Travel to India to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

WorldSupporter Topic

Intro: life and experiences in India

Backpacking in India?

  • A trip or stay in India is a life experience in a nutshell. India is so intense, so immense and so impressive that you can spend your life relying on the experiences you have had there. It is not without reason that India is one of the most favorite countries to visit for almost every experienced traveler and backpacker
  • Characteristics: easy local contact, long distances, strong weather influences, impressive transport

Traveling in India?

  • A trip through India is an experience with many festivals, unique people, exceptional food (the thalis), special cultures and a very diverse nature
  • Spotting cities: Bombay, Dharamsala, Kochi-Cochin, Diu, Hampi, Trivandrum, Udaipur, Auroville, Varanasi
  • Nature Spotting: Andaman, Himalaya, Kerala, Ladakh, Sikkim
  • Spotting animals: Bengal tigers, Asian lions, Asian elephants and many monkey species

Study in India?

  • Studying in India can be a challenge, but also a unique life experience for many
  • Most larger cities have universities and colleges that often work closely with educational institutions abroad

Internship in India?

  • Cities: internships are more often found in larger cities. In India they are often the chaotic en large cities, such as Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore, Madras, Jaipur. Some people really like that and there are also many people who cannot last long in a big city.

Working in India?

  • Jobs: temporary work is not easy to find, although the possibilities are increasing
  • Characteristics: the principle of time is relative, the structure is often hierarchical and bureaucratic, respect for elders and managers, networking is crucial

Volunteer work in India?

  • Volunteer projects: mainly in the sectors of nature management, social work and education
  • Animal projects: protection of monkeys, dogs, cats
  • Features: short volunteer work of 1 or 2 weeks is also possible

Working as a digital nomad in India?

  • Favorite cities: Bombay, Diu, Goa, Kochi-Cochin, Trivandrum
  • Features: facilities are not equally good everywhere...but life and experience make up for a lot

Living in India?

  • Language: generally English, in addition to local languages ​​such as Hindi
  • Characteristics: a different world that can yield you a lot with an open attitude, low living costs, personal relationships if you invest in it, affordable staff, organized and unorganized chaos in traffic, significant differences between rich and poor
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Travel, living and working in India - WorldSupporter Theme
Spotlight themes related to India
Spotlight stories and suggestions related to India

Years ago, long before I went to India and knew anything about Indian cuisine, I learned to make my first Indian curry in New Zealand. It tasted terrible, nothing like the Indian curry with the delicious smooth pumpkin flavour I tasted for the first time in a backpackers hostel in rural Australia. B...

Indian Flat bread

What to do when in Diu? Borrow the flat pan from the hostel buy some flour and pick a nice spot for a campfire where you make your own chapati! Fair is fair the local indian chapatis were way better, or to speak in Indian terms: Same, same but different. Back in Europe though, these India...

Stories, tips and experiences from India

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to India
Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
  • Chapter 1: Basic concepts of marketing
  • Chapter 2: Strategic marketing partners
  • Chapter 3: The marketing environment
  • Chapter 4: Customer insights
  • Chapter 5: Consumer buyer behaviour
  • Chapter 6: Business markets
  • Chapter 7: Customer-dr...

What are the best places to go to in India?

  • What are the best places to go to India in the North?
  • What are the best places to go to India in the South East?
  • What are the best places to go to India in the South?
  • What are the best places to go to India in t...

munsiyari hill station in uttarakhand

Are you planning a vacation? What do you prefer to do when you're on vacation? Is it camping, hiking, river rafting, skiing, yoga, meditation, pilgrimages, or wildlife tours? These are just a few of the things you can do in Uttarakhand's lovely state. The nicest thing is the stunning array of hill t...

Favorite tips and suggestions related to India
hariharpur dalit onaanraakbare dorpsschool

Contactpersoon voor ESL Teacher Volunteers: Ven.Minh Toa e-mail: mobiel: 0091-9939995330 Let op: Als je wilt Vrijwilliger, neem dan ten minste één maand van te voren contact op met Ven.Minh Toa zodat alle afspraken kunnen worden gemaakt. Het maken van arrangementen ...

Odisha Orphanage needs help asap

"KINDERMISSIE" Regd.No-42/07 At / po-Chandragiri-761.017, Gajapati-dist, State- Odisha, India. Milan Nayak <> Regisseur / oprichter Milan Niyak Kumar je bent de zegen van deze behoeftige weeskinderen die wanhopig zijn   Eervolle Heren knecht, Groeten aan u in Lo...


Iedereen is van harte welkom op mijn boekpresentatie 18 april a.s. van 15.15 - 17.00 uur in OBA Amsterdam (naast CS station).  Er zijn lezingen van mijzelf, de Indiase advocate Kiruba Munusamy, het Etty Hillesum centrum en er is Indiase dans van Mohini. Het boek is het resultaat van jarenlange ...

Indian Flat bread

What to do when in Diu? Borrow the flat pan from the hostel buy some flour and pick a nice spot for a campfire where you make your own chapati! Fair is fair the local indian chapatis were way better, or to speak in Indian terms: Same, same but different. Back in Europe though, these India...

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