Skills: home page

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life

Skills & Motivations: home bundle

Skills & Motivations: home bundle

Content and contributions related to competencies, feelings, motivations and skill improvement help another, travel with care, work together, learn to share and inspire with your experience

Skills: home page
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Gain and improve academic skills - Theme


Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

Themes: main theme pages for personal competences, skills and values

WorldSupporter theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Gain and improve academic skills - Theme
Skills: home page
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
Themes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Themes: main theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme
The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme
Recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme

Recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme


 Recipes from all over the World: From sustainable recipes to local food habits

Table of contents

  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Africa or with a African twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Asia or with an Asian twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Europe or with a local twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Latin America or
........Read more
Books around the World and World Literature - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Tolerance and understanding another person and culture - Theme
World habits, food customs and country philosophies - Theme

World habits, food customs and country philosophies - Theme


Habits, customs and philosophies from all around the world

Table of contents

  • What are habits and customs?
  • What are typical African habits, food customs and philosophies in Asia?
  • What are typical Asian habits, food customs and philosophies in Asia?
  • What are typical Caribbean habits, food customs and philosophies in Asia?
  • What are typical Central American habits, food
........Read more
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme


Thema's: persoonlijke competenties, emoties en waarden
Vaardigheden: basisbundel

Vaardigheden: basisbundel

Basiscontent met betrekking tot competenties, waarden en vaardigheidsverbetering

Persoonlijke waarden, vaardigheden, kwaliteiten en emoties ontdekken en verbeteren- Thema
Crossroads: this content is used in bundle
Crossroads: activities, countries, competences, study fields and goals
Activities abroad, study fields and working areas:
Competences and goals for meaningful life:
Crossroads: related content in the field of

Meet Peter. Peter is a biologist and nature conservationist who decided to dedicate the first few years of his career to saving coral reefs in Kenya. He took a leap, gave up all his things in the Netherlands and left the country to find a new home. Kenya warmed his heart, he set up a great project a...

Med: Last updated