Travel to South Korea to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

WorldSupporter Topic

Intro: life and experiences in South Korea
  • Backpacking in South Korea: not a real backpacking destination but all the more enjoyable for some for that reason.
  • Traveling in South Korea: plan your visit especially in spring or autumn, visit Gyeongjum, Jeonju or Jeju Island (to walk the Jeju Olle trail).
  • Studying in South Korea: quite a lot of hassle, but not impossible.
  • Doing an internship in South Korea: it will take some getting used to, but it will be the experience of a lifetime.
  • Volunteering in South Korea: mainly in education and conservation projects.
  • Working in South Korea: you can still get a job as an English teacher, otherwise limited opportunities. Korean work culture is focused on the collective, so eating and drinking (alcohol) together with your colleagues is important. Koreans often start quietly, but go on for a long time.
  • Working as a digital nomad in South Korea: Gyeongju and Chuncheon are a bit quieter, Seoul is bustling.
  • Living in South Korea: the culture is quite hierarchical, which is a problem for many non hierarchical people.


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Introduction With the global market shifting more to Asian countries and with South-Korea having one of the top economies in the world, expanding your business to South Korea can sound very favourable. But are Koreans going to buy your products, and where do you even begin when you're want...

Park Zuid Korea

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