from different geographic locations which are put together to collaborate on a project.

The members of this team come and go as they are needed and can be part of several different teams. The tasks of these virtual teams are very dynamic and the members need to be flexible.

If you work with a team on a project you need several different communications, like talking, sharing files and making decisions with each other. There are several ways in which you can communicate with each other. We can distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous communication. Synchronous communication happens at the same time, like a phone call, while asynchronous communication is not coordinated in time, like an e-mail.

Virtual teams often have virtual meetings. These virtual meetings take place in an online environment and can be done synchronously, like a teleconference, or asynchronously, like discussion boards. In the past few years, several different tools to support communication and collaboration have emerged.

Groupware is defined as a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively. We can distinguish groupware on the ground of whether there is synchronous or asynchronous collaboration and communication and whether groups work together face-to-face or distributed.

Groupware supports several modes of group interaction:

  • Live meetings in electronic meeting facility
  • Electronic meeting facility as home base
  • Virtual teams
  • Synchronous distributed meetings

Discussion forms are widely used for group communications. Discussion forms are also known as discussion boards or online forums and replace traditional bulletin boards and allow for discussions between participants.

There are many forms of synchronous and asynchronous software. An electronic meeting system (EMS) is defined as a sophisticated software tool that is used to support group members in solving problems and making decisions through interactive structured processes. Examples of such structured processes are idea evaluation, electronic idea generation and voting. Groups stay on track with the help of these structured processes.

Over the years the power of processors of personal computers has increased and Internet connections are faster now. Because of this we are now able to engage in desktop videoconferencing. To do this you need a webcam, a speaker or microphone, videoconferencing software and an Internet connecting with high speed. Many conference rooms of organizations have a videoconferencing system that enables team members across the world to communicate with each other.

Most large organizations use intranet-based employee portals. An intranet is a private network of an organization and the members of the organization can access the intranet with their Web browser. The members of the organization can communicate with each other via the intranet network. Because of the increased use of mobile devices it is necessary that the intranet can be accessible from any device. Because of this companies allow their employees to use virtual private networks (VPNs).

The intranet allows employees to access information at any time which increases the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration. The intranet makes updating, managing and distributing corporate information less complicated.

Companies have very much information in their intranet. It is therefore hard to locate the relevant information that the company needs. Special enterprise search engines are designed such that an organization can better find documents, data sources etc. This enhance productivity and makes the users of the intranet more satisfied.

Intranets are not only used for communication and collaboration but also to provide employee portals that enable employee self-service for applications that are based on human resources, like managing retirement plans or administering benefits. For companies it is very costly to process human resources related forms. Using the intranet enables the company to save money.

How has the Web evolved?

A few years ago the Web was seen as a one-way medium with a strict restriction between content creators and content consumers. This Web was referred to as Web 1.0. Over the past few years there have been several technology changes which has led to new uses of the Web. People can now share information online and collaborate because of dynamic web applications. These applications are referred to as Web 2.0 applications in which the role of the users, the passive consumer, is shifted to the creator. Many organizations have incorporated Web 2.0 applications into their business models.

The success of the applications depends on the network effect. The network effect means that the value of a network increases as more people use the network. Web sites can choose to make parts of their data or functionality available to other Web sites. This enables them to create dynamic and unique applications, or mashups, easily and quickly. A mashup is defined as an application that uses data from one or more service providers.

Companies give others this access because it enables the organization to extend their reach and build and strengthen the relationships with customers.

Social media (or social software) are Web 2.0 applications that embody core Web 2.0 values like collaboration. Social media allows people to interact, communicate and collaborate in several ways. People nowadays share more personal information online than in the past.

The generation that grew up with the social media is known as generation Y or the millennials. This generation is now entering the workforce and has different expectations than the older generations. This changes the workforce. This has led to the movement of companies using social media more to improve communication, connection, collaboration and cooperation.

There are design principles that will allow a computer to be able to index Web pages, subjects and topics better. This set of principles is called the semantic Web. If you use semantic principles to design a Web page then it is easier for computers to understand the content of the page. This enables search engines to provide answers that are richer and more accurate.

Enterprise 2.0 refers to companies using social media within the boundaries of the company or between the company and its customers or stakeholders. This can help a company when sharing organizational knowledge, increasing productivity of the business or connecting with customers.

How should the enterprise use social media?

The use of social media applications can enhance cooperation, communication, collaboration and connection. Social media enables companies to present themselves to customers. Companies can use several social media tools for communication, like:

  • Blogs
    Blogging is defined as creating an online text diary, consisting of chronological entries that include everything from the daily life of a person. Bloggers write stories about their lives and often do this to improve their writing skills. Blogging is often referred to as the amateurization of journalism. Blogging is valuable because it can bring breaking news very fast to the public.
  • Microblogging tools
    Microblogging tools enable people to let other people know their thoughts. These tools are sometimes also referred to as social presence tools. The text updates of microblogging are relatively short compared to the text of blogs. Anyone can follow the microblog of another person. An example of a microblog is Twitter. There are many organizations that have a Twitter account which they use to post news about the company. When posting a twee people can use hashtags. If a topic is tagged relatively much than it is said to be trending.
  • Instant messaging
    Instant messaging, also called online chat, enables people to have real-time written conversations. With instant messaging you can get immediate feedback from the partners you are having a conversation with. Snapchat is a new form of instant messaging which allow users to set a time limit on how long others can see the message.
  • Virtual worlds
    In virtual words there is real-time communication and people can use avatars for this communication. In the beginning virtual worlds were very popular but the popularity for business use has faded.

As stated before, social media can also enhance cooperation. Cooperation between organizations and individuals creates benefits for both. A company can use several cooperative social media applications:

  • Media sharing
    Sharing photos, videos etc has become increasingly popular. Something that is often used for media sharing is webcasting (or podcasting). This is the distribution of digital media for on-demand playback on digital media players.
  • Social bookmarking
    It is a challenge for people to find the right information and being able to find it again. Therefore, people have long lists of bookmarks to sites. Social bookmarking allows users to share Internet bookmarks and to use a categorization system. These systems are referred to as folksonomies. The value for each user grows as more people participate in social bookmarking.
  • Social cataloging
    This is the creation of a categorization system by users. People can organize their topics and can create virtual bookshelves. Companies can use this to structure the large amounts of information they have, making the information better accessible and useful.
  • Tagging
    Tagging is defined as manually adding metadata to media or other content. Metadata is defined as data about data, it describes the data (like who, where, when). Social cataloging depends on tagging. Many social media applications make us of tagging. A tag cloud shows which words and concepts are key to social media.
  • Geotagging
    The geospatial nature of a photo refers to where the photos is taken, what the location of the sender is etc. This is valuable information. If geospatial metadata is added to media then we speak of geotagging.

People can subscribe to webcasts, blogs via the iTunes store or via real simple syndication (RSS) feeds to receive the most current content. These feeds are provided by the publishers of the content and users receive a notification if the content is updated.

Also collaboration can be enhanced by social media. Telephones and e-mail are very useful to companies. Team members need to interact with each other and therefore a company needs technologies that facilitate this. There are several social media applications that companies can use:

  • Cloud-based collaboration tools
    Collaboration has improved due to cloud computing. It enables easy access and transfer of files from one person to another. Services like Dropbox store the files and the files can also be accessed from multiple devices. Users of a service always have the latest version of the file. This enables users to work when they are traveling.
  • Content management systems
    This system allows its users to edit, publish, version track and retrieve digital content. Many organizations use open source content management systems like WordPress to be able to create Web sites or blogs. This allows the creators of the content to make changes when necessary. Similar to content management systems there are also learning management systems to facilitate business processes in educational field, like Blackboard.
  • Collective intelligence
    This refers to the notion that distributed groups of people with divergent expertise and information can outperform the capabilities of individual experts. This can be very valuable for a company. The creation of services or goods by self-organizing communities is defined as peer production. Examples of peer production are open source software (like Apache Open Office) and wikis (like Wikipedia). A wiki is a Web site that allows people to edit, create and delete content and to discuss content with other members.
  • Human-based computing (crowdsourcing)
    Companies use everyday people as a cheap labor force. This is called crowdsourcing. Companies also integrate external stakeholders into the innovation process. This is called open innovation and can create great benefits.

Social media also enhances the connection of people. Social networking has become very popular over the past few years. Social online communities are created where individuals can meet and communicate. The most used site on the Web is Google and the second most used site is Facebook. This proves that social communities are very popular. In the beginning these sites were only popular under teenagers but this has slowly shifted over the years.

The Web has grown over the past years and the number of Web sites increased. This makes finding the relevant information more difficult. Social search is used to increase the relevance of search results by including content from blogs, social networks or microblogging.

Virtual marketing is defined as using the network effect to increase brand awareness. The advertisers of companies use virtual marketing to promote their products or services. This marketing tool can be very powerful for an organization.

How to manage the Enterprise 2.0 strategy?

Companies can use several tools to communicate with external stakeholders. The company can use the Enterprise 2.0 tools but these tools also have a downside. Not only the technology of an Enterprise 2.0 tool, but also the change management is very important for the success of the tool. The employees need to be aware of the tools and the corporate culture of the company is crucial for the success of the tools. Some other organizational issues that can arise are:

  • Not all Web-based technologies are a success in the corporate environment.
  • Organizational context: The chosen tool must fit the objectives of the firm.
  • Organizational hierarchies: implementation of Enterprise 2.0 tools often need organizational changes and to achieve this the senior management must be involved.
  • Network effects and critical mass
  • Generation gap: if a workforce consists of millennials then Enterprise 2.0 tools are more likely to be successful.
  • Technological inertia: people are not willing to change to another technology
  • Technological integration: the applications must be well integrated with the existing information system
  • Security and intellectual property

Once something is on the Internet it never disappears, the Internet does not forget. There are many organizations that have known public relations blunders. Companies must be able to react quickly and appropriate to issues that emerge in social media. There are several catches when using social media applications. Some of them are:

  • Online product reviews
    Many consumers first read online reviews but these reviews are not always unbiased. Companies can hire people to place positive reactions on their site, which is unethical.
  • Microblogging
    This can be valuable but posting a wrong tweet can have severe consequences.
  • Social networks
    For organizations it is important to monitor their social network and take appropriate action when needed. Again, the wrong content on the social network of the company can have severe consequences.
  • Bad vibes going viral
    Everyone can see your content and reaction and these can go viral very fast.

Because of the Internet, news travels very fast. This is a threat for companies since negative publicity reaches people very fast. To deal with such crises, companies sometimes have crisis teams and monitor their social media environment carefully.


  • Social media has offered us a new set of capabilities for individuals and businesses. Social media can enhance organizational collaboration and communication.
  • It is necessary that there is communication and collaboration between the different departments, business partners, external stakeholders and customers. Companies that operate globally need good communication and collaboration between the different locations or subsidiaries.
  • If you work with a team on a project you need several different communications, like talking, sharing files and making decisions with each other. There are several ways in which you can communicate with each other. We can distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous communication. Synchronous communication happens at the same time, like a phone call, while asynchronous communication is not coordinated in time, like an e-mail.
  • Groupware is defined as a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively.
  • An intranet is a private network of an organization and the members of the organization can access the intranet with their Web browser. The members of the organization can communicate with each other via the intranet network. The intranet allows employees to access information at any time which increases the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration. The intranet makes updating, managing and distributing corporate information less complicated.
  • People can now share information online and collaborate because of dynamic web applications. These applications are referred to as Web 2.0 applications in which the role of the users, the passive consumer, is shifted to the creator.
  • The success of the applications depends on the network effect. The network effect means that the value of a network increases as more people use the network.
  • Social media (or social software) are Web 2.0 applications that embody core Web 2.0 values like collaboration. Social media allows people to interact, communicate and collaborate in several ways. People nowadays share more personal information online than in the past.
  • Enterprise 2.0 refers to companies using social media within the boundaries of the company or between the company and its customers or stakeholders. This can help a company when sharing organizational knowledge, increasing productivity of the business or connecting with customers.
  • The use of social media applications can enhance cooperation, communication, collaboration and connection. Companies can use several social media tools for communication, like:
    • Blogs
      Blogging is defined as creating an online text diary, consisting of chronological entries that include everything from the daily life of a person.
    • Microblogging tools
      Microblogging tools enable people to let other people know their thoughts. These tools are sometimes also referred to as social presence tools. The text updates of microblogging are relatively short compared to the text of blogs.
    • Instant messaging
      Instant messaging, also called online chat, enables people to have real-time written conversations.
    • Virtual worlds
      In virtual words there is real-time communication and people can use avatars for this communication.
  • As stated before, social media can also enhance cooperation. Cooperation between organizations and individuals creates benefits for both. A company can use several cooperative social media applications:
    • Media sharing
    • Social bookmarking
    • Social cataloging
    • Tagging
    • Geotagging
  • The Web has grown over the past years and the number of Web sites increased. This makes finding the relevant information more difficult. Social search is used to increase the relevance of search results by including content from blogs, social networks or microblogging.
  • Companies can use several tools to communicate with external stakeholders. The company can use the Enterprise 2.0 tools but these tools also have a downside. Not only the technology of an Enterprise 2.0 tool, but also the change management is very important for the success of the tool. The employees need to be aware of the tools and the corporate culture of the company is crucial for the success of the tools.
  • Once something is on the Internet it never disappears, the Internet does not forget. There are many organizations that have known public relations blunders. Companies must be able to react quickly and appropriate to issues that emerge in social media.


  • Know how social media can enhance communication and collaboration (know the different tools).


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Information systems today - Valacich

Chapter 1. How to manage the digital world? & Chapter 2. How to gain competitive advantage?

Chapter 1. How to manage the digital world? & Chapter 2. How to gain competitive advantage?

Chapter 1. How to manage the digital world?

In the digital world, information systems are very important. These systems are used by many organizations to manage their activities in the digital world. One of the largest technology companies in the world is Apple. It is a very profitable company with many different popular products. Over the years Apple has become a very successful company and is not only a vendor of hardware but it also stores information of the people who are using the products. The personal information of the user is stored in the cloud and can be used to predict the future behavior of the user. This access to private information can be risky and one should be aware of it.

What are the information systems of today?

The most important components of the information systems (IS) are computers. These can be laptops, cameras, smartphones etc. Information systems are used by many organizations to record purchases, to optimize the supply chain and many more. Because of the increased global competition, firms had to find a way to do things faster, better and at lower cost. This can be achieved by using information systems. Through these systems new markets were more easily accessed.

Because of the changes in technology new ways of working and socializing have developed over the last few years. People are no longer bound to a stationary PC but can now do their work wherever there is a phone signal. Because of cloud computing, like Dropbox and Gmail, people can access their email, files pictures from any device. The technology changes also affect our social life. For socializing and communication people nowadays really need mobility and connectivity.

In 1959 Peter Drucker argued that information technology (IT) would become more and more important. He defined a knowledge worker as a professional who is relatively well educated and who creates and modifies knowledge as a fundamental part of his/her job. These workers have great career opportunities and are paid more than other workers. According to Drucker, the number of knowledge workers would increase over time and this would lead to a knowledge society. Many call this knowledge society the digital world. Some argue that there is a digital divide. Meaning that people who have access to IT have an advantage over people who do not have access.

According to Alvin Toffler there are three waves of change. The first is the wave of agriculture and handwork. The second wave is the industrial revolution. The information wave is the third wave. In developed societies people make use of IT. There are five trends in IT that have an effect on the shape of organizations and society:

  • Mobile
    One of the biggest trends is the increased use of the mobile phone. It is replacing the PC.
  • Social media
  • The internet of things
    Several products (computer, sensors) are interconnected with each other. Because of this connection they can share information/data over the internet.
  • Cloud computing
  • Big data
    For firms information is power. Therefore, organizations collect
  • more
Chapter 3. How to manage infrastructure and services?

Chapter 3. How to manage infrastructure and services?

Chapter 3. How to manage infrastructure and services?

Companies who operate in the digital world need comprehensive information system infrastructure to support their business strategy. In order to get a great return on IS investments, companies have to manage their IS infrastructure.

What is the information systems infrastructure?

Infrastructure is defined as the technical structures that enable the provision of services. An infrastructure is needed in any area where people work or live. People are often not aware of all the components of the infrastructure since these are invisible for people. For instance, people often do not know where their water comes from. Both the people and businesses located in an area depend on the infrastructure of a city. Cities with a good infrastructure are more livable and attract more inhabitants and businesses.

Each area has its own characteristics and infrastructure and these create challenges for global organizations. The decisions of an organization depend on the provision of services in an area. In some emerging economies there is no continuous supply of water and no electricity. If a company is moving its activities to such an emerging economy then it must keep those things in mind.

When making decisions and strategy, companies rely on information systems infrastructure. This infrastructure consists of software, hardware, storage, data centers and networking. Organizations depend on three capabilities supported by information systems to enable their business processes. These three capabilities are storage, transmission of data and processing. Almost all the business processes rely on an information system infrastructure.

The business environment is changing every day and therefore it is necessary that companies can adapt quickly to these changes. As new competitors can arise quickly, competitive advantages are often of short duration. To adapt quickly an organization must be flexible and agile. To be flexible and agile a company has to align its business processes with the information systems infrastructure. As the business environment is changing there is a continuous process where business goals are adjusted in line with the information systems infrastructure.

The data that a company has is essential for gaining business knowledge and performing business activities. For every business process data are used or generated. The data can be analyzed to gain insights that can make the company more productive. However, just having data is not enough. A company must also be able to use the data effectively.

To effectively use data companies use software. Software is used to automate processes to reduce costs or to generate more revenue. With application software, companies are able to automate business processes. With this software a company can perform processes that otherwise would not have been possible. Websites such as would not be possible without a system for automatically processing transactions.

Microsoft Office is also an application software that people use. There are many more different application software that individuals or companies use. The application software interacts with databases. The software stores the data that is needed for business processes and for gaining business intelligence.

A database is defined more

Chapter 4. What is the e-commerce?

Chapter 4. What is the e-commerce?

Chapter 4. What is the e-commerce?

For conducting business electronically on a global basis the Internet and the Web are well suited. The e-commerce via the web has created many opportunities for marketing.

What is the electronic business?

The electric commerce (EC) is defined as the exchange of services, goods and money supported by communication technologies, especially the Internet. The exchange occurs between firms, between firms and customers and between customers. The online market has become a major part of the global economy nowadays. Therefore, it has become a strategic necessity for companies to be on the Web.

Business-to-consumer (B2C) EC is defined as the transactions between consumers and businesses. However, EC is also used by organizations to conduct business. They make use of business-to-business (B2B) EC, in which there are transactions between business and business partners like intermediaries or suppliers. There are also transactions that do not involve firms. This EC is called consumer-to-consumer (C2C) EC, like eBay. Another form is consumer-to-business (C2B) EC. With C2B consumers offer products, services and labor to companies.

The mobile commerce (m-commerce) is defined as an electronic transaction or information interaction that is made using a wireless, mobile device and mobile networks. This transaction must lead to the transfer of real value in exchange for goods, services or information. The m-commerce trend is the result of the increased use of the mobile devices.

Through social media, organizations try to influence the social networks of their visitors to create a relationship or create other value. This has become a trend and is referred to as social commerce. Because of the Internet and the different trends, organizations have more data and can better understand each individual consumer.

E-government is defined as the use of information systems to provide organizations, citizens and other governmental agencies with information about public services and to enable interaction with the government. We can consider three different relationships when it comes to e-government:

  • Government-to-citizens (G2C) EC
    This includes interactions between local, state and federal governments and their citizens.
  • Government-to-business (G2B) EC
    This includes business relationships with all levels of government.
  • Government-to-government (G2G) EC
    This includes electronic interactions between different levels of a government within a country or interactions between countries.

What is business-to-consumer EC?

Because of the global marketplace, companies face increased competition in all markets. Therefore, they have to position themselves to be able to compete in the EC area.

E-tailing is defined as the online sales of goods and services. There are several different strategies a company can use:

  • Brick-and-mortar business strategy
    The company decides to operate solely in the physical market. The business activities are approached in a traditional way by using physical locations like retail stores. Companies using this strategy do not sell their products or services online.
  • Click-and-mortar business strategy (also called bricks-and-clicks business strategy)
    Companies using this strategy choose to extend their traditional offline retail channels by using the Internet. So they use both EC and physical locations.
  • Click-only strategy
    These companies conduct
  • more
Chapter 5. How to use social media?

Chapter 5. How to use social media?

Chapter 5. How to use social media?

Social media has offered us a new set of capabilities for individuals and businesses. Social media can enhance organizational collaboration and communication.

Why do organizations need communication and collaboration?

Organizations depend on effective collaboration and communication within and outside the boundaries of the organization. It is necessary that there is communication and collaboration between the different departments, business partners, external stakeholders and customers. Companies that operate globally need good communication and collaboration between the different locations or subsidiaries.

Organizations used task forces to solve problems. These task forces are temporary working groups with a finite life cycle and task. However, due to the increased globalization companies now use virtual teams. These teams consist of members from different geographic locations which are put together to collaborate on a project.

The members of this team come and go as they are needed and can be part of several different teams. The tasks of these virtual teams are very dynamic and the members need to be flexible.

If you work with a team on a project you need several different communications, like talking, sharing files and making decisions with each other. There are several ways in which you can communicate with each other. We can distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous communication. Synchronous communication happens at the same time, like a phone call, while asynchronous communication is not coordinated in time, like an e-mail.

Virtual teams often have virtual meetings. These virtual meetings take place in an online environment and can be done synchronously, like a teleconference, or asynchronously, like discussion boards. In the past few years, several different tools to support communication and collaboration have emerged.

Groupware is defined as a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively. We can distinguish groupware on the ground of whether there is synchronous or asynchronous collaboration and communication and whether groups work together face-to-face or distributed.

Groupware supports several modes of group interaction:

  • Live meetings in electronic meeting facility
  • Electronic meeting facility as home base
  • Virtual teams
  • Synchronous distributed meetings

Discussion forms are widely used for group communications. Discussion forms are also known as discussion boards or online forums and replace traditional bulletin boards and allow for discussions between participants.

There are many forms of synchronous and asynchronous software. An electronic meeting system (EMS) is defined as a sophisticated software tool that is used to support group members in solving problems and making decisions through interactive structured processes. Examples of such structured processes are idea evaluation, electronic idea generation and voting. Groups stay on track with the help of these structured processes.

Over the years the power of processors of personal computers has increased and Internet connections are faster now. Because of this we are now able to engage in desktop videoconferencing. To do this you need a webcam, a speaker or microphone, videoconferencing software and an Internet connecting with high speed. Many conference rooms of organizations have a videoconferencing system that enables team members across the more

Chapter 6. How can information systems be used to enhance business intelligence?

Chapter 6. How can information systems be used to enhance business intelligence?

Chapter 6. How can information systems be used to enhance business intelligence?

High quality and timely information are very important for the effective management of a company. This can be provided by several different information systems.

What is business intelligence?

Business intelligence is defined as the use of information systems to collect and analyze data and information to improve making good business decisions. The data and information can be both internal and external. Companies use business intelligence to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. Business processes occur at different organization levels and they are highly interconnected.

To monitor and control its business processes a company needs accurate and integrated information. This information is necessary to realize the strategic goals of the organization. Companies that make decisions that can be backed up with verifiable data are called data-driven organizations. Such organizations are measurably more profitable and productive than companies that are not data-driven.

Modern organizations face challenges from external factors, but these factors can also create opportunities. Examples of such external factors are globalization, societal changes and governmental regulations. The business environment is very complex and business intelligence can help organizations to better make decisions in this environment. Business intelligence can help by collecting and analyzing internal and external data more effectively.

If a company is able to effectively manage their data then this will increase the organizational performance of the company. However, many organizations are not able to harness the value of Big data. Big data is data which has high volume, velocity and variety. The trends in social and mobile field have led to an enormous amount of potential data.

The large volume of data enables companies to make decisions that are based on more factors. However, managing an storing such large amount is a challenge for companies. Companies obtain data at a very high rate. Useful data can have several forms:

  • Structured data, like transaction data, which can be fitted in a spreadsheet or database
  • Semistructured data, sensor data and like clickstreams
  • Unstructured data, like video and audio data

For many companies it remains hard to successfully use Big data.

First, organizations did not have the right tools and information to plan their future continuously. Since the environment is nowadays changing very fast it is important that companies can react quickly and this requires new ways of planning. Many companies that are successful use a continuous planning process. With such a process, companies continuously analyze and monitor information and data. This continuously planning can only be executed because of accurate and timely business intelligence.

The most important assets for an organization are data and knowledge since these are crucial for business processes and gaining business intelligence. The database is used to place dynamic and customized information on their Web pages. At many Web sites of companies, customers can view product catalogs and place orders. On the Web site customers can find information on all products, there is a web page for each product.

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