
Check or search within topic: Adventurous and sporting activities abroad
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What is sports?

Sport is a structured physical activity governed by rules or customs, often competitive, requiring skill and physical exertion. It can be individual or team-based, with a focus on achieving a goal or outcome through physical performance. What are some of the main features of sport?

  • Physica...

Foundations of sport and exercise psychology (Weinberg)

Summary of Foundations of sport and exercise psychology by Weinberg donated to WorldSupporter

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to sport and exercise psychology
  • Chapter 2 - Sport and personality
  • Chapter 3 - Motivation
  • Chapter 4 - Stress, arousal and anxiety
  • Chap...

Summary of Sports Economics by Downward: 1st edition
  • Chapter 1 - Economics of sport
  • Chapter 2 - Nature, organization and economic significance of sport
  • Chapter 7 - The professional sports market
  • Chapter 8 - Outcome uncertainty
  • Chapter 9 - Professional sports leagues and cross-subsidization
  • Chapter...


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