Study Guide for summaries with Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics by Field

Study Guide with summaries and study assistance with:

  • Booktitle: Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics
  • Authors: Field
  • Edition: 5th edition

Studying Discovering Statistics by Field

  • About the book: The book is pleasant to use, as far as possible given the subject, because it takes into account that many people who work with SPSS are not necessarily fans of statistics, but only see it as an inescapable tool.
  • Study tips: Field can use as many cat pictures in his books, the material remains difficult for many students. Invest a little in your relationship with the book: You will have to use it a lot during the rest of your studies, so at least aim for a love/hate relationship.


Check summaries and supporting content in teasers:
Summary of Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics by Field - 5th edition - Exclusive
Summary of Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Field - 5th edition
Summary of Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics by Andy Field - 5th edition


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