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Share your passion and work as a yoga teacher in Quito
  • You will teach yoga to people from all over the world at a fun and friendly hostel in the center of Quito.
  • You sequence the yoga classes and create content independently.
  • Your goal is to motivate and inspire people.
  • Location: Quito What do you gain?

    • ...

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Activities abroad: home bundle


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Become a ski instructor with Snowminds in Austria, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Japan or New Zealand At Snowminds the entire team shares the same passion: Snow

  • Everyone on the team has done winter seasons, ranging from one winter season to more than nine.
  • Snowminds guides its ski ...

Quay Crew

Quay Crew is a leading agency for yacht crew recruitment based in Poole, England. The crew has years of experience working in several positions on yachts and now use their expertise to put the right crew on the right yachts. 

Werken In Oostenrijk

Gek op Oostenrijk en ervaren in het werven en selecteren van tijdelijke krachten. Dat is Werken in Oostenrijk. In het hoogseizoen zijn er ruim 500 enthousiaste skileraren en horecakrachten via hen aan het werk in de bergen, op de pistes, in bars en restaurants. Ze helpen bedrijven aan bekwaam person...

Sports Data AG

Sports Data AG levert sportgerelateerde data en statistieken.


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Organizations & Services: home bundle


check or search summaries, tests and study assistance within topic: 'Sport organizations and work in outdoor abroad'

Summary of Sports Economics by Downward: 1st edition
  • Chapter 1 - Economics of sport
  • Chapter 2 - Nature, organization and economic significance of sport
  • Chapter 7 - The professional sports market
  • Chapter 8 - Outcome uncertainty
  • Chapter 9 - Professional sports leagues and cross-subsidization
  • Chapter...

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Summaries & Sharing Knowledge: home bundle


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Sport organizations and work in outdoor abroad

Become a ski instructor with Snowminds in Austria, Canada, Spain, Switzerland, Japan or New Zealand At Snowminds the entire team shares the same passion: Snow

  • Everyone on the team has done winter seasons, ranging from one winter season to more than nine.
  • Snowminds guides its ski ...

Green World Adventures

Green World Adventures is een tour operator in Costa Rica die met behulp van locals authentieke tours organiseert.


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Pyrénées Emotions

Pyrénées Emotions is a site located in the heart of the Pyrenees. The site has a campsite, a number of surprising rooms, an apartment and a restaurant. Various outdoor activities are also offered.

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