All preparation for successful travel and stay abroad?

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Successful travel and prepared for stay abroad


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Surviving disasters abroad and solving crisis while traveling

Surviving disasters abroad and solving crisis while traveling

Surviving disasters abroad and solving problems while traveling Table of content What to do during a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone, how dangerous are strong winds What to do do during a volcano eruption, How dangerous is climbing an active volcano? What to do during an earthquake? How dangerous are earthquakes?


Latest changes and updates tagged with: All preparation for successful travel and stay abroad

Laos highlights, climate and travel times


Laos is the epitome of tranquility, beautiful nature, friendly people and many monks in orange and yellow robes. Although the country is increasingly being discovered by tourists and travelers alike, it has retained its authentic character for now. You imagine yourself back in time in Laos and you are quickly absorbed in the relaxed atmosphere exuded by the

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What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination.

What are some main features of sustainable tourism?

  • Community Empowerment: Involving local communities in tourism planning and operations, ensuring they benefit directly.
  • Economic Viability: Supporting local businesses and ensuring tourism contributes to the economic development of the destination.
  • Sociocultural Awareness: Respecting local traditions and customs, promoting cultural exchange, and ensuring tourism benefits local communities.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Minimizing resource use (water, energy), reducing waste, and supporting conservation efforts.

What is the importance of sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is important for:

  • Protecting the Environment: It helps conserve natural resources and biodiversity, combating issues like pollution and habitat loss.
  • Supporting Local Communities: It promotes fair trade practices and ensures
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What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities.

What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism destinations are primarily natural areas like rainforests, mountains, or coral reefs.
  • Low-impact travel: Practices minimize negative environmental impact through responsible activities and waste management.
  • Education and awareness: Travelers learn about the local ecology and culture, fostering appreciation and respect.
  • Conservation benefits: Ecotourism supports conservation efforts through park fees or direct funding for projects.
  • Community benefits: Economic benefits reach local communities, empowering them and promoting cultural exchange.

Why is ecotourism important?

Ecotourism offers a win-win situation:

  • Environmental protection: It provides financial incentive for preserving natural areas, combating threats like deforestation or poaching.
  • Sustainable development: Ecotourism supports economic growth in local communities, encouraging responsible resource management.
  • Cultural preservation: It fosters respect
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Hi! Recently a good friend of mine surprised me with a present from Japan; a Stasher resealable bag! I never knew this things existed so this was awesome! For hiking I bring resealable bags to store my breakfast (cereals with water) overnight. This means I have to throw away a plastic bag every day....

Azerbaijan: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Azerbaijan?
  • Updates Azerbaijan
  • Travel in Azerbaijan?

    • Should you have a penchant for yeshivot, then you can indulge in the endless oil fields around Baku. If you feel more comfortable in the mountains then you should definitely dive into the Caucasus ...
Kirgizië: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Kyrgyztan?
  • Updates Kyrgyztan
  • Travel in Kyrgyztan?

    • Snow-capped mountain ridges, high passes, wild rivers and barren plateaus literally and figuratively take your breath away (almost the entire country is above 1,000 meters). Kyrgyzstan's nature reserv...
Kazakhstan: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Kazakhstan?
  • Updates Kazakhstan
  • Travel in Kazakhstan?

    • Central Asia is becoming increasingly popular among adventure travel enthusiasts. Travel in Central Asia, and thus Kazakhstan, is relatively easy because it is possible to travel through ...


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Spotlight: selection

Selected spotlight content related to All preparation for successful travel and stay abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...

Reisdocumenten Paspoort, Reisvisum, Verblijfsvergunning, Werkvisum, Working Holiday Paspoort & Identiteitsbewijs

  • Wat is een paspoort en waar moiet je op letten bij de douane?
  • Wat moet je doen als je paspoort kwijtraakt in het buitenland?
  • Wat is een noodpaspoort of lais...

  • Het Canadese Working Holiday Visum kun je aanvragen als je tussen de 18-30 jaar en bent en geeft de mogelijkheid om tot 12 maanden in Canada te werken.
  • Het aanvragen van het Working Holiday visum kan altijd vanaf een bepaalde datum in het jaar. Je kunt dan een online account aanmak...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to All preparation for successful travel and stay abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...
Park Zuid Korea

Nederlanders en Belgen kunnen voor hun verblijf in Zuid-Korea een Working Holiday Visum aanvragen om zo tot maximaal een jaar te reizen en werken in Zuid-Korea. Dit visum is bedoeld voor reizigers tussen de 18 en 30 jaar met als hoofddoel reizen en met als bijbedoeling te werken of tijdelijk (bijvoo...

Moet je voor kinderen ook een Vietnam visum aanvragen?

De regels voor het aanvragen voor een visum voor kinderen zijn hetzelfde als bij volwassenen, mits het kind een eigen paspoort heeft. Kinderen die in het paspoort staan bij hun ouders, daar dient wel een Approval Letter voor aangevraagd te worden. Maar hiervoor hoeven geen stempelkosten betaald te w...

Spotlight summaries related to All preparation for successful travel and stay abroad
What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

What is sustainable tourism?

Sustainable tourism is a travel philosophy that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, respects local cultures, and ensures economic benefits are shared with host communities. It aims to balance the needs of tourists with the long-term well-being of a destination. What are some main features...

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