Business and Economics - Theme


Summaries, study notes, internships, tips and tools for study and work in business and economics

Business organization, economics and marketing

What is business organization, and what is economics?

  • Business involves the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services to meet consumer needs and generate profit.
  • Economics studies how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions to optimize wealth and well-being.

What are the main related topics on WorldSupporter for summaries, study assistance and internships?

Business organization and economics: The best concepts summarized

Business organization and economics: The best concepts summarized

Business organization and economics: The best concepts summarized

Table of contents

  • Business organization
  • Management and leadership
  • International business & strategy
  • Human Resource Management and organizational behavior
  • Finances and financial management
  • Economics & economical sciences
  • Accounting and bookkeeping
Business and Economics: The best scientific articles summarized

Business and Economics: The best scientific articles summarized

Business and economics: The best scientific articles summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Business and economics

  • For 7+ articlesummaries for Business and economics, see the supporting content of this study guide

Table of Content

  • Towards a Multidisciplinary Definition of Innovation
  • Strategic Entrepreneurship: Creating Competitive Advantage Through Streams of Innovation
  • Global Teams That Work
  • The Discipline of Business Experimentation
  • Working Apart Together? Building a Knowledge-Sharing Culture for Global Virtual Teams, Creativity & Innovation Management
  • How GE is Disrupting Itself
  • Multinational and Multicultural Distributed Teams: A Review and Future Agenda
  • 10 Rules for Managing Global Innovation

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Marketing: summaries of legendary standard works, literature and manuals

Marketing: summaries of legendary standard works, literature and manuals

Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge

Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge

Chapter 1: What is Organizational Behavior?

Being a good manager requires strong interpersonal skills, as communication is crucial, as one must manage different types of resources: people, money, and time in order to achieve specific goals.

A Manager’s Four Main Functions

Planning function refers to setting goals, creating strategies, and preparation of plans that make different activities work coherently and effectively.

Organising function concerns tasks identification and division, assignment of tasks to individuals, setting reporting and decision- making systems.

Leading function relates to motivating workers and directing others’ actions, choosing communication canals and solving conflicts.

Controlling function refers to controlling others’ work outcomes and checking whether everything is being done as planned; and when necessary undertaking corrective actions.

Management roles

They can be divided into 3 main categories: interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. The concept was developed by Henry Mintzberg and is called Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (below).







Roles which involve ceremonial/symbolic duties


Symbolic head, needs to perform duties of social/legal nature


Motivates and directs employees


Maintains a network of outside contacts



Collection and dissemination of information


Receives information, serves as nerve centre of internal and external information


Transmits information from outsiders to the organisation’s members


Transmits information about the organisation to outside parties



Refers to making choices


Analyses the organisation and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change

Disturbance handler

Undertakes corrective actions in case of problems

Resource allocator

Makes or approves important organizational decisions


Represents the organization in negotiations

Management skills

There are more
List of important terms for Global Marketing: a decision-oriented approach

List of important terms for Global Marketing: a decision-oriented approach

Chapter 1: International marketing within the firm

Customer experience. The use of products in combination with services to engage the individual customer in a way that creates a memorable event. This can be characterized into one of the four groups: entertainment, educational, aesthetic or escapist.

Deglobalization. Moving away from the globalization trends and regarding each market as special, with his own economy, culture and religion.

Economies of scale. Accumulated volume in production, resulting lower cost price per unit.

Economies of scope. Reusing a resource from one business or country into another business or country.

Globalization. Reflects the trend of firms buying, developing, producing and selling products and services on a worldwide base.

Global integration. Recognizing the similarities between international markets and integrating them into the overall global strategy.

Global marketing. The commitment of the firm to coordinate its marketing activities across national boundaries in order to find and satisfy global customers.

Glocalization. The development and selling of products or services intended for the global market, but adapted to suit local culture and behaviour.

Internationalization. Doing business in many countries of the world, but often limited to a certain region like Europe.

LSEs Firms with more than 250 employees. Large Scale Enterprises.

Market responsiveness. Responding to each market's needs and wants.

SMEs. Small and medium sized enterprises. Companies with fewer than 50 employees are small enterprises. Companies with less than 250 employees are medium enterprises.

Value chain. A categorization of the firm's activities providing value for the customers and profit for the company.

Value networks. The formation of several firm's value chains into a network, where each company contributes a small part to the total value chain.

Value shops. A model for solving problems in a service environment. Value created by mobilizing resources and deploying them to solve a specific customer problem.

Virtual value chain. An extension of the conventional value chain, where the information processing itself can create value for customers.

Chapter 4: Establishing international competitiveness

Blue oceans. The unserved market, where competitors are not yet structured and the market is unknown. It's about avoiding head to head competition.

Competences. Combination of different resources into capabilities and later competences being something that the firm is really good at.

Competitive benchmarking. A technique for assessing relative marketplace performance compared with main competitors.

Competitive triangle. Consist of a customer, the firm more
Summary Global Marketing (Hollensen)

Summary Global Marketing (Hollensen)

Chapter 1: International marketing within the firm

We are entering a new phase of globalisation in which an ultimate model for success does not exist and whereby companies from every part of the world compete. This chapter contains an introduction to globalization. We will discuss the process of developing the global marketing plan, the two main types of enterprises, the development of the concept of global marketing, global integration and market responsiveness, the value chain and global experimental marketing.

Globalisation: the trend of companies buying, developing, producing and selling products and services in most countries and regions of the world. It increases the companies’ competitiveness and facilitates innovation.

Internationalisation: doing business in many countries of the world, but often limited to a certain region, e.g. Europe. It is unlikely to be successful unless the company prepares in advance.

The process of developing the global marketing plan contains the decision whether to internationalize, deciding which markets to enter, deciding on the Market entry strategy, designing the global marketing programme and implementing and coordinating the global marketing plan.

There are two types of enterprises:

  1. LSEs (Large Scale Enterprises): firms with more than 250 employees. Comprise 1% of all firms.

  2. SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises): small firms have fewer than 50 employees; medium firms have fewer than 250 employees. Comprise 99% of all firms.

There are a few main qualitative differences between marketing and management style in SMEs and LSEs:


  • Financial: SMEs have a lack of financial resources due to limited equity.

  • Business education/specialist expertise: SMEs have a lack of specialist expertise because managers are untrained in formal business disciplines.

Additionally, SMEs managers do not have knowledge about global marketing expertise. Therefore, the owners of SMEs are often closely involved with the firm’s processes.

Formation of strategy/decision-making processes: both the intended (or deliberate) strategy and the emergent strategy result in the realized strategy of a firm, Figure 1.3. LSEs mainly use the intended strategy and SMEs mainly use the emergent strategy. LSEs also use the approach logical incrementalism, Figure 1.4. They implement small adjustments, and when it is proved that they are successful further development of the strategy takes place. If the environmental change moves apart from the changes due to the incremental strategy, strategic drift arises. SMEs use more
Summary: A Framework for Marketing Management

Summary: A Framework for Marketing Management

A. Defining Marketing for the 21st Century


The new economy is based on the Digital Revolution and the management of information. It is characterized by the Information Age, with promises of more accurate levels of production, more targeted communications, and more relevant pricing.


The old economy, on the other hand, was based on the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing industries, and standardization of products to achieve economies of scale. It is characterized by the Industrial Age, which focused on mass-production and mass-consumption with promises of efficiency.


The new economy has allowed for more capabilities for consumers and companies;


Consumers can now:

  • Find lowest prices as a consequence of their increase in buying power.

  • Access a greater variety of available goods and services. (e.g. through

  • Access large amounts of information about anything

  • Interact, place and receive orders easily, 24/7 and from any location.

  • Compare notes on products and services.


Companies can now:

  • Operate powerful new information and sales channels to inform and promote their businesses and products.

    • e.g. Using Web sites.

  • Collect fuller and richer information about markets, customers, prospects, and competitors.

  • Speed up and facilitate internal Communication among employees.

    • e.g. Intranet

    • e.g. Extranets with suppliers

  • Communicate with customers and prospects in a “two-way” manner, and have more efficient transactions.

  • Send ads, coupons, samples, and information to those customers that requested it.

    • e.g. Internet, allows for the comparison of prices  improving purchasing

  • Customize offerings and services to individual customers.

  • Improve purchasing, recruiting, training, and internal and external communications.

  • Improve logistics and operations, saving costs and improving accuracy and quality.


These capabilities of consumers and customers create new forces, the question and focus is on how these new forces will change marketing.


Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human social needs; “meeting needs profitably”. Companies are motivated to turn a private or social need into a profitable business opportunity, e.g. Ikea identified the need for more

The Most Common Mistakes Companies Make with Global Marketing by Nataly Kelly - Article

The Most Common Mistakes Companies Make with Global Marketing by Nataly Kelly - Article

1. Does the company specify its target country?

Instead of targeting a region as big as, for example, Asia or Europe, company executives would be wise to specify which Asian country is targeted. Generalising a region would be unwise because customers are likely to identify on a national level. For marketing, bespoke marketing management is the keyword here because cultural norms, local laws, specific business practises and currency are different per country. Market research should be localised and focused on understanding local customer behaviour, market size, local competitors and where the company product can fit in this market matrix.

2. Is the company paying attention to internal data?

For a company to develop a global market strategy there are three important data points to look at:

  1. What is the estimated opportunity available in that (specific) market?

  2. What is the ease of doing business in that market?

  3. What is the level of success already enjoyed in that market?

More often than not companies rely on external date for making decisions. But for question 2 and 3 internal company data is likely to provide a better answer. How much investment creates how many leads? What are the sales cycles? Answers to these questions are better sought within the company, since third-party data sources are not as familiar with the product, brand and customer of the company.

3. Are you adapting your sales and marketing channels?

Every company needs to tailor its channels to the local condition when entering a new market. Whatever might have worked in the home market, might not work abroad. When you are selling through social media, choosing the right platform per country is essential. Twitter might be popular in one country while another country has its own popular social channel. Another example is in countries with high cultural value attached to relationships, it might be wise to sell through local partners such as resellers instead of relying on direct sales methods. Relying in local data an in-country experts is highly recommended.

4. Are you adapting the product offering to the new more
The Kotler Bundle: summaries and study notes for The Principles of Marketing by Kotler and Armstrong

The Kotler Bundle: summaries and study notes for The Principles of Marketing by Kotler and Armstrong


What is The Principles of Marketing about?

  • This handbook is the most widely used book on marketing. It provides a solid introduction to what marketing is all about and explains in a complex way how to create value to build and maintain relationships with customers.
  • The book reflects today's society more than some other books on marketing. It shows how consumers make a product or brand part of their lives and share it with each other in an interactive way.

How is The Principles of Marketing organized?

  • The book starts with the ten more
The Robbins & Judge Bundle: summaries for Essentials of Organizational Behavior

The Robbins & Judge Bundle: summaries for Essentials of Organizational Behavior

Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge

Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge

Chapter 1: What is Organizational Behavior?

Being a good manager requires strong interpersonal skills, as communication is crucial, as one must manage different types of resources: people, money, and time in order to achieve specific goals.

A Manager’s Four Main Functions

Planning function refers to setting goals, creating strategies, and preparation of plans that make different activities work coherently and effectively.

Organising function concerns tasks identification and division, assignment of tasks to individuals, setting reporting and decision- making systems.

Leading function relates to motivating workers and directing others’ actions, choosing communication canals and solving conflicts.

Controlling function refers to controlling others’ work outcomes and checking whether everything is being done as planned; and when necessary undertaking corrective actions.

Management roles

They can be divided into 3 main categories: interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. The concept was developed by Henry Mintzberg and is called Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles (below).







Roles which involve ceremonial/symbolic duties


Symbolic head, needs to perform duties of social/legal nature


Motivates and directs employees


Maintains a network of outside contacts



Collection and dissemination of information


Receives information, serves as nerve centre of internal and external information


Transmits information from outsiders to the organisation’s members


Transmits information about the organisation to outside parties



Refers to making choices


Analyses the organisation and its environment for opportunities and initiates projects to bring about change

Disturbance handler

Undertakes corrective actions in case of problems

Resource allocator

Makes or approves important organizational decisions


Represents the organization in negotiations

Management skills

There are more
Summary Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - 14th

Summary Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - 14th

What is organizational behavior? - Chapter 1

Why is organizational behavior important?

To understand the importance of organizational behavior, it is important to look at history. Until the 1980s, business schools focused on the technical aspects of management, such as economics, financing and quantitative techniques. Human behavior and skills to deal with people were not seen as very important. But, since then, business schools became aware of the fact that interpersonal skills are very important when it comes to a manager's effectiveness. A lack of interpersonal skills can even lead to the top reason why employees fail to advance in their position.

In organizational behavior, one of the key principles is to improve interpersonal skills. When managers have good developed interpersonal skills, this will lead to attraction of more high-performing employees for the organizations. A second important benefit of studying organizational behavior is that it can help to make a workplace great, instead of just good. And, since it is known that companies that are seen as a 'good place to work' generate superior financial performance, it is good to make companies a good place to work. Thirdly, the quality of workplace relationships has strong connections to things such as job satisfaction, stress and turnover. Social relationships among coworkers and supervisors is also strongly related to overall job satisfaction, lower stress at work and lower intentions to quit. The fourth benefit of having knowledge about organizational behavior is that it can foster social responsibility awareness. This is important because corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important topic. CSR will be discussed in Chapter 2.

Management and organizational behavior

The role of a manager is becoming increasingly demanding. Contemporary, it seems common that more
BulletPointsummary per chapter with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - Chapter

BulletPointsummary per chapter with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior by Robbins & Judge - Chapter

What is organizational behavior? - BulletPoints 1

  • In organizational behavior, one of the key principles is to improve interpersonal skills. When managers have good developed interpersonal skills, this will lead to attraction of more high-performing employees for the organizations. A second important benefit of studying organizational behavior is that it can help to make a workplace great, instead of just good. And, since it is known that companies that are seen as a 'good place to work'  generate superior financial performance, it is good to make companies a good place to work. Thirdly, the quality of workplace relationships has strong connections to things such as job satisfaction, stress and turnover. Social relationships among coworkers and supervisors is also strongly related to overall job satisfaction, lower stress at work and lower intentions to quit. The fourth benefit of having knowledge about organizational behavior is that it can foster social responsibility awareness. This is important because corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important topic. CSR will be discussed in Chapter 2.

  • Organizational behavior studies the impact of three determinants of behavior within organizations: individuals, groups and structure. The goal of organizational behavior is to make organizations more effective, by using knowledge about these three determinants of behavior within organizations. In other words, organizational behavior is the study of people in organizations and the way that their actions affect the organization. Organizational behavior is especially concenred with employment-related situations, such as job satisfaction, absenteeism, employment turnover, productivity, human performance and management.

  • The core topics in organizational behavior are: motivation; leader behavior and power; interpersonal communication; group structure and processes; attitude development and perception; change processes; conflict and negotiation and work design.

  • There is a difference between effective and succesful managers. Effective managers are more
Examtests with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge

Examtests with the 14th edition of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge

What is organizational behavior? - Practice questions 1


Question 1

What is organisational behaviour?


Question 1

It is an interdisciplinary field which tries to better understand how to manage employees.

What are attitudes and how do they influence behavior? - Practice questions 2


Question 1

What are the three components of attitudes?

Question 2

Other than attitudes, which other two variables can explain behavior?


Question 1

A cognitive component, affective component and a behavioral component

Question 2

Subjective norm and observed behavioral control

What is the role of emotions in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 3


Question 1

What is the difference between emotions and affect?


Question 1

Emotions are complex human personal reactions on situations or events. Affection is a more general feeling which contains emotions as well as moods.

How is personality relevant in organizational behavior? - Practice questions 4


Question 1

What are the different personality types?

Question 2

What is the difference between instrumental and terminal values?

Question 3

Schwartz distinguishes two dimensions of values. Which two dimensions are these?

  1. Self-transcendence - self-enhancement ; openness to change - conservation
  2. Personal values - social values ; moral values - competence values
  3. Security - self-direction ; achievement - benevolence
  4. Instrumental values - terminal values; extrinsic values - intrinsic values more
Summary of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge - 12th edition

Summary of Essentials of Organizational Behavior - Robbins & Judge - 12th edition

Chapter 1. Introduction to Organizational Behavior

Organizational behavior (OB): The study field of how individuals, people, groups and structure behave and act in organizations.

The study field is individuals, groups of people and the structure of the people and groups within the organization. The purpose of OB is to obtain information and knowledge about the behavior of an organization so they can work more efficient and effective.

OB’s core themes:

  • Motivation

  • Leader behavior and power

  • Interpersonal communication

  • Group structure and process

  • Personality, emotions and values

  • Attitude development and perception

  • Change processes

  • Conflict and negotiation

  • Work design

Systematic study: Study that looks at relationships, and let’s scientific evidence helps us find causes, effects and conclusions.

Evidence based management (EBM): Management that uses scientific evidence to make decisions.

Organizational behavior is built on contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines:

  • Psychology: A study of the behavior of humans. With contributions to learning, motivation, personality, job satisfaction and work design. (Micro-level)

  • Social psychology: How people focus on each other and influence each other in a social way. With contributions to behavioral change, attitude change, communication, power and intergroup behavior. (Micro-level)

  • Sociology: The study of how people react and what their relations are with culture, environment and organizations.

With contributions to communication, intergroup behavior, organizational technology, change and culture (Macro-level)

  • Anthropology: The study of people and their activities in groups, cultures and different countries. With contributions to comparative values, attitudes, organizational culture and power. (Macro-level)

Contingency variables: Variables that lead to each other, but with special conditions. ‘One’ leads to ‘two’ under the condition that ‘three’.

There are some opportunities for Organizational Behavior, which make it important to look at OB. These challenges include:

  • Responding to the Economic Pressures

  • Responding to Globalization: where there is an increased amount of foreign assignments, more different cultures and countries with low-cost labor. Globalization: Focuses on the differences of people in different countries.

  • Managing workforce diversity. Workforce diversity: Differences and similarities of people within an organization. This could be in terms of cultural background, sex, race, religion, etc. These differences should be taking into account to adapt to more
Bedrijfskunde en Economie: samenvattingen en studiehulp - Theme
Communication, marketing, pr and sales - Theme
International relations and international studies - Theme
WorldSupporter: register with JoHo WorldSupporter


Bedrijfskunde en Economie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Bedrijfskunde en Economie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Bedrijfskunde en Economie


  • Accounting and Boekhouding: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Economie en economische wetenschappen: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Financiën en financieel beheer: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Personeelsmanagement en Organisatiegedrag: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Management en Leiderschap: De beste studeboeken samengevat
  • Onderzoeksmethoden en statistiek met bedrijfskunde en economie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Over Bedrijfskunde en Economie

  • Bedrijfskunde en economie zijn twee essentiële vakgebieden voor professionals die werkzaam zijn in de bedrijfswereld. Bedrijfskunde biedt de tools en technieken die nodig zijn om organisaties efficiënt te runnen en te laten groeien. Economie biedt inzicht in de grotere economische krachten die van invloed zijn op bedrijven, zoals vraag en aanbod, inflatie, en economische cycli. Door beide perspectieven te integreren, kunnen we beter geïnformeerde beslissingen maken en succesvollere bedrijven bouwen.
Organizational Behavior: samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Organisatiegedrag - Bundel

Organizational Behavior: samenvattingen en studiehulp voor Organisatiegedrag - Bundel

Business and Economics - Theme
Begrippenlijst bij Organizational Behaviour van McShane en Von Glinow

Begrippenlijst bij Organizational Behaviour van McShane en Von Glinow

Hoofdstuk 1


Organisaties en organisatorisch gedrag

Groepen mensen die gezamenlijk naar een bepaald doel toewerken en het gedrag dat binnen deze groepen mensen plaatsvindt, ofwel wat men doet, voelt en denkt over de organisatie.

Organisatorisch geheugen

Het opslaan en behouden van het intellectueel kapitaal.

Open systemen

Een perspectief dat ervan uitgaat dat organisaties constant in contact staan met hun omgeving. De organisatie is afhankelijk van de input van de omgeving en verandert deze door de output van de organisatie. Dit systeem bestaat uit subsystemen die input in output veranderen.

Kennis management

Elke gestructureerde activiteit die bijdraagt aan capaciteit om kennis te delen, vergaren en gebruiken ter bevordering van het succes van de organisatie. De kennis binnen het bedrijf heet intellectueel kapitaal, een begrip dat we kunnen opdelen in persoonlijk, structureel en relationeel kapitaal.

Werkgerelateerd gedrag

Hieronder worden vijf soorten gedragingen verstaan. Taakgericht gedrag, doelgericht gedrag dat de doelen van de organisatie nastreeft. Organisatorisch burgerschap: de betrokkenheid met de organisatie, die bijvoorbeeld de hoeveelheid hulp bepaalt die wordt verleend aan collega’s. Contraproductief gedrag, gedrag dat tegen de doelen van de organisatie inwerkt. Blijven bij de organisatie, het blijven bij de organisatie is van belang om doelen te behalen. Werkaanwezigheid, als mensen ontevreden of gestrest zijn zal de absentie toenemen.

Vier nieuwe trends op de werkplek

  • Globalisatie: economische, sociale en culturele bindingen tussen mensen uit verschillende delen van de wereld.

  • Werkplek diversiteit: een afspiegeling van de maatschappij op de werkplek. Kan opgedeeld worden in het oppervlakkige niveau en verdiepende niveau.

  • Werk- leven balans: verwijst naar de balans tussen het werk en privéleven van de werknemer. Steeds meer mensen een parttime of een 24/7 baan.

  • Virtueel werk: is een vorm van arbeid waarbij werknemers hun werk uitvoeren op een andere plek dan de traditionele fysieke werkplek. Hierbij wordt vaak gebruik gemaakt van een computer. more

Vier principes die ten grondslag liggen aan onderzoek naar organisatorisch gedrag

  • Multidisciplinaire principe: er moet naar verschillende disciplines gekeken worden om een uitspraak te kunnen doen over organisatorisch gedrag.

  • Systematisch onderzoeksprincipe: op een wetenschappelijke manier wordt er onderzoek gedaan naar gedragingen op de werkvloer.

  • Contingentie principe: verschillende acties hebben verschillende consequenties in verschillende contexten.

  • Verschillende niveaus van analyse principe:

Marketing Bundles: summaries and study notes for The Netherlands

Marketing Bundles: summaries and study notes for The Netherlands

Boeksamenvatting bij Hoofdstukken 3 en 4 van Principles of Marketing Engineering van Rangaswamy

Boeksamenvatting bij Hoofdstukken 3 en 4 van Principles of Marketing Engineering van Rangaswamy

Hoofdstuk 3 – Segmenteren en targeting

Klanten verschillen in veel opzichten. Door segmentatie hoeft er geen algemeen programma te zijn voor alle klanten, maar er hoeft ook geen uniek programma te zijn voor elke klant.

Markt segment: een groep van huidige of potentiële klanten waarvan verwacht kan worden dat ze op de zelfde manier reageren op een product of service.

Markt segmentatie: het bedrijfsproces van het vinden van groepen van klanten die gelijk zijn op bepaalde, relevante criteria voor het bedrijf en zijn strategische context, zoals behoeftes, hoe ze een aanbieding waarderen, gedrag, leeftijd, sekse en inkomen. En hoe ze verschillen van andere groepen op deze criteria.

Er zijn drie fundamentele factoren die de mogelijkheid geven voor een bedrijf om een markt succesvol te segmenteren.

  • Heterogeniteit van de benodigdheden en behoefte van de klant.
  • Hoewel klanten heterogeen kunnen zijn, moeten ze clusteren in specifieke groepen waarbinnen de behoeften van deze klanten meer vergelijkbaar met die van andere klanten in die groep zijn, dan aan de behoeften van klanten in andere groepen
  • De totale kosten van het bedienen van een segment moeten gelijk zijn of lager dan de prijs die ze willen betalen.


Segmentatie is de eerste stap in het proces van segmenteren, targeting en positioneren (STP). Segmenteren is groepen klanten maken die dezelfde, behoeftes hebben en hetzelfde reageren. Targeting bepaald welke groep een bedrijf moet proberen te dienen en hoe. Positioneren behandelt hoe goed het aanbod van het bedrijf concurreert met andere aanbiedingen in het beoogde segment.

Voordelen van het STP zijn:

  • Door te focussen op het tegemoetkomen van de behoeftes van de klant, kan een bedrijf meer waarde leveren voor deze klanten.
  • Klanten die meer waarde waarnemen bij een specifiek merk, zullen een sterkere voorkeur hebben voor dit merk.
  • Als een bedrijf goede waarde blijft geven aan de klanten, zullen ze loyaal worden aan het merk. Hierdoor zullen ze hier meer kopen en dit communiceren naar potentiele andere klanten.
  • Sterke merkloyaliteit kan leiden tot een vergroot marktaandeel en kan een barrière vormen voor concurrenten.
  • Sterke merkloyaliteit vereist minder marketing resources om marktaandeel te behouden.


Om management vragen te beantwoorden wordt een Marketing Engineering segmentatie model gebruikt. The markt segmenten van het model voldoen idealiter aan drie condities:

  • Homogeniteit: de mate waarin de potentiële klanten in een segment hetzelfde reageren op marketing variabelen en verschillen van andere groepen klanten.
  • Parsimony: de mate waarin de segmentatie alle klanten een uniek target zou kunnen maken.
  • Accesibility: de mate waarin de marketeers segmenten apart kunnen bereiken door observeerbare karakteristieken van het segment.


Segmentatie bestaat uit twee fases:

  • Fase 1: segmenteer de markt door de basis variabelen (behoeftes van klanten etc.)
  • Fase 2: beschrijf de markt segmenten door variabelen die het bedrijf helpen
  • more
Begrippenlijst bij de 14e druk van Principles of marketing van Kotler

Begrippenlijst bij de 14e druk van Principles of marketing van Kotler

Hoofdstuk 1 - Marketing

Marketing: Het proces waarbij bedrijven waarde creëren voor consumenten en sterke klantrelaties opbouwen, zodat ze daar waarde terug voor krijgen. Marketing is niet alleen adverteren, maar ook klanten tevreden stellen.

Het simpele model van het marketingproces:

Zie fig.1 in de bijlage voor de illustratie

In de eerste vier stappen wordt er waarde gecreëerd voor de klanten, in de vijfde stap wordt de waarde van de klanten bemachtigd.

Consumenten hebben behoeften (needs), eisen (demands) en hun wil (wants.) Het verschil tussen deze drie is vrij simpel: een persoon heeft behoefte aan eten, maar wil graag een Whopper. Eisen kunnen gesteld worden wanneer de consument de afnemersmacht heeft. Dan verandert de wil in een eis. Bedrijven moeten dit verschil goed begrijpen en hierop inspelen. De behoeften en wensen kunnen beantwoord worden door de aanbiedingen van de markt: producten, diensten, informatie of ervaringen (market offerings.)

Marketing myopia: De fout om meer aandacht te besteden aan het specifieke product, dan aan de voordelen en ervaringen van dit product. Een onderneming moet een product aanpassen op de behoeften en eisen van klanten.

Market: Het geheel van de actuele en potentiële kopers van een product of dienst.

Het moderne model van het marketingproces:

Zie fig.2 in de bijlage voor de illustratie  

Marketing management: De kunst en wetenschap van het kiezen van markten en het bouwen van winstgevende relaties.

Een bedrijf moet een doelgroep kiezen, door de markt te verdelen in segmenten (consumentengroepen.) Uit deze segmenten kiest het bedrijf één of meer doelgroepen (target marketing.)

Waardevoorstel (proposition): De voordelen of waardes die het bedrijf belooft te gaan leveren aan haar klanten.

Productieconcept: Het idee dat consumenten producten die beschikbaar en goed betaalbaar zijn eerder kiezen. De organisatie moet zich daarom focussen op het verbeteren van de productie en de efficiëntie.

Productconcept: Het idee dat consumenten producten die de meeste kwaliteit, prestaties en functies bieden eerder kiezen. De organisatie moet zich daarom focussen op het continu verbeteren van het product.

Selling concept: Het idee dat consumenten een product of dienst niet genoeg kopen, als daar niet genoeg massaproductie en reclame voor is. Dit concept wordt vaak gebruikt voor goederen die consumenten niet zo snel zouden kopen: verzekeringen bijvoorbeeld. Het bedrijf moet de voordelen goed duidelijk maken. Inside-out perspectief.

Marketing concept: Het behalen van organisatorische doelen hangt sterk samen met de kennis over behoeften more

International Marketing for IB: Summaries, lecture notes and practice exams - UG
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


WorldSupporter FAQ: how to WorldSupporter, join and sign up?

WorldSupporter FAQ: how to WorldSupporter, join and sign up?

WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

What is 'WorldSupporter'?

  • JoHo WorldSupporter is the online platform where individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
  • You can share and find everything you need to help another, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
  • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter resume
  • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, journals, events, sustainable recipes and tips with others
  • You can create and share study materials with WorldSupporters from countries that lack access to educational resources,
  • You can share learning materials that can be used by volunteers helping out in schools around the world.
  • You can work with WorldSupporters from over 150 countries to help make the world around you a better and more tolerant place.

What is a 'WorldSupporter account and Profile'?

  • A WorldSupporter account can be created in minutes and is linked to your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
  • Your WorldSupporter profile:
    • acts as your own platform for all the content you create or collect on WorldSupporter,
    • shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and individuals you personally follow,
    • shows what you contribute to the world around you.

What do you need to do to join, register and get started?

  • to use WorldSupporter for free, you can create an acoount and follow your favorite subject or supporters
  • to support and use WorldSupporter: go to www, and join as a JoHo WorldSupporter member.
  • to use all summaries: go to go to www and join JoHo WorldSupporter Member with full online access to all summaries and content
  • for a profile on WorldSupporter: go to the login page page or use the 'sign in' link in the menu
  • for login: go to the login page to log in or use the 'sign in' link in the menu, visible on every page

Join JoHo WorldSupporter >>


WorldSupporter: what is the JoHo WorldSupporter mission, vision and concept?

WorldSupporter: what is the JoHo WorldSupporter mission, vision and concept?


What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?

Mission & Vision

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and collaborate better, thereby contributing to a tolerant, tolerant and sustainable world.
  • Support is provided for personal development and international collaboration is stimulated via online platforms and physical support centers.


  • As a JoHo donor, subscriber or insured you support the objectives of JoHo. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the field of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services are: study assistance, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when you leave abroad.

What is the JoHo target group?

Core target groups

  • Travelers, volunteers, workers, emigrants, and everyone involved in the world around them.
  • Young people, students, interns, and anyone who wants to develop themselves further.
  • Projects, initiatives and organizations that are committed to international cooperation.

What are the core JoHo themes?

  • Personal development: Learning, Studying, Working, Applying, Entrepreneurship, Initiating.
  • International cooperation: Help, Travel, Arrange, Emigrate, Immigrate & Inspire.

How can JoHo support you?

  • In addition to the support you can provide to JoHo, JoHo supports you with tools, decision aid, advice and discounts on articles, insurance, travel, activities, training, facilities, summaries and media use.

How can you support JoHo?

  • By using the JoHo products and services you automatically support the goals of JoHo.
  • You can also join JoHo online or in the support center as a donor or subscriber
  • JoHo donors make it possible for JoHo to have been committed to successful projects in the field of development cooperation, knowledge sharing and talent development for years. Anyone who supports JoHo can also contribute to the projects and make use of knowledge, decision aid and discounts.

What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achieved?

What does the World of JoHo consist of?

  • JoHo WorldSupporter: The JoHo platform for those who also want to do something for others, an online community and marketplace for global citizens, volunteers and involved companies.
  • JoHo Insurances: The JoHo platform for all your insurance, security measures, visa matters, vaccinations & arrangements for short and long stays abroad.
  • JoHo Memberships: The JoHo platform for personal development with tools for study, internship, work, travel and emigration.
  • JoHo Partnerships: The JoHo platform where organizations are enabled to bring their projects, activities and vacancies to the attention of a target group that wants to mean something for the world around them.

How can you use JoHo?

  • You can explore the World of JoHo through JoHo support centers, the online platforms and the events.
  • Visit a JoHo World Experience Center, make an online discovery trip, visit JoHo at an event, or contact us by phone.
  • Read about cooperation with and services of JoHo

What is the meaning of the term JoHo?

  • The term JoHo has had multiple meanings over the years. Today, reference is made to a more than 2,000-year-old quote from Ashoka. On the banks of the Ganges, the Indian visionary and ruler Ashoka tried to convince his people that all peoples on earth are equal and can learn from each other: "Life is a Journey to Open-mindedness, Helpfulness and Optimism."
WorldSupporter: what is the choice in memberships, and what kind of online access is available?

WorldSupporter: what is the choice in memberships, and what kind of online access is available?


What forms of registration are possible and what kind of online access is available:

1  - Create a free WorldSupporter Profile.

2 - Join as a JoHo WorldSupporter member with basic services

  • You can join WorldSupporter as a JoHo member to get access to basic services
    • you can add messages and comments to help other supporters and get notifications
    • you can access all content with the access level 'Member'
    • you can request to contribute and add content
    • you will be able to save and collect content made by other supporters
    • you will be able to follow other supporters
    • you will have access to all content with the access level 'WorldSupporters members', that is uploaded and made by other Supporters
    • you are a valued donor who makes an additional contribution to JoHo WorldSupporter
  • Join as WorldSupporter member >>

3 - Join as a JoHo WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access

WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo

WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo


How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter?

  1. You can create a free account and follow your favorite subject or supporters (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
  2. You can join as WorldSupporter member to get access to basic services (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
  3. You can join as WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access to extra services and online access to exclusives: see also below

How do you get full online access to all summaries and exclusives on JoHo

  • Procedure:

    • 1 - Go to, and join JoHo WorldSupporter by choosing a membership with online access
    • 2 - Return to and create an account with the same email address
    • 3 - State your JoHo WorldSupporter Membership during the creation of your account
    • 4 - Choose your favorite study, student organization or topic during the creation of your account
  • Start using the services:

    • You have online access to all free + all exclusive summaries and study notes on and
    • You can use all services on JoHo
    • You can make use of the tools for work abroad, long journeys, voluntary work, internships and study abroad

Already an account?

  • In case you have previously created a WorldSupporter account then, after registering with JoHo, you can change your status on your WorldSupporter account to membership with full online access. Edit your account and see under 'Profile' for the change.
  • Note: Again, you must have used the same email address.

Become JoHo WorldSupporter member >>


WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

When you support JoHo...

by joining as a JoHo member

  • By joining JoHo as a member, you support JoHo in all its activities in the areas of international cooperation and talent development
  • You can become a JoHo member by contributing €5.00 per calendar year

through the purchase of JoHo subscription services

  • You can obtain JoHo subscription services for €10, €15,00 or €20.00 per calendar year for extra services and discounts

by taking out (travel or health) insurance

  • By applying for a travel or health insurance via JoHo you do not only support JoHo, but also yourself
  • You pay less premium and you are able to use the services and discounts of a JoHo subscription for free 

....then JoHo will support you...

with choice assistance & advice

  • concerning work, travel, study, inspiration and emigration

with organization profiles & vacancies

  • for full time jobs, part time jobs, volunteer work, internships, and work experience positions at home or abroad

with summaries & study support

  • such as printed and online study books, textbooks, professional literature, exams & practice questions, lecture notes, terms and readers

with discounts on items & gifts

  • concerning travel, study, work, inspiration and emigration

with discounts on activities & projects

  • such as air travel, holidays, volunteer work, language courses, and travelling 

with discounts on insurances & advice

  • such as emigration insurances, travel insurances, and health insurances

...and together we support worldsupporters and projects

  • with personal development via and online tools
  • with international collaborations via projects in Africa, Asia, and South America
  • with bringing organizations and individuals into contact with each other to make each other stronger, more aware, and to inspire one another

How do you receive free subscription services when insured via JoHo?

  • Are you a member and do you take out a yearly continuous insurance via JoHo? Then you are able to use the services and discounts of the JoHo subscription for free
  • How does it work? Become a JoHo member and apply for your travel or health insurance  via JoHo. As a JoHo member you will receive the benefits of the JoHo subscription

How to choose and purchase a JoHo subscription services

Purchasing JoHo subscription services

  • JoHo members can choose to purchase a subscription for choice assistance, advice, discounts, or extra support for JoHo
  • If you want to purchase subscription services, you are able to do so with the same form as the one to become a JoHo member
  • If you already are a JoHo member and want to change to, or add, a subscription, please fill out form for changing your membership

How does registering, logging in & creating a password work

  • As a new JoHo member you automatically receive an online account at, which you can activate with a link that you will receive in your mailbox


Are you able to become a member without an IBAN/SEPA bank account?

  • If you don't have an IBAN (international bank account number) with SEPA, but you still want to use membership services or support JoHo's projects and initiatives, including Smokey Tours, take a look at the page about International services

What are the rules and guidelines?

What is your JoHo number?

  • You can find your JoHo number at your My JoHo page as soon as you are logged in at
  • You need your JoHo number, for example, for obtaining the discounts on insurances, summaries, and at partner organisations
  • Have you lost your JoHo number? Please contact JoHo via the online contact forms or log in at and you will find your JoHo number at your account page on


Join & Register (via

WorldSupporter: what to do to cooperate and connect with JoHo WorldSupporter as an organization?

WorldSupporter: what to do to cooperate and connect with JoHo WorldSupporter as an organization?

Cooperating with JoHo: supporting JoHo


  • With a lot of organizations JoHo cooperates on a barter deal basis. This is a type of partnership where none of the two organizations pays or charges fees, or where lowest possibile fees are calculated.
  • Starting-point within these kind of deals is that organizations work cost neutral and organizations exchange equally: advertorial-advertorial, banner-banner, flyer-flyer, etc.


  • Organizations can sponsor JoHo initiatives like World Supporter and The World Summary Bank.
  • Organizations can sponsor JoHo partner initiatives like Smokey Projects.

Subsidy requests

  • JoHo is a non-profit organization with limited usage of subsidy facilities.
  • JoHo is always willing to have a look at joint subsidy requests, as long as there is a focus on talent development and international cooperation.

Link exchange

  • Link exchanges are possible, JoHo has a special link exchange page.
  • Most of all links are being exchanged with organizations offering a special value or discount for JoHo members.

Media and JoHo logos

  • Are you thinking about supporting JoHo and promoting JoHo among your clients or visitors?
  • Please use JoHo logos, banners and texts of JoHo's media page.


Cooperating with JoHo: being supported by JoHo

Foundations & Social Enterprises

  • If you run a foundation and/or social enterprise, please make use of JoHo's free Barter Membership system
  • Under this system, fees and costs have been reduced considerably to facilitate a lot of smaller (and sometimes bigger) colleague organizations making use of The World of JoHo.
  • With a free Barter Membership also organizations with smaller budgets can profit from exposure in JoHo channels and JoHo facilities
  • Channels and facilities are being offered at, or sometimes even under, cost price.

Projects aimed at International Development

  • If you run an international development project or business, please make use of JoHo's Barter Membership system and/or use JoHo's fee World Supporter platform
  • Are you an individual JoHo member? You can support your favorite international aid project through your membership, by transering facilities and services of your membership to this organization


  • With several media JoHo partners on a barterdeal basis. This is a type of partnership where none of the two organizations pays or charges fees, or where lowest possible fees are calculated.
  • Starting-point within these kind of deals is that organizations work cost neutral and organizations exchange equally: advertorial-advertorial, banner-banner, flyer-flyer, etc.

Student organizations

  • Do you run or participate in a student organization? Please make use of JoHo's Barter Membership system to promote your organization in JoHo channels.
  • Or contact with your business proposition.


Cooperating with JoHo: insurances through JoHo

JoHo & Insurance cooperation

Comprehensive product range

  • JoHo is one of the few organizations where you can directly purchase a comprehensive range of foreign insurances from a variety of insurers. As with our other products and services, we believe that you should be able to choose between the best, the most cost effective and the most specialized insurance.

Combinations possible

  • JoHo offers various possibilities from combining insurances to assisting in transferring from one insurer to another.

No price difference

  • When you purchase an insurance policy through JoHo, you will not pay anymore than if you had purchased it directly from the insurer. Sometimes (through special collective agreements) you will pay even less.

Extra support

  • JoHo offers support with problems that may arise with the insurer. Sometimes disagreement with claims, cancellation notice or insurance premiums can occur. In this situation it helps if you have the assistance of an organization who has an established relationship with the insurer.


  • JoHo Insurances have been working with international health insurance providers since many years


Insurances for travellers, intern, volunteering or working holidays abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can benefit through JoHo from 'expertise', 'discount' or 'fee' advantages

Insurances for working and living abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can get free advice and/or make use of JoHo's expatservice


Cooperating with JoHo: benefits from JoHo's World Supporter platform


  • The tool for anyone who wants tot share experiences with his or her friends
  • The platform for anyone who wants to inspire other global and involved Supporters and World Supporting organizations

Using WorldSupporter

  • If you run a project aimed at talent development or international cooperation, please use the WorldSupporter platform to get free attention and exposure
  • If you work for an organization involved in mediation for volunteer projects or internships you can profile your activities on the WorldSupporter platform
  • If you joined an internship or volunteer organization as a client and want to support your organization, you can promote them by starting an Experience magazine, blogging, sharing photos, videos, vacancies, etc. Promote your organization for free, and inspire others!


WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

WorldSupporter: what to do to solve and prevent a problem with your account, login, online access or password

    No account on

    • Your account and login on is separate from your account on due to digital security and the different roles of both websites.
    • With your account on you can also create your own content and put it on the website. With your account on you have insight into your subscriptions, memberships and insurances.
    • Go to the create account page: 'Join WorldSupporter', where you can create an account and profile for

    Not able to fill in all required fields by creating an account on

    To create an account on WorldSupporter you have to fill in following required fields:

    • Username
      • Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores.
    • E-mail Address:
      • use an existing e-mail address,
      • for access to content for JoHo members and exclusives you need to use the same e-mail adress as when you registered on
    • First Name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Last name:
      • same rules as for your username
    • Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?:
      • When you are not a JoHo member, you select: "I am not a JoHo WorldSupporter member yet"
      • When you are a JoHo member (donateur), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member without extra services"
      • When you are a JoHo member with extra services (abonnee), you select: "I am a JoHo WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access"
      • When you don not know which membership you have:  go to, log in and check on you account page you will see which membership is mentioned (or check the confirmation e-mail, which is sent after you filled in the membership form on
    • WorldSupportership!:
      • Fill in at least one activity in the field of helping out another or your surroundings
    • Profile Picture:
      • Upload your profile picture :
        • files must be less than 2 MB.
        • Allowed file types: png, jpg, jpeg.
      • crop your picture (adjust within the margin)
      • save your picture
    • Follow content of your favorite subject or organization on your own profile:
      • Select your favorite subject or organization to follow on your profile by typing the name of the country, topic or organization of your choice
      • Examples include your student organization, your working field or your country of interest.
      • Use only 1 subject or organisation!
    • Privacy:
      • choose who can see your profile and account page
    • Create new account (button):
      • Click to save and go the confirmation e-mail to activate your account with the confirmation link

    Not able to create your account with an error message?

    • Are you already a JoHo member (donor or subscriber): then use the same e-mail address as when you registered at (you also use that e-mail address for logging into
    • Do you get the message that the e-mail address is already in use: then use the 'forgot password' option to regain access to your account.
    • Switch browsers or devices. If it doesn't work in another browser either, try again later or contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not activated your account on

    • After you create an account on by filling in the form and pushing the 'create account' button, you receive e-mail for the necessary confirmation link
    • By clicking this link or copying and pasting it to your browser you log in once and will lead you to visit a page where you can set your password.
    • After setting your password, you will be able to log in at
    • After you logged in for the first time, you can complete your account and profile page

    Not able to login?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.

    Not able to log in after you receive and use the confirmation link?

    • Go to the login page to log in, or use the "log in" link at the top right of the menu, visible on every page.
    • Choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password.
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Not able to remember, set or use your password?

    • Instead of your username, you can also login with your e-mail address.
    • Forgot your password? Click on the 'Log in' link at the top right of any page and choose 'request new password'.
    • You will then receive a link that allows you to log in and be redirected directly to a page where you need to set a new password..
    • Please enter a new password immediately, the link you receive is only valid for 1 day
    • Please note that your password is case sensitive, so please check that Caps Lock is on or off.
    • If the problems with your password persist, try logging in with another browser (e.g. Firefox or Chrome etc, depending on what you have already tried, ) and/or disable your password manager function if you are using it.
    • In an exceptional case, a maintenance activity may have taken place, try again later or contact WorldSupporter

    Being able to log in, but still not able to read all exclusive content or summaries?

    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access
      • As a member without extra services (<10 euro yearly) you will not have be able to read exclusive content
      • If you want to upgrade your membership  (10 euro yearly or more) to read exclusive content access  you can: change your membership
      • If you are not a member yet, you can: become a member
    • Make sure you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
      • go to your account (profile) page
      • press the "Edit profile' button
      • go to 'Profile'
      • go to the field 'Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?
        • choose the right access : 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'
      • press the button 'Save' at the end of you page
    • If this does not work out you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter

    Access to all shared materials, but suddenly no longer?

    • If you suddenly lost access to shared materials that you previously had access to, one of the following situations may apply:
      • The e-mail address of your WorldSupporter account is not the same as that of your member registration.
      • The direct debit for your membership has failed.
      • A supporter has chosen to set the access level of the shared material to 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full access' and you are not yet a 'JoHo WorldSupporter member with full online access'.
    • To indicate that you wish to register a second email address with your JoHo membership, please log in to and fill in the form for adjustments on
    • If a direct debit has failed, you will be contacted by JoHo WorldSupporter, please check your spam folder to see if you have missed a message.
    • Make sure you are a JoHo member with extra service and online access and that you selected the right access on your WorldSupporter account
    • If you continue to experience problems, please contact WorldSupporter, stating the specific pages you want to use and, if possible, the error message you receive.

    No access the private or public content?

    • Private content is visible for you (the author) in the 'My Collection' section of your personal user page only and is great for drafts or notes to yourself
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content, you can check whether you are logged in at the top right of JoHo WorldSupporter. If you are not yet logged in, you can try to log in and visit your private content again
      • If you have trouble accessing your private content once you are logged in, you can contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    • Public content is visible for all visitors of WorldSupporter
      • If you have trouble accessing public content, you can check your internet connection. If your internet connection is down, you can try to visit the page later, with a better internet connection.
      • If you have trouble accessing public content with a working internet connection, you can check the access level of the page you try to visit. Authors can change the access level of their content
      • If you keep experiencing problems with accessing the public content, please contact JoHo WorldSupporter via the contact form with a description of the page you want to visit
    WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about summaries on

    WorldSupporter FAQ: questions and answers about summaries on

    WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo

    WorldSupporter: what to do to get full online access for summaries and services on JoHo


    How can you use JoHo WorldSupporter?

    1. You can create a free account and follow your favorite subject or supporters (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
    2. You can join as WorldSupporter member to get access to basic services (without extra services or online access to exclusives)
    3. You can join as WorldSupporter member with extra services and online access to extra services and online access to exclusives: see also below

    How do you get full online access to all summaries and exclusives on JoHo

    • Procedure:

      • 1 - Go to, and join JoHo WorldSupporter by choosing a membership with online access
      • 2 - Return to and create an account with the same email address
      • 3 - State your JoHo WorldSupporter Membership during the creation of your account
      • 4 - Choose your favorite study, student organization or topic during the creation of your account
    • Start using the services:

      • You have online access to all free + all exclusive summaries and study notes on and
      • You can use all services on JoHo
      • You can make use of the tools for work abroad, long journeys, voluntary work, internships and study abroad

    Already an account?

    • In case you have previously created a WorldSupporter account then, after registering with JoHo, you can change your status on your WorldSupporter account to membership with full online access. Edit your account and see under 'Profile' for the change.
    • Note: Again, you must have used the same email address.

    Become JoHo WorldSupporter member >>


    WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

    WorldSupporter: what to do to register as a JoHo member and use WorldSupporter?

    When you support JoHo...

    by joining as a JoHo member

    • By joining JoHo as a member, you support JoHo in all its activities in the areas of international cooperation and talent development
    • You can become a JoHo member by contributing €5.00 per calendar year

    through the purchase of JoHo subscription services

    • You can obtain JoHo subscription services for €10, €15,00 or €20.00 per calendar year for extra services and discounts

    by taking out (travel or health) insurance

    • By applying for a travel or health insurance via JoHo you do not only support JoHo, but also yourself
    • You pay less premium and you are able to use the services and discounts of a JoHo subscription for free 

    ....then JoHo will support you...

    with choice assistance & advice

    • concerning work, travel, study, inspiration and emigration

    with organization profiles & vacancies

    • for full time jobs, part time jobs, volunteer work, internships, and work experience positions at home or abroad

    with summaries & study support

    • such as printed and online study books, textbooks, professional literature, exams & practice questions, lecture notes, terms and readers

    with discounts on items & gifts

    • concerning travel, study, work, inspiration and emigration

    with discounts on activities & projects

    • such as air travel, holidays, volunteer work, language courses, and travelling 

    with discounts on insurances & advice

    • such as emigration insurances, travel insurances, and health insurances

    ...and together we support worldsupporters and projects

    • with personal development via and online tools
    • with international collaborations via projects in Africa, Asia, and South America
    • with bringing organizations and individuals into contact with each other to make each other stronger, more aware, and to inspire one another

    How do you receive free subscription services when insured via JoHo?

    • Are you a member and do you take out a yearly continuous insurance via JoHo? Then you are able to use the services and discounts of the JoHo subscription for free
    • How does it work? Become a JoHo member and apply for your travel or health insurance  via JoHo. As a JoHo member you will receive the benefits of the JoHo subscription

    How to choose and purchase a JoHo subscription services

    Purchasing JoHo subscription services

    • JoHo members can choose to purchase a subscription for choice assistance, advice, discounts, or extra support for JoHo
    • If you want to purchase subscription services, you are able to do so with the same form as the one to become a JoHo member
    • If you already are a JoHo member and want to change to, or add, a subscription, please fill out form for changing your membership

    How does registering, logging in & creating a password work

    • As a new JoHo member you automatically receive an online account at, which you can activate with a link that you will receive in your mailbox


    Are you able to become a member without an IBAN/SEPA bank account?

    • If you don't have an IBAN (international bank account number) with SEPA, but you still want to use membership services or support JoHo's projects and initiatives, including Smokey Tours, take a look at the page about International services

    What are the rules and guidelines?

    What is your JoHo number?

    • You can find your JoHo number at your My JoHo page as soon as you are logged in at
    • You need your JoHo number, for example, for obtaining the discounts on insurances, summaries, and at partner organisations
    • Have you lost your JoHo number? Please contact JoHo via the online contact forms or log in at and you will find your JoHo number at your account page on


    Join & Register (via

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    WorldSupporter: what are WorldSupporter Summaries and how to create or use them?

    What types of summaries and study assistance does WorldSupporter offer?

    Summaries and study materials can be found in 6 different forms:

    • Book summaries: give you insight into the main and side issues of the most essential and current literature in your field
    • BulletPoint Summaries: ultra-short summaries displayed in bullets
    • Article summaries: summaries of scientific articles that you will use during and after your studies
    • ExamTickets: consist of short bullets with subject-oriented exam tips and sample questions, so that you know what you have to learn and how you should study
    • ExamTests: consist of bundles of exam and practice questions that provide extra understanding, test your knowledge and give insight into the way in which an exam will be taken
    • Study Notes & Sheets:  summaries of lectures, working groups that give you more insight into what is considered important by teachers.

    Why add a Summary or Study Note?

    • This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material
    • Many Supporters use this content type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
    • Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings

    How to add a Summary or Study Note?

    • tip 1: by adding category tags your content will be easier to find by people with similar interests that not yet follow your account
    • tip 2: bring several summaries together and create easier navigation for yourself and your followers
    • tip 3: add an image in the 'image' field, because it will be used to highlight your contribution on your profile and other spotlight locations on WorldSupporter. Without an image your avatar will be used for these purposes.

    Where to find or read more about Summaries or Study Notes

    Where to add Summaries or Study Notes?


    WorldSupporter: how to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?

    WorldSupporter: how to use and find summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter?

    Online access to all summaries, study notes en practice exams

    How and why would you use for your summaries and study assistance?

    • For free use of many of the summaries and study aids provided or collected by your fellow students.
    • For free use of many of the lecture and study group notes, exam questions and practice questions.
    • For use of all exclusive summaries and study assistance for those who are member with JoHo WorldSupporter with online access
    • For compiling your own materials and contributions with relevant study help
    • For sharing and finding relevant and interesting summaries, documents, notes, blogs, tips, videos, discussions, activities, recipes, side jobs and more.

    Using and finding summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter

    There are several ways to navigate the large amount of summaries, study notes en practice exams on JoHo WorldSupporter.

    1. Use the menu above every page to go to one of the main starting pages
      • Starting pages: for some fields of study and some university curricula editors have created (start) magazines where customised selections of summaries are put together to smoothen navigation. When you have found a magazine of your likings, add that page to your favorites so you can easily go to that starting point directly from your profile during future visits. Below you will find some start magazines per field of study
    2. Use the topics and taxonomy terms
      • The topics and taxonomy of the study and working fields gives you insight in the amount of summaries that are tagged by authors on specific subjects. This type of navigation can help find summaries that you could have missed when just using the search tools. Tags are organised per field of study and per study institution. Note: not all content is tagged thoroughly, so when this approach doesn't give the results you were looking for, please check the search tool as back up
    3. Check or follow your (study) organizations:
      • by checking or using your study organizations you are likely to discover all relevant study materials.
      • this option is only available trough partner organizations
    4. Check or follow authors or other WorldSupporters
      • by following individual users, authors  you are likely to discover more relevant study materials.
    5. Use the Search tools
      • 'Quick & Easy'- not very elegant but the fastest way to find a specific summary of a book or study assistance with a specific course or subject.
      • The search tool is also available at the bottom of most pages

    Do you want to share your summaries with JoHo WorldSupporter and its visitors?

    Quicklinks to fields of study for summaries and study assistance

    Field of study

    WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

    WorldSupporter: what is JoHo WorldSupporter, how to join and how to contribute?

    What is 'WorldSupporter'?

    • JoHo WorldSupporter is the online platform where individuals and organizations inspire and help each other on a local and global level
    • You can share and find everything you need to help another, travel responsibly, study well, develop yourself and work for an organization that creates a better world
    • You can gain knowledge, share experiences, answer questions, post comments and publish your own WorldSupporter resume
    • You can share your summaries, photos, blogs, journals, events, sustainable recipes and tips with others
    • You can create and share study materials with WorldSupporters from countries that lack access to educational resources,
    • You can share learning materials that can be used by volunteers helping out in schools around the world.
    • You can work with WorldSupporters from over 150 countries to help make the world around you a better and more tolerant place.

    What is a 'WorldSupporter account and Profile'?

    • A WorldSupporter account can be created in minutes and is linked to your Personal WorldSupporter profile.
    • Your WorldSupporter profile:
      • acts as your own platform for all the content you create or collect on WorldSupporter,
      • shows all content recently created by the organizations, groups and individuals you personally follow,
      • shows what you contribute to the world around you.

    What do you need to do to join, register and get started?

    • to use WorldSupporter for free, you can create an acoount and follow your favorite subject or supporters
    • to support and use WorldSupporter: go to www, and join as a JoHo WorldSupporter member.
    • to use all summaries: go to go to www and join JoHo WorldSupporter Member with full online access to all summaries and content
    • for a profile on WorldSupporter: go to the login page page or use the 'sign in' link in the menu
    • for login: go to the login page to log in or use the 'sign in' link in the menu, visible on every page

    Join JoHo WorldSupporter >>


    WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad

    WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad

    Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
    Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
    Internships Abroad - Theme
    Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
    Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
    Study your way around the world - Theme
    TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Theme
    Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
    Volunteer abroad - Theme
    Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme
    Internships Abroad - Theme
    Volunteer abroad - Theme

    Volunteer abroad - Theme

    Search an find sustainable volunteer work opportunities, tips and discussions
    Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
    Follow the author: Study and Skills Supporter
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