Assortment Pointer for summaries with Psychology Specialisation courses Blocks 1 and 3 - LU Leiden

Summaries for Psychology in Leiden 2024-2025

Specialisation courses in block 1 and 3

What can you find for the specialisation courses in block 1 and 3?

  • Summaries and study assistance for the courses: ACP + CCAP + Clinical Neuropsychology + Economic and Consumer

Course: Applied Cognitive Psychology

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

Course: Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

Course: Clinical Neuropsychology

  • Summary and ExamTests with the book Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels

Course: Clinical Psychology

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

Course: Economic and Consumer Psychology

  • Summary with the book Thinking: fast and slow by Kahneman
  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of study year 2024-2025

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Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

Article summaries with Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at Leiden University

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - Study year 2024-2025
Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Psychology at Leiden University

Study Guide with article summaries for Clinical Psychology at Leiden University

Article summaries with Clinical Psychology at Leiden University

  • Summaries with the prescribed articles of Clinical Psychology - Study year 2024/2025
Study Guide for summaries with Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels
Study Guide for summaries with 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman

Study Guide for summaries with 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance for:

  • Book title: Thinking, fast and slow
  • Author: Kahneman
  • Edition: 1st edition

What is the book 'Thinking, fast and slow' by Kahneman about?

  • Thinking, Fast and Slow is an internationally renowned book written for anyone interested in personal well-being and human development.The book gives a schematic explanation of how people can make better choices by describing how our thinking interprets past, future, and present situations in correct and incorrect ways.
  • Thinking, fast and slow’, a New York Times bestseller and multiple prize winner, is a highly praised book that provides us many insights into the human mind. It is seen as a guide to detecting and correcting our biased misunderstandings of the world. We see ourselves as rational thinkers and decision makers, but this book demonstrates how we are subject to many systematic errors, which we are not even aware of or tend to ignore.
  • The author, Daniel Kahneman, won the Nobel Prize in economics in 2002. Kahneman collaborated with psychologist Amos Tversky until his death in 1996, they together produced a fair amount of the research mentioned in this book. He brings in his own research, as well as that of other renowned experts (psychologists, economists, statisticians). Kahneman (1934) is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University and Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs Emeritus at Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Kahneman is considered one of the greatest psychologists. He provides new insights into the understanding of risk, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, the study of well-being and happiness and the analysis of reason and rationality. It is not only an important read for people who want to learn about human behaviour, the findings are valuable to investors, businesses, consumers, teachers, physicians, politicians, marketers and many others.
  • The book focuses mostly on biases of intuition. Kahneman’s aim is improving the ability to identify and understand errors of judgment and choice, particularly in ourselves, by presenting a view of how the mind works that draws on recent developments in social and cognitive psychology (as opposed to many authors who discuss earlier research). One of these developments is the better understanding of the flaws and wonders of intuitive thought.
  • The book is mainly about the distinction between fast and slow thinking, which Kahneman refers to as ‘System 1’ and ‘System 2.“Thinking, fast and slow’ is divided into five parts. Parts 1 discusses the basis elements of this two-system approach to judgment and choice. It demonstrates the distinction between System 1 (automatic operations) and System 2 (controlled operations) and how associative memory, the heart of System 1, consistently creates a coherent interpretation of what is happening around us. This automatic process underlies intuitive thinking and explains the heuristics of judgment. Part 2 is about new insights into judgment heuristics and why it is so hard to think statistically in contrary to thinking associatively. Part 3 demonstrates a significant limitation of our mind: the excessive confidence we have in what we believe we know and our inability to acknowledge our ignorance and the uncertainty of the world. We are susceptible to overestimating how much we comprehend about the world and to underestimating the role of chance in events. Parts 4 focuses on the way economics view people and the decisions they make. Unlike economics, psychologists do not consider people as rational beings, due to the features of System 1. Lastly, part 5 regards the distinction between the remembering self and the experiencing self, which have different interests. This relates to our well-being. The two selves in one person are not equally happy.
    Study Guide with article summaries for Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

    Study Guide with article summaries for Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

    Article summaries with Economic and Consumer Psychology at Leiden University

    • Summaries with the prescribed articles of Economic and Consumer Psychology - Study year 2024-2025
    Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Specialisations at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

    Labyrint Course Pointer with study material and exam info for Psychology Specialisations at University of Leiden - 2024-2025

    Study material and exam info

    Blocks 1 & 3

    Applied Cognitive Psychology

    • Study material: Articles via Brightspace
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam (40%) and two projects (60%)
    • Examdates: 22 oktober 2024

    Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

    • Study material: Articles via Brightspace
      • week 1:
        • Scherer, K.R. (2000). Emotion. In M. Hewstone & W. Stroebe (Eds.). Introduction to Social Psychology: A European perspective (3rd. ed., pp. 151-191). Oxford: Blackwell
      • week 2:
        • Buss, K.A., & Kiel, E.J. (2004). Comparison of sadness, anger, and fear facial expressions when toddlers look at their mothers. Child development, 75, 1761-1773. 
        • Novin, S., Bos, M.G.N., Stevenson, C.E., Rieffe, C. (2018). Adolescents’ responses to online peer conflict: How self-evaluation and ethnicity matter. Infant Child Development, 27:e2067 
      • week 3:
        • van Zonneveld, L., Platje, E., de Sonneville, L., Van Goozen, S., & Swaab, H. (2017). Affective empathy, cognitive empathy and social attention in children at high risk of criminal behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58(8), 913-921.
        • Glenn, A. L., & McCauley, K. E. (2019). How biosocial research can improve interventions for antisocial behavior. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(1), 103-119. 
      • week 4:
        • Broekhof, E., Bos, M. G. N., & Rieffe, C. (2021). The roles of shame and guilt in the development of aggression in adolescents with and without hearing loss. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 891-904. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00769-1.
        • Tangney, J. P., Stuewig, J., & Mashek, D. J. (2007). Moral emotions and moral behavior. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 345-372. 
      • week 5:
        • Sheeber, L. B. et al. (2009). Dynamics of affective experience and behavior in depressed adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 50, 1419-1427.
        • Du Pont, A., et al. (2018). Rumination and psychopathology: Are anger and depressive rumination differentially associated with internalizing and externalizing psychopathology? Clinical Psychological Science, 6, 18-31. 
      • week 6:
        • Wierenga L.M., Ruigrok A., Aksnes E.R., Barth C., Beck D., Burke S., et al. (2024). Recommendations for a better understanding of sex and gender in the neuroscience of mental health. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci. 4100283 
      • week 7:
        • Krieger, Piškur, B., Schulze, C., Jakobs, U., Beurskens, A., & Moser, A. (2018). Supporting and hindering environments for participation of adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: A scoping review. PloS One, 13(8), e0202071–e0202071.
        • Tsou YT, Nasri M, Li B, Blijd-Hoogewys EMA, Baratchi M, Koutamanis A, Rieffe C. (2024). Social connectedness and loneliness in school for autistic and allistic children. Autism.
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with 2 open ended essay questions (60%) and work group assignments (40%)
    • Examdates: 21 oktober 2024

    Clinical Neuropsychology

    • Study material: Clinical Neuropsychology by Kessels et al., Revised 1st edition
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam with multiple choice and open questions (60%) and an assignment (40%)
    • Examdates: 23 oktober 2024

    Clinical Psychology

    • Study material: Articles via Brightspace
      • week 1:
      • week 2: 
        • Berk M. et al. (2023). Comorbidity between major depressive disorder and physical diseases: a comprehensive review of epidemiology, mechanisms, and management. World Psychiatry (exam material)
        • Eaton NR. et al. (2023). A review of approaches and models in psychopathology conceptualization research. Nature Reviews Psychology (exam material)
        • Luo J. et al. (2023). The stressful personality: a meta-analytic review of the relation between personality and stress. Personality and Social Psychology Review
      • week 3:
        • Eaton NR. et al. (2023). A review of approaches and models in psychopathology conceptualization research. Nature Reviews Psychology (exam material)
        • Robinaugh DJ. et al. [2020]. The network approach to psychopathology: a review of the literature and an agenda for future research. Psychological Medicine  
      • week 4:
        • Siegel S. (2016). The heroin overdose mystery. Current Directions in Psychological Science   Volkow ND. et al. (2021). Choosing appropriate language to reduce the stigma around mental illness and substance use disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology (exam material)
      • week 5:
        • Eronen M. The levels problem in psychopathology. Psychological Medicine 
        • Blom JD. Alice in wonderland syndrome. Neurology Clinical Practice
      • week 6:
        • White KS, Cheung V. Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders. In Wenzel A. (ED). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy: applications (2021). (exam material) week 7:
        • White KS, Cheung V. Cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders. In Wenzel A. (ED). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy: applications (2021) (exam material)
        • Ehlers A and Wild J. Cognitive behavior therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder. In Wenzel A. (ED). Handbook of cognitive behavioral therapy: applications (2021) (exam material)
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam (30%), participation and homework assignments (30%) and an essay (40%)
    • Examdates: 22 oktober 2024

    Economic and Consumer Psychology

    • Study material:
      • Book: Cultural psychology by Kahneman, 1st edition
        • week 1: ch 1,2,3,4,5
        • week 2: ch 6,7,8,9
        • week 3: ch 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18
        • week 4: ch 19,20,21,22,23,24
        • week 5: ch 25,26,27,28,29,30,31
        • week 6: ch 32,33,34
        • week 7: ch 35,36,37,38
    • Articles via Brightspace
      • week 1:
        • Yang, M., & Roskos-Ewoldsen, D. R. (2007). The effectiveness of brand placements in the movies: Levels of placements, explicit and implicit memory, and brand-choice behavior. Journal of Communication, 57 (3), 469-489.
        • Cheung, C. M. Y., Sia, C. L., & Kuan, K. K. (2012). Is this review believable? A study of factors affecting the credibility of online consumer reviews from an ELM perspective. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 13(8), 618-635.
      • week 2:
        • Antonetti, P., & Maklan, S. (2014). Feelings that make a difference: How guilt and pride convince consumers of the effectiveness of sustainable consumption choices. Journal of Business Ethics, 124 (1), 117-134.
        • Chang, C. (2020). How morality judgments influence humor perceptions of prankvertising. International Journal of Advertising, 40(2), 246-271.
      • week 3:
        • Paek, H. J., Yoon, H. J., & Hove, T. (2011). Not all nutrition claims are perceived equal: Anchoring effects and moderating mechanisms in food advertising. Health communication, 26(2), 159-170.
        • Cui, Y. G., Kim, S. S., & Kim, J. (2021). Impact of preciseness of price presentation on the magnitude of compromise and decoy effects. Journal of Business Research, 132, 641-652.
      • week 4:
        • Vo, T. T., Xiao, X., & Ho, S. Y. (2019). How does corporate social responsibility engagement influence word of mouth on Twitter? Evidence from the airline industry. Journal of Business Ethics, 157(2), 525-542.
        • Aqueveque, C. (2018). Ignorant experts and erudite novices: Exploring the Dunning-Kruger effect in wine consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 65, 181-184.
      • week 5:
        • Nash, J. G., & Rosenthal, R. A. (2014). An investigation of the endowment effect in the context of a college housing lottery. Journal of Economic Psychology, 42, 74-82.
        • Wohl, M. J., Branscombe, N. R., & Lister, J. J. (2014). When the going gets tough: Economic threat increases financial risk taking in games of chance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(2), 211-217.
      • week 6:
        • Tiefenbeck, V., Staake, T., Roth, K., & Sachs, O. (2013). For better or for worse? Empirical evidence of moral licensing in a behavioral energy conservation campaign. Energy Policy, 57, 160-171.
        • Cho, H., & Schwarz, N. (2008). Of great art and untalented artists: Effort information and the flexible construction of judgmental heuristics. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 18(3), 205-211.
        • Guan, J., Ma, E., & Bi, J. (2023). Impulsive shopping overseas: Do sunk cost, information confusion, and anticipated regret have a say?. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 47(3), 549-573.
      • week 7:
        • Loveland, K. E., Smeesters, D., & Mandel, N. (2010). Still preoccupied with 1995: The need to belong and preference for nostalgic products. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(3), 393-408.
        • Carter, T. J., & Gilovich, T. (2012). I am what I do, not what I have: The differential centrality of experiential and material purchases to the self. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(6), 1304-1317.
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the multiple choice exam (50%) and work group assignments (50%)
    • Examdates: 23 oktober 2024

    Good Research Practices

    Blocks 2 & 4

    Cognitive Neuroscience

    • Study material: Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind by Gazzaniga a.o. - 5th edition
    • About the exam: The final grade is an average of the exam (50%) and the workgroup grade (50%)
    • Examdates: 18 December 2024

    Health and Medical Psychology

    • Study material:
      • An Introduction to Health Psychology by Morrison & Bennet - 2022 edition
      • Articles to be announced
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam (60%) and the workgroup grade (40%)
    • Examdates: 20 December 2024

    School Psychology

    • Study material:
      • Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience by Goswami - 2nd edition
      • Articles to be announced
    • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of the exam (70%) and the workgroup grade (30%)
    • Examdates: 19 December 2024

    Social Psychology in Organisations

    • Study material: Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Scandura - 3rd edition
      • week 1: ch 1, 2 & 4

      • week 2: ch 6, 7

      • week 3: ch 10, 13 

      • week 4: ch 8, 9 

      • week 5: ch 14, 15

      • week 6: ch 5, 11, 12

      • week 7:

    • About the exam: The final grade is an average of the exam (50%) and the workgroup grade (50%)
    • Examdates: 17 December 2024


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