WorldSupporter profile of ericdehaar
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WorldSupporter News: spotlight
WorldSupporter News: updates

JoHo WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation share great news Smokey Tours, the joint project of WorldSupporter and Bless the Children Foundation was acknowledged as an official resource to generate income part of the Bless Foundation. Bless the Children has been re-accredited by Department...

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter

Concept of JoHo WorldSupporter JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal de...


The latest contributions and content of ericdehaar
 Sign Language Teaching Method for Ugandan Language: Teacher's Guide

Ugandan Sign Language For Preparatory school and Primary school 1-3   This is a teacher’s guide to teach young children the Ugandan Sign Language. The aimed target audience are children of the age of 4 till 8.  So this guide can be used in preparatory school and the first three class...

Tool Map in icons and Spanish

This is a tool map in Spanish. It shows icons / drawings of all the most used tool that you might use when you work as a volunteer on a construction project, or for instance when you are trying to renovate your house in Spain or Latin America. Also useful when you try to communicate with your local ...




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