Summary of Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Field - 5th edition
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Chapter 12
Comparing several independent means
ANOVA: analysis of variance
the same thing as the linear model or regression.
In designs in which the group sizes are unequal, it is important that the baseline category contains a large number of cases to ensure that the estimates of the b-values are reliable.
When we are predicting an outcome from group membership, predicted values from the model are the group means.
If the group means are meaningfully different, then using the group means should be an effective way to predict scores.
Predictioni = b0 + b1X + b2Y + Ɛi
Control = b0
Using dummy coding ins only one of many ways to code dummy variables.
The F-test is an overall test that doesn’t identify differences between specific means. But, the model parameters do.
Logic of the F-statistic
The F-statistic tests the overall fit of a linear model to a set of observed data.
F is the ratio of how good the model is compared to how bad it is.
When the model is based on group means, our predictions from the model are those means.
F tells us whether the group means are significantly different.
The same logic as for any linear model:
The F-statistic is the ratio of the explained to the unexplained variation.
We calculate this variation using the sum of squares.
Total sum of squares (SST)
To find the total amount of variation within our data we calculate the difference between each observed data point and the grand mean. We square these differences and add them to give us the total sum of squares (SST)
The variance and the sums of squares are related such that the variance s2 = SS/(N-1),.
We can calculate the total sum of squares from the variance of all observations (the grand variance) by rearranging the relationship. SS = s2(N-1)
The grand variance: the variation between all scores, regardless of the group from which the scores come.
Model sum of squares (SSM)
We need to know how much of the variation the model can explain.
The model sums of squares tell us how much of the total variation in the outcome can be explained by the fact that different scores come from entities in different conditions.
The model sum of squares is calculated by taking the difference between the values predicted by the model and the grand mean.
When making predictions from group membership, the values predicted by the model are the group means.
The sum of the squared distances between what the model predicts for each data point and the overall mean of the outcome.
These differences are squared and added together.
df is here one less than the number of things used to calculate the SS.
Residual sum of squares (SSR)
The residual sum of squares tells us how much of the variation cannot be explained by the model.
The amount of variation created by things that we haven’t measured.
The simplest way to calculate SSR is to subtract SSM from SST
The sum of squares for each group is the squared difference between each participant’s score in a group, and the group mean. Repeat this calculation for all the participant’s in all the groups.
Multiply the variance for each group by one less than the number of people in that group. Then add the results for each group together.
DfR = dfT – dfM
N – k
N is the sample size
k is the number of groups
Mean squares
Mean squares: average sum of squares
We divide by the degrees of freedom because we are trying to extrapolate to a population and some parameters within that population will be held constant.
MSM represents the average amount of variation explained by the model.
MSR is a gauge of the average amount of variation explained by unmeasured variables (unsystematic variation)
The F-statistic
the F-statistic is a measure of the ratio of the variation explained by the model and the variation attributable to unsystematic facors.
The ratio of how good the model is or how bad it is.
The F-statistic is a signal-to-noise ratio.
Interpreting F
When the model is one that predicts an outcome form group means, F evaluates whether ‘overall’ there are differences between means. It does snot provide specific information about which groups are affected.
It is an omnibus tests.
The reason why the F-test is useful is that as a single test it controls the Type I error rate.
Having established that overall group means differ we can use the parameters of the model to tell us where the differences lie.
Homogeneity of variance
We assume that the variance of the outcome is steady as the predictor changes.
Is ANOVA robust?
Robust test: it doesn’t matter much if we break the assumptions, F will still be accurate.
Two issues to consider around the significance of F
ANOVA is not robust.
What to do when assumptions are violated
Trouble: with two dummy variables we end up with two t-tests, which inflates the familiwise error rate.
Typically planned contrasts are done to test specific hypotheses, post hoc test are used when there are not specific hypotheses.
Choosing which contrasts to do
Planned contrasts breaks down the variation due to the model/experiment into component parts.
The exact contrasts will depend upon the hypotheses you want to test.
Three rules:
We break down one chunk of variation into smaller independent chunks.
This independence matters for controlling the Type I error rate.
When we carry out a planned contrast, we compare ‘chunks’ of variance and these chunks often consists of several groups.
When you design a contrast that compares several groups to one other group, you are comparing the means of the groups in one chunk with the mean of the group in the other chunk.
Defining contrasts using weights
To carry out contrasts we need to code our dummy variables in a way that results in bs that compare the ‘chunks’ that we set out in our contrasts.
Basing rules for assigning values to the dummy variables to obtain the contrasts you want.
It is important that the weights for a contrast sum to zero because it ensures that you are comparing two unique chunks of variation.
Therefore, a t-statistic can be used.
Non-orthogonal contrasts
Contrasts don’t have to be orthogonal.
Non-orthogonal contrasts: contrasts that are related.
It disobeys rule 1 because the control group is singled out in the first contrast but used again in the second contrast.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with non-orthogonal contrasts, but you must be careful about how you interpret them because the contrasts are related and so the resulting test statistics and p-values will be correlated to some degree.
The Type I error rate isn’t controlled.
Planned contrasts
Polynomial contrasts: trend analysis
Polynomial contrast: tests for trends in data, and in its most basic form it looks for a linear trend.
There are also other trends that can be examined.
Often people have no specific a priori predictions about the data they have collected and instead they rummage around the data looking for any differences between means that they can find.
Post hoc tests consists of pairwise comparisons that are designed to compare all different combinations of the treatment groups.
It is taking each pair of groups and performing a separate test on each.
Pairwise comparisons control familywise error by correcting the level of significance for each test such that the overall Type I error rate across all comparisons remains at 0.05.
Type I and Type II error rates for post hoc tests
It is important that multiple comparison procedures control the Type I error rate but without a substantial loss in power.
The Least-significant difference (LSD) pairwise comparison makes no attempt to control the Type I error and is equivalent to performing multiple tests on the data.
But it requires the overall ANOVA to be significant.
Tthe Studentized Newman-Keuls (SNK) procedure lacks control over the familywise error rate.
Bonferroni’s and Tukey’s tests both control the Type I error rate but are conservative (the y lack statistical power).
The Ryan, Einot, Gabriel, and Welsch Q (REGWQ) has good power and tight control of the Type I error rate.
Are post hoc procedures robust?
Summary of post hoc procedures
Output for the main analysis
The table is divided into between-group effects (effects due to the model- the experimental effects) and within group effects (the unsystematic variation in the data).
The-between group effect is further broken down into a linear and quadratic component.
The between-group effect labelled combined is the overall experimental effect.
The final column labelled sig tells us the probability of getting an F at least this big if there wasn’t a difference between means in the population.
One-way independent ANOVA
Eta squarred, ŋ2: R2
The square root of this value is the effect size.
Omega squared ώ2 : the effect size estimate. Uses the variance explained by the model, and the average error variance.
ώ2 = (SSM – (dfM)MSR )/ (SST + MSR)
ώ2 is a more accurate measure.
Rcontrast = Wortel (t2 / (t2+df)
We report the F-statistic and de degrees of freedom associated with it.
Also include an effect size estimate and the p-value.
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This is a summary of the book "Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics" by A. Field. In this summary, everything students at the second year of psychology at the Uva will need is present. The content needed in the thirst three blocks are already online, and the rest
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