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Examtests with the 2nd edition of Organizational Behavior by Neck et al.

Why is the topic of organizational behavior important? - ExamTests 1

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What different techniques can we distinguish that members of an organization need to be able to fulfill their roles properly?

  1. Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills.
  2. Technical skills, communication skills and conceptual skills.
  3. Human skills, conceptual skills and leadership skills.
  4. Communication skills, conceptual skills and leadership skills.

Question 2

What are the five steps of the critical thinking approach?

  1. Analyzing behaviour, observing behaviour, interpreting behaviour, determining consequences of behaviour, justifying changes in behaviour.
  2. Observing behaviour, interpreting behaviour, analyzing behaviour, determining consequences of behaviour, justifying changes in behaviour.
  3. Observing behaviour, analyzing behaviour, interpreting behaviour, determining consequences of behaviour, justifying changes in behaviour.
  4. Observing behaviour, determining consequences of behaviour, interpreting behaviour, analyzing behaviour, justifying changes in behaviour.

Question 3

Which of these scientific disciplines is not a source of inspiration for organizational behavior?

  1. Sociology.
  2. Political science.
  3. Anthropology.
  4. History.

Open Questions

Question 1

What is the disadvantage of correlational research?

Question 2

Group A contains 500 people, of which 50 are criminals, Group B contains 50,000 people of which 10% are criminals. Group A is approached more negatively. What do you call this appearance?

Question 3

What do we mean with the human capital value of an organization?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

A. Technical skills, human skills and conceptual skills.

Question 2

B. Observing behaviour, interpreting behaviour, analyzing behaviour, determining consequences of behaviour, justifying changes in behaviour.

Question 3

D. History.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

We cannot conclude causal relationships from correlational research.

Question 2

An illusionary correlation.

Question 3

Human capital value refers to the way employees work to achieve their organization's strategic goals through which they compete successfully with other organizations.

How can we deal with diversity and individual differences in the workplace? - ExamTests 2

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What does diversity at the surface level mean?

  1. Diversity in verbal and nonverbal behavior.
  2. Diversity in easily observable differences between people.
  3. Neither of the two.
  4. Both.

Question 2

What is the highest degree of cultural sensitivity according to Bennett's DMIS model?

  1. Denial.
  2. Acceptance.
  3. Integration.
  4. Adaptation.

Question 3

Which of these character traits is not covered by the Big Five model of character traits?

  1. Emotional stability.
  2. Intelligence.
  3. Openness to experiences.
  4. Extraversion.

Question 4

Which statement about the Myers-Briggs type indicators is incorrect?

  1. It is a psychometric questionnaire.
  2. It evaluates four spectrums of psychological characteristics.
  3. The spectrum score can be translated into one of 8 personality types.
  4. According to many scientists, the questionnaire is an exaggerated simplification.

Open Questions

Question 1

How can an employer best deal with stereotypes in the workplace?

Question 2

What does ability diversity mean?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

B. Diversity in easily observable differences between people.

Question 2

C. Intergration.

Question 3

B. Intelligence is not included in this model.

Question 4

C. The spectrum score can be translated to one of 16 personality types.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Recognize that stereotypes exist.

Question 2

Ability diversity is the representation of people of different mental and physical functioning levels within an organization.

What can organizations and managers learn about theories on perception and learning? - ExamTests 3

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What is Fundamental Attribution Theory?

  1. One's own behavior is seen as dispositional behavior and the behavior of others as situational.
  2. The behavior of others is seen as dispositional rather than situational.
  3. The behavior of others is seen as dispositional and own behavior as situational.
  4. One's own behavior is seen as dispositional rather than situational.

Question 2

A psychological contract is an employee's perception of his or her exchange relationship with an organization.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 3

What is the halo effect?

  1. The perception problem by which we judge an individual based on the first information available.
  2. The perception problem by which we judge an individual based on projecting our own motivations and feelings onto the other.
  3. The perception problem by which we develop a positive or negative bias for an individual based on our first impression of them.
  4. The perception problem with which we compare an individual with ourselves.

Question 4

What does Bandura's social-cognitive theory say about the learning process?

  1. People always look for two causes to explain behaviour.
  2. People learn by observing, imitating and modeling others.
  3. People's behavior is shaped by external stimuli.
  4. People learn through cognitions.

Open Questions

Question 1

How can someone improve their position using impression management?

Question 2

What does distinctiveness mean?

Question 3

What do we mean by selective attention?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

B. Others' behavior is perceived as dispositional rather than situational.

Question 2

A. True.

Question 3

C. The perception problem by which we develop a positive or negative bias for an individual based on our first impression of them.

Question 4

B. People learn by observing, imitating and modeling others.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

By means of self-enlargement techniques, other-enlargement techniques, sliming and self-handicaping.

Question 2

Distinctiveness refers to the extent to which a person behaves consistently in similar situations. When we observe low distinctiveness in different situations, we attribute that behavior is caused by internal factors and not by external factors. When we observe high distinctiveness in different situations, we consider that behavior is caused by external factors.

Question 3

Selective attention is the human tendency to selectively focus on the aspects of a situation that are closest to our own interests, values ​​and attitudes.

How do emotions, attitudes en stress relate to work performance? - ExamTests 4

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

How can job satisfaction be improved?

  1. By improving job hygiene.
  2. By motivators.
  3. Through both hygiene and motivators.

Question 2

Max is new and does not yet have a job specification and because of this he experiences stress, why is this?

  1. Role conflict.
  2. Role ambiguity.

Question 3

What does mood congruence mean?

  1. When you are in a positive mood, you pay more attention to the positive.
  2. When you are in a negative mood, you more easily retrieve information that you have stored in a negative mood.

Question 4

When an employer immediately reduces a problem, this contributes to:

  1. Problem-focused coping.
  2. Emotionally-focused coping.

Question 5

As many opportunities as threats can be sources of stress in the workplace.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 6

The principles of organizational behavior do not apply to people who volunteer with non-profit organizations or charities.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Open Questions

Question 1

Which factors influence job satisfaction?

Question 2

Femke buys a car that is not environmentally friendly, while she considers this value important. What does Femke experience?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

C. By both hygiene and motivators.

Question 2

B. Role ambiguity.

Question 3

A. When you are in a positive mood, you pay more attention to the positive.

Question 4

A. Problem-Focused coping.

Question 5

A. True.

Question 6

B. False: These principles also apply.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and well-being.

Question 2

Cognitive dissonance.

How do concepts and theoretical perspectives on motivation play a role in organizational behavior? - ExamTests 5

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Which theory holds that people are motivated by their desire to fulfill specific needs?

  1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory.
  2. Alderfer's ERG Theory.
  3. Two-factor theory of motivation.
  4. Both A and B.

Question 2

What is true about the goal-setting theory?

  1. Human performance is driven by their conscious goals and intentions.
  2. Humans have an instinctive desire to achieve goals.
  3. Neither of the two.
  4. Both A and B.

Question 3

Which of these descriptions is a good definition of Adams' equity theory?

  1. Motivation is based on our perception of fairness in a situation.
  2. People want fairness of distribution, meaning they want a fair distribution of outcomes.
  3. Motivation influences our job satisfaction.
  4. None of these descriptions provide a good definition.

Question 4

The expectancy theory states that people choose behaviors because they have an expectation of a certain outcome for this specific behavior.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Open Questions

Question 1

What does the factor expectancy mean in expectancy theory?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

D. Both theory A and B.

Question 2

A. Human performance is driven by their conscious goals and intentions.

Question 3

A. Motivation is based on our perception of fairness in a situation.

Question 4

A. True.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Expectancy refers to how high you think the chance that something will actually work.

How do we apply theories on motivation in practice? - ExamTests 6

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What is the difference between job enrichment and job enlargement?

  1. Job enrichment is a vertical process, job enlargement is a horizontal process.
  2. Job enrichment is a horizontal process and job enlargement is a vertical process.

Question 2

Employees whose primary reason for working is to earn money have intrinsic work values.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 3

Work motivation can be defined as the psychological strength within a person that determines his or her behaviour, commitment and perseverance.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 4

In job design scientific management, salary is the primary motivation used to motivate employees.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Open Questions

Question 1

What does Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model say about the core components of a job?

Question 2

When is merit pay most effective?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

A. Job enrichment is a vertical process, job enlargement is a horizontal process.

Question 2

B. False: They have extrinsic work values.

Question 3

A. True: Work motivation can be defined as the psychological strength within a person that determines his or her behaviour, commitment and perseverance.

Question 4

A. True.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

There are five core components that exist in any job: skill variation, task identity, importance of task autonomy, and feedback.

Question 2

When used as a bonus for an employee's good performance.

How can we effectively work together in teams? - ExamTests 7

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Members of a group must share the same goals.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 2

Process losses are performance problems that a group experiences due to coordination and motivation problems.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 3

What is a good definition of a team?

  1. A team is a group of people brought together for a particular project or purpose.
  2. A team is a group of three or more people working towards organizational goals.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither.

Question 4

What is the correct order of the different phases in Tuckman's model?

  1. Storming, norming, forming, performing, adjourning.
  2. Forming, storming, performing, norming, adjourning.
  3. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning.
  4. Adjourning, forming, storming, norming, performing.

Open Questions

Question 1

During which stage of Tuckman is the leader determined?

Question 2

How can one avoid groupthink?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

B. Not true, this is not necessary.

Question 2

A. True.

Question 3

A. A team is a group of people brought together for a particular project or purpose.

Question 4

C. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Answer indication open questions

Question 1


Question 2

By brainstorming individually first and then in the group.

How do creativity, innovation and decision making play a role in organizational behavior? - ExamTests 8

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What is the advantage of decision making in a group?

  1. Greater risks are taken.
  2. More facts are remembered.

Question 2

What is meant by bounded rationality?

  1. The idea that people are limited by a few obstacles when making decisions.
  2. The unconscious decision-making process.
  3. The way people make decisions in which we look for the most acceptable results.
  4. People want to include all possible factors in their decisions.

Question 3

What is not a well-known heuristic that people use during their decision-making process?

  1. The representativeness heuristic.
  2. The availability heuristic.
  3. The projection bias.
  4. The anchoring and adjustment heuristic.

Question 4

What is meant by product innovation?

  1. The introduction of new or improved working methods
  2. Reusing existing products or processes.
  3. Taking risks in the development of a product.
  4. The development of improved products.

Open Questions

Question 1

Which three components does Amabile distinguish in the three-component model of creativity?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

B. More facts are remembered

Question 2

A. The idea that people are limited by a few obstacles when making decisions.

Question 3

C. The projection bias.

Question 4

D. The development of improved products.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Domain-relevant skills, creativity-relevant skills and motivation.

How do ethics and social responsibility play a role in organizations? - ExamTests 9

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Which of these approaches is not one of the three classical approaches to ethical decision-making processes?

  1. The rights approach.
  2. The utilitarian approach.
  3. The justice approach.
  4. The conventional approach.

Question 2

What does corporate social responsibility (CSR) mean?

  1. The fact that organizations must be economically and financially sound.
  2. The system of delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to shareholders.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither.

Question 3

What are the six pillars of character according to Kohlberg? Trust, respect, responsibility, honesty, care and…

  1. Citizenship.
  2. Involvement.
  3. Integrity.
  4. Fidelity.

Open Questions

Question 1

What does Kohlberg mean by preconventional morality?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

D. The conventional approach

Question 2

B. The system of delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to shareholders.

Question 3

A. Citizenship.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Preconventional morality is the first stage of morality development in which morality is still based on obeying, self-protection and self-interest.

How can we engage in effective communication? - ExamTests 10

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What does the Shannon-Weaver communication model say about effective communication?

  1. The success of an organization depends on intercultural communication.
  2. The success of an organization depends on the direction of communication.
  3. Effective communication depends on the sender and receiver.
  4. We distinguish different forms of communication.

Question 2

Which types of communication channels do we distinguish?

  1. Verbal and nonverbal communication.
  2. Oral, written and nonverbal communication.
  3. Oral, written, electronic and nonverbal communication.
  4. Oral, written, digital and nonverbal communication.

Question 3

Which of these descriptions is not a barrier to effective communication?

  1. Filtering.
  2. Emotions.
  3. Differing perceptions.
  4. Active listening.

Question 4

What core elements are important for active listening?

  1. Processing, sensing and responding.
  2. Processing, empathy and being quiet.
  3. Sensing, responding and intelligence.
  4. Processing, empathy and a calm environment.

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

C. Effective communication depends on the sender and receiver.

Question 2

C. Oral, written, electronic and nonverbal communication.

Question 3

D. Active listening

Question 4

A. Processing, feeling and reacting.

How do trust, conflict and negotiation play a role within an organization? - ExamTests 11

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What are 3 common sources of conflict at work?

  1. differentiation, contingency, task relationships.
  2. task relationships, contingency, budget scarcity.
  3. budget scarcity, task relationships, contingency.
  4. budget scarcity, differentiation, task relationship.

Question 2

Because recurring problems and opportunities require very little attention to respond, unprogrammed decisions are often used.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 3

We distinguish three types of trust: disposition-based trust, cognition-based trust and affect-based trust.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 4

Which neutral third party can be involved in a negotiation by expressing its own opinion on the matter?

  1. A mediator.
  2. An arbitrator.
  3. A conciliator.
  4. An opponent.

Open Questions

Question 1

What do we mean by task conflict?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

D. Budget scarcity, differentiation, task relations

Question 2

B. False: Programmed decisions are used.

Question 3

A. True.

Question 4

C. A conciliator.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Task conflict is when there is a clash between individuals over the direction, content or purpose of a task.

What different leadership perspectives can we distinguish? - ExamTests 12

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What does the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory say about the relationship between leaders and group members?

  1. The quality of the relationship determines whether the leader categorizes the group member into the in-group or the out-group.
  2. When a leader assigns a group member to the in-group, there is mutual trust.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither.

Question 2

All managers are leaders too.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Open Questions

Question 1

What are two leadership styles according to Fiedler?

Question 2

Which two axes does the leadership grid distinguish in the approach to the working method of an organization?

Question 3

What is the least-preferred coworker (LPC) scale?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

C. Both A and B.

Question 2

B. Not true: Not all managers are leaders and not all leaders are managers.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Relationship-oriented leadership and task-oriented leadership.

Question 2

Production and care for people.

Question 3

An instrument with which we can evaluate whether someone is task-oriented or relationship-oriented.

What is the effect of influence, power and politics in an organization? - ExamTests 13

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Formal individual power is the power that comes from one's position in an organizational hierarchy.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 2

Inspirational professions use emotions to create enthusiasm, but personal professions use existing friendships.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 3

Which of these is not a factor in average organizational politics?

  1. People are more likely to engage in organizational politics when few promotions are available.
  2. People are more likely to engage in organizational politics in independent enterprises.
  3. The extent to which people engage in organizational politics depends on personality.
  4. The extent to which people engage in organizational politics depends on the extent to which they have a Machiavellian personality.

Open Questions

Question 1

What do we mean by coercive power?

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

A. True.

Question 2

A. True.

Question 3

B. People are more likely to engage in organizational politics in independent enterprises.

Answer indication open questions

Question 1

Coercive power is the strategy in which a person controls the behavior of others through punishments, threats, and sanctions.

What is the effect of culture in an organization? - ExamTests 14

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

The observable culture of an organization consists of the personal appearances, behavior and attitude of employees in an organization.

  1. True.
  2. Not true.

Question 2

What is true about the competing values ​​framework?

  1. Flexibility and discretion versus stability and control is one of the two dimensions of the framework.
  2. The framework provides a way to identify a culture.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither.

Question 3

What does an adhocracy culture look like?

  1. It is an organizational culture characterized by trust, loyalty and support.
  2. It is an organizational culture in which stability and an internal focus are important.
  3. It is an organizational culture in which communication and performance are central values.
  4. Change, growth and inspiration are important values.

Question 4

What are the two functions of an organizational culture?

  1. External adaptation and internal integration.
  2. External integration and internal adaptation.

Question 5

What is the correct order of the five stages of cultural adaptation?

  1. Honeymoon, Disintegration, Reintegration, Autonomy, Independence.
  2. Honeymoon, Disintegration, Reintegration, Independence, Autonomy.
  3. Disintegration, Honeymoon, Reintegration, Autonomy, Independence.
  4. Disintegration, Honeymoon, Reintegration, Independence, Autonomy.

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

A. True.

Question 2

C. Both A and B.

Question 3

C. Change, growth and inspiration are important values.

Question 4

A. External Adaptation and Internal Integration.

Question 5

A. Honeymoon, Disintegration, Reintegration, Autonomy, Independence.

How can organizations change their structure? - ExamTests 15

Multiple choice questions

Question 1

What are the four stages of DADA syndrome?

  1. Denial, Anger, Depression and Acceptance.
  2. Anger, Denial, Depression and Acceptance.
  3. Anger, Depression, Denial and Acceptance.
  4. Depression, anger, denial and acceptance.

Question 2

What is true about Lewin's basic change model?

  1. It distinguishes three phases of planned change: thawing, transformation and refreezing.
  2. The model is intended to help facilitate change.
  3. Both A and B.
  4. Neither.

Question 3

What is true about the influence of social media on organizational change?

  1. Social values ​​are changing and influence, for example, the climate awareness of organizations.
  2. Social media provides an opportunity for organizations to keep up with more technological developments.
  3. Social media creates a greater amount of negative feedback.
  4. None of these things.

Question 4

In which of these situations is there no resistance to change?

  1. When the argument to change is not clear.
  2. When people fear that they don't have the skills needed to survive the change.
  3. When people are afraid of being fired.
  4. When people feel that the change is more detrimental to them than to someone else.

Answer indication multiple choice questions

Question 1

A. Denial, Anger, Depression and Acceptance.

Question 2

C. Both A and B.

Question 3

C. Social media creates a greater amount of negative feedback.

Question 4

C. When people are afraid of being fired.

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Table of content

  • ExamTests with the book: Organizational Behavior of Neck et al. - 2nd edition
  • ExamTests with the book: Social Psychology of Heinzen & Goodfriend - 2nd edition
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