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Examtests with Essentials of Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach by Scandura - 2nd edition

What is organizational behavior? - ExamTests 1



Question 1

Which of the following is an output variable according to the OB model?

  1. Group roles
  2. Power and politics
  3. Attitudes
  4. Critical thinking

Question 2

Theo’s employees volunteer to do their task and they are willing to negotiate the objectives and procedures. Which feature of the participative management style does it represent?

  1. Commitment
  2. Mastery
  3. Self-management
  4. Engagement

Question 3

What are the three primary determinants of behavior in organizations?

  1. Profit structure, organizational complexity, and culture
  2. Individuals, groups, and structure
  3. Individuals, groups, and performance
  4. Groups, structure, and profit structure

Question 4

Nero is a manager at a mid-sized consulting first. Within his role, he is responsible for motivating those under him to go out and meet new clients. Which of the four managerial activities is Nero exhibiting?

  1. Human resource management
  2. Traditional management
  3. Communication
  4. Networking

Question 5

The belief that "violence is wrong" is an evaluative statement. Such an opinion constitutes the ________ component of an attitude.

  1. Cognitive
  2. Affective
  3. Reflective
  4. Behavioral

Question 6

Evidence-based management bases decisions on which of the following?

  1. The best available data
  2. Employee opinion
  3. Gut feelings and intuition
  4. Customer opinion

Question 7

Barack is a married, bilingual, African-American construction worker. Based on the organizational behavior model, this data represents which of the following to Barack's new employer?

  1. Inputs
  2. Outcomes
  3. Process
  4. Model

Question 8

Measuring an employees' job satisfaction is a topic of organizational psychology ?

  1. At the individual level
  2. At the group level
  3. At the organizational level
  4. At all of the above

Answer indication

Question 1

C. Attitudes.

Question 2

A. Commitment.

Question 3

B. Individuals, groups, and structure.

Question 4

A. Human resource management.

Question 5

A. Cognitive.

Question 6

A. The best available data.

Question 7

A. Inputs.

Question 8

A. At the individual level.

Does personality matter? - ExamTests 2



Question 1

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding personality?

  1. In organizational behaviour, personality is conceptualized as traits.
  2. It involves the ways in which individuals react and interact with others.
  3. It is measured using the MPS score.
  4. Personality affects job satisfaction.

Question 2

Mayan says that the Myers-Briggs Indicator has a high scientific validity. Katie says that Myers-Briggs is unrelated to work outcomes such as performance. Who is right?

  1. Both of them
  2. Mayan
  3. Katie
  4. No one

Question 3

Corné does not feel guilty when his actions hurt his coworkers. In general, he acts without concern of how his actions affect others. Which trait does it reflect?

  1. Neuroticism
  2. Machiavellianism
  3. Narcissism
  4. Psychopathy

Question 4

Which of the following statements is true about personality?

  1. Personality is independent of environmental factors.
  2. Personality is static.
  3. The most common means of measuring personality is through personal interviews.
  4. Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with.

Question 5

What does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator classification of "E or I" stand for?

  1. Extraverted/intuitive
  2. Emotional/introverted
  3. Extraverted/introverted
  4. Emotional/intuitive

Question 6

Hannah is a highly motivated professional who likes to take on new tasks and makes certain that everything she does is done to perfection. In which two of the Big Five personality traits would Hannah most likely score high?

  1. Openness to experience and emotional stability
  2. Conscientiousness and emotional stability
  3. Emotional stability and extroversion
  4. Extroversion and openness to experience

Question 7

Which of the following best describes the difference between Machiavellians and narcissists?

  1. Machiavellians require more admiration than narcissists.
  2. Machiavellians are more manipulative than narcissists.
  3. Machiavellians are more arrogant than narcissists.
  4. Machiavellians have a greater sense of entitlement than narcissists.

Question 8

According to Gordon Allport, ________ is defined as the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine a person's unique adjustments to his/her environment.

  1. Heredity
  2. Cognitive dissonance
  3. Personality
  4. Descent

Question 9

Eline works as a research executive at an environmental organization. Though her colleagues are helpful and friendly, because of her shy nature, she often eats her lunch at her desk and has limited interactions with them. She is glad that her nature of work does not require her to interact with her co-workers to a high extent. Which of the following types is Chamberlain most likely to be characterized as according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification?

  1. Social
  2. Introverted
  3. Exhibitionist
  4. Extraverted

Answer indication

Question 1

C. It is measured using the MPS score.

Question 2

C. Katie.

Question 3

D. Psychopathy.

Question 4

D. Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with.

Question 5

C. Extraverted/introverted.

Question 6

A. Openness to experience and emotional stability.

Question 7

B. Machiavellians are more manipulative than narcissists.

Question 8

C. Personality.

Question 9

B. Introverted.

How do emotions and mood influence employees? - ExamTests 3



Question 1

Which of the following is an example of emotion?

  1. Tim got surprised by his sudden promotion.
  2. Ellen has not been feeling well about her job, but she’s not sure why.
  3. Rose has had a bad day and he’s been feeling very negative all evening.
  4. Marloes got fired few weeks ago and she has been depressed since then.

Question 2

Tamara is a shop assistant. When she deals with unpleasant customers, she is very patient, because she knows it is not personal and the person might be having a bad day. Which emotion regulation strategy it is?

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Emotional suppression
  3. Cognitive reappraisal
  4. Deep acting

Question 3

Felix proposed that the desire to reduce dissonance is determined by three moderating factors including the ________.

  1. Values of the elements creating the dissonance
  2. Degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements
  3. Degree of positive affect the person has toward the behavior
  4. Fact that values and attitudes will vary over the short term

Question 4

Which of the following terms best describes feelings that tend to be less intense than

  1. Affect
  2. Reactions
  3. Moods
  4. Thoughts

Question 5

Esther works at a software company, in charge of the help desk. After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company's software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. What makes her anger an emotion, rather than a mood?

  1. It is a simple, unambiguous feeling.
  2. Her response is prolonged.
  3. It is triggered by situation.
  4. Her response is not accompanied by facial expressions.

Question 6

Katie works as a receptionist at a fashion magazine. One morning, her boss walks into the office and yells at her, telling her that the front office is a mess and she needs to clean it immediately. After her boss leaves the room, Katie goes to the front office and violently slams trash into the bin. Which of the following best describes Madison's anger?

  1. Recognition
  2. Insight
  3. Mood
  4. Emotion

Answer indication

Question 1

A. Tim got surprised by his sudden promotion.

Question 2

C. Cognitive reappraisal.

Question 3

B. Degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements.

Question 4

C. Moods.

Question 5

C. It is triggered by situation.

Question 6

D. Emotion.

How do attitudes and job satisfaction influence the workplace? - ExamTests 4



Question 1

Ollie told his girlfriend he really likes his new colleagues. What did Ollie express?

  1. An attitude
  2. A mood
  3. A dynamic affective mental state
  4. An emotion.

Question 2

Carl told his friends that the new IT system at his work is well-organized and efficient, he is very happy with it. Which component of an attitude did Carl express?

  1. Cognitive and affective component.
  2. Cognitive, affective, and behavioural component.
  3. Affective and behavioural component.
  4. Cognitive component.

Question 3

Dylan identifies strongly with his job as a teacher, his work and the impact he has on his students is very important to his well-being. Which job attitude does it reflect?

  1. High job involvement
  2. High organizational commitment
  3. Job satisfaction
  4. High psychological empowerment

Question 4

Patty experiences high job satisfaction as a result of responsibility for outcomes of her work. Which of the core job dimensions does it represent?

  1. Autonomy
  2. Feedback
  3. Task significance
  4. Task identity

Question 5

Sheanine has recently joined a hospital as a part of the internship program prescribed by the nursing school she attends. Sheanine, who was inspired to take up this profession by the story of Florence Nightingale, has very strong ideals about how she should behave as a nurse. She feels that as a nurse she must be gentle, pleasant, and caring at all times so she can serve her patients well, and she often goes to great lengths as an intern by putting in extra hours at the hospital and so on. The scenario reflects Sheanine's ________.

  1. Role fuzziness
  2. Role perception
  3. Role conflict
  4. Role ambiguity

Question 6

Which of the following describes the difference between employee attitude and employee stress?

  1. Employee attitude is the judgement made by employees about their job. Employee stress is an unpleasant response to workplace pressure.
  2. Employee attitude is an unpleasant response to workplace pressure. Employee stress is the judgement made by employees about their job.
  3. Employee attitude is purely physical; whereas, employee stress is purely psychological.
  4. Employee attitude is purely psychological; whereas, employee stress is purely physical.

Question 7

The ______ component of an attitude is the emotional or feeling component of that attitude.

  1. Behavioral
  2. Affective
  3. Cognitive
  4. Evaluative

Question 8

Daryl heads an ad agency in New York and regularly needs to work with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding solutions for products. For one of the company's esteemed clients, Wang and her team need to brainstorm ideas for a slogan for the client's new line of clothing. In such a situation, why
is it particularly important for Wang to keep her team happy?

  1. People take a long time at processing information when they are in a good mood.
  2. People tend to weigh all options to make less likely decisions when in a good mood.
  3. People are less likely to use rules of thumb when they are in a good mood.
  4. People are more creative and produce more ideas when they are in a good mood.

Question 9

The ________ theory is also known as the social cognitive theory or the social learning theory.

  1. Self-determination
  2. Goal-setting
  3. Self-efficacy
  4. Reinforcement

Answer indication

Question 1

A. An attitude.

Question 2

A. Cognitive and affective component.

Question 3

A. High job involvement.

Question 4

4. Autonomy.

Question 5

B. Role perception.

Question 6

A. Employee attitude is the judgement made by employees about their job.

Question 7

B. Affective.

Question 8

D. People are more creative and produce more ideas when they are in a good mood.

Question 9

C. Self-efficacy.

Why do people not see eye to eye? - ExamTests 5



Question 1

Anja has a negative attitude towards her boss, which affects how she perceives her. Which category of factors that affect perception does it belong to:

  1. Factor in the situation
  2. Factor in the perceiver
  3. Factor in the target
  4. Overall factors

Question 2

Chantal is the only person in her football team that has scored a goal in every match. In the last game, she played as well as always. According to the attribution theory, her behaviour will be attributed:

  1. Externally
  2. Both internally and externally
  3. Internally because of high consensus
  4. Internally because of high consistency

Question 3

In which of the following situations does the randomness error play a role?

  1. Jora always touches her lucky coin before entering her car to have good luck with theamount of green light stops on the way to work.
  2. John tells a lie to a coworker, but the co-worker already knew the truth.
  3. Alice sees a person in the street that is very similar to her friend and greets her.
  4. Ella believes that if he studies three hours each day his performance at school will increase.

Question 4

Which of the following is NOT an example of a creative outcome:

  1. Alice's start up proposal is novel, but potential stakeholders find it too time-consuming.
  2. John has improved communication system in his department.
  3. Tara found an original way to address a big issue her team was facing.
  4. Piet comes up with a new, more efficient organizing system for his documents.

Question 5

Peter is a manager and his decisions are based solely on their outcome and consequences. Which ethical decision-making aspect does it represent?

  1. Being truthful
  2. Intuition
  3. Utilitarianism
  4. Behavioural ethics

Question 6

What factor does NOT influence the link between goals and performance?

  1. Work dynamics
  2. Goal commitment
  3. Task characteristics
  4. Performance feedback

Question 7

________ is the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

  1. Cognitive dissonance
  2. Environmental analysis
  3. Perception
  4. Social verification

Question 8

Which of the following statements is true regarding perception?

  1. Our perception of reality is independent of our past experiences.
  2. Our perception of reality is independent of our personality.
  3. The context of the situation in which the perception is made has little effect on our perception of reality.
  4. Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality.

Question 9

Kim and Hannah started working at a Human Resources firm as recruiters on the same day and have the same position. Both women have been meeting their placement goals and are both very well liked within the organization. Because Hannah lives almost 60 miles away, she sometimes works 9-6 to avoid traffic rather than the 8-5 that Sarah works. Jackson, their supervisor, awarded Kim the "Employee of the Month" award for her outstanding work. Which influence of perception is at work in this situation?

  1. Perceiver: Jackson thinks because Hannah arrives at 9 that she must not be working a full day.
  2. Perceiver: Hannah thinks she is entitled to special privilege because she is meeting her goals.
  3. Target: Kim arrives on time so people think she is doing her job better than Hannah.
  4. Situation: Since the office opens at 8, Kim is more conscientious than Hannah.

Question 10

Because it is impossible for us to assimilate everything we see, we engage in ________.

  1. Selective perception
  2. Cognitive dissonance
  3. Self-serving bias
  4. Emotional labor

Question 11

Wob believes Roy is a hardworking individual because Roy always dresses nicely and wears well-tailored suits. Which short-cut is Wob using to judge Roy?

  1. Contrast effect
  2. Halo effect
  3. Self-serving bias
  4. Framing effect

Question 12

You have heard that the teacher believes that men perform better in oral presentations than women. What shortcut has the teacher used in this case?

  1. Halo effect
  2. Contrast effect
  3. Hindsight bias
  4. Stereotyping

Question 13

Role perception indicates ________.

  1. The skills required for performing the job
  2. The social norms that are to be followed while performing the role
  3. Our view of how we're supposed to act in a given situation
  4. Others' belief regarding how you should act in a given situation

Question 14

Which of the following biases is known as assuming one is more likely to answer factual questions correctly than that one will actually be able to?

  1. Overconfidence bias
  2. Hindsight bias
  3. Availability bias
  4. Confirmation bias

Answer indication

Question 1

B. Factor in the perceiver.

Question 2

D. Internally because of high consistency.

Question 3

A. Jora always touches her lucky coin before entering her car to have good luck with the
amount of green light stops on the way to work.

Question 4

A. Alice's start up proposal is novel, but potential stakeholders find it too time-consuming.

Question 5

C. Utilitarianism.

Question 6

A. Work dynamics.

Question 7

C. Perception.

Question 8

D. Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality.

Question 9

A. Perceiver

Question 10

A. Selective perception.

Question 11

B. Halo effect.

Question 12

D. Stereotyping.

Question 13

C. Our view of how we're supposed to act in a given situation.

Question 14

A. Overconfidence bias.

What makes a good leader? - ExamTests 6



Question 1

Which of the following is a benefit of participative decision-making?

  1. Decreasing information flow among members.
  2. Making fast decisions.
  3. Narrowing down diverse skills and knowledge of people involved.
  4. Making decisions that reflect the real nature of work.

Question 2

Ralf always turns in reports with punctuation errors. The reports of the three other employees on the QA report writing team always produce grammatically clean reports. Ralf is about to turn in another report, and his manager has already noticed errors. Ralf demonstrates ________. His sloppy reports can be attributed to an ________ cause.

  1. Low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; internal
  2. High distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external
  3. Low distinctiveness, high consensus, and high consistency; internal
  4. Low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; external

Question 3

Which of the following terms indicates the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to
internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors?

  1. Stereotyping
  2. Self-serving bias
  3. Distinction bias
  4. Selective perception

Question 4

Participative management is a method of management where ________.

  1. Low-level workers are responsible for making corporate policy decisions.
  2. Few representatives of workers sit on a company's board of directors.
  3. Subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors.
  4. Representatives of workers form work councils and these councils must be consulted when management makes decisions about employees.

Question 5

During an employment interview, the HR director may judge people differently based on whether (s)he feels the behavior is internally of externally caused. During the interview, the applicant is on his best behavior, so the HR director may wonder if that behavior would change after hired, or in other words, if the individual would display different behavior under different circumstances. This would represent which of the following factors of attribution theory?

  1. Internally caused behaviors
  2. Consensus
  3. Distinctiveness
  4. Externally caused behaviors

Answer indication

Question 1

D. Making decisions that reflect the real nature of work.

Question 2

A. Low distinctiveness, low consensus, and high consistency; internal.

Question 3

B. Self-serving bias.

Question 4

C. Subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors.

Question 5

C. Distinctiveness.

How to use power in an organization? - ExamTests 7



Question 1

Which of the following statements about power and decision making is FALSE:

  1. Powerholders often forget how their power can influence other people.
  2. Powerholders often forget how their status can influence other people.
  3. Power does not have impact on decision-making.
  4. Powerholders may have less need to overcome stereotypes, because they already have influence.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a moderating variable of the attitude-behavior relationship?

  1. Direct experience
  2. Correspondence to behavior
  3. Power
  4. Accessibility

Question 3

Power is a function of ________.

  1. Goal congruency
  2. Realization
  3. Inheritance
  4. Dependence

Question 4

In the last one week, Mary and Philip have been putting in extra hours at work so that the project assigned to them by their manager is completed well within time. Though the manager was due to assign two more people to this project, he had not done so. As a result, Mary and Philip, who were having to do double their routine workload, went and complained to the division manager. May was promptly suspended from work for complaining about her immediate supervisor. This represents the operation of ________ power.

  1. Reward
  2. Legitimate
  3. Coercive
  4. Expert

Question 5

When the contract with one of their major suppliers was about to expire, the management of Pete and Clay began seeking tenders from potential vendors. One of the top management executives, Hughes Grant, wanted the contract to go to a vendor he personally knew. In order to do so, he held separate discussions with two key members of the organization wherein he downplayed the potentials of the competing tenders and convinced them to support this offer. At the meeting to finalize a supplier, Hughes and his supporters strongly supported the tender of the supplier they had chosen amongst themselves and convinced their CEO to hire this supplier despite the higher price quoted by him. Which of the following power tactics is being used here?

  1. Ingratiation
  2. Legitimacy
  3. Coalition tactics
  4. Pressure

Answer indication

Question 1

C. Power does not have impact on decision-making.

Question 2

C. Power.

Question 3

D. Dependence.

Question 4

C. Coercive.

Question 5

C. Coalition tactics.

How is motivation related to performance? - ExamTests 8



Question 1

Aafke's new manager believes that Aafke is very hard-working. Her performance increased significantly since the new manager started. What is the phenomenon that can explain Aafke's behavioural change?

  1. Self-fulfilling prophecy
  2. Horns effect
  3. Self-serving bias
  4. Halo effect

Question 2

Groningen's public hospital system pays doctors based on how well they reduce costs, increase patient satisfaction, and improve the quality of care. What plan is used in such a hospital system?

  1. Employee recognition program
  2. Profit sharing
  3. Flexible benefits
  4. Merit-based plan

Question 3

Which of the following statements is NOT true about employee recognition programs?

  1. They are expensive to implement.
  2. They are highly susceptible to political manipulation by management.
  3. They are associated with self-esteem, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction.
  4. They demand special care to ensure fairness among employees.

Question 4

Bram has a lot of experience in his job and he is economically stable. Now, he wants his job to be fulfilling. Which early motivational theory does it represent?

  1. Maslow’s theory
  2. Two-factor theory
  3. McLelland’s theory
  4. Goal-setting theory

Question 5

Theo needs to be connected to people at work and to know what is going on in their lives. Which need of the McClelland’s theory does it represent?

  1. Need for achievement
  2. Need for power
  3. Need for affiliation
  4. Need for self-actualization

Question 6

Anneke works in a factory. She likes her job, but she finds it very monotonous and repetitive, which is demotivating. Which job redesign strategy would be most effective?

  1. Job rotation
  2. Job enrichment
  3. Job crafting
  4. Job automatization

Question 7

Motivation can be defined by three key elements. ________ is one of these three key elements and it is the element most of us focus on when we talk about motivation.

  1. Intelligence
  2. Experience
  3. Expertise
  4. Intensity

Question 8

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which of the following is a lower-order need?

  1. Safety
  2. Social
  3. Esteem
  4. Self-actualization

Question 9

You manage a department of five employees. You have identified that Jackson has high need for achievement, Mary has high need for power, and Tony has high need for affiliation. Susan scored high on the need for power and low on the need for affiliation. Danny scores low on both need for power and need for affiliation. Which of these five employees is most likely to be suitable for a new assignment that involves a high degree of personal responsibility and feedback?

  1. Jackson
  2. Danny and Mary
  3. Tony
  4. Susan

Question 10

According to the expectancy theory, which of the following relationships indicates the degree to which the individual believes that a particular level of output will lead to the attainment of a desired outcome?

  1. Performance-reward
  2. Effort-performance
  3. Rewards-personal goals
  4. Effort-satisfaction

Question 11

Managers at Philips train workers on all the company's equipment so they can move around as needed in response to incoming orders. Based on this information, which of the following methods is most likely being used by Philips?

  1. Job rotation
  2. Job enlargement
  3. Flextime
  4. Job sharing

Question 12

The evidence on job enrichment shows it ________.

  1. Increases turnover cost
  2. Increases supervisory workload
  3. Reduces satisfaction
  4. Reduces motivation

Question 13

According to the job characteristics model (JCM), which dimensions combine to create meaningful work the incumbent will view as important, valuable, and worthwhile?

  1. Financial reward, recognition, and simplicity of tasks
  2. Skill variety, task identity and task significance
  3. Task identity and task significance
  4. Skill variety, task identity, and financial reward

Answer indication

Question 1

A. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

Question 2

D. Merit-based plan.

Question 3

A. They are expensive to implement.

Question 4

A. Maslow’s theory.

Question 5

C. Need for affiliation.

Question 6

A. Job rotation.

Question 7

D. Intensity. Intensity describes how hard a person tries.

Question 8

A. Safety.

Question 9

A. Jackson.

Question 10

A. Performance-reward.

Question 11

A. Job rotation.

Question 12

D. Reduces motivation.

Question 13

B. Skill variety, task identity and task significance.

How to motivate employees? - ExamTests 9



Question 1

A second-hand car that objectively is worth 3000 euro is advertised on a website for 6000 euro and sold by 5500 euro. What bias might help explain this psychological phenomenon?

  1. Anchoring bias
  2. Horns effect
  3. Availability bias
  4. Confirmation bias

Question 2

Rory used to volunteer at a local community centre. Since she started getting paid for it, she’s less motivated. Which contemporary motivation theory does it represent?

  1. Self-efficacy theory
  2. Two-factor theory
  3. Self-determination theory
  4. Reinforcement theory

Question 3

Which of the following statements about gender pay gap is true:

  1. Gender pay gap is no longer an issue, especially in developed countries.
  2. Women work less hours, that’s why they get paid less.
  3. Women spend less hours in paid work, but more hours in unpaid work.
  4. There are no official and legal regulations about gender pay gap in most countries.

Question 4

The researcher who developed self-efficacy theory, Albert Bandura, proposes four ways self- efficacy can be increased. Which of the following is one of these four ways that involves becoming more confident because you see someone else doing the task?

  1. Arousal
  2. Enactive mastery
  3. Focused training
  4. Vicarious modeling

Question 5

Jakob is a design manager for a production company. He independently assigns teams, chooses projects, researches trends, and is able to work from home two to three days a week. He provides a status report to the design director once a month. Based on this description and as per the job characteristics model, it's safe to say that John's job is high in ________.

  1. Autonomy
  2. Feedback
  3. Task identification
  4. Task significance

Question 6

You are looking at flextime and realize that it will probably work least well for which of the following jobs?

  1. Insurance billers
  2. IT personnel
  3. Receptionist
  4. Equipment maintenance staff

Question 7

The ability to understand, communicate with, motivate, and support other people, both individually and in groups, may be defined as ________.

  1. Human skills
  2. Technical skills
  3. Conceptual skills
  4. Cognitive skills

Question 8

Jay scored high on the need for achievement in a test based on Mc Clelland's theory of learned needs. What should his supervisor promise Jay to motivate him?

  1. A higher salary
  2. A promotion
  3. A challenging new task
  4. Recognition in front of his colleagues

Answer indication

Question 1

A. Anchoring bias.

Question 2

C. Self-determination theory.

Question 3

C.Women spend less hours in paid work, but more hours in unpaid work.

Question 4

D. Vicarious modeling.

Question 5

A. Autonomy.

Question 6

C. Receptionist.

Question 7

A. Human skills.

Question 8

C. A challenging new task.

How to empower a team? - ExamTests 10



Question 1

Tara is a tax accounting manager. Her team is mostly male, and she tends to give men higher performance evaluation, because she thinks they are better with numbers. Which of the following managerial challenges does it represent?

  1. Globalization
  2. Changes in workforce demographics
  3. Technology development
  4. Diversity

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of a formal group:

  1. Employees from different departments having lunch
  2. Friends’ book club
  3. Airline flight crew
  4. Neighbours planning to plant trees outside their building

Question 3

In Chantal's team every trusts each other. What category of team effectiveness model does it represent?

  1. Context
  2. Composition
  3. Process
  4. Overall effectiveness

Question 4

Which of the following is an example of a team:

  1. Employees from different departments having lunch
  2. Pedestrians crossing the street
  3. Students assigned to work together on an assignment
  4. Several new employees that started at the same time

Question 5

Jannah, Baley, and Danny work in different departments but often eat lunch together. They are an example of a(n) ________ group.

  1. Formal
  2. Informal
  3. Command
  4. Task

Question 6

Which of the following is not a reason why people join groups?

  1. To consume fewer hours in decision making.
  2. To fulfill social needs for affiliation.
  3. To feel stronger and have fewer self-doubts.
  4. To achieve something that cannot be individually achieved.

Question 7

Which of the following terms refers to the process by which an individual's desire for acceptance by the group and the pressure by the group on individual members to match its standards results in a change in individual attitudes and behaviors?

  1. Coercion
  2. Conformity
  3. Commitment
  4. Convergence

Question 8

The current popularity of teams can be attributed to the fact that ________.

  1. They enable quicker accomplishment of goals than individuals.
  2. They aid in the performance of simple tasks that do not require diverse inputs.
  3. They represent a better way to use employee talents.
  4. They reduce the need for coordination and supervision.

Question 9

Which of the following is true regarding formal groups?

  1. They are marked by stipulated behaviors in pursuit of organizational goals.
  2. They lack clearly defined structures and roles for their members.
  3. They have negligible impact on employee performance and behavior.
  4. They are natural formations that arise in response to the need for social contact.

Question 10

Which of the following terms indicates the tendency of individuals to spend less effort when working collectively?

  1. Groupthink
  2. Collective efficacy
  3. Social loafing
  4. Groupshift

Question 11

Which of the following statements is true regarding brainstorming?

  1. Research consistently shows that a group in a brainstorming session generates more ideas than an individual working alone.
  2. Brainstorming encourages criticizing an idea as early as possible.
  3. Brainstorming overcomes the problem of "production blocking."
  4. Brainstorming can overcome the pressures for conformity.

Answer indication

Question 1

D. Diversity.

Question 2

C. Airline flight crew.

Question 3

A. Context.

Question 4

C. Students assigned to work together on an assignment.

Question 5

B. Informal.

Question 6

A. To consume fewer hours in decision making.

Question 7

B. Conformity.

Question 8

C. They represent a better way to use employee talents.

Question 9

A. They are marked by stipulated behaviors in pursuit of organizational goals.

Question 10

C. Social loafing.

Question 11

D. Brainstorming can overcome the pressures for conformity.

What are the costs of workplace conflict? - ExamTests 11



Question 1

Which of the following is an example of ingroup-outgroup conflict?

  1. Peter doesn’t like people at work who are lazy.
  2. Rosie badmouths other teams in a volleyball competition she takes part in.
  3. Tommie wants to be the leader on a work project, but he’s not confident enough.
  4. Hannah had an argument with her workgroup colleague.

Question 2

Harry often gossips about other employees. What category of deviant behavior is it?

  1. Production
  2. Property
  3. Political
  4. Personal agression

Question 3

Which of the following is an example of a task conflict?

  1. Rick and Fay have been removed from the team they worked with after they were overheard making derogatory comments about one of their colleague's racial origin.
  2. Harry and Steve have been reprimanded by their project lead for spending too much time using the Internet for personal use at work.
  3. Linda and Daisy had a disagreement over which of their employees should be assigned to work on a high-priority project.
  4. Tara and her manager have just had a heated argument because Tara feels she has been overlooked for a promotion that was her rightful due.

Answer indication

Question 1

B. Rosie badmouths other teams in a volleyball competition she takes part in.

Question 2

C. Political.

Question 3

C. Linda and Daisy had a disagreement over which of their employees should be assigned to work on a high-priority project.

How may communication affect organizations? - ExamTests 12



Question 1

Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. In this situation, factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside in the ________.

  1. Context
  2. Target
  3. Timing
  4. Perceivers

Question 2

Which of the following best describes the difference between telecommuting and flextime?

  1. Telecommuting enables two employees to share one job; flextime enables an employee to interact directly with clients.
  2. Telecommuting enables an employee to interact directly with clients; flextime enables two employees to share one job.
  3. Telecommuting enables an employee to choose which hours to spend in the office; flextime enables an employee to work out of the office at least twice a week.
  4. Telecommuting enables an employee to work out of the office at least twice a week; flextime enables an employee to choose which hours to spend in the office.

Answer indication

Question 1

D. Perceivers.

Question 2

D. Telecommuting enables an employee to work out of the office at least twice a week; flextime enables an employee to choose which hours to spend in the office.

What is the impact of diversity on organizational behavior? - ExamTests 13



Question 1

Gamma needs to hire a new floor supervisor. As the company has recently made an effort to increase diversity within the organization, the HR team wants to hire a qualified female candidate for the role instead of adequately qualified male candidates. However, top management insists that optimal performance is the top priority and that the candidate hired should be the person best suited for the job. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen HR's case for hiring the female candidate?

  1. Most of the top-level managers in the company are female.
  2. The company has recently introduced policies that provide greater benefits for working and single mothers.
  3. There are nearly as many female employees on the floor as male employees.
  4. Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

Question 2

________ diversity refers to diversity in observable attributes such as race, ethnicity, sex, and age.

  1. Additive
  2. Psychographic
  3. Surface-level
  4. Disjunctive

Question 3

General Motors recently hired a large number of workers for the company's new factory in San Fransisco. During the hiring process, the management made a clear effort to recruit physically strong individuals because the work at the factory involves manual labor. The jobs need to be performed by individuals who have the energy and physical stamina to work for long hours. Which of the following surface-level characteristics did the company most likely concentrate on when selecting the new workers?

  1. Age
  2. Values
  3. Beliefs
  4. Religion

Answer indication

Question 1

D. Both candidates have the qualifications required to perform up to expectations.

Question 2

C. Surface-level.

Question 3

A. Age.

How does culture impact an organization? - ExamTests 14



Question 1

The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture by ________.

  1. Establishing and enforcing norms.
  2. Hiring candidates who fit well within the organization.
  3. Socializing the new employees.
  4. Developing performance evaluation criteria.

Question 2

The key characteristic of organizational culture that addresses the degree to which people are competitive rather than easygoing is termed ________.

  1. Assertiveness
  2. Team orientation
  3. Averseness
  4. Aggressiveness

Question 3

Which of the following statements is true regarding the establishment of the organizational culture and its effects on the organization?

  1. Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees.
  2. Today's trend toward decentralized organizations makes it is easier to establish a strong culture.
  3. In a virtual organization, a strong culture can be established quickly and easily.
  4. Employees organized in teams always show greater allegiance to the values of the organization as a whole than to their team and its values.

Question 4

Dylan's boss is apathetic as to whether Dylan works at home, at the office, or from his beach house. All he cares about is that the project is completed on time, on budget, and with exemplary quality. Which characteristic of organizational culture describes this aspect of Dylan's job?

  1. Low risk taking
  2. High outcome orientation
  3. High attention to detail
  4. Low aggressiveness

Answer indication

Question 1

B. Hiring candidates who fit well within the organization.

Question 2

D. Aggressiveness.

Question 3

A. Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees.

Question 4

B. High outcome orientation.

How does change affect the organization? - ExamTests 15



Question 1

Catie found out she is getting paid less for her job than others, despite having all the necessary qualifications. She talks to her manager about it. Which reaction to injustice does it represent?

  1. Changing input
  2. Choosing a different referent
  3. Changing outcome
  4. Distorting perception of self

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of a hindrance stressor?

  1. High workload
  2. Time urgency
  3. Confusion about job responsibilities
  4. Pressure to complete the tasks

Question 3

Task demands can be a potential source of stress for the employees. It belongs to:

  1. Organizational factors
  2. Environmental factors
  3. Personal factors
  4. Psychological factors

Question 4

Jay feels very overwhelmed at work. Last couple of months have been very stressful, because he had some big projects to finish. Now he feels like he really needs a break to reduce his stress. What solution would be most effective here?

  1. Employee sabbatical
  2. Employee involvement
  3. Redesigning her job
  4. Goal setting

Question 5

The University of Groningen offers their employees flexible working hours and flexible leave policies. Those opportunities can help employees to achieve higher:

  1. Work-life balance
  2. Work-life conflict
  3. Role balance
  4. Role conflict

Question 6

Petra feels very stressed at work. She works in an open space office and she is often distracted by the noise. Paula is affected by:

  1. Interpersonal demands
  2. Role demands
  3. Task demands
  4. Technological demands

Question 7

Stress is associated with ________ and ________.

  1. Demands; resources
  2. Education; communication
  3. Support; commitment
  4. Manipulation; cooptation

Question 8

Which of the following resources should you seek when emotional demands are stressing you?

  1. Computer support
  2. Information support
  3. Social support
  4. Cross-functional support

Question 9

Which of the following stressors is likely to produce less strain than the other stressors?

  1. Pressure to complete tasks
  2. Role ambiguity
  3. Confusion over job responsibilities
  4. Office politics

Question 10

Which of the following strategies is NOT an organizational approach to managing stress?

  1. Employee selection
  2. Time management
  3. Job placement
  4. Employee sabbaticals

Question 11

How does redesigning jobs help reduce stress?

  1. It helps individuals with an internal locus of control adapt better to high-stress jobs.
  2. It seeks to buy off the leaders of a resistance group by giving them a key role.
  3. It gives individuals greater control over work activities and lessens dependence on others.
  4. It reduces uncertainty by lessening role ambiguity and role conflict.

Question 12

When ________, the result is role conflict.

  1. We lack the skills required for performing the role
  2. We do not approve of the behavioral requirements of a role
  3. Our view of the role is different from others' expectations of that role
  4. Compliance with one role requirement may make it difficult to comply with another

Answer indication

Question 1

C. Changing outcome.

Question 2

C. Confusion about job responsibilities.

Question 3

A. Organizational factors.

Question 4

A. Employee sabbatical.

Question 5

A. Work-life balance.

Question 6

C. Task demands.

Question 7

A. Demands; resources.

Question 8

C. Social support.

Question 9

A. Pressure to complete tasks.

Question 10

B. Time management.

Question 11

C. It gives individuals greater control over work activities and lessens dependence on others.

Question 12

D. Compliance with one role requirement may make it difficult to comply with another.


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