ExamTests per chapter with the 6th edition of How Children Develop by Siegler et al. - Bundle


ExamTests per chapter with the 6th edition of How Children Develop by Siegler et al.

  • Examtests with chapters 1-16
  • Summaries and study notes with the 6th edition of How Children Develop by Siegler et al.
Bundle items:
Why do we study the development of children? - ExamTest 1

Why do we study the development of children? - ExamTest 1


Question 1

Which statement is true?

  1. It is not possible to suppose that children tell the truth in court.
  2. Specifically, young children are susceptible for suggestive questioning, when questions are repeated again and again.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which statement is true? Children can experience negative effects when they... 

  1. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 1 month after birth. 
  2. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 3 months after birth.
  3. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 6 months after birth.
  4. Have been in an unstable environment longer than 1 year after birth.

Question 3

Which general conclusion can be drawn about continuous/discontinuous development, despite some disagreement over the topic?

  1. Development is mainly a continuous process.
  2. Development is mainly a discontinuous process, as proved in the stage theories.
  3. It depends on how you look at it and how often you look.
  4. Development is sometimes a continuous and sometimes a discontinuous process.

Question 4

Which research design has the advantage of being able to observe the change of individuals over time and the disadvantage that repeated testing reduces external validity?

  1. Longitudinal research
  2. Observational research
  3. Cross-sectional research
  4. Correlational Research

Question 5

The "turtle shell" technique is an example of a successful intervention that helps preschoolers cope with ...

  1. The sense of isolation.
  2. Feelings of embarrassment.
  3. Bullying from peers.
  4. Their own anger.

Question 6

What is meta-analysis?

  1. The reproduction
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does prenatal development work? - ExamTest 2

How does prenatal development work? - ExamTest 2


Question 1

When does a fertilized egg be called 'fetus'? 

  1. Directly after conception.
  2. After three weeks.
  3. After nine weeks.
  4. After three months.

Question 2

What is cell differentiation?

  1. The process that takes place 12 hours after fertilization.
  2. The process whereby cells specialize in structure and function.
  3. The process of movement of newly formed cells away from their original location.
  4. The process whereby redundant cells are destroyed. 

Question 3 

Which of the following is no consequence of being small for gestational age?

  1. Learning problems.
  2. Social problems.
  3. Increased risk of infections.
  4. Insufficient growth.

Question 4

In what phase of development do teratogens cause the most severe damage?

  1. Directly after conception.
  2. In the fetal phase of prenatal development.
  3. In the embryonic phase of prenatal development.
  4. In post-natal development.

Question 5

Which of the following statements about sensitive periods in prenatal development is correct?

  1. The sensitive periods of the first major organ systems are simultaneous.
  2. Teratogens have the most severe effect on prenatal development just prior to the development of an organ system.
  3. The sensitive period of an organ is the period in which the basic structures of this organ are formed.
  4. The sensitive period of limb development occurs several weeks before limb development begins.

Question 6

The single cell that forms when two gametes merge during conception is called a ...

  1. Zygote.
  2. Ova.
  3. Sperm.
  4. Embryo.

Question 7

Which process of prenatal development is critical to the specialization of cells?

  1. Cell division.
  2. Synaptogenesis.
  3. Cell differentiation.
  4. Apoptosis.

Question 8

Harry and

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - ExamTest 3

How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - ExamTest 3


Question 1

Which of the following is true?

  1. Adoption studies examine whether siblings who grew up apart, are more different than siblings who were raised together.
  2. Adoptive twin studies compare identical twins who grew up together versus identical twins who were raised apart.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which statement about heritability is true?

  1. Heritability gives information about certain populations. 
  2. Heritability gives information about individuals. 
  3. High heritability means that a certain trait is unchangeable.
  4. Heritability gives information about differences between certain groups. 

Question 3

  1. More boys than girls are born.
  2. Boys are more likely to be delivered by C-section than girls.
  3. The Y chromosome fertilizes an egg more aften than the X chromosome.

Which statement(s) is / are correct?

  1. Statement I is correct, statements II and III are incorrect.
  2. Proposition I and II are correct, Proposition III is incorrect.
  3. All statements are correct.
  4. All statements are incorrect.

Question 4

What is the genotype?

  1. The inherited genetic material of an individual.
  2. The observable expression of the genes, namely the bodily characteristics and behavior.
  3. The all-encompassing aspect of an individual and his / her surrounding aspects.
  4. The heritable changes that do not involve alterations in the DNA sequence.

Question 5

Father has a dominant brown gene and a recessive green gene. Mother has a dominant green gene and a recessive green gene. What are the chances of their child having green eyes?

  1. 25%.
  2. 50%.
  3. 75%.
  4. 100%.

Question 6


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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What are different theories on the cognitive development of children? - ExamTest 4

What are different theories on the cognitive development of children? - ExamTest 4


Question 1

Which concept of Piaget is defined by the following: The process by which people process incoming information according to concepts they already understand.

  1. Modification.
  2. Equilibration.
  3. Assimilation.
  4. Accommodation.

Question 2

Which of the following is the right order of Piaget's stages?

  1. Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage.
  2. Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, formal operational stage, concrete operational stage.
  3. Preoperational stage, sensorimotor stage, concrete operational stage, formal operational stage.
  4. Preoperational stage, sensorimotor stage, formal operational stage, concrete operational stage.

Question 3

Which of the following is true?

  1. Core-knowledge theorist propose that children are born with general knowledge and that they expand this knowledge gradually. Piaget proposes that children are born with both general knowledge and specialized learning mechanisms to acquire additional information.
  2. Core-knowledge theorist see the child as scientist, Piaget sees the child as a well-adapted product of evolution. 
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 4

What are the three hallmarks of Piaget's Constructivism?

  1. The child is a scientist, learning happens through the environment, and extrinsic motivation.
  2. The child is a 'blank slate', learning is done by the environment, and intrinsic motivation.
  3. The child is a scientist, learning is done independently, and has extrinsic motivation.
  4. The child is a scientist, learning is done independently, and has intrinsic motivation.

Question 5

Which theory focuses most on the innate learning skills of a child?

  1. Information processing theory.
  2. Piaget's Theory.
  3. Dynamic systems theory.
  4. Core knowledge theory.

Question 6

According to Piaget, development is both

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How do children develop perception, action, and learning? - ExamTest 5

How do children develop perception, action, and learning? - ExamTest 5


Question 1

Which concept is defined in the following? The processing of basic information from the external world by the sensory receptors in the sense organs and brain.

  1. Perception.
  2. Observation.
  3. Sensation.
  4. Information processing.

Question 2

Fill in: Infants have high/poor contrast sensitivity, because the cones/rods in their retinas are immature.

  1. High, cones.
  2. High, rods.
  3. Poor, cones.
  4. Poor, rods.

Question 3

Which of the following is no reflex of a newborn?

  1. Grasping.
  2. Sucking.
  3. Swallowing.
  4. Splashing.

Question 4

Mutual understanding is also called ...

  1. Theory of Mind.
  2. Intermodal perception.
  3. Intersubjectivity.
  4. Active learning.

Question 5

A baby touches a block in a dark room. Then he enters a lit room where he sees a ball and a block. He chooses the square block. The familiarity that is shown in this example is due to ...

  1. Active learning.
  2. Intermodal perception.
  3. Object constancy.
  4. Perception constancy.

Question 6

A teddy bear makes a sound when you press it. A child realizes this and starts to press on the bear more often. How do we call this effect?

  1. Classical conditioning.
  2. Imitation.
  3. Instrumental conditioning.
  4. Active learning.

Question 7

How do babies learn about gravity?

  1. When they are a few months old, they only have a basic understanding of gravity. This understanding develops further during the first year of life.
  2. A basic understanding of gravity is innate.
  3. Babies learn about gravity by trial-and-error during the first year of life.
  4. Only after the first year of life do children learn to understand gravity.
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does language develop? - ExamTest 6

How does language develop? - ExamTest 6


Question 1

Which concept is defined by the following? The smallest units of meaning in a language, composed of one or more units.

  1. Semantics.
  2. Phonemes.
  3. Morphemes.
  4. Syntax.

Question 2

What is the second step in learning language?

  1. The preparation for the production of speech by means of repetitive consonant-vowel sequences.
  2. The perception of speech, by means of rhythm, tempo, cadence, melody, etc. 
  3. The first words.
  4. Categorical perception.

Question 3

A child says: "I getted that from my grandmother". 'Getted' consists of three ...

  1. Phonemes.
  2. Morphemes.
  3. Syntaxes.
  4. Modularities.

Question 4

What's the Importance of Infant Directed Talk?

  1. It is critical to the child's language development.
  2. It is critical to the child's attachment.
  3. It is not necessary, but it increases the chance of secure attachment.
  4. It is not necessary, but it is helpful for the language development of the child.

Question 5

What does someone specialized in the interactionist perspective on language development find interesting?

  1. The ability to use the social environment of what the other says.
  2. The components of language and grammar.
  3. The (innate) mechanisms for language development.
  4. The importance of non-verbal communication for language development.

Question 6

Language ... refers to the understanding of what others say; language ... refers to the process of speaking.

  1. Comprehension; production.
  2. Development; generativity.
  3. Pragmatics; semantics.
  4. Perception; distribution.

Question 7

Between 6 and 12 months of age, infants typiclaly experience a linguistic perceptual naarowing. What effect does this change have on their language development?

  1. They become increasingly more
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does conceptual development take place? - ExamTest 7

How does conceptual development take place? - ExamTest 7


Question 1

Which of the following does not belong to the three categories that children use to distinguish by categoral hierarchy? 

  1. Not-living things.
  2. Animals.
  3. Humans.
  4. Living things.

Question 2

Which of the following is true?

  1. An important component of false belief problems is the understanding of the relation between desires and actions.
  2. Theory of mind is the understanding of how the mind works and how this influences behavior.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 3

Which of the following concepts is not developed by children to understand the world?

  1. Space.
  2. Causality.
  3. Numbers.
  4. Pace.

Question 4

Which concepts are in the order 'subordinate', 'basic', and 'superordinate'?

  1. Car, jeep, means of transport.
  2. Means of transport, car, jeep.
  3. Jeep, car, means of transport.
  4. Means of transport, jeep, car.

Question 5

What does essentialism mean?

  1. The understanding that every living being has something other than what makes them what they are.
  2. The theory that emphasizes innate mechanisms in conceptual development.
  3. The theory that emphasizes the essential components of conceptual development.
  4. The idea that conceptual development is different and takes place differently for each individual.

Question 6

Ormrod believed that in misconceptions conceptual change is prevented by ...

  1. The occurrence of the misattrubution effect.
  2. The occurrence of the confirmation bias.
  3. The permanent consolidation of this information in the long-term memory.
  4. The automation of association of this information.

Question 7

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What is intelligence and how does it develop? - ExamTest 8

What is intelligence and how does it develop? - ExamTest 8


Question 1

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Crystallized intelligence is the ability to think on the spot to solve novel problems.
  2. Fluid intelligence is the factual knowledge about the world.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 2

Which intelligence test is used for children of 6 years and older?

  1. The Stanford-Binet intelligence test.
  2. Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder-Intelligentie-Test (Rakit).
  3. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC).
  4. Raven's Progressive Matrices.

Question 3

Which of the following is true about IQ?

  1. IQ scores are strong predictors of academic, economic and occupational achievements. 
  2. Correlations between individual alleles of genes and IQ are very small, genetic influences on intelligence reflect small contributions from each of a very large number of genes and interactions among them.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 4

At the age of three, children learn to count. What is NOT a principle of counting?

  1. One-on-one counting.
  2. Cardinality.
  3. Order irrelevance.
  4. Perceptual counting.

Question 5

The correlation between the IQ of an adopted child and its biological parent ...

  1. Decreases over time due to interaction of the genotype with the environment.
  2. Increases over time due to interaction of the genotype with the environment.
  3. Disappears when the child leaves the biological parent.
  4. Is 100%.

Question 6

What is the Flynn Effect?

  1. It states that intelligence scores have increased at the top of the scale in the last
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What are the theories on social development in children? - ExamTest 9

What are the theories on social development in children? - ExamTest 9


Question 1

What is the right order of Freud's developmental stages?

  1. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency period, genital stage. 
  2. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency period, genital stage. 
  3. Oral stage, anal stage, latency period, phallic stage, genital stage. 
  4. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency period, phallic stage.

Question 2

During which developmental stage does the Oedipus complex occur?

  1. Anal stage.
  2. Phallic stage.
  3. Latency period.
  4. Genital stage.

Question 3

Who is the founder of behaviorism?

  1. Albert.
  2. Erikson.
  3. Skinner.
  4. Watson.

Question 4

John takes a biscuit from the biscuit tin before eating, while his parents told him he wasn't allowed to. John feels guilty after eating the cookie. According to Freud ... is responsible for this.

  1. The ego.
  2. The superego.
  3. The id.
  4. The libido.

Question 5

A 23 month old toddler is sleeping badly. His mother takes him to a therapist. Which theory is best for the therapist to apply?

  1. The bio-ecological model.
  2. The psychoanalysis.
  3. Eriksson's theory of psycho-social development.
  4. The social learning theory.

Question 6

What are the similarities of the different learning theories?

  1. The emphasis on continuous development, and emphasis on nurture.
  2. The emphasis on continuous development, and the emphasis on nature.
  3. The emphasis on the active child.
  4. The emphasis on nature and nurture.

Question 7

China's one-child policy exemplified the link between which two systems of Bronfenbrenner's ecological model?

  1. Micro system and meso system.
  2. Macro system and meso system.
  3. Exosystem and microsystem.
  4. Macro system and
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does emotion development in children take place? - ExamTest 10

How does emotion development in children take place? - ExamTest 10


Question 1

Which theory is based on the idea of Darwin that emotions are innate? 

  1. The functionalist perspective
  2. The dynamic systems theory.
  3. The basis-affection system theory.
  4. The discrete emotions theory.

Question 2

Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Poor people experience as much depression as rich people. 
  2. The percentage of depression decreases when children reach puberty. 
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 3

What are two examples of self-aware emotions?

  1. Shame and anger.
  2. Fear and Anger.
  3. Pride and shame.
  4. Pride and joy.

Question 4

What is the first form of emotional regulation that children develop?

  1. Looking away from a negative stimulus.
  2. Crying during a negative stimulus
  3. Separation anxiety from the primary caregiver.
  4. Disgust.

Question 5

The first negative emotion you see in young babies is ...

  1. Anger.
  2. Sadness.
  3. Fear.
  4. First you only see general distress: differentiating between negative emotions is still too difficult.

Question 6

From what age can you see a social smile in babies?

  1. In the first week after birth.
  2. After about 3 weeks of age.
  3. From about 6 weeks of age.
  4. After 4 to 5 months.

Question 7

Which of the following statements best summarizes the findings by Mischel and his colleagues from their famous marshmallow test?

  1. The ability to exhibit self-control early in life can predict success later in life.
  2. The ability to experience and express emotion is a result of human evolution.
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What do attachment theories say about development? - ExamTest 11

What do attachment theories say about development? - ExamTest 11


Question 1

What is the third step in the attachment process according to Bowlby? 

  1. Reciprocal relationships.
  2. Clear-cut attachment.
  3. Pre attachment.
  4. Attachment-in-the-making.

Question 2

Which attachment pattern does not originally belong to the three attachment patterns of Ainsworth?

  1. Secure attachment.
  2. Insecure ambivalent attachment.
  3. Insecure disorganized attachment.
  4. Insecure avoidant attachment.

Question 3

What is NOT characteristic of an insecure ambivalent child?

  1. The child behaves very clingy.
  2. The child calms down through the presence of a stranger.
  3. The child is difficult to comfort when the mother returns after being separated from her.
  4. The child is comforted just as easily by a stranger as by the mother after divorce from the mother.

Question 4

The attachment relationship of a child s is often related to the attachment relationship that his / her mother had with her mother. The mother used to have an autonomous attachment style. What will the child get?

  1. A secure attachment style.
  2. An insecure ambivalent attachment style
  3. An insecure-avoidant attachment style
  4. This cannot be said on the basis of this information.

Question 5

What is NOT an indication that a child has developed a self-image?

  1. Recognizing itself in the mirror.
  2. Comparing itself with peers.
  3. Recognizing deviations from appearance when looking in the mirror.
  4. Imitating other people's facial expressions.

Question 6

Read the following case carefully: "Rebecca reacts more positively to her mother than to other people. She smiles more often in the presence of her mother than in the presence of other people. She shows no fear of separation and is

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What is the influence of family on the development of children? - ExamTest 12

What is the influence of family on the development of children? - ExamTest 12


Question 1

Which parenting style is described by the following? Parents are cold, nonresponsive and high in demandingness. They are oriented toward control and expect their children to comply without question or explanation.

  1. Authoritative parenting.
  2. Authoritarian parenting.
  3. Permissive parenting.
  4. Uninvolved parenting.

Question 2

The process through which children acquire the values, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate in their culture is known as ...

  1. Parenting style.
  2. Socialization.
  3. Behaviorism.
  4. Discipline.

Question 3

A recent trend in famiy structure in the United states is the increasing ages of first-time parents. Which of the following is not true of these older parents compared with younger parents?

  1. Older parents tend to be more highly educated.
  2. Older parents tend to earn higher income.
  3. Older parents tend to use a harsher parenting style.
  4. Older parents are less likely to get divorced within 10 years of having a child.

Question 4

Recent research has shown which of the following to be true of children of same-sex parents, compared with children of heterosexual parents?

  1. They exhibit more mental health disorders.
  2. They tend to perform better socially and academically.
  3. They are similar in their sexual oreintation and degree of gender-typed behavior.
  4. They report higher levels of parental aggression in adolescence.

Question 5

Which of the following statements is not true of divorce?

  1. Young children tend to react more negatively to a parent's remarriage than do young adolescents.
  2. For children in high-conflict families, divorce may increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for their adjustment.
  3. Joint custody is
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What is the influence of peers on the development of a child? - ExamTest 13

What is the influence of peers on the development of a child? - ExamTest 13


Question 1

From which of the following we cannot notice that two young children are friends?

  1. They defend each other.
  2. They can verbally tell who their friends are. 
  3. They will call for help when their friend is upset. 
  4. They prefer to play with their friends than with nonfriends. 

Question 2

Which term is described by the following? Peer groups that children voluntarily form or join themselves, usually of the same sex and race. 

  1. A clique.
  2. A crowd.
  3. A gang.
  4. A mob.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a sociometric status?

  1. Rejected children.
  2. Average children.
  3. Bullied children.
  4. Neglected children.

Question 4

What's true about bullied children?

  1. Friends can be a buffer when experiencing unpleasant events.
  2. They are often aggressive.
  3. They often have insensitive parents.
  4. They often have a controversial sociometric status.

Question 5

What is NOT a bidirectional relationship?

  1. Someone who is bullied often has few friends.
  2. Someone who is 4 years old is aggressive. That is why he is also aggressive when he is 8 years old. That is why he is also aggressive when he is 12 years old.
  3. Someone who is depressed does not sleep well.
  4. Someone who experiences conflict at home often experiences conflict at school as well.

Question 6

If you have always rejected in your childhood, you are more likely to develop ...

  1. Internalizing problems and externalizing problems.
  2. Depression.
  3. Internalizing problems and social problems.
  4. Externalizing problems and social problems.

Question 7

Compared to adolescents, young primary school children

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does moral development take place? - ExamTest 14

How does moral development take place? - ExamTest 14


Question 1

According to Piaget, there are two stages of development in children's moral reasoning, with a transitional period between them. During which ages does this transitional period occur?

  1. From 2 – 4 years old.
  2. From 4 – 7 years old.
  3. From 7 – 10 years old.
  4. From 10 – 12 years old.

Question 2

Which stage does not belong to Kohlberg's theory of moral judgement?

  1. Preconventional moral reasoning.
  2. Conventional moral reasoning.
  3. Postconventional moral reasoning.
  4. Complete moral reasoning.

Question 3

Kohlberg based his stages of morality on ...

  1. Reasons behind moral decisions.
  2. The stages of prosocial development.
  3. The results of his studies of prosocial dilemmas.
  4. Evidence that peers have a critical impact on children's moral development.

Question 4

What is the difference between a 2-year-old child and a child attending primary school in terms of aggression?

  1. Aggression has increased overall.
  2. Aggression has diminished overall.
  3. Physical aggression decreases and verbal aggression increases.
  4. Verbal aggression decreases and physical aggression increases.

Question 5

Katie accidentally breaks four cups as she helps ahar father set the table. Laura accidentally breaks a cup while secretly picking up a cookie from the cookie jar. Rose breaks two cups while fighting with her brother.

Which child deserves the highest punishment according to a child in Piaget's pre-operational stage of development?

  1. Katie
  2. Laura.
  3. Rose.
  4. They are all seen as equally guilty.

Question 6

Which of the following sentences is an example of instrumental aggression?

  1. Tony pushes Joyce away so that he can
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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
How does gender development take place? - ExamTest 15

How does gender development take place? - ExamTest 15


Question 1

Which term is described? The tendency to affirm connection with others through being emotionally open, empathetic, or supportive. 

  1. Assertion.
  2. Collaboration.
  3. Affiliation.
  4. Empathy.

Question 2

Which theory that focuses on biological differences regarding gender emphasizes the physical differences between men and women that can have both behavioral and social consequences?

  1. Evolutionary psychology theory.
  2. Biosocial theory.
  3. Neuroscience theory.
  4. Social science theory.

Question 3

Which theory on gender development proposes that children enact gender-typed behaviors as soon as they can label other people's and their own gender?

  1. Cognitive developmental theory.
  2. Social identity theory.
  3. Social cognitive theory.
  4. Gender schema theory.

Question 4

The gender similarities hypothesis emphasizes that in areas of cognitive behaviors and social abilities ...

  1. All measurable differences between the sexes are trivial.
  2. Boys and girls develop on parallel but unequal tracks.
  3. Similarities between boys and girls far outweigh differences.
  4. Differences between boys and girls outweigh similarities.

Question 5

Rose is a 9-year-old girl. She strongly prefers wearing t-shirts and jeans to dresses and other "girly" clothes. She loves sports and hates playing with dolls. Rose's preferences are an example of ... .

  1. Gender-role intensification.
  2. Cross-gender-typed behavior.
  3. Cisgender modeling.
  4. Gender segregation.

Question 6

Gender typing refers to ... 

  1. The identification of an individual based on sex chromosomes.
  2. An individual's personal identification as male, female, or neither.
  3. The process of gender socialization that occurs during development.
  4. The genetic forces that determine an individual's sex during prenatal development.

Question 7

The use of gendered nouns and pronouns, the

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Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
What conclusions can we draw from the chapters of this book? - ExamTest 16

What conclusions can we draw from the chapters of this book? - ExamTest 16


Question 1

When do genetically influenced characteristics become evident?

  1. Directly after birth.
  2. When children are toddlers.
  3. During preschool.
  4. During middle childhood, adolescence or adulthood.

Question 2

Fill in:

When children encounter an unfamiliar stimulus, they accommodate / assimilate it to more familiar stimuli. At the same time, their understanding accommodates / assimilates to the experience, so that when they next encounter the unfamiliar stimulus will feel less strange. 

  1. Accommodate, accommodates.
  2. Assimilate, assimilates.
  3. Accommodate, assimilates.
  4. Assimilate, accommodates.

Question 3

Which of the following is true?

  1. Children from poorer families are more often secure attached. 
  2. Depression is more common among poor families.
  1. Only statement 1 is true.
  2. Only statement 2 is true.
  3. Both statements are true.
  4. Both statements are false.

Question 4

Which of the following statement accurately descirbes the interaction of nature and nurture?

  1. Nature does its work before birth, and nurture takes over only after birth.
  2. Nature's influence continues through infancy before giving way to the influence of nurture.
  3. Nature and nurture begin interacting on the fetus in the womb, and both continue to shape the individual's development.
  4. The role that both nature and nurture play in development is often overstated.

Question 5

Which of the following is an example of the crucial role that timing plays in the potential impact of a teratogen?

  1. The diet of a pregnant mother will influence taste preferences that the fetus will exhibit after birth.
  2. By age 12 months, infants lose the ability to hear the difference between similar sounds that they do not
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Summaries and study notes with the 6th edition of How Children Develop by Siegler et al. - Bundle
Summaries and study notes with How Children Develop by Siegler et al. - Bundle
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