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What is stress?

What is stress?

Stress is a natural human response to demands and pressures that disrupt our equilibrium. It's the body's way of preparing to adapt to a challenge, threat, or perceived danger.

What are the main features of stress?

  • Physiological Response: Stress triggers the "fight-or-flight" response, releasing hormones like adrenaline and cortisol to increase heart rate, breathing, and blood sugar levels, providing a surge of energy to deal with the situation.
  • Psychological Responses: Stress can lead to feelings of anxiety, worry, frustration, and overwhelm, impacting our thinking, focus, and decision-making.
  • Behavioral Changes: Under stress, we might withdraw from social situations, become irritable, or engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating or substance abuse.

Why is stress important?

  • Survival Mechanism: In short bursts, stress helps us deal with immediate threats, providing the necessary physical and mental resources to overcome challenges.
  • Motivation and Focus: Moderate stress can enhance alertness, focus, and motivation, allowing us to perform well under pressure.
  • Adaptation: Stress can promote adaptation to new situations by encouraging us to learn new skills and develop coping mechanisms.

How is stress applied in practice?

  • Stress Management Techniques: Various strategies like relaxation exercises, mindfulness meditation, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and time management skills can help individuals manage stress effectively.
  • Workplace Wellness Programs: Organizations can implement programs to promote healthy coping mechanisms, reduce work-related stress, and improve employee well-being.
  • Building Resilience: Developing skills for emotional regulation, problem-solving, and seeking social support can enhance resilience to stress.


Imagine you have a presentation at work in an hour. Your body might experience increased heart rate, sweating, and sharpened focus (physiological response). You might feel nervous and worried about making mistakes (psychological response). You could choose to take some deep breaths, visualize a successful presentation, and practice key points with a colleague (stress management techniques).

Critical comments

  • Chronic Stress: When stress becomes chronic and unrelenting, it can lead to negative consequences for physical and mental health. Chronic stress is linked to increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and depression.
  • Individual Differences: People vary in their susceptibility to stress and their ability to cope with it. Factors like personality, social support, and life experiences can play a role.
  • Importance of Context: Not all stress is negative. Eustress, a positive form of stress, can motivate us to achieve goals and perform well. The key is to find a healthy balance between challenge and coping resources.
Positive psychology, stress and health: the best textbooks summarized

Positive psychology, stress and health: the best textbooks summarized

Summaries and study assistance with Positive psychology, stress and health

Table of content

  • Summary with the book: Capita Selecta in Clinical Psychology by Wessel and Aan het Rot - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: Health Psychology by Taylor - 10th edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Health Psychology of Morrison and Bennetth - 5th edition
  • Summary with the book: Introduction to Personality, Clinical and Health Psychology of Custom edition UL - 1st edition
  • Summary with the book: Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature of Larsen a.o. - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions by Lovallo - 3rd edition
  • Summary with the book: Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping by Sapolsky - 3rd edition

About Positive psychology, stress and health

  • Positive psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. It focuses on understanding the factors that contribute to happiness, well-being, and resilience. Stress is a physiological and psychological response to challenging or demanding situations. Health refers to a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.


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Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping by Sapolsky

Summaries per chapter with the 3rd edition of Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and Coping by Sapolsky


Burnout: 35 years of research and practice - Schaufeli - 2009 - Article

Summary of the article: Burnout: 35 years of research and practice - Schaufeli - 2009.

The purpose of this article is to focus on the concept burnout itself, instead of reviewing research findings on burnout. Burnout is an important concept in work related environments and it has inspired a lot of researchers to better understand and study the concept. In Sweden and the Netherlands burnout is even a medical diagnosis. 

What is the nature of a burnout?

Researchers often use a metaphor for referring to a burnout, they say its like the smothering of a fire that can't be bright again due to insufficient

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De neurobiologie van stress en ontwikkeling

Samenvatting van artikel 'The Neurobiology of Stress and Development' geschreven in 2014

De neurobiologie van stress en ontwikkeling

Individuen verschillen sterk in hoe vaak ze stressvolle gebeurtenissen meemaken en in hoe kwetsbaar of juist weerbaar ze daarvoor zijn. Hoewel stress nodig is voor overleving, verhogen de effecten van frequente fysiologische stressresponsen het risico op fysieke en mentale gezondheidsproblemen. Het is vooral belangrijk om te kijken naar de impact van stressvolle gebeurtenissen op de ontwikkeling van gedrags- en emotionele problemen bij kinderen en adolescenten. In de afgelopen jaren is het onderzoek naar stress

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6 Home Remedies To Help Relieve Stress

We all experience stress in some form in our day-to-day lives. Several factors such as job losses, relationship issues, health conditions, and other life stressors affect almost everyone. In these times of Covid pandemic, these stressors have been further amplified. But, do we realize that chronic stress and anxiety can play havoc not only on our physical wellbeing

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Doe je verpleegkunde stage bij een kliniek of ziekenhuis aan de Spaanse Costa del Sol


Werkzaamheden & Ervaringen

Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

  • Je voert zelfstandig verpleegkundige handelingen uit en speelt een rol bij de zorg aan patiënten tijdens hun herstel. 
  • Je voert ondersteunende werkzaamheden uit in verschillende zorgsituaties, bijvoorbeeld bij chirurgische ingrepen.
  • Je assisteert bij post-operatieve behandelingen, bloedafname en esthetische behandelingen.

Competenties die je kunt opdoen en andere voordelen: o.a.

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Kom werken in de hospitality sector op Curaçao


Werkzaamheden & Ervaringen

Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

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  • Functies die kunnen worden ingevuld zijn: kok, banquet servers, greeter, server en bartender.

Competenties die je kunt opdoen en andere voordelen: more



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