To be conscious of the organization


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To be conscious of the organization: Discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals

What is organizational awareness?

  • Organizational awareness is the ability to understand consequences that decisions or actions have on the organization and its components, and in doing so understanding how the organization actually works.
  • Being aware of your work, its usefulness to the organization, the improvement of the company and feeling yourself responsible within the work.
  • You take into account power distribution, decision-making and collaboration.

What are the competencies and subcompetencies related to organizational awareness?

  • To be able to create support
  • Have empathy
  • Understanding your organization
  • Make choices for your organization based on external developments
  • Make others organizationally aware


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In 2019, it's hard to ignore thinking about how your consumption choices affect the world. While you're probably familiary with the bad impacts of flying, the meat and dairy industry and the plastic soup that we call oceans, the textile industry hasn't entirely made it's way into the spotl...

I AM Organic - banaan met een duurzaam verhaal

In mijn regionale krant BNDeStem lees ik een artikel over de Organto eerlijke banaan. Organto is bekend van het merk I AM Organic en heeft als slogan Eat the world better. Je vindt producten o.a. in de shops en kiosken van NS. Vaak denk ik bij dergelijke merken en slogans 'tja, de zoveelst...


WWOOFing is a great way to experience a country on a completely different way than when you 'just' travel. You generally perform work you haven't done before and live on a farm that you didn't know before. Besides all the reasons why you should pack your bag and start WWOOFing, please consider some ...


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