What is the influence of family on the development of children? - ExamTest 12


Question 1

Which parenting style is described by the following? Parents are cold, nonresponsive and high in demandingness. They are oriented toward control and expect their children to comply without question or explanation.

  1. Authoritative parenting.
  2. Authoritarian parenting.
  3. Permissive parenting.
  4. Uninvolved parenting.

Question 2

The process through which children acquire the values, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate in their culture is known as ...

  1. Parenting style.
  2. Socialization.
  3. Behaviorism.
  4. Discipline.

Question 3

A recent trend in famiy structure in the United states is the increasing ages of first-time parents. Which of the following is not true of these older parents compared with younger parents?

  1. Older parents tend to be more highly educated.
  2. Older parents tend to earn higher income.
  3. Older parents tend to use a harsher parenting style.
  4. Older parents are less likely to get divorced within 10 years of having a child.

Question 4

Recent research has shown which of the following to be true of children of same-sex parents, compared with children of heterosexual parents?

  1. They exhibit more mental health disorders.
  2. They tend to perform better socially and academically.
  3. They are similar in their sexual oreintation and degree of gender-typed behavior.
  4. They report higher levels of parental aggression in adolescence.

Question 5

Which of the following statements is not true of divorce?

  1. Young children tend to react more negatively to a parent's remarriage than do young adolescents.
  2. For children in high-conflict families, divorce may increase the likelihood of positive outcomes for their adjustment.
  3. Joint custody is the most common arrangement for parents and children after divorce.
  4. Most children do not suffer significant, enduring problems as a result of their parent's divorce.

Question 6

The process through which children acquire the values, knowledge, and behaviors that are regarded as appropriate in their culture is known as ... .

  1. Parenting style.
  2. Socialization.
  3. Behaviorism.
  4. Joint attention.

Question 7

Which of the following factors has not been shown to influence children's adjustment in stepfamilies?

  1. The amount of conflict between the custodial parent and the noncustodial parent.
  2. The relationship between the noncustodial parent and the stepparent.
  3. The genders of the child and stepparent.
  4. The age difference between the biological parent and stepparent.

Question 8

Which of the following descriptions best fits the definition of "other-oriented induction"?

  1. After a toddler has tkaen a toy from his friend, the toddler's mother scolds him and makes him apologize.
  2. A father spanks his toddler after that toddler has tkaen a toy from her friend.
  3. A mother puts her toddler in a time-out after he has taken a toy from his friend.
  4. A father explains to his todddler that by taking a toy from her friend, she has hurt her friend's feelings.

Question 9

Internalization is best described as ...

  1. The feelings of guilt that a child may experience after his or her parents divorce.
  2. The process by which parent-child interactions reinforce and perpetuate the parent's and child's behavior.
  3. The process through which a child learns and accepts a desired behavior as a result of appropriate discipline.
  4. The negative impact harsh punishment can ahve on a child's sense of self-esteem.

Question 10

Which of the following statements is an accurate description of punishment?

  1. Punishment is an effective form of discipline.
  2. Punishment, although more harsh than other forms of discipline, can teach the child how to behave.
  3. Punishments such as yelling and revoking privileges have been found to be successful at encouraging internalization.
  4. Punishments, when mild, provide minimally sufficient pressure for internalization.

Question 11

Eric and his friend are playing a game that could become dangerous. Eric's father tells them to stop. Eric pleads with him to let them continue. His father firmly restates his refusal and explains why he thinks their game is dangerous. He then suggests some alternative activities. Eric's father is displaying which parenting style?

  1. Permissive.
  2. Authoritarian.
  3. Authoritative.
  4. Friendly.

Question 12

Which of the following is not an area in which mothers and fathers tend to differ in interaction with their children?

  1. The type of play they tend to engage in with their children.
  2. The amount of time they spend with their children.
  3. The effect that their parenting style has on their children's mental health.
  4. The amount of physical care and emotional support they provide for their children.

Question 13

Siblings get along best if ...

  1. Their parents also get along.
  2. Their parents treat each child similarly.
  3. They live in collectivist community.
  4. All of the above.

Question 14

Which of the following statement is true of the potential effect of socioeconomic context on child development?

  1. Poverty has little impact on children's academic achievement.
  2. Children living in high-income families tend to show lower rates of drug use, delinquency, and mental health problems than their low-income peers.
  3. Living in poverty has negative effects on multiple domains of development.
  4. Maternal employment tends to significantly diminish the quality of mothers' interactions with their children.

Question 15

Which of the following has not been found to influence the positive or negative effects of childcare on a child's development?

  1. A number of hours per day the child spends in childcare.
  2. Type of relationship the child has with his or her mother.
  3. Quality of childcare facility.
  4. Number of siblings the child has.


Question 1

B. The authoritarian parenting style is characterized by low warmth and high control.

Question 2

B. This process is called socialization.

Question 3

C. Older parents do not tend to use a harsher parenting style than younger parents.

Question 4

C. They are similar in their sexual orientation and degree of gender-typed behavior.

Question 5

A. Young children tend to react more negatively to a parent's remarriage than do young adolescents.

Question 6

B. Socialization.

Question 7

D. The age difference between the biological parent and stepparent does not influence children's adjustment in stepfamilies.

Question 8

D. A father explains to his toddler that by taking a toy from her friend, she has hurt her friend's feelings.

Question 9

C. Internalization is best described as the process through which a child learns and accepts a desired behavior as a result of appropriate discipline.

Question 10

D. Punishments, when mild, provide minimally sufficient pressure for internalization.

Question 11

C. Eric's father displays an authoritative parenting style.

Question 12

C. The effect that their parenting style has on their children's mental health is not an area in which mothers and fathers tend to differ in interactions with their children.

Question 13

D. Siblings tend to get along best if their parents also get along, their parents treat each child similarly, and they live in a collectivist community.

Question 14

C. Living in poverty has negative effects on multiple domains of development.

Question 15

D. The number of siblings the child has not been found to influence the positive or negative effects of childcare on a child's development.




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