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APA handbook of testing and assessment in psychology: testing and assessment in clinical and counseling psychology 2, 253-270
Barry, C. T., Frick, P. J., & Kamphaus, R. W. (2013)
Psychological assessment in child mental health settings
The main goal of assessment is to answer the referral question.
This kind of assessment typically involves a clear description of the types of problems a child or adolescent is experiencing and their potential causes.
It typically leads to recommendations for intervention based on this case conceptualization.
From the knowledge of the psychologists should come an assessment that
Models of evidence-based assessment must consider the diversity of settings and purposes for which psychological assessment is conducted.
Regardless of the practice setting, evidence-based assessment can provide a clear framework to guide how professionals conduct psychological assessments, communicate their findings to others, and evaluate assessment results form other professionals.
A distinction must be made between
The model of evidence-based assessment is guided by three principles
One important implication of an evidence-bases approach to assessment is the need to include an assessment of the child or adolescent’s psychological context.
There is an important influence of context on child development.
Meta-systems approach: an understanding of the various systems involved with the child or available to children and families are considered in a case conceptualization and ultimate intervention plans.
The child’s context is also important for understanding the assessment information obtained on the child’s emotional and behavioural functioning.
Testing should be ‘construct-centred’ as opposed to diagnostic-centred or test-centrred.
Knowledge of current scientific findings regarding specific assessment issues, as well as about child development and psychopathology, should inform the assessment process.
To focus solely on a specific diagnosis would miss a host of factors that may also be present or that most certainly influence the child’s presentation and functioning.
Diagnostic systems are important insofar that they facilitate communication between professionals and also help convey the appropriate level of services for a child.
Diagnostic systems are imperfect and their misuse can have deleterious effects on a child.
Test-centred approaches are problematic
Diagnoses and test scores should not be the centre-pieces of assessment results.
Focusing on descriptions of primary and secondary difficulties, their apparent underpinnings, and recommended interventions will result in an assessment that is potentially of great benefit to the child and his or her family.
Research in developmental psychopathology can guide this process.
Psychological assessment can involve continued progress monitoring during the course of treatment.
Regular assessment of change during treatment increases treatment fidelity and improves treatment outcomes.
An overarching model of evidence-based assessment can be used to guide this type of assessment as well
In conducting research, the scientific demands of a study must always be secondary to a number of important ethical and professional issues.
There are several unique ethical considerations in the assessment of children and adolescents.
Successful execution of the assessment can be facilitated and ethical issues avoided through appropriate planning.
The clinician should first determine whether an evaluation is warranted and whether he or she is suited to conduct it.
In short, the professional should
General issues in selecting measures
Psychological assessments of children and adolescents necessitate the use of multiple methods of gathering information on the construct(s) of interest.
An empirical foundation exists for the initial selection of measures, but the available evidence is much more limited in how a clinician should appropriately integrate information provided by the chosen tools.
Selection of methods and measures must take into account that the meaning of a child’s presenting difficulties is based partly on the child’s developmental context.
Whether a behavioural problem is atypical for a developmental context or represents an exaggeration of a more typical developmental process is a critical factor for case conceptualization.
Basic psychometric characteristics of a measure are important in deciding whether it should be part of an assessment battery.
But client-specific information not captured by a measure as well as clinical skill and clinical judgment, are important aspects of the assessment process.
The clinician is charged with integrating multiple sources of information.
Professionals need to consider the appropriateness of any assessment measure based on the purpose of the evaluation and the child’s developmental level.
Tests themselves are not ‘reliable’ or ‘valid’.
Specific uses of test scores can yield reliable or valid results that other uses may not.
When selecting measures for an evaluation, an assessor must consider whether the scores from the test have proven to have acceptable reliability in the population for which he or she wants to use it and whether the evidence support the validity of the interpretations he or she would lie to make form the test scores.
Also important is evaluating the clinical utility of a particular tool.
Clinical utility: the extent to which a measure ‘will make a meaningful difference in relation to diagnostic accuracy, case formulation considerations, and treatment outcomes’.
Incremental validity: the extent to which the addition of a measure provides unique additional information that aids in the assessment process.
Assessment techniques vary in their utility for certain interpretations.
There is no such thing as a perfect test.
Clinical interviews
Historically, a critical part of an assessment battery is the clinical interview with the child, his or her parent, and with other important adults who interact with the child.
Those interviews are by nature unstructured and idiosyncratic. They are often unreliable.
Still, they provide invaluable information about the client’s
They do not allow for conclusions about the extent to which the child’s difficulties are significant relative to same-aged peers.
They set the stage for further assessment activities in that allowing the caretaker to articulate his or her concerns helps the clinician determine specific issues in need of further evaluation.
The flexibility and client-centred nature of unstructured clinical interviews make them ideal for determining important features of the child’s presentation.
The interview should be guided by the most recent research on development and psychopathology.
Structured diagnostic interviews: interviews that provide a specific script for the interviewer to follow while still covering relevant symptomatology, onset, and impairment related to the symptoms.
They include specific guidelines on how a child’s responses are to be scored.
Structured and standard formats lead to information that has shown to be more reliable than what is obtained form unstructured interviews.
Disadvantages of the structured interview
Behavioural observations
An important part of the assessment of children and adolescents are behavioural observations of the child either during testing, in interactions with their parents, in the classroom, or all of the above.
Behavioural observations provide information on a child’s behaviour that is not filtered through the perspective of an informant.
They can also be conducted in a naturalistic setting, allowing for an understanding of the environmental factors that might influence or even trigger the child’s behaviour.
Behavioural observations can be conducted informally based on the observer’s descriptions of the child’s behaviour or through available structured observational systems.
If a clinician opts for an informal approach, it is still important to capitalize on the relative strengths of observations by noting the features of
Structured systems often prescribe parameters such as
Often, these systems call for the use of more than one observer as well as the observation of another child to offer a comparison between behaviour exhibited by the target child and another child’s behaviour in the same context.
The clinician must consider reactivity on the part of the child being observed as well as others in the observation setting.
To address this issue, the clinician should consult with others in the observation setting about the best time to conduct the observation and how to best avoid disrupting the setting.
The clinician should also consider who best to conduct the observation.
Even without behavioural observation in outside settings, observation during testing regardless of the client’s age should always be incorporated in the assessment report.
Tests of intellectual functioning and academic achievement
If a main task of child assessment is to understand the child’s difficulties and strengths within the context of his or her developmental level, then a key piece of information in many cases is the child’s current cognitive or intellectual functioning.
Well-normed standardized intelligence tests have
Measures of intellectual functioning can be critical for understanding a child’s adjustment and treatment planning in a number of ways
Depending on the referral question, an evaluation may also include a standardized test of academic achievement.
Learning disability evaluations included these tools so that a direct comparison to intellectual functioning could be made.
They can provide important metric of the impairment that is presumably caused by a child’s attention, behavioural, or emotional problems.
Behaviour rating scales
Behaviour rating scales have become a centrepiece of child psychological assessments because of their
Validity scales capture tendencies to present the child in an overly positive or negative light, inconsistency across similar items, and a tendency to respond carelessly.
Broadband, or omnibus rating scales: those that have a number of subscales assessing different domains of functioning.
Omnibus rating scales have historically focused on evaluating the presence of problems in adjustment.
Several improvements have been made over recent years in the available child self-report rating scales
Overall, omnibus rating scales, particularly those that cover theoretically relevant domains and have good psychometric properties, generally have the advantage of providing norm-referenced information in a reliable and cost-effective manner.
Information from rating scales is filtered through the perspective of an informant, and lack the depth of client-specific information necessary to ultimately arrive at an individualized case conceptualization.
Because single-domain scales are geared toward the evaluation of a specific problem, they are not as widely used and often not as widely known as broadband scales.
They have greater depth but do not indicate the presence of other issues.
Laboratory tasks
Laboratory tasks are designed to elicit performance that will help confirm or disconfirm the presence of a specific problem.
The tasks are based on theoretical ideas of how an individual with a particular problem would behave in a contrived situation.
Performance-based tasks should not replace the other elements of a comprehensive assessment.
It is essential that an assessment battery includes procedures that provide data from multiple informants who interact with the child in different settings and who may have different perceptions of the child’s adjustment.
It is important to use different methods so that the strengths of one method can compensate for limitations in another
Parent informants
For children before adolescence, a parent is thought to be the most useful and critical informant.
At the very least, they can provide a developmental history.
At most, the parent can continue to serve as a source on many areas of the child or adolescent’s functioning in a manner that informs treatment.
Factors that might affect the validity of parental reports that should be considered by the clinician conducting the assessment of the child
Even if parent reports are influenced by factors not related to the child’s actual functioning, the source of this influence may be useful for case conceptualization.
Teacher informants
Through much of the childhood and adolescence, a child may spend more time in school than in any other setting.
The school setting provides many demands that may not be present to the same degree in other settings.
Many emotional and behavioural problems are most evident and cause greatest level of impairment at school.
Therefore, obtaining information form teachers is often vital in child and adolescent psychological assessments.
There are limitations in the information provided by teachers.
Teachers are in a unique position of interacting with many children at a particular age or developmental level.
They have a normative reference against which to compare the child client.
The specific population with which the teacher has worked is an important consideration for interpreting the teacher’s normative perspective.
Child informants
Children and adolescents can provide useful information on some clinical constructs, particularly covert conduct problems, and internalizing symptoms that may be unknown to other informants.
But, their motivation to participate and provide information may be suspect because they typically are urged to get an evaluation by someone else.
Peer informants
Ratings of the child by his or her peers through nominations by a group of peers on criteria of interest.
The most convenient setting in which to use peer information is the classroom.
Because of limited access, time, and ethical concerns about engaging a group of peers in an assessment of a particular child, the feasibility of peer informants is significantly constrained.
But, peers provide a unique perspective on the child’s social functioning and may reveal interpersonal issues that inform intervention efforts.
In determining whether to use peer informants, the professional must take care
One way to obtain peer reports while managing the potential drawbacks of this method might be to obtain nominations or ratings from a relatively small group of peers.
Institutional records
In the case of documented problems, records provide a clear indicator of impairment in the setting from which records are obtained.
The clinician may find information form records critical in validating referral concerns.
But, the records are essentially limited in that they will not include contextual information regarding the antecedents or consequences of the issue noted by the record.
Records are merely descriptive and may be devoid of important contextual considerations.
Integration across informants
Clinicians should attempt to ascertain the issues most central to the child’s functioning based on multiple pieces of data and must consider multiple reasons for informant discrepancies, some of which may have important implications for intervention.
A multistep process for integrating findings across tests and informants
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Deze bundel is voor het vak psychodiagnostiek voor het tweede jaar van de studie psychologie aan de uva. De bundel bestaat uit hoofdstukken uit verschillende boeken die geslecteerd zijn door de uva. Besproken wordt hoe diagnostiek plaatsvind en hoe het het beste kan worden
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